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Ragwort May 16th, 2024 10:15 AM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Epiales (Post 1591530)

|she/he|light orange and cream cat with green eyes|purrks: N/A| 5 moons| selectively mute|
"speak the truth, even if your voice shakes"

Vixen tilted his head at the kit in question before flicking his tail to the entrance, did she want to go out? She would help the kit out if she wanted to. He walked a bit forward with the kit, who, although was getting the hang of walking, still wobbled a bit. She kept near, making sure the kit didn't trip or hurt themselves. Eventually, Vixen bent down to pick the small kit up and brought her to the edge of the nursery entrance before gently letting her down and nudging her forward slightly. Vixen let out a slight cough before talking, just slightly, "go... out?" she asked, her voice quiet but hoarse from lack of use. He barely spoke but this kit was confused and there was no way of explaining it to the kit otherwise.


Originally Posted by Realm (Post 1591534)
Brightheart stays close by in case they need help but understands Vixenpaw when she speaks, asking if the kit wants to go outside.

purekit popped her head out of the entrance in curiousity but quickly pulled back. Bright! very bright! what was that brightness? she rubbed her eyes with one of her tiny paws, giggling in amusement before toddling out the entrance, tripping a little on the way

MoonKit_20 May 16th, 2024 04:09 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery
Moonkit had just been found outside of the camp and brought into the nursery as an abandoned kit. she wasn't sure what to do so she curled up in a nest that looked free and tried not to think about being in an entirely new home.

Kacey! May 16th, 2024 04:31 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

“Hm,” Amberwhisker thought. “How about we play mossball?” The queen flicked her tail to a little bundle of moss at the edge of the clearinh. “After we finish this mouse, of course.” She took a bite of the little rodent, and then nudged it toward Dawnkit.

AriaTheFiremaiden May 16th, 2024 05:13 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery
She managed a few more bites of mouse, but soon eagerness overcame Dawnkit and she ran towards the moss pile. There was a nice round one right there, maybe she'd just bat at it for a second before Amberwhisker came over...
(You can decide how this goes)

Moon Cherry May 17th, 2024 10:33 AM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery
The owl curled up near her mother's belly and quickly fell asleep. She dreamed that she was in some forest and chasing a beautiful butterfly. Soon, the prey appeared under her paws and the Owl screamed with a victory cry. Apparently, she woke someone up, because someone pushed her hard and shushed her.

Omari May 17th, 2024 02:54 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Things had been so different lately. Everything just seemed… Different. She felt distant and misplaced. Nonetheless, she had a job… And she intended to follow through with it to the best of her ability. Her white paws barely lifted off of the ground as she walked, partially dragging through the dirt as she peeked into the nursery.

“Coming to check in on everyone…” She called out quietly, green eyes blinking to adjust to the change of lighting within the nursery.

[ open to any bumbling babies orrrr queens ]

Weekend-Wondering May 17th, 2024 05:51 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery
Male / 3 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a wide scar across the bottom half of his face

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?


Rosekit felt the waking world begin to drag him out of sleep, but he refused to open his eyes. It had been such a peaceful sleep… why must it end now, right when his dreams were getting to enjoyable? He shut his eyes as tightly as he could in a desperate attempt to drift back off into sleep, but his consciousness was already coming back too quickly to be stopped. He felt a twist of annoyance clench his stomach, and miserable, the russet kit opened his eyes. His vision began to clear, and once he could make out the setting of the nursery without it being a simple messy blur of various colors, his tired stare snapped into a glare. Ah, stars dang it- He thought, clawing at the moss in irritation. I’ve always got myself waaay too much energy to sleep. I hate being a stupid kit, nothing feels right!

Of course, this wasn’t the first time reality had yanked Rosekit violently out of a comfortable sleep, so he was used to it, and he got over the majority of his sorrow quickly as he slumped up into all fours. Shaking stray bits off moss from his tabby pelt, Rosekit blinked the final bits of sleep from his gaze, preparing to leave the nursery and go off on his daily walk around the ThunderClan camp. Fine, fine- life hates me, but so what? Once I’m an apprentice, I’m sure I’ll manage as much sleep as I want- or hey, better yet- I’ll have so much awesome work to do that I won’t even need sleep! Ah, what a wonderful life…

The tom-kit stepped out and way from his nest, taking a long look around the nursery. Naturally there was nothing new going on- just queens and kits living their lives, sitting around in the stillness of the nursery. Rosekit, somehow both
accepting and utterly disappointing in the normality of the nursery, took a deep breath. Hey, looking on the brightest side in this boring darkness… Rosekit started to think, turning his attention to the nursery entrance. There’s always the option to stomp on some innocent queen’s tail and get screamed at. That’s always pretty interesting.

