Warrior Cats Online

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Momotaro March 5th, 2017 12:18 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
Mischa padded in the den, looking for the cat he was supposed to help. He widened his eyes as he spotted a couple arguing. He edged forward, curiosity in his eyes. "Im not trying to be rude; that would be idiotic, but what one earth are you arguing about? new kits makes the syndicate strong, you should be happy."
{ @NightWarrior4Life, @Swiftheart }

Static March 5th, 2017 12:30 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
Fox looked at the new cat arriving."I'm not the one arguing.them two are."he said,pointing his tail toward aria and fleck.

Momotaro March 5th, 2017 12:32 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Swiftheart (Post 191881)
Fox looked at the new cat arriving."I'm not the one arguing.them two are."he said,pointing his tail toward aria and fleck.

"I know. Do you know why they are arguing?" The tom rolled his eyes at Fox. and then resumed watching the two syndicate cats. This is why i'm not interested in a relationship.

NightWarrior4Life March 5th, 2017 01:02 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by The Eye Of The Storm (Post 191865)
Mischa padded in the den, looking for the cat he was supposed to help. He widened his eyes as he spotted a couple arguing. He edged forward, curiosity in his eyes. "Im not trying to be rude; that would be idiotic, but what one earth are you arguing about? new kits makes the syndicate strong, you should be happy."
{ @NightWarrior4Life, @Swiftheart }

"Don't you have some sick cats you need to be tending to?" The black and white Tom snarled. Aria narrowed her eyes suspiciously "yeah, don't you have your own problems?" She sneered.

SuspiciousMindz March 8th, 2017 01:05 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
[let's timeskip to 3 moons so we can all start doing more with the charries]
Illusion was resting in her nest. It didn't seem like so long ago her kits were constantly nestled up besides her, but now they were balls of energy that never seemed to quick until they were too exhausted to move. Their colors were coming out and their pelts were slowly losing their kitten fluff. They were growing faster than the alabaster she-cat would like to admit. As she laid there, she thought about the moment she told Hades about them. Oh Hades. Illusion knew this happiness wouldn't have existed without the tom relentlessly pressing her into being mates. Although it was almost accidental. She'd never admit to that though, throughout all that time single, she'd always held a soft spoke for her intelligent mate.
Her deep optics scanned the nursery, searching for her kits. Their personalities were really coming out. One in particular seemed to always be around her and copying her every move -- Lilac. Illusion spotted them, doing as they did normally, playing or watching the games. A small smile crossed her face as she monitored them.

@Empress Of Evil @Slash-GNR @Spirited Darkness @Liquoris @Spirit

Slash-GNR March 8th, 2017 06:57 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz (Post 194697)
[let's timeskip to 3 moons so we can all start doing more with the charries]
Illusion was resting in her nest. It didn't seem like so long ago her kits were constantly nestled up besides her, but now they were balls of energy that never seemed to quick until they were too exhausted to move. Their colors were coming out and their pelts were slowly losing their kitten fluff. They were growing faster than the alabaster she-cat would like to admit. As she laid there, she thought about the moment she told Hades about them. Oh Hades. Illusion knew this happiness wouldn't have existed without the tom relentlessly pressing her into being mates. Although it was almost accidental. She'd never admit to that though, throughout all that time single, she'd always held a soft spoke for her intelligent mate.
Her deep optics scanned the nursery, searching for her kits. Their personalities were really coming out. One in particular seemed to always be around her and copying her every move -- Lilac. Illusion spotted them, doing as they did normally, playing or watching the games. A small smile crossed her face as she monitored them.

@Empress Of Evil @Slash-GNR @Spirited Darkness @Liquoris @Spirit

A small white and black speckled she-kit could be seen in the nursery. She had a strange ball of something... like a seed. The female put her tiny claws into it, but nothing happened. Corinth flattened her ears upset about this. The female let out a growl as she took the seed thing in her mouth and brought it to her mother. "Mema," which mean to be 'Mama', she said through the large mass in her mouth. Corinth then placed it down next to her life giver. "Can you break this open for me please?" She then sat down and flicked her tail tip as she looked at the seed thing, then back up to her mother with large eyes of curiosity. "I tried... I really did, but I can't. My claws are to small," she mewed as she unsheathed her claws only the size of small needles.

doghouse March 8th, 2017 08:35 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
Mirage sat in a corner, looking uncertainly towards her family. She loved them all, but sometimes, they scared her. The brownish gray and white tabby kit hated to be scared. Being scared was a great weakness that could eventually result in getting her killed. She scuffled her paws, then took a deep breath before padding over to Corinth, looking at the thing that her sister held in their jaws. “W-what's that?” Mirage stuttered, her eyes wide. She wondered if it was some sort of food, or maybe an odd animal that wasn't prey. Parting her jaws, she drew in a breath, trying to catch its scent, but to no avail. That made her all the more curious, and she pricked her ears forwards, trying to see if it made any sort of noise.

Empress Of Evil March 10th, 2017 12:41 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
Hades padded into the nursery, a plump squirrel in his jaws. He intended for his squirrel to be given to Illusion, alhough he wouldn't mind if she shared it with the kits. The fighter didn't know whether their kits were capable of eating prey yet. He wasn't the one to spend all his time in the nursery, watching over perfect bundles of fur. "Hello," he purred as he approached his family. Hades placed the squirrel at Illusion's paws, using one of his paws to get rid of some red fur that was sticking to his tongue. Stupid squirrels. They have too much fur, Hades thought. He had never quite liked the fur of squirrels. There was jsut too much of it and there was not enough meat. Shaking his head softly, Hades turned his attention back to his mate and kits. The kits were bigger from when they had first been born. He could still remember three moons ago, when they were just tiny, wriggling things covered in fur. Hades noticed Corinth in particular, staring up at her mother with wide eyes. He chuckled softly to himself. "Adorable...." he murmured in an almost inaudible tone of voice. This was saying something. Hades was never one to call something adorable. He was just too dark for that kind of stuff.

