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pidgeon September 4th, 2019 08:52 PM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Delta (Post 608518)
Dustypaw stepped back to give the other cat some space. He didn't recognize her, but she looked about his age. He saw her eyes widen in shock as she realized the same thing he did--they had been on opposite sides of RiverClan's raid of ShadowClan camp not to long ago. The small tom bristled. Although he didn't remember seeing her, he would recognize that fishy smell anywhere. "RiverClan, too," he replied, eyes narrowed. He didn't feel any hostility towards this apprentice specifically, but considering that RiverClan had burst into their camp and threatened to tear their dens apart, he wasn't exactly ready to make friends with any RiverClanners just yet. His green eyes studied this apprentice, her stance, and how she seemed to be avoiding his gaze. With a sigh, Dustypaw forced his fur to lie flat. RiverClan and ShadowClan were at odds, but hostility was unnecessary. They were only apprentices, so it wasn't like they were going to be fighting each other any time soon. "What's it like in RiverClan, just now finding out about Windystar and Forestshade?" he sighed.


Pigeonpaw saw the rival apprentice bristling, and her fear rose. By this point, her already hugely fluffy pelt was making her look like a ball of sheep's fur. She shook herself off and tried her best to be brave. There's a truce, mouse-brain. He's not going to attack you, she thought to herself. She listened to his idle question, knowing she shouldn't give too much information. That was made very clear to her by her stern superiors.
"It's been...offputting," she began. "Most cats really don't know what to make of it, and some are concerned for ShadowClan and your future." She answered honestly. The pale gray tabby wondered how long a clan could go without leadership like that. She also knew her deputy was rather ambitious, and she felt like he would try again to take advantage of the situation.
"And uh, how are you all doing, having to deal with this? I can imagine it must be distressing."

Freesia September 5th, 2019 12:59 AM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 608528)
Pigeonpaw saw the rival apprentice bristling, and her fear rose. By this point, her already hugely fluffy pelt was making her look like a ball of sheep's fur. She shook herself off and tried her best to be brave. There's a truce, mouse-brain. He's not going to attack you, she thought to herself. She listened to his idle question, knowing she shouldn't give too much information. That was made very clear to her by her stern superiors.
"It's been...offputting," she began. "Most cats really don't know what to make of it, and some are concerned for ShadowClan and your future." She answered honestly. The pale gray tabby wondered how long a clan could go without leadership like that. She also knew her deputy was rather ambitious, and she felt like he would try again to take advantage of the situation.
"And uh, how are you all doing, having to deal with this? I can imagine it must be distressing."

Dustypaw frowned and turned his gaze to the highrock, finding Agaveheart. "It's been difficult for a lot of us. Windystar's death was a shock to everyone. And Lionstorm definitely didn't help anything," he admitted, grumbling the last sentence. A lot of cats found Lionstorm's raid on their camp to be childish and reckless. Some mousebrained ShadowClan warriors move the border and suddenly there's the entirety of RiverClan, ready to fight. The only thing that diffused the situation was the fact that ShadowClan doesn't have a leader. Dustypaw turned his attention back to Pigeonpaw. "I know that StarClan will choose a good leader. They would never leave us hanging like that. It would only make sense for Agaveheart to get a sign from our ancestors telling us who the new leader is," he rambled. He had been thinking a lot about who the new leader would be. Obviously to Dustypaw, it would be a strong, brave, well-known senior warrior who was already experienced with leading. He was only a little upset that he wasn't old enough to be a candidate for deputy. One of his goals was to be the best. So naturally, he wanted to be the leader. As a kit, he'd always claim the position of the good leader during games. Dustypaw may only have started his training 2 moons ago, but he was determined to rise to the top.

