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Marigoldwhisper April 28th, 2024 06:06 AM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty ACTIVE!

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

Alright... Windclan border and all of its... Windyness. She kept her tail high and ears alert and she stared out at the other side of the border. She didn't wanna seem hostile, but she could already feel her claws unsheathing. She sank them back into her paws and urged her muscles to stop tensing.

"Here we are!" A amber gaze rolled over the two warriors. One of which, was late. Since they still showed up before the patrol started Owltalon was pretty sure there were light, if any, consequences. She'd just ask about them once she reported.

"Keep your eyes peeled you two, we don't want to miss any marking spots or the approaching threat of Windclan claws." She scanned the area for a moment, her jaw hinged open as she smelt the air. Yup, scents of Riverclan were certainly fading. "Alright, Slatestripe, go left. Mudstroke, go right. I'll mark the border straight on, understood?"

(Are we all alright to follow the prompt? I really want owl to keep the fox skull cause she's really weird like that lol)
Tags: @occultation

burntToast April 28th, 2024 11:29 AM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 21 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
__________________________________________________ _____

The wind ruffled Mud'smokes fur as he observed his surroundings, his ears alert to catch any sort of sound. There didn't seem to be any activity on windclans side of the border, so mudsmoke assumed they would either be coming soon or more likely had already past seeing as the did leave for their patrol late. Mudsmoke shot a glance back at Slatestripe. He had nothing against the tom, star they hadn't even interacted before but mudsmoke was a tad bit annoyed at having to wait that long, let's just say it wasnt the best first impression a cat could have.

Nodding his head in acknowledgment to Owltalon, Mudsmoke headed right of the border as he searched for the border markers. He wasn't sure he could remember we're they were, he hadn't quite been on a border patrol in a while. He was sure it wouldn't be a problem since the scent of riverclan had completely faded yet.

Making his way along the border hsi stoped at the very faint scent markers and remarking them, the sound of rushing water reached his ears and he casually glanced at the river. It's not like he doesn't like water, he loves swimming for starclans sake but he wasn't foxbrained enough not to be cautious around here. He knew the river could be dangerous at times. Averting his gaze he continued to mark the border while keeping his distance for the river bank.
-Slatestripe @occultation
-Owltalon @Marigoldwhisper

|(I don't mind following the prompt, could be interesting :kittyface:)|

Alchemist Kitsune April 30th, 2024 12:39 PM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
| Snowybreeze |
Heightened Perception [Smell] - Active | Rapid Recovery - Inactive | The Collector - Inactive | Radiohead - Inactive

At Swiftfire's words, the gentle giant chanced a glance upwards, blinking sympathetically as the older warrior spoke in defense of her friend. In truth, he hadn't been there. Had only heard the whispers in the breeze. But it had been enough to coax him into wanting to find out the truth. Gossip could sometimes get away from cats. Get away from facts. It wasn't anyone's fault, by golly! He didn't think any WindClanner would ever purposefully spread misinformation or try to ruin another cat with lies. It was simply... unthinkable! But... emotions sometimes clouded judgement, and perhaps in the heat of the moment things had been misinterpreted. Or so he wished to believe. Whether that was the truth or not, he would hopefully get closer to discovering here today.

A rumbling purr escaping him at her admission to wish to help him, Snowybreeze could feel his heart soar. This was the WindClan he loved. Cats working together tirelessly for each other. His quest might accomplish nothing more than bringing the clan peace of mind, but even to someone as focused and fiery as Swiftfire, that was enough. It was a humbling experience, to witness that comradery he knew his clanmates for so willingly given despite the certain foolishness of his trail of thought.

"O-oh. Yes. Certainly. My nose. It is why. I am. Here. Very. Potent. Overpowered. Easily. By the. Border. But. If I can. Focus. Catch just. A hint. Of Fallownose's. Scent. I can. Pinpoint. His killer's. Scent. For certain. Next time. I smell. It. I will. Be able. To recognize it. For sure," the tom explained, sure of himself in this one skill he possessed.

It had been his curse his entire life. This oversensitive nose of his. It was about time he brought it to good use for once. Have it serve the clan in more ways than simply finding prey out in the fields. Be that Snowynose his mate had loved so dearly in times not so distantly passed.