@Suspiciousmindz @Slash-GNR @Spirited Darkness @Liquoris @Spirit

SuspiciousMindz March 10th, 2017 03:13 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
Illusion noticed Corinth coming towards her with a strange object. At first she was confused, but when she asked to open it, she couldn't help but give her a little smile. "Sure, but what is it, dear?" she asked, tilting her head a little bit as she grasp the seed in her jaws and tore her claws into it. With a small crack, the object split enough to where Illusion assumed Corinth could open it from there. From there, she placed it on the ground in front of her when Mirage arrived. "Ask your sister, because I don't know," she replied sweetly. Her kits would never know the real Illusion, only this very caring, sweet version of her. That was fine with her though, she only hoped none of her kits received her personality.

Of course a familiar scent filled her nose and Illusion turned her head to notice Hades coming in with a squirrel. Her whiskers twitched. The squirrel seemed almost too large for his mouth. Her blue optics turned back towards her kits. "You guys hungry?" she inquired, tilting her fluffy head a little bit.
@Empress Of Evil @Spirited Darkness @Slash-GNR

Teza March 10th, 2017 04:00 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
@Suspiciousmindz @Slash-GNR @Empress Of Evil @Spirited Darkness @Spirit

Lilac tilted her small light head at the seed. "What is it? Why does it need opened? Can't we just throw it out?" The young she-cat was full of questions, and didn't really care much how rude she may have sounded as she spoke. She held her head high, tapping her tail tip on the ground as she sat next to her mother. She didn't want to miss a single flick of the tail that her mother did, admiring how well she seemed to keep calm about everything. While Lilac seemed to be quite snooty to her siblings, she loved them dearly, always interested in what they have to say, even if she doesn't act like it, so her multitude of questions weren't really directed to her mother as much as they were to Corinth.

(So sorry I'm late replying.. Been a bit pre-occupied irl :/ also sorry this is short x.x)

NightWarrior4Life March 11th, 2017 09:35 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
@Swiftheart @The Eye Of The Storm
Bump for fox and mischa

Momotaro March 12th, 2017 04:29 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 191921)
"Don't you have some sick cats you need to be tending to?" The black and white Tom snarled. Aria narrowed her eyes suspiciously "yeah, don't you have your own problems?" She sneered.

"Heh. My work here is done, I made you agree on something, it may be planing to murder me but atlas theres no broken familys." The shaded grey tom replied, chuckling, "I see your expecting kits, thank- well, its good news."

NightWarrior4Life March 12th, 2017 04:39 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by The Eye Of The Storm (Post 198137)

"Heh. My work here is done, I made you agree on something, it may be planing to murder me but atlas theres no broken familys." The shaded grey tom replied, chuckling, "I see your expecting kits, thank- well, its good news."

The black she-cat purred. "Thanks. Shadow is going to deliver them and I trust her completely. These kits will be great..." She trailed off. What if the kits aren't worthy? she fretted the whole syndicate will make a mockery of them! They'll be a disappointment to every cat...THEY'LL BE KILLED! she a screeched mentally. "I'm sure they'll be worth it!" She smiled then turned to Fleck, giving him a dirty look.

Brilliance March 13th, 2017 10:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
A thick-pelted calico she-cat laid in the corner of the nursery den, agitated. Her tail thumped in anticipation, and the only thing that kept her sane was the soft moss she laid upon. Her paws crossed delicately in front of her, and her thoughts were raging with venom. She was not happy. At all. In fact, she was never really happy. The only thing that kept her on her paws is her constant grooming of her pelt, and her flirting habits with the local toms. Which was something that got way too out of hand. She didn't think she would had ended in this situation. She didn't think that it could had happen. Well, at least to her. Only good things were suppose to happen to her!
''What did I ever do to deserve such a curse?'' She shook her head, and took a few rough licks at her chest fur. When her eyes stared at the entrance again, she was transfixed. She was waiting for someone.

While she awaited their arrival, her thoughts transferred to the tom she blamed everything for. She blamed him for making her this way. She blamed him for leaving her this way. And, she blamed him for believing that she would take care of the little rats once they were born. Secretly, she hoped the litter would die still-born. Then again, her high hopes always seemed to fade.

Syrup huffed, ''Last time I'd ever get that close to a tom.'' She shook her head, and glanced down at her growing belly. She would be giving birth in two more moons, and it made her worried. However, this did not change the fact of what she thought about the unwanted kits. She figured that she would leave them to die. Or better yet, leave them to their father. But even she wasn't that cold hearted. And, since it was not due time, she would give herself time to think about what she would like to do.

When a familiar scent hit her nostrils, her eyes opened wide, and slitted until she saw the white feline approach her with a mouse in her jaws. Angelica dropped the piece of meat down at the pregnant she-cat's paws, and started snickering. ''You look fat more than you look pregnant.''

Syrup snarled. ''Shut up before I bite your head off.''

The white she-cat rolled her eyes. ''You do that everyday.'' She gently sat down on her haunches and wrapped her tail around her paws. ''It's nothing new with you.''

''Don't patronize me,'' Syrup groaned and leaned down to eat the mouse. She tore into the meat as if she been hungry all day. She didn't dare look up at Angelica, who watched her with amusement in her eyes.

''Sometimes I forget you're eating for, what? Five? Six?'' Angelica said with spark in her eyes.

Syrup hissed. ''Don't you have Vixie to boss around?''

Angelica rolled her eyes. ''Vixen is not my problem. Although I could use a massage, now that you remind me. And, it doesn't hurt to be appreciated.''

''Oh? I'm surprised that's even in your mind.'' Syrup smirked.

''At least I'm not the one with kits.'' Angelica narrowed her eyes and bounded off before Syrup could swipe at her. And, once again she was left alone in the nursery den, with other queens and their kits. She couldn't be excited about having kits. After all, her game was flirting and manipulating. Not having kits. Which was a disaster.

She sighed. What would she do once they were born?