pidgeon September 5th, 2019 07:01 AM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Delta (Post 608547)
Dustypaw frowned and turned his gaze to the highrock, finding Agaveheart. "It's been difficult for a lot of us. Windystar's death was a shock to everyone. And Lionstorm definitely didn't help anything," he admitted, grumbling the last sentence. A lot of cats found Lionstorm's raid on their camp to be childish and reckless. Some mousebrained ShadowClan warriors move the border and suddenly there's the entirety of RiverClan, ready to fight. The only thing that diffused the situation was the fact that ShadowClan doesn't have a leader. Dustypaw turned his attention back to Pigeonpaw. "I know that StarClan will choose a good leader. They would never leave us hanging like that. It would only make sense for Agaveheart to get a sign from our ancestors telling us who the new leader is," he rambled. He had been thinking a lot about who the new leader would be. Obviously to Dustypaw, it would be a strong, brave, well-known senior warrior who was already experienced with leading. He was only a little upset that he wasn't old enough to be a candidate for deputy. One of his goals was to be the best. So naturally, he wanted to be the leader. As a kit, he'd always claim the position of the good leader during games. Dustypaw may only have started his training 2 moons ago, but he was determined to rise to the top.

"I wonder who StarClan will choose?" Pigeonpaw wondered aloud. Her heart went out to Agaveheart, the poor old medicine cat stuck with so much responsibility. Pigeonpaw didn't think she could bear it if she was in her place. She thought about all the cats of ShadowClan, and wondered to herself which one was most likely for the position. Ultimately, she didn't know any ShadowClan cats well enough to think of one that could take up the mantle. From her perspective, when she was in the invading patrol, all the ShadowClan warriors just seemed nervous and argumentative.
"What is your mentor like?" She changed the subject, thinking that neither of them were likely enjoying the conversation about the clan's weakness.

Moonraven September 5th, 2019 08:40 AM

Re: September Gathering
Lunafrost icy eyes swept around the area as cats of all colors and sizes wandered around the gather. The Shadowclan warrior kept to the side, being careful not to get in any one cat's way. The alluring blue-furred feline took a seat a bit off to the side, she's never been that best at socializing. It was harder then it should be to connect with her clanmates, initiating conversation was not something she was well experienced with beside with her apprentice's Rabbitpaw, and she often carried a poised air around her, so she sat, wrapping her graceful tail around her dainty paws and listened to the chatter of others.

A large, muscular tom with broad shoulders and a powerful frame had himself laying off to the side. The deep breaths of air rose and fell in time with a large chest, hefty paws were bent underneath his giant frame as his liquid golden eyes stayed firmly on a tiny she-cat several tail lengths away. Whiteshadow was a fierce-looking creature with smooth snow-white fur. He was mostly Maine Coon and extremely large, as well as remarkably intimidating. The Shadowclan senior noticed his daughter's lack of interest in finding friends, but it did not seem to concern Elfinpaw so he did not let it bother him. Whiteshadow's eyes roamed as more cats slowly began to gather around, he was never one for crowds or talking. He merely listened as words were passed from one maw to another nothing truly of any concern to him.

Quite a few sounds were running around the gathering along with scents, many might of been missed by those who were focused on the what was in front of them instead of around them. The elfin sized she-cat blinked her eyes a pawful of times and shut themselves firmly seconds later. The faint voices of cats bleed into the distance, the low murmur of their meows engulfed by the gentle sigh of the tide of cool air that fled. It vanished as her eyes parted once again and color return, the odd Shadowclan apprentice was rather skilled with amused herself, whether it was making up weird imaginary bugs or creatures that did not exist or listening to the world around her. This was her first gathering, although unlike normal apprentices the smaller than average apprentice did not dart off seeking anyone to talk to. She was weird like that.

pidgeon September 5th, 2019 10:17 AM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 608577)
Lunafrost icy eyes swept around the area as cats of all colors and sizes wandered around the gather. The Shadowclan warrior kept to the side, being careful not to get in any one cat's way. The alluring blue-furred feline took a seat a bit off to the side, she's never been that best at socializing. It was harder then it should be to connect with her clanmates, initiating conversation was not something she was well experienced with beside with her apprentice's Rabbitpaw, and she often carried a poised air around her, so she sat, wrapping her graceful tail around her dainty paws and listened to the chatter of others.