@Tiabirb [Swiftfire]

occultation May 3rd, 2024 11:54 PM

Re: Sedgewater Valley

Slatestripe didn't waste any time in splitting off from the rest of the patrol when they'd arrived. He'd always been a fairly solitary cat, usually only interacting with Rainglow and Mintpool before his departure from the Clan. Since his return, he'd become even more isolated. Deep down, he knew it was a problem, but there was also... a kind of peace in being alone.

As he moved off to mark his own part of the border, it almost felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He maneuvered around the gaping hole in the ground that lead down into the tunnel system below. If he hadn't been on a patrol, he absolutely would've considered jumping down there and exploring.

Amber eyes kept darting towards WindClan's side of the border. They weren't like the other two Clans; violence wasn't usually their first course of action. But, at the end of the day, they were warriors like everyone else. An attack as retribution for the stupidity of RiverClan's warriors was likely. Even if the reasons for the battle infuriated him, Slatestripe would defend his Clan with his life. Never again would he turn his back on RiverClan.

Once his part of the border had been checked and marked, he made his way back to the meeting spot.

Marigoldwhisper May 4th, 2024 06:52 AM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty ACTIVE!

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

Owltalon watched with a pleased purr as the warriors broke off into their respected places. She began trotting towards the markers in front of her. She wasted no time drowning the scent of Riverclan where it should be. If these scents faded, Windclan might get cocky. Even if that was unlikely, it was also unlikely to have three fully grown Riverclan warriors march into Windclan territory like they belonged there. At this point, Owltalon was beginning to expect the unexpected.

"Good job you two," she flashed her teeth at Mudsmoke and Slatestripe. She noticed how Slate completely walked over what seemed to be a wide crater in the ground. She furrowed her brow at it suspiciously. Where could it lead, where might it lead? Also, when the heck did it get here?

She'd have to keep all her questions as a mental note to report later. For now, she'd just have to carry on with the patrol (and hope that nocat fell in there).

Just as she opened her maw to bark more orders, a white sheen caught on the sun and stunned her good eye. She winced at first before her eye finally focused on the object.

A skull.

It wasn't clean of course, in fact it smelt of horrible rotting. It's jaw was hinged open as if in silent cry.

A normal cat would've taken proper precautions. Owltalon wasn't normal. She couldn't even think about the possible danger of this before she was practically jumping up and down like an excited kit.

"Oh, aren't you interesting?" She smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. She ran her paw pads along it's rough and smooth surface. She'd never ever seen a fox skull before! Certainly going in her collection of odd and weirdly disfigured things.

Then realization finally kicked in. A fox skull? Near her home as well as Windclan? They've had problems with foxes before, Owltalon doubted that all that nonsense would want to be resumed.

Her eyes flicked back to the hole in the ground. "Slatestripe!" She yowled over to the tom, her voice twinged with urgent worry. "Could you be a dear and sniff that hole? Smell anything fox like or anything that could eat a fox?"

Her paw was still secure on the skull. She had to stop herself from getting giddy all over again. No no, she had to focus, this was serious. She could lose her marbles later.

The fox had to have been here for a while if it's rotted away to the bone.

"Mudsmoke, smell anythin'? I'll sniff the air with ya chap, ain't no way am I about to let foxes back in my home." With that, Owltalon began sniffing furiously, her maw scrunched as she tried to dig through scents.

Tags: @occultation

burntToast May 4th, 2024 09:02 AM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 21 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
__________________________________________________ __

After renewing the scent of the border on his side he made his way back to the group. He was quick to notice the wide crater in the ground that slatestripe seemed to ignore. Had it always been there? Mudsmoke can't remember seeing it when he used to hunt here and it wasn't something you'd forget or look over easily. Mudsmoke had the urge to investigate it but immediately shook away the thought, only starclans knows what's in there. For all he knows it could be a strangely shaped badger den. He isn't mousebrained enough step paw into unknown territory or crater things.

With a flick of his ear he turned his attention back to Owltalon who was inspecting what looked like a skull. A fox skull. Ok how many wierd and wonderful things were rocking up on this border patrol? What's next a flying badger?? Mudsmoke shook his head before slowly approaching the skull, clear enough it was a fox skull. Concern washed over the warrior. What had killed this fox, by the looks of it and the terrible smell- it had been rotting here for a while. Turning to his clanmate he noticed the lionheart didn't seem as concerned and looked instead like a kit who had just found the most impressive 'stick' in the whole forest.