_finch_ March 25th, 2017 04:24 PM

;; hey! im new here and i hope this is okay for my first day here!

hope was in the nursery, her ears pinned back as she slept, her two newborn kits nestled at the curve of her belly, suckling. the two kits where named rose and badger, the smaller named rose had a tortoiseshell and bright pelt, while badger has a black pelt with white paws and a stripe down his muzzle. hope twitched her all white pelt, and gave a light sneeze as she slept.

Brilliance March 26th, 2017 03:00 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
As time continued to move on, and the calico's belly grew, she finally felt as heavy as a boulder and decided that the nursery was where she wanted to stay. Given that she had ''friends'' to give her things. Angelica would usually send Vixen to do the work for her, not that it mattered to Syrup. Vixen was weak in the eyes of Syrup. Paying heed to the crap that Angelica give her. ''Not my type of prey,'' the she-cat sighed, and shifted in her position as she heard the annoying mewls of newborn kits, and the distaste of milk wavering in the air. As she got in, she couldn't wait to get out. She knew she would be giving birth any day, and yet she didn't hear from that low-balling tom that knocked her up in the first place.
''They come and they go, as momma used to say.'' The thought was laughable honestly. She never would had expected her to end up like her mother, oh starclan rest her soul. Now, here she was. Pregnant to the max, and about ready to explode.
At least the moss was comfortable. Very comfortable. She could take a nap on it if she'd like.
Until a sharp pain came at her side.
''Or not.'' She rolled her eyes, and sat up. A loud obnoxious yawn escaped her maw, and she stared distantly out the front of the nursery den. She didn't want to be pinned here...nursing unwanted kits. She wanted to be out there; flirting, having fun, going on chases. Now, she didn't know who to blame for her predicament.
The unborn kits.
Or, the absent father.
Either were to blame.

But, as the she-cat felt another sharp pain in her abdomen, she knew it had to be time. Was she giving birth? Was this what this unbearable pain felt like? ''Ahhhhh!'' She yelled, clutching herself. She curled herself into a tight ball, hoping that it would be over, but it wouldn't. It wouldn't until she done something about it...done something about it? What were she to do!?
''Push.'' She answered herself, almost faintly. Yet, that's exactly what she done.

[Time skip]

Syrup dug a fresh hole in the dirt. Or, she tried. She never truly liked getting her claws dirty, so her work was unreadable and disgusting. But, it was finished. She turned her head to the stillborn kit; a tom, and she gently picked him up by the scruff and roughly threw him into the hole she dug. Then, she covered the hole lightly, afraid to get more specks onto her pelt. Although one kit was dead, and wasn't her problem any longer, she still had another. A healthy she-kit, the eldest that survived. As Syrup made her way to the moss nest, she laid herself down. Her daughter's mews filled her ears and made them twitch in an unpleasant way. The she-kit seemed to know that her mother was back, as it fumbled around, blind and deaf to look for her. To have some milk. Syrup shifted herself to lay on her side, so it would be easier for the small kit to nurse.
Though she didn't do this out of love. It was out of instinct. She was hoping to get rid of the other kit soon, but knew it wasn't going to happen as fast as she'd like. ''Ugh.'' She groaned, knowing that the kit couldn't hear her anything. ''You remind me of your father. Simple minded and weak.'' She perked, almost emitting out a sweet laugh. ''I should run you off by him, so he could keep you. It'll be a great weight lifted off my back.'' She snarled, just thinking of the unforgiven tom. How could he not have been more careful? How could he leave her? She inwardly hoped that the two would end up crosses paths one day. It would be a memory she would treasure forever.
''Too bad it's such a tragic day. I mean, I had you, your brother died..and now I have no one, as far as I'm concern. You entered my life, and perhaps it won't be long until you leave it.'' The calico brought her head up, looking as the small kit continued to nurse vigorously as if it would be her last meal. Syrup gave a gentle lick atop the she-it's head, and smiled. ''Tragic...Tra...Tragedy...not such a bad name, you think?'' She asked, staring down at her kit. It was the perfect name for the tragic event that happened in her life. With a deep sigh, the newly made queen rested her head, and breathed small breaths as the kit continued to nurse and mew.

wickedvirtues April 30th, 2017 05:42 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
-Cloud looked down at her kits, Lion, Panther, and Flame. She licked their fur, ignoring their squeaks or faint growls of compliant. They had just opened their eyes, and Panther was already beginning to walk slightly. Flame stood to his paws, looking around with amberish eyes. The pale white and black queen purred, he and Lion reminded Cloud of her mate Tiger. The reddish ginger tom had died moons ago, while she was still expecting. The memory made Cloud hiss from disgust, partially for the Clan cat who killed him, part for him being so weak a Clanner killed him. She looked at the two she-kits and tom-kit, a smile on her maw. Her kits would be amazing members of the Syndicate. Cloud curled around the small fluffy bundles, falling asleep.

Cloud- http://www.ragamuffin.com/images/cassie-web_10-02.jpg

Lion- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com...9e64452e5b.jpg

Panther- http://www.golfian.com/wp-content/up...Scary-Eyes.jpg

Tiger - http://img14.deviantart.net/8202/i/2...ka-d9sbtzz.jpg

Flame- http://www.zastavki.com/pictures/ori...st_045536_.jpg

goddess of ducks May 9th, 2017 10:16 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

[i figured I could just go ahead and post, might be short but reply when you can love]

The little gray fluff ball was curled up, sleeping. His flanks rose and fell softly, peacefully. His pale kit blue eyes were closed shut, hiding the tints if dark awful beginning to come through. His nostrils flared occasionally when he breathed in more deeply, but he looked cute, especially for the son of the False King. He eventually stirred, in curling himself until he was stretched out, hind legs pushing against the wall of the nest. He slowly blinked open his eyes as a large yawn escaped him. He glanced around, eyes squinted, and an eye booger lingering at the bridge of his nose. He pawed it away, his small fluffy paw rubbing at his face. He looked back up. Nothing too exciting. Oh well, more sleep would be nice, maybe he could get back to an awesome dream....