A large, muscular tom with broad shoulders and a powerful frame had himself laying off to the side. The deep breaths of air rose and fell in time with a large chest, hefty paws were bent underneath his giant frame as his liquid golden eyes stayed firmly on a tiny she-cat several tail lengths away. Whiteshadow was a fierce-looking creature with smooth snow-white fur. He was mostly Maine Coon and extremely large, as well as remarkably intimidating. The Shadowclan senior noticed his daughter's lack of interest in finding friends, but it did not seem to concern Elfinpaw so he did not let it bother him. Whiteshadow's eyes roamed as more cats slowly began to gather around, he was never one for crowds or talking. He merely listened as words were passed from one maw to another nothing truly of any concern to him.

Quite a few sounds were running around the gathering along with scents, many might of been missed by those who were focused on the what was in front of them instead of around them. The elfin sized she-cat blinked her eyes a pawful of times and shut themselves firmly seconds later. The faint voices of cats bleed into the distance, the low murmur of their meows engulfed by the gentle sigh of the tide of cool air that fled. It vanished as her eyes parted once again and color return, the odd Shadowclan apprentice was rather skilled with amused herself, whether it was making up weird imaginary bugs or creatures that did not exist or listening to the world around her. This was her first gathering, although unlike normal apprentices the smaller than average apprentice did not dart off seeking anyone to talk to. She was weird like that.

Owlfeather walked with small steps around the clearing, careful not to bump into any cats in the bustling crowd. Her joints ached from the work she had been doing in recent sunrises, and she had no particular interest in mingling with the other clans. Tensions were far too high between her own clan and others, and she wanted to avoid uncomfortable questions from pestering young cats. Her paws eventually guided her to Whiteshadow, and she rested her weary muscles next to him, sitting with her tail wrapped around her paws.
"Have any other clan cats given you trouble yet?" She asked the powerful warrior calmly. She'd managed to avoid being questioned thus far. "I've just seen Dustypaw nearly get into a fight with some young RiverClan cat." She'd have intervened to help the apprentice from her own clan if necessary, but it seemed that the situation had diffused itself rather quickly. The old she-cat stretched her jaws wide in a tired yawn.

SuspiciousMindz September 5th, 2019 10:52 AM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Dewberry (Post 608465)
Dewberry stared longingly at the stars, her solemn ice blue gaze unbroken. Ever since her brother, Flintfur, joined the ranks of StarClan she hadn't been the same. Dewberry sighed softly, she almost wished she had pretended to be sick so she wouldn't have to attend the gathering. She broke off from the other RiverClan cats in the clearing, and moved a little further off, as to not be bothered.

Slatesting had been watching the other clans arrived, noting cats she'd seen before or talked to before, however a striking she-cat stood out to her. She was alone, staring up at the stars before slipping away from the large group of cats. Ears perking with interest, the ebony she-cat got up and started after the she-cat. Her pace was brisk as she squeezed through the cats.

Finally, she caught up, just a few tail lengths away from her. "Excuse me," she spoke, making her presence known. "You seem lost, the Gathering is back there," Slatesting gestured to the Gathering behind her.

Moonraven September 5th, 2019 10:58 AM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 608584)
Owlfeather walked with small steps around the clearing, careful not to bump into any cats in the bustling crowd. Her joints ached from the work she had been doing in recent sunrises, and she had no particular interest in mingling with the other clans. Tensions were far too high between her own clan and others, and she wanted to avoid uncomfortable questions from pestering young cats. Her paws eventually guided her to Whiteshadow, and she rested her weary muscles next to him, sitting with her tail wrapped around her paws.
"Have any other clan cats given you trouble yet?" She asked the powerful warrior calmly. She'd managed to avoid being questioned thus far. "I've just seen Dustypaw nearly get into a fight with some young RiverClan cat." She'd have intervened to help the apprentice from her own clan if necessary, but it seemed that the situation had diffused itself rather quickly. The old she-cat stretched her jaws wide in a tired yawn.

