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Frozen Reign February 15th, 2021 07:24 AM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
Ruby watched surprised. After he was done with the demonstration, she mewed," I guess I always thought every cat had housefolk." She tried do replicate the movements that pit did, crouching, keeping her tail very low to the ground, and trying to keep her weight on her back paws.
( She's not doing it right) @gs29513

gs29513 February 15th, 2021 08:18 AM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
Definitely kittypet. There's a big world out there, away from the twolegs. Pit mewed, his tail flicking as he watched her attempt. It wasn't bad for a kittypets first try, but it wasn't going to catch any mice either. Your tail is good, but you're putting to much weight on you back end. he mewed, walking towards her side to get a better look. You're going to have a hard time doing anything but pouncing, try and get your weight a bit more balanced, and then walk around. If she moved he could get an idea of major problems with her position easier. @Ella_heart

Frozen Reign February 15th, 2021 09:13 AM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
Ruby's eye's widened a little bit. a bigger world? what other kinds of cats were there?
"do you know any other cats with no housefolk?" she asked, as she adjusted her position. she put more weight on her front paws, but not a lot. then she tried walking forward in the same position. she clenched her teeth with the effort of moving.
(still not doing it right. ) @gs29513

gs29513 February 15th, 2021 11:10 AM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
Oh, I know a LOT of other cats with no twolegs. Pit purred, watching as she attempted to modify her position. She still didn't have quite enough weight on her front paws, and her strained motion made it all the more clear, so he parked that for a bit later. I have a mate, a few friends, we live in a place with a LOT of cats. he mewed. And now to fix her crouch. You need to put a bit more of your weight on your front paws. Just.......keep adding a bit more till you can walk easily. he suggested, hoping that would get her to a reasonable solution. @Ella_heart

Frozen Reign February 16th, 2021 07:24 AM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
Ruby tried it. walking became a little more easier. she felt she had it now.
"thanks!" she mewed. she thought over what else he had said.
"Lots of cats? there are lots of cat with no housefolk?" she mewed with disbelief. all this time she had thought all cats had housefolk, but pit was saying there were lots of cats without housefolk.
"I wonder what it would be like to live with no housefolk..." she mewed aloud, unaware that she was doing so. @gs29513

gs29513 February 16th, 2021 03:10 PM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
That's much better! Pit purred, before moving to the question. How this cat hadn't realized this.......how much had her twolegs kept her locked up? Had she never been outside and seen a loner? Loads of cats. There are at least 20 where I am. Pit mewed, although it was just a rough estimate. Probably more when he thought about it. Her mumble was perfect. It was as if it was predetermined, though he didn't believe in Starclan or anything. You can come and find out if you'd like. Visit, see if you like it. Maybe you'll like it better without housefolk. he added hopefully. @Ella_heart

Frozen Reign February 16th, 2021 04:33 PM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
@gs29513 [IDK, I guess Ruby is very interested]
Ruby Blinked, then glanced anxiously at her housefolk. would they allow her too? she shook the thought away. it didn't matter what her housefolk thought! she was her own, and housefolk couldn't boss her around!
she hesitated, then mewed, "alright. I'll come and visit." Maybe then I'll decided whether or not I want to stay with my housefolk. that last part she added silently. pit had awoken a new form of curiosity and defiance in her, and she was determined to see that she understood where she wanted to live.

gs29513 February 16th, 2021 08:12 PM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
She was considering it, Pit could tell, her eyes were flitting back and forth and back and forth from him to the twolegs. She did agree though. She might be a good cat, he hoped so, but he couldn’t be sure. That will be wonderful. he purred, before turning himself around in the direction of home. It’s this way if you want to go. he added, taking a few steps before looking back at Ruby. (I’m going to hold off on posting there, I have three of him running around already) @Ella_heart

BEAR. February 17th, 2021 12:36 AM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley
Lionstorm's ears twitched when a stranger approached, but he didn't mind his presence when the tom wasn't immediately hostile. "Who wouldn't be?" He returned, moving back once the other tom starting feeling the engravings up. Yeah, Lionstorm wasn't that interested in them - they were just strange looking. "We don't have stones like these in the forest."

The area reeked of Twolegs, so he figured they had something to do with it. He supposed it was confirmed when the Weirdo showed up. Lionstorm had met his fair share of characters, and he never cared for the ones who acted like there was something wrong with them. "Noted," he muttered, not sure why the cat bothered bringing up hunting when he clearly wasn't here for that. Lionstorm didn't care about the stinky prey of the city, he preferred the fresh quarries in the forest. They weren't tainted by the Thunderpaths, the monster fumes that burned throats.

Judging by the Clan name he uttered, the cat was cozy with someone from another Clan. Great. Lionstorm wasn't about to get mixed up in some ex-lover's quarrel. He was bored, but not that bored.

Back to the handsome black tom, Lionstorm perked his ears. Though examining the rocks with his paws was a little odd, Lionstorm liked the impression he had of this cat more than the other one. He usually had a good judge of character, it's part of how he got so far as leader. "I wasn't expecting cats to be out here, it's a little off the path for most Twolegplace inhabitants."

[ @D a s h, @Cobra ]

iliri February 17th, 2021 09:30 AM

Re: Reaching Stones Valley

Originally Posted by BILL. (Post 925031)
Lionstorm's ears twitched when a stranger approached, but he didn't mind his presence when the tom wasn't immediately hostile. "Who wouldn't be?" He returned, moving back once the other tom starting feeling the engravings up. Yeah, Lionstorm wasn't that interested in them - they were just strange looking. "We don't have stones like these in the forest."

The area reeked of Twolegs, so he figured they had something to do with it. He supposed it was confirmed when the Weirdo showed up. Lionstorm had met his fair share of characters, and he never cared for the ones who acted like there was something wrong with them. "Noted," he muttered, not sure why the cat bothered bringing up hunting when he clearly wasn't here for that. Lionstorm didn't care about the stinky prey of the city, he preferred the fresh quarries in the forest. They weren't tainted by the Thunderpaths, the monster fumes that burned throats.

Judging by the Clan name he uttered, the cat was cozy with someone from another Clan. Great. Lionstorm wasn't about to get mixed up in some ex-lover's quarrel. He was bored, but not that bored.

Back to the handsome black tom, Lionstorm perked his ears. Though examining the rocks with his paws was a little odd, Lionstorm liked the impression he had of this cat more than the other one. He usually had a good judge of character, it's part of how he got so far as leader. "I wasn't expecting cats to be out here, it's a little off the path for most Twolegplace inhabitants."

[ @D a s h, @Cobra ]

"Well, certain cats come here every so often to visit the Twolegs while they grieve." he purred with a slight flick of his tail. He liked the tone the other tom had, while the other cat gave him some odd feel he didn't know how to describe. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" his bright yellow gaze trailed over to the golden feline, curiosity entering him rather quickly.

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