NightWarrior4Life May 10th, 2017 10:00 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
(I hope it's okay to do it now. I've been needing to do it for ages.)
Aria woke with a jolt. She was shaking...vibrating. A sharp pain suddenly shot up through her spine, her stomach felt like it was tearing apart. She felt the kicks of the two kits, who were clearly unhappy with something. "What is happening? What is this pain?" Aria shuffled uncomfortably in her nest. Maybe I should stand up and take the pressure off my rear. Brreathing heavily through the pain, the black she-cat slowly hauled herself up but suddenly, a puddle of some liquid swirled at her paws then she soon realised it was coming from her "GREAT STARCLAN!" She leaped up and yowled in pain. Growing impatient with the unbearable pain, she decided to leave the nursery and search for Shadow or Fleck, someone she knew who could help.
After failing to move even one step, Aria shifted anxiously on her paws. The shaking was on and off but the liquid had stopped. The kits were still discontent. There was a harsh kick in her side from the largest kit, startling her. Could I... but the thought was lost as quickly as it was found amongst all the yelling and shouting. The black she-cat was struggling to breathe or even find enough energy to keep her eyes open. "I need to lie back down..."

judas May 10th, 2017 02:52 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 254488)
(I hope it's okay to do it now. I've been needing to do it for ages.)
Aria woke with a jolt. She was shaking...vibrating. A sharp pain suddenly shot up through her spine, her stomach felt like it was tearing apart. She felt the kicks of the two kits, who were clearly unhappy with something. "What is happening? What is this pain?" Aria shuffled uncomfortably in her nest. Maybe I should stand up and take the pressure off my rear. Brreathing heavily through the pain, the black she-cat slowly hauled herself up but suddenly, a puddle of some liquid swirled at her paws then she soon realised it was coming from her "GREAT STARCLAN!" She leaped up and yowled in pain. Growing impatient with the unbearable pain, she decided to leave the nursery and search for Shadow or Fleck, someone she knew who could help.
After failing to move even one step, Aria shifted anxiously on her paws. The shaking was on and off but the liquid had stopped. The kits were still discontent. There was a harsh kick in her side from the largest kit, startling her. Could I... but the thought was lost as quickly as it was found amongst all the yelling and shouting. The black she-cat was struggling to breathe or even find enough energy to keep her eyes open. "I need to lie back down..."

The she cat filled her mouth with herbs. Shadow walkec along, poking her head in to give her friend herbs. "Aria, I think we need to start-" Her ears flicked up in alarm. She ran over, looking at Aria. Her kits were comming
Shadow looked around, grabbing a large stick. "Here, um... Bite this." Shadow mewed. She pressed her paws to her side. "I um..." The healer had never helped with kits before, she was slightly shocked by her low supply. "Drink this," She mewed. Shadow had brought some soaked moss for Aria for when she ate the herbs.

NightWarrior4Life May 11th, 2017 02:03 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 254659)
The she cat filled her mouth with herbs. Shadow walkec along, poking her head in to give her friend herbs. "Aria, I think we need to start-" Her ears flicked up in alarm. She ran over, looking at Aria. Her kits were comming
Shadow looked around, grabbing a large stick. "Here, um... Bite this." Shadow mewed. She pressed her paws to her side. "I um..." The healer had never helped with kits before, she was slightly shocked by her low supply. "Drink this," She mewed. Shadow had brought some soaked moss for Aria for when she ate the herbs.

The water cooled the she-cat down. "Is...is this coming from me?" She looked down at some small specs of blood that had fell onto the dusty nursery floor. "Oh shadow I'm so glad you're here...there's no one I'd like to have more than you delivering my kits...I know they'll be healthy and safe in your paws." Aria bit into the stick as another pain rattled her insides. Snapping the stick, the she-cat began to screech again as a tiny paw kicked her in the side again. "Phew...they're defineatly moving down, right?" Aria's rhythmic breathing echoed through the den.

judas May 11th, 2017 06:20 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 255217)
The water cooled the she-cat down. "Is...is this coming from me?" She looked down at some small specs of blood that had fell onto the dusty nursery floor. "Oh shadow I'm so glad you're here...there's no one I'd like to have more than you delivering my kits...I know they'll be healthy and safe in your paws." Aria bit into the stick as another pain rattled her insides. Snapping the stick, the she-cat began to screech again as a tiny paw kicked her in the side again. "Phew...they're defineatly moving down, right?" Aria's rhythmic breathing echoed through the den.

Shadow looked at Aria. "Try not to talk to much, save your strength." She mewed. Shadow looked down as the first kit began to come. She pushed some moss closer, making sure the kits wouldn't get to cold once they came.

monfang May 11th, 2017 10:18 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 254236)

[i figured I could just go ahead and post, might be short but reply when you can love]

The little gray fluff ball was curled up, sleeping. His flanks rose and fell softly, peacefully. His pale kit blue eyes were closed shut, hiding the tints if dark awful beginning to come through. His nostrils flared occasionally when he breathed in more deeply, but he looked cute, especially for the son of the False King. He eventually stirred, in curling himself until he was stretched out, hind legs pushing against the wall of the nest. He slowly blinked open his eyes as a large yawn escaped him. He glanced around, eyes squinted, and an eye booger lingering at the bridge of his nose. He pawed it away, his small fluffy paw rubbing at his face. He looked back up. Nothing too exciting. Oh well, more sleep would be nice, maybe he could get back to an awesome dream....

The tom padded in and took in a breath and nearly instantly pinpointed his sleeping son. He chuckled as he yawned and then curled back up, and he padded up to him, giving him a big lick to the side of his face before he nuzzled him. "You awake yet?" he asked playfully, lifting his head to look down on him. He was always more playful and fatherly when it came to his kits. And he recently had been attacked by one, so he wanted to keep the ones he still had loyal. "So, Cassius, besides sleeping all day, what has the prince been up to?" he asked, before he curled around Cassius, smiling. For someone so feared for his murderous abilities, he was a big softy for his sons and daughters.