The old tom twisted his left ear when a certain set of paws came unusually close to him. He slowly turned his head in wonderment who'd dare to disturb him, his golden eyes took note of the familiar senior warrior as she took a seat next to him. Making sure to keep his daughter in his peripheral sight, the warrior used his massive paws to push his tremendous weight upward so that he could sit at his towering height. The fact that he had bothered rising at all spoke of the silent respect he had for Owlfeather. "You honestly think anyone would be foolish enough to test my patience?" He asked rhetorically, his deep voice sounded irritated yet that was normal for him as most viewed him as grumpy. The quiet warrior twitched his tail in responses to the comment about Dustypaw, though did nothing more than that. It was rare to get much of a response from Whiteshadow. "Tired?" He quipped, noticing how the she-cat yawned.

pidgeon September 5th, 2019 11:08 AM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 608588)
The old tom twisted his left ear when a certain set of paws came unusually close to him. He slowly turned his head in wonderment who'd dare to disturb him, his golden eyes took note of the familiar senior warrior as she took a seat next to him. Making sure to keep his daughter in his peripheral sight, the warrior used his massive paws to push his tremendous weight upward so that he could sit at his towering height. The fact that he had bothered rising at all spoke of the silent respect he had for Owlfeather. "You honestly think anyone would be foolish enough to test my patience?" He asked rhetorically, his deep voice sounded irritated yet that was normal for him as most viewed him as grumpy. The quiet warrior twitched his tail in responses to the comment about Dustypaw, though did nothing more than that. It was rare to get much of a response from Whiteshadow. "Tired?" He quipped, noticing how the she-cat yawned.

Owlfeather's whiskers twitched with amusement at his response.
"No, I suppose if I were a young cat from another clan, I might avoid bothering you." She wasn't personally intimidated by the white warrior, but she knew the fear he could strike in his foes. His powerful form was made all the more intimidating by his gleaming, amber eyes.
"And yes, I guess I am a bit tired. Most of us are, after all, with everything that's been going on. But I'll manage, of course. This isn't my first clan crisis and I doubt it will be the last." She droned on absentmindedly. She had a lot to be thinking about. She wondered briefly if she was expecting too much from herself, but she brushed the thought aside. Her exhaustion was temporary; the safety of her clan was far more important than one cat being sleepy. But she mustn't forget that she was not alone, and the other senior warriors were all putting themselves out as well.

Moonraven September 5th, 2019 12:07 PM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by CasperCreates (Post 608590)
Owlfeather's whiskers twitched with amusement at his response.
"No, I suppose if I were a young cat from another clan, I might avoid bothering you." She wasn't personally intimidated by the white warrior, but she knew the fear he could strike in his foes. His powerful form was made all the more intimidating by his gleaming, amber eyes.
"And yes, I guess I am a bit tired. Most of us are, after all, with everything that's been going on. But I'll manage, of course. This isn't my first clan crisis and I doubt it will be the last." She droned on absentmindedly. She had a lot to be thinking about. She wondered briefly if she was expecting too much from herself, but she brushed the thought aside. Her exhaustion was temporary; the safety of her clan was far more important than one cat being sleepy. But she mustn't forget that she was not alone, and the other senior warriors were all putting themselves out as well.