Fortunately, something distracted the little tom before he found the chance to send his paw crashing down on any innocent queens’ tails, noticing a familiar shape peek into the kit-crowded den. With puzzled amber eyes, Rosekit squinted at it, eventually recognizing it as the face of one of ThunderClan’s medicine cats, Drizzlecloud. Once he properly identified the she-cat, Rosekit’s confusion disappeared, and he returned to his usual bored state. Oh. Just the Plant Extremist, He told himself. I guess she’s actually got places to be and things to do, unlike us extra mouths, running around and tumbling over our parents’ tails and paws. No fair, honestly…

When Drizzlecloud quietly called out that she was simply coming to check in on the nursery, Rosekit gave into his boredom. Why not talk to one of ThunderClan’s goddesses of herbs? He winded back and forth through the nursery, dodging kits and queens until he reached the area in front of the medicine cat, preparing some questions and queries as he walked. What was a conversation without a foundation? And of course, he couldn’t just go up and argue with the medicine cat like he was Clan leader… no, she was too important for that. Although he didn’t like to admit it, Rosekit was too frightened of Drizzlecloud’s position and authoritative position to misbehave in the way he did the rest of his clanmates. Once he reached her, he grunted and tried to make eye contact.

Oh- well, hello, ma’am. It’s Rosekit- I have a question!” His voice was unusually high-pitched when he spoke to her- Rosekit had noticed it doing that whenever he tried to speak to warriors and other adults lately. It made him feel small and awkward, but he shook the thought from his head and moved on, getting to his very, very necessary question. “So, like- I’ve been thinkin’ lately, thinkin’ about leaves!” Conveniently and stupidly, Rosekit lost his train of words right there at ‘thinkin’ about leaves’ and staring up at the medicine cat awkwardly, silently begging the question to come back to him. After a painful moment of silence, it returned, and he asked away without hesitation. “Well- I mean- herbs. I’ve been thinkin’ about some herbs, that’s better. I’ve got a question. Uh- what’s the nastiest herb? Like, what tastes the worst, right? I thought maybe you’d know, being the Plant Extre- sorry- Medicine Cat and all.

The truth was, Rosekit had not been thinkin’ about leaves- or herbs, for that matter- at all recently. It just felt like a good conversation starter to him. So he stood there proudly, completely forgetting about his mildly awkward mistake, waiting for the answer he barely cared to hear. He was sure that if he could get on the most important cats’ good sides, he’d be just fine bothering everybody else whenever he felt like it. This, of course, was quite inaccurate, but Rosekit was feeling to happy with his strange question to care. So instead, he waited in silence, hoping that his sarcasm wouldn’t break out of him and ruin the medicine cat’s first impression of him as a character. It was back to waiting, the activity he suffered on the daily.


// Throwing in Rosekit here- it’s a miracle he isn’t throwing his overconfidence at somebody’s face at the moment, so I’ll give him credit for that. \\

AriaTheFiremaiden May 17th, 2024 07:52 PM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Omari (Post 1592175)

Things had been so different lately. Everything just seemed… Different. She felt distant and misplaced. Nonetheless, she had a job… And she intended to follow through with it to the best of her ability. Her white paws barely lifted off of the ground as she walked, partially dragging through the dirt as she peeked into the nursery.

“Coming to check in on everyone…” She called out quietly, green eyes blinking to adjust to the change of lighting within the nursery.

[ open to any bumbling babies orrrr queens ]

Dawnkit padded over, curiously looking at the new cat. She hadn't seen this lady before, and she thought she'd checked out most of the nursery! There was another kit talking to her too, one Dawnkit thought she'd seen before. The new cat seemed sad for some reason, but nobody should be sad here... Dawnkit had to fix this.
"Hello," she mewed slowly. "Who is you?"

Snivellus May 18th, 2024 10:52 AM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Birchkit yawned and opened her glowing copper eyes. She feebly stood up, her thin limbs shaking. The mute she stared around her, looking for someone to play with.


Moon Cherry May 18th, 2024 10:54 AM

Re: ThunderClan Nursery
Owl / 4 moons / Position: kit.

The kitty was playing with a ball made of moss. The owl threw him up and tried to catch him in the air. So she threw it up and kicked, but the ball had already fallen, and the kitty landed awkwardly. She didn't give up. She tossed the moss ball over and over again. So she threw it high, high, as it seemed to her: "To heaven! ". The owl jumped and died... The moss ball was in her paws! She let out a triumphant squeal. "After this, you need to rest! " The Owl thought and fell asleep.

I'm looking for someone to play RP with!

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