NightWarrior4Life May 11th, 2017 11:02 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 255268)
Shadow looked at Aria. "Try not to talk to much, save your strength." She mewed. Shadow looked down as the first kit began to come. She pushed some moss closer, making sure the kits wouldn't get to cold once they came.

Aria nodded. The shaking started again but this time, wouldn't go away. "Is it really time? What...why is this happening to me?" She began to lick her rear, her black fur now unkempt and sticky with sweat and saliva. Then, the grey dappled front leg of a kit protruded from the she-cat, a little blood around it's claws. Aria leapt up again and was almost dancing around in agony. Continuing to lick, the rest of the kit's dark grey legs appeared, followed by a chest and head and finally, a body and a tail. "Aww!" The black she-cat mewed with relief. This kit was the Tom kit. He was large with his father's yellow eyes and a grey pelt with darker grey Flecks. "Phew...wow...this is...Dash..." She purred, cleaning off the dark Tom kit. "I can't believe I've done it...my first kit...kits...and a son..."
A few moments later, The father of the kits rushed in. "My son..."
"He's got your eyes, Fleck...and your size and pelt pattern...he resembles you in almost every way..."
"Yes...and I am proud...of you both..."
"There's still another to come, yet." She corrected her mate "right, of course...I'll take him for you while you're busy..." Aria nodded and Fleck picked up the kit by the scruff of his neck, dragging him out of the way to a far corner of the nursery. "Hello, little one! Wanna open your eyes for me?" The black and white Tom began to groom Dash, a loud purr rumbling in his chest, eyes glowing with pride. "This next one has to be easy...it's smaller and quieter...it should come quicker...although because of it's size, I am worried it'll have some health issues...the runty usually do." She jerked her head sideways as the second kit kicked and pushed it's mother's stomach.

judas May 11th, 2017 02:52 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 255361)
Aria nodded. The shaking started again but this time, wouldn't go away. "Is it really time? What...why is this happening to me?" She began to lick her rear, her black fur now unkempt and sticky with sweat and saliva. Then, the grey dappled front leg of a kit protruded from the she-cat, a little blood around it's claws. Aria leapt up again and was almost dancing around in agony. Continuing to lick, the rest of the kit's dark grey legs appeared, followed by a chest and head and finally, a body and a tail. "Aww!" The black she-cat mewed with relief. This kit was the Tom kit. He was large with his father's yellow eyes and a grey pelt with darker grey Flecks. "Phew...wow...this is...Dash..." She purred, cleaning off the dark Tom kit. "I can't believe I've done it...my first kit...kits...and a son..."
A few moments later, The father of the kits rushed in. "My son..."
"He's got your eyes, Fleck...and your size and pelt pattern...he resembles you in almost every way..."
"Yes...and I am proud...of you both..."
"There's still another to come, yet." She corrected her mate "right, of course...I'll take him for you while you're busy..." Aria nodded and Fleck picked up the kit by the scruff of his neck, dragging him out of the way to a far corner of the nursery. "Hello, little one! Wanna open your eyes for me?" The black and white Tom began to groom Dash, a loud purr rumbling in his chest, eyes glowing with pride. "This next one has to be easy...it's smaller and quieter...it should come quicker...although because of it's size, I am worried it'll have some health issues...the runty usually do." She jerked her head sideways as the second kit kicked and pushed it's mother's stomach.

Moving quickly, Shadow ran and picked up the kit carefully. "He needs to eat, you'll just have to wait." She mewed, glaring as she placed Dash at his mother's side. She turned her head back soon as the second kit came. She gave the kit a swift lick, moving it to her mother's belly. The healer had never done a kitting before, forgetting to check the genders and size. She gathered the helps, placing wet moss by Aria. "Borage, and Poppy seeds." She mumbled as she placed a bundle of herbs at Aria's side. "Eat these, and get sone rest." She mewed, touching her nose to each of the kits' heads. "I'll get some more bedding and a big piece of prey for you."

goddess of ducks May 11th, 2017 10:42 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by moonfang (Post 255350)

The tom padded in and took in a breath and nearly instantly pinpointed his sleeping son. He chuckled as he yawned and then curled back up, and he padded up to him, giving him a big lick to the side of his face before he nuzzled him. "You awake yet?" he asked playfully, lifting his head to look down on him. He was always more playful and fatherly when it came to his kits. And he recently had been attacked by one, so he wanted to keep the ones he still had loyal. "So, Cassius, besides sleeping all day, what has the prince been up to?" he asked, before he curled around Cassius, smiling. For someone so feared for his murderous abilities, he was a big softy for his sons and daughters.

The little fluffy fuzz curled himself up tighter, hearing the voice. Maybe it would just go away if he ignored it, probably wasn't talking to him anyways. It many cats talked to him for a matter of fact. Then the voice said something again, and he unfurled himself, realizing it was his father. "Onyx!" He med happily. He embraced his father. Sure he was probably the reason not many cats talked to him, but hey, he loved Onyx, and everything he did, so who cared what everyone else thought. "The usual, playing, battling. Maybe I could get Ferox to play! Or maybe Lillith! She would play with me right? I know you will though!" He mewed happily, gazing up at the False King with bright green eyes, because in Cassius' opinion, Onyx was the True King.

NightWarrior4Life May 12th, 2017 02:10 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Myik (Post 255427)
Moving quickly, Shadow ran and picked up the kit carefully. "He needs to eat, you'll just have to wait." She mewed, glaring as she placed Dash at his mother's side. She turned her head back soon as the second kit came. She gave the kit a swift lick, moving it to her mother's belly. The healer had never done a kitting before, forgetting to check the genders and size. She gathered the helps, placing wet moss by Aria. "Borage, and Poppy seeds." She mumbled as she placed a bundle of herbs at Aria's side. "Eat these, and get sone rest." She mewed, touching her nose to each of the kits' heads. "I'll get some more bedding and a big piece of prey for you."