A smirk lightly pulled at his maw at her words, unexpectedly Whiteshadow enjoyed the youngsters, they brought an unusual sense of hope to his heart. To say the warrior's bark was worse then than his bite would be a lie, but those brave enough to strike up a conversation with him would find a gentle yet blunt and gruff type of tom, whose appearance did not always match his personality. His ear twitched, like shooing a fly, as she spoke of their current predicament.
He turned his head a little more to peer at Owlfeather before relaxing the intensity of his gaze and parting his maw, "If you need help...managing I'm always willing to lend an ear or my assistance." He did not bother commenting or asking about her health, considering that she knew how to take care of herself.
He was not overly worried about the lack of command in Shadowclan, assured that Starclan alongside Agaveheart would sort the problem out in due time. Until then he'd do his best to assist the clan and those in it as he could. Those who'd dare look down on Shadowclan would learn, no other Clan can walk the paths of the night as they do. Other Clans may be faster or stronger, but they are the most dangerous warriors: fierce, proud, and independent. He'd be willing to do what it takes to protect this great Clan.
Riverclan, however, was a different matter entirely.
"What do you think about the matter with them?" He asked, nodding in the general vicinity of Riverclan. He's heard snippets from other Shadowclan cats, bold and unthoughtful answers, Whiteshadow had put the trouble with Riverclan second to the immediate problem in the clan. Though he had had his own thoughts, he would not mind hearing her thought. However, would not pester Owlfeather if she wished to avoid the topic.

pidgeon September 5th, 2019 02:44 PM

Re: September Gathering

Originally Posted by Moonraven (Post 608593)
A smirk lightly pulled at his maw at her words, unexpectedly Whiteshadow enjoyed the youngsters, they brought an unusual sense of hope to his heart. To say the warrior's bark was worse then than his bite would be a lie, but those brave enough to strike up a conversation with him would find a gentle yet blunt and gruff type of tom, whose appearance did not always match his personality. His ear twitched, like shooing a fly, as she spoke of their current predicament.
He turned his head a little more to peer at Owlfeather before relaxing the intensity of his gaze and parting his maw, "If you need help...managing I'm always willing to lend an ear or my assistance." He did not bother commenting or asking about her health, considering that she knew how to take care of herself.
He was not overly worried about the lack of command in Shadowclan, assured that Starclan alongside Agaveheart would sort the problem out in due time. Until then he'd do his best to assist the clan and those in it as he could. Those who'd dare look down on Shadowclan would learn, no other Clan can walk the paths of the night as they do. Other Clans may be faster or stronger, but they are the most dangerous warriors: fierce, proud, and independent. He'd be willing to do what it takes to protect this great Clan.
Riverclan, however, was a different matter entirely.
"What do you think about the matter with them?" He asked, nodding in the general vicinity of Riverclan. He's heard snippets from other Shadowclan cats, bold and unthoughtful answers, Whiteshadow had put the trouble with Riverclan second to the immediate problem in the clan. Though he had had his own thoughts, he would not mind hearing her thought. However, would not pester Owlfeather if she wished to avoid the topic.

"You're a senior warrior, too, you know. I'd hope that you'd be helping out regardless of whether I needed it or not." The phrase may have come off kind of cranky, but there was no malice or anger in her tone. The predicament had brought a fair amount of overly-proud, power-hungry cats who seemed to leap at the opportunity to seize control. That included cats from other clans, apparently. The fur along her spine bristled briefly when she thought of the RiverClan deputy. She'd like to get the opportunity to claw his fur off, and stifle that surge of pride that had gone to his head. And I thought MY clan was prideful... she took a deep breath and let her fur lie flat again. No point in stirring up unnecessary drama; she would keep her distasteful thoughts to herself.
"The matter with them, I think, ultimately we brought their wrath down upon us. It's almost as if...Well, part of me wonders if the loss of our leaders was StarClan's punishment for our clanmates trying to move the border. I wish Windystar would have done something to stop it before it got so out of hand. But that prey has been caught, and we must move forward. RiverClan may be aggressive and strong, but I feel that their thick-headed pride will be the downfall of their plans. They mustn't think that we can't defend ourselves." She caught herself droning on again. She realized that she'd left all of these thoughts internalized, and hadn't voiced them to any cat. It felt good to get it all out of her fur. She was silently grateful for Whiteshadow's patience listening to her.

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