"how did it die? And where is the rest of it.." he asked no one in particular. Only thing precent was the foxes skull, the rest of its body was gone. It was strange and very disturbing. Owltalons words brought his attention back and he nodded his head in acknowledgment before raising his head and opening his maw scenting the air. All he could smell was riverclan and the faint scent of Windclan scent being blown across the border by the breeze as the very pungent stench of- "Rotting and death. All I can smell is that awful rotting smell. Other than that I smell riverclan" Mudsmoke said, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "what do you think killed it?" he asked, a bit perplexed and worried

-Slatestripe @occultation
-Owltalon @Marigoldwhisper

Marigoldwhisper May 14th, 2024 03:06 PM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty ACTIVE!

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

(Back at it again at the crispy cream)

Owltalon thundered through, her pawsteps as graceful as a mad horse. She slid to a stop once she reached the border, once again reminded of the line of hostility between the two clans. She looked behind her, hoping to see her apprentice and Fallenwish close behind. "You all know the drill I'm quite sure. Mark the border where needed and mark it well. We don't need either of these clans gettin' too cocky. Also, watch out for that hole in the ground. Only Starclan knows where it leads and we're not about to find out ourselves today."

Owltalon remembered Slatestripe casually pausing at the hole only to then draw absolutely no attention to it. Then again, it wasn't like it was hard to spot. It might've been a fox burrow, that would certainly explain the fox skull that she found her last patrol. It was so odd, incredibly odd, that the rest of it was gone except for its head, as if it were planned.

That was just more stuff to report from her recent and failed patrol, stuff that she should've kept up with.

"I'll mark as well, keep yourselves alert." With one last mew of instruction, Owltalon padded over to a marker and began rubbing her scent all over it.

| Cormorantpaw - @iliri | Fallenwish @Aolani |

Aolani May 15th, 2024 04:14 PM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
[ @illiri @Marigoldwhisper ]

Fallenwish marked a weak patch of the border.
[I'm shelving her as soon as this patrols done, so it's going to be a one-liner, sorry ]

iliri May 18th, 2024 08:54 PM

Re: Sedgewater Valley
long-furred, smoky-black mackerel tabby with bits of white; yellow eyes
active purrks: prison break - t1 | primal instincts | skip the steps
she/her | riverclan apprentice | 15 moons

There wasn’t a lot for the young tabby to go over. She wasn’t fairly used to being next to the WindClan border - especially after the events of everything that happened during the last moon or so. She had almost felt petrified to go over towards this border if she was being honest. It wasn’t like she was in the mood to be slaughtered by any angry WindClan cats! From her mentor’s order, the calico gave a firm nod before properly marking the border, not taking too long as she finished up as promptly as soon as she started. “I don’t spy anything suspicious around here, thankfully.” The apprentice mumbled, approaching her mentor once more after marking the border, being careful not to accidentally overstep the border.

Marigoldwhisper May 19th, 2024 07:58 AM

Re: Sedgewater Valley

Originally Posted by iliri (Post 1592652)
long-furred, smoky-black mackerel tabby with bits of white; yellow eyes
active purrks: prison break - t1 | primal instincts | skip the steps
she/her | riverclan apprentice | 15 moons

There wasn’t a lot for the young tabby to go over. She wasn’t fairly used to being next to the WindClan border - especially after the events of everything that happened during the last moon or so. She had almost felt petrified to go over towards this border if she was being honest. It wasn’t like she was in the mood to be slaughtered by any angry WindClan cats! From her mentor’s order, the calico gave a firm nod before properly marking the border, not taking too long as she finished up as promptly as soon as she started. “I don’t spy anything suspicious around here, thankfully.” The apprentice mumbled, approaching her mentor once more after marking the border, being careful not to accidentally overstep the border.

She, Her\Lionheart\42 moons\Riverclan
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty ACTIVE!

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

Owltalon nodded at Cormorantpaw's remark. "Right you are. Nothin' odd or out of the ordinary." With a flick of her ear, she began to address the whole patrol. "I believe that we're all done here. Markers have been remarked and there seems to be no trouble."

Owltalon let her gaze hover from the two cats. "Follow me closely, let's get a move on." And with that, Owltalon slowly trotted back to Riverclan camp, making sure that her clanmates were close behind.

She still had a great deal of things to report from the last patrol, that being the fox skull and the weird hole in the ground. She still though it may be a fox den but it could really be anything. Whatever it was, hopefully it wouldn't cause much trouble for Riverclan as a whole. They already had rabbit chasers on their heels, they don't need foxes to add to the trouble.

@Aolani // Fallenwish

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