As the second and last kit came, Aria didn't hesitate to let Shadow handle it. "Whoa...a girl...she's small...that's defineatly a runt! I'll call her Aura..." But what was going through Aria's mind at this moment was terror a runt?! She won't survive! They'll kill her if she's not worthy! Oh StarClan please let her live and be a strong kit! "I am rather peckish and thirsty. Thanks, Shadow." She blinked her blue eyes then nodded as the healer padded away. Eating the herbs slowly, one leaf and seed at a time, she stared down at the small she-kit and smiled. Aura had her father's plain white fur, now red with blood, and purple-blue eyes. "I wonder...what kind of cat you'll be when you grow up...a hunter? A fighter? A healer? I'm sure Shadow would love to take you on as her trainee" The she-cat said softly, lapping up some water from the moss.

monfang May 12th, 2017 07:02 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 255875)
The little fluffy fuzz curled himself up tighter, hearing the voice. Maybe it would just go away if he ignored it, probably wasn't talking to him anyways. It many cats talked to him for a matter of fact. Then the voice said something again, and he unfurled himself, realizing it was his father. "Onyx!" He med happily. He embraced his father. Sure he was probably the reason not many cats talked to him, but hey, he loved Onyx, and everything he did, so who cared what everyone else thought. "The usual, playing, battling. Maybe I could get Ferox to play! Or maybe Lillith! She would play with me right? I know you will though!" He mewed happily, gazing up at the False King with bright green eyes, because in Cassius' opinion, Onyx was the True King.

Onyx gave a laugh at his son's embrace, and gave him yet another lick to the side of his head. He listened as he talked about him playfighting and such, wondering if Ferox or his mother would play. He knew at heart Lilith wouldn't, and then he chuckled as he said he knew that he would play. He rose a paw up and pinned his son lightly down, chuckling again. "I suppose a battle wouldn't hurt would it?" he meowed, and then he rolled Cassius with the paw and placed it on his stomach. "Except I always win." he purred, and gave a loving gaze at his son. And then an idea popped in his head. And he embraced it, he held true to the thought, and he would make sure it would happen. Cassius will be the heir for the crown. The one who will wear the crown. He smiled down on his son and then stood up, only to crouch down to be at his level. "Well then, come on, let me see what you got!" he meowed playfully.

goddess of ducks May 12th, 2017 07:28 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by moonfang (Post 255935)

Onyx gave a laugh at his son's embrace, and gave him yet another lick to the side of his head. He listened as he talked about him playfighting and such, wondering if Ferox or his mother would play. He knew at heart Lilith wouldn't, and then he chuckled as he said he knew that he would play. He rose a paw up and pinned his son lightly down, chuckling again. "I suppose a battle wouldn't hurt would it?" he meowed, and then he rolled Cassius with the paw and placed it on his stomach. "Except I always win." he purred, and gave a loving gaze at his son. And then an idea popped in his head. And he embraced it, he held true to the thought, and he would make sure it would happen. Cassius will be the heir for the crown. The one who will wear the crown. He smiled down on his son and then stood up, only to crouch down to be at his level. "Well then, come on, let me see what you got!" he meowed playfully.

Cassius flailed his little fluffy limbs straight up, so they waved around the paw of his dad while he held him to the ground. He was giggling all the while. "Well, you haven't faced me!" He squeaked, pawing against his dad's leg, trying to break free. "I can beat you!" He mewed defiantly. He stopped pawing and let hi lombs ho beside him, and he rolled sideways, breaking free. He then jumped to his paws and leaped at the black tom. He braced his front oaws on his shoulder and reached up to bite his ear, tugging playfully on it.

monfang May 12th, 2017 08:12 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 255956)
Cassius flailed his little fluffy limbs straight up, so they waved around the paw of his dad while he held him to the ground. He was giggling all the while. "Well, you haven't faced me!" He squeaked, pawing against his dad's leg, trying to break free. "I can beat you!" He mewed defiantly. He stopped pawing and let hi lombs ho beside him, and he rolled sideways, breaking free. He then jumped to his paws and leaped at the black tom. He braced his front oaws on his shoulder and reached up to bite his ear, tugging playfully on it.

Onyx let Cassius tackle him, and he laughed as he did. He fell back dramatically, hitting the ground with a soft thud. "Oh no, he's got me!" he called, flailing his paws. "Please, king have mercy!" he called, knowing Cassius would love him calling him king. He knew Cassius always loved it when Onyx was addressed by as 'king'. Then he ceased the rapid movement and fell limp beneath the tom-kit on his chest. He let his head fall back with a 'bleh' and he held his breath. It looked really fake, no doubt, but he hoped it was enough to trick him, even for a second.
{sorry it's short, it's rushed}

goddess of ducks May 12th, 2017 03:53 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by moonfang (Post 255966)

Onyx let Cassius tackle him, and he laughed as he did. He fell back dramatically, hitting the ground with a soft thud. "Oh no, he's got me!" he called, flailing his paws. "Please, king have mercy!" he called, knowing Cassius would love him calling him king. He knew Cassius always loved it when Onyx was addressed by as 'king'. Then he ceased the rapid movement and fell limp beneath the tom-kit on his chest. He let his head fall back with a 'bleh' and he held his breath. It looked really fake, no doubt, but he hoped it was enough to trick him, even for a second.
{sorry it's short, it's rushed}

Cassius giggled. "I'm not the King Daddy, you are!" He squeaked in excitement. "I'm the Prince remember? But yknow," he mewed, quieter this time, in the ear that was right next his his head. "Prince's will beat the king one day." He whispered, kind of eerily. He then pounced on him, pushing down with his paws little gray paws. He bounced on him for a moment, laughing joyfully. "Dad? We're pals, right?" He asked, sliding down off his back. He nudged his way under his muzzle and into his paws. "And we'll always be pals, right?"

monfang May 12th, 2017 04:14 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 256179)
Cassius giggled. "I'm not the King Daddy, you are!" He squeaked in excitement. "I'm the Prince remember? But yknow," he mewed, quieter this time, in the ear that was right next his his head. "Prince's will beat the king one day." He whispered, kind of eerily. He then pounced on him, pushing down with his paws little gray paws. He bounced on him for a moment, laughing joyfully. "Dad? We're pals, right?" He asked, sliding down off his back. He nudged his way under his muzzle and into his paws. "And we'll always be pals, right?"

{ i sense *sniiiiiiffffff* lion king }
Onyx purred slightly and answered, "Right." He placed a paw over Cassius' back and groomed him gently, smiling as he did. "What big plans does this future king have?" he asked in between licks, his eyes content and loving and his purr smooth and deep, rolling in his chest louder with inhale, softer with exhale. He seemed like a good, clan-cat dad with deep love for his son, all was false except the love for his son. He was a wonderful father, despite what he did, and a wonderful teacher too. He knew that, Cassius, The False Prince, would take up the crown and become king someday. Become Commander. If it were up to Onyx, he'd only give the position to blood of the Commander. He'd make it to where there was no other way except for the superior of the kits that the Cassius, or Cassius' heir, or so on, would take the position of Commander. And be the true kings and queens of the Dusk Syndicate.

goddess of ducks May 12th, 2017 06:22 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by moonfang (Post 256196)

{ i sense *sniiiiiiffffff* lion king }
Onyx purred slightly and answered, "Right." He placed a paw over Cassius' back and groomed him gently, smiling as he did. "What big plans does this future king have?" he asked in between licks, his eyes content and loving and his purr smooth and deep, rolling in his chest louder with inhale, softer with exhale. He seemed like a good, clan-cat dad with deep love for his son, all was false except the love for his son. He was a wonderful father, despite what he did, and a wonderful teacher too. He knew that, Cassius, The False Prince, would take up the crown and become king someday. Become Commander. If it were up to Onyx, he'd only give the position to blood of the Commander. He'd make it to where there was no other way except for the superior of the kits that the Cassius, or Cassius' heir, or so on, would take the position of Commander. And be the true kings and queens of the Dusk Syndicate.

[haha yep! I watched that movie earlier today and realized how eerily Be Prepared related to the beginning of Singenight o-o ]

Cassius smiled. He loved being with his dad. He had heard several stories about how he had bravely fought off Skyclan cats when they invaded not too long ago. He had heard how he had made them pay for what they tried to do. Of course, not all the cats he heard stories from were telling them in Onyx's praise, but Cassius knew that his father was the best, which was why he was confused when cats sometimes called him the False King. Why wasn't he the real king? What about him made him False? Nothing about him seemed false, everything seemed so perfect about him. He had never had the thought that he had killed several cats, injured so many others. He just knew his Dad was loving, and caring, and perfect. "Future plans...." He remarked thoughtfully. "I want to be like you Dad! I want to be a fighter too! Then we can work together!" He rolled over, belly up to his dad as he swatted at the air playfully. "Then together we can teach those Skyclan cats a lesson!"

wickedvirtues May 14th, 2017 09:23 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
"Mom fought SkyClan!" Panther argued, Flame's fur was bristled. "She wouldn't let us help!" He spat at his sister, who hissed in annoyance.The two looked about ready to claw each others fur off until Lion stopped them.

"Calm down!" Lion interrupted, pushing her siblings away from each other. "What are you even fighting over?" Lion questioned, Panther snorted. "Just that Flame wanted to get himself KILLED fighting SkyClan with mom." She said, glaring at the red and white tom-kit. "I wouldn't get killed, SkyClan is weak!" He spat, glaring at the black Siberian cat. Lion sighed. "Mom got hurt fighting, and she's the strongest cat I know!" The ginger and white she-kit argued. Panther stood, flicked her tail, and walked off. Flame huffed, staring at his paws as Lion sighed.

monfang May 14th, 2017 05:30 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Nighty (Post 256288)
[haha yep! I watched that movie earlier today and realized how eerily Be Prepared related to the beginning of Singenight o-o ]

Cassius smiled. He loved being with his dad. He had heard several stories about how he had bravely fought off Skyclan cats when they invaded not too long ago. He had heard how he had made them pay for what they tried to do. Of course, not all the cats he heard stories from were telling them in Onyx's praise, but Cassius knew that his father was the best, which was why he was confused when cats sometimes called him the False King. Why wasn't he the real king? What about him made him False? Nothing about him seemed false, everything seemed so perfect about him. He had never had the thought that he had killed several cats, injured so many others. He just knew his Dad was loving, and caring, and perfect. "Future plans...." He remarked thoughtfully. "I want to be like you Dad! I want to be a fighter too! Then we can work together!" He rolled over, belly up to his dad as he swatted at the air playfully. "Then together we can teach those Skyclan cats a lesson!"

{ that's onyx's main theme song xD }
He listened, and he swelled with pride. His son was going to follow in his footsteps! He smiled menicingly, and he looked down on his son, pride beaming from his eyes. "That's my boy!" he laughed, placing a paw on Cassius' head. "In my opinion, you don't need to be a fighter, you deserve to be a guard." he said. "They protect the commander, and in the end, they become the commander themselves, if the cards are played right." he said, his icy hues beaming. "You and I, Cassius. We will rule this place, and we, together, will show them who the true kings are. And SkyClan won't stand a chance!" he meowed, and then he lowered his head down to whisper in his ear. "Cassius, do me a favor, don't this conversation tell your mother." he whispered, and then continued. "And, between you and I, I am proud you are my son. No other of my kits have been this ready, in fact, most of them have hated my crown." he said, and he thought of Pompeii. He felt some anger in him, how she seemed to hate him. He blamed Lilith. Filling his first litter with lies and false accusations. But now, Ferox, Cassius, and soon Mae (once he got her back), were going to know the truth.

"Now, Cassius, I can't wait for your ceremony, when you get a trainer." he said proudly. "I hope you get one of the best fighters, if not a guard." he said, his icy pits beaming. He was more than ready for Cassius' trainee ceremony. In fact, he hoped it would be soon. Very soon. The sooner the better, for even the most royal must train, so they can be the most strong. He smiled down on him. He was proud. He found the true heir to the crown. Kovu was never fit for king.

{ oml i had an idea; what if, when cassius and onyx are possibly planning an attack on skyclan, during the battle, cassius suddenly attacks onyx and repeats the 'prince's will beat the king one day' thing and then he kills him }

goddess of ducks May 15th, 2017 10:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by moonfang (Post 258414)

{ that's onyx's main theme song xD }
He listened, and he swelled with pride. His son was going to follow in his footsteps! He smiled menicingly, and he looked down on his son, pride beaming from his eyes. "That's my boy!" he laughed, placing a paw on Cassius' head. "In my opinion, you don't need to be a fighter, you deserve to be a guard." he said. "They protect the commander, and in the end, they become the commander themselves, if the cards are played right." he said, his icy hues beaming. "You and I, Cassius. We will rule this place, and we, together, will show them who the true kings are. And SkyClan won't stand a chance!" he meowed, and then he lowered his head down to whisper in his ear. "Cassius, do me a favor, don't this conversation tell your mother." he whispered, and then continued. "And, between you and I, I am proud you are my son. No other of my kits have been this ready, in fact, most of them have hated my crown." he said, and he thought of Pompeii. He felt some anger in him, how she seemed to hate him. He blamed Lilith. Filling his first litter with lies and false accusations. But now, Ferox, Cassius, and soon Mae (once he got her back), were going to know the truth.

"Now, Cassius, I can't wait for your ceremony, when you get a trainer." he said proudly. "I hope you get one of the best fighters, if not a guard." he said, his icy pits beaming. He was more than ready for Cassius' trainee ceremony. In fact, he hoped it would be soon. Very soon. The sooner the better, for even the most royal must train, so they can be the most strong. He smiled down on him. He was proud. He found the true heir to the crown. Kovu was never fit for king.

{ oml i had an idea; what if, when cassius and onyx are possibly planning an attack on skyclan, during the battle, cassius suddenly attacks onyx and repeats the 'prince's will beat the king one day' thing and then he kills him }

[oml wut no he would never murder his daddy. onyx is like, his idol but that would be freakin hilarious if it did happen]

Cassius smiled broadly up at his father. He felt his ears fold down as his fathers paw landed roughly on his head. He sagged a little under its weight, but stayed upright none the less. "A guard! Whoa! Are you a guard Dad?" He asked eagerly. He liked the idea of him and Onyx ruling the Syndicate, like a father son thing. It sounded like a good idea. He was though, a little confused about why he shouldn't tell his mother about the conversation. He thought that she loved Onyx and him too. If she loved him, shouldn't she understand? But he would be obidient, obeying everything Onyx told him, because he wanted to be the little Prince, he wanted to be right there beside his father.

"My ceremony?!" He exclaimed, excited. He too couldn't wait for it. "Could you be my Trainer Dad? Or is that against the rules. 'Cause I want you to train me, because your the best cat here!" He purred, swatting Onyxs paw off and burying his fluffy head into Onyxs chest.

wickedvirtues June 1st, 2017 07:19 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery
Obsidian licked Mirage's head, giving a soft purr. "Good luck with training." She purred to the four moon old kit, who nodded and burst out of the nursery.
Obsidian left the nursery, returning to the hunters den.

Zero June 14th, 2017 10:45 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Ferox stirred silently in his nest, a small bit of light sitting in just the right spot of his face to be able to rouse the young kitten from sleep. He was blinded momentarily as he opened his eyes, but the moment passed quickly once he sat up away from the brightness. The voices of his brother Cassius and his father drew his attention, and he turned slightly to watch the two for a moment. If he was a bit older, the interaction he saw maybe would've made him a bit jealous, but to his eyes now if was nothing out of the ordinary. The two toms, Cassius and Onyx, were always together and Ferox was always off to the side, the less important son. His jaws parted in a huge yawn, and the fluffy kitten turned away from the scene; boredom in his gaze.

Vesper June 14th, 2017 10:58 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 288683)

Ferox stirred silently in his nest, a small bit of light sitting in just the right spot of his face to be able to rouse the young kitten from sleep. He was blinded momentarily as he opened his eyes, but the moment passed quickly once he sat up away from the brightness. The voices of his brother Cassius and his father drew his attention, and he turned slightly to watch the two for a moment. If he was a bit older, the interaction he saw maybe would've made him a bit jealous, but to his eyes now if was nothing out of the ordinary. The two toms, Cassius and Onyx, were always together and Ferox was always off to the side, the less important son. His jaws parted in a huge yawn, and the fluffy kitten turned away from the scene; boredom in his gaze.

Hawk looked at the tom with hope in her eyes. My first friend!She got up and stumbled. She tripped over a rock and rolled into Ferox. She rubbed her bleeding nose.
(Is it OK if I join?)

wickedvirtues June 14th, 2017 11:00 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Nursery

Originally Posted by Zero to Hero (Post 288683)

Ferox stirred silently in his nest, a small bit of light sitting in just the right spot of his face to be able to rouse the young kitten from sleep. He was blinded momentarily as he opened his eyes, but the moment passed quickly once he sat up away from the brightness. The voices of his brother Cassius and his father drew his attention, and he turned slightly to watch the two for a moment. If he was a bit older, the interaction he saw maybe would've made him a bit jealous, but to his eyes now if was nothing out of the ordinary. The two toms, Cassius and Onyx, were always together and Ferox was always off to the side, the less important son. His jaws parted in a huge yawn, and the fluffy kitten turned away from the scene; boredom in his gaze.

Mirage squirmed in her nest, her dreams filled with darkness as she stirred. She opened her eyes, her tail curling around her as she winced. She gazed at the light in the den, blinking as her eyes stung. Mirage sat up, licking the moss out of her pelt and ruffling it. Rubbing her face with her paw, her jaws gaped in a yawn. Standing to her paws and stretching her stiff muscles, she glanced around the Nursery.

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