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-   -   Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER] (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7639)

wren July 23rd, 2017 05:19 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
If you have previously applied do you have the chance to terminate previous tryout and recreate another?

BEAR. July 23rd, 2017 06:16 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Wyldfire (Post 330026)
If you have previously applied do you have the chance to terminate previous tryout and recreate another?

If you want to do that, that should be fine!

wren July 23rd, 2017 06:29 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 330077)

If you want to do that, that should be fine!

Thanks lunacross

wren July 23rd, 2017 07:01 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

| Kit | Paw | Foot |
48 Moons | translated into 4 years
| She cat | Her | She | Girl |
Role: [ Specify relations ]
| Tinyfuzz's mother | Biological |
Maine coon - Norwegian forest cat
| Hybrid | Golden and white | Long fur | Shorter than normal |
[ Articulate ]
Can speak quite well and often times is never lost for words.
Can express what she's thinking with little to no problems.
[ Humble ]
Shows modest and low estimate in her own worth in every
Sort of wrong way. Puts herself bellow others at all times.
[ Incisive ]
Analytical in thinking. Is able to process her thoughts Quite
clearly. Is very certain on intensions and ideas. Mentally clear
[ Incorruptible ]
Not susceptible to false truths and will stand strong in beliefs
And ideas. Is not a follower but tends to appear more a leader.
[ Principled ]
Can choose right and wrong for herself and gives no flying flips
About anyone else's sense of morality. Relates to her virtuous side.
[ Magnanimoua ]
Very generous and forgiving. Pity's those below her and often
Has tendancys to forgive enemies or those she isn't fond of.
[ Leaderly ]
Takes charge of situations and is able to influence the choices
Of others around her. Will often appear quite bossy and crude.
[ Motherly ]
Cotton was born to be a mother. She often tends to baby others
With much coddling and finds herself getting quite clingy with others.
[ Hot headed ]
She is easy to anger and her patience falls short quite quickly
And this leads to others avoiding all chances to clash heads.
[ Un trusting ]
Takes time for her to get comfortable with others and settle into A trusting
bond and relationship. Will gradually let on more trusting properties.
[ Easy going ]
Without the strains of the world bearing on her shoulders she will settle
Into an easygoing state of mind where almost nothing bothers her.
[ Humorous ]
She will find humour in the small things and can enjoy a good laugh
If given the opportunity. Only shows her goofy side with close family.
[ Withdrawn ]
She likes to leave herself out of the spotlight and enjoys just watching
From the sidelines. She isn't very talkative rather observant and silent.

Other information:
Is there the possibility Cottonfoot could have originally been a
loner/Kittypet/Rouge and decided she wanted to join the clans?
I understand if you don't want that for Tinyfuzz's heritage but
If so I suppose Cotton would have never told Tinyfuzz or the
Rest of the litter but when tinyfuzz met Peachfuzz she was too
Afraid to tell the rest of her kids in fear of being shunned or looked
Down on. Supports LGBTQ community.

BEAR. July 24th, 2017 08:52 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 303787)
(i'm applying two even though i know if i'm chosen only one is accepted - but i didn't know which to apply... i do prefer the first form but either way :3)

Name- Dustykit | Dustypaw | Dustycloud
[Dusty- for his brown fur | Cloud- for his soft and fluffy fur]
Age- 24 moons / 45 moons (if not accepted as younger)
Gender- Male
Role- Peachfuzz's Sibling
Appearance- [ ref ] [ ref ]
Similar to his name, Dusty has a base coat that is a dusty brown shade. Covering his pelt are thin black stripes. These stripes go over his flank, legs, paws, chest, and on his face - though his tail is only ringed towards the end and finishes with a black tail-tip. His maw, chest, underbelly and inner-legs are a very pale brown, almost a cream color. His eyes are a lighter brown shade with a hint of yellow at the bottom. His fur is very soft - hence his suffix - and fluffy fur as well, like many main coons. Although he is a main coon and could be considered larger when compared to many breeds of cats, he isn't as big or muscular as most main coons.
Personality- Closeted | Self-Conscious | Determined | Faithful | Confused / Conflicted | Kinder | Friendlier
Growing up in a traditional family had greatly influenced by them. He looks up to his family and is determined to make them proud of him and become a great warrior. He formed a prejudice towards many different groups. He found that only if you were gender and sexuality, non-full-blooded clan cats, cats that are not apart of his clan, and cats that do not dedicate themselves to Starclan fully then you could not be loyal to Starclan at all and were in line with the Dark Forest. He would shun and not acknowledge cats that fell into these groups as he believes that they would corrupt him and that would lead him to betray Starclan. Despite these harsh judgmental beliefs, Dusty was actually a kind tom and would befriend anyone who was a part of the 'pure group'. He could be talkative though usually would only say things that he knows his family would approve of.
Though when he was an apprentice, this tom began to question his own sexuality. He found another tom to be attractive and at first did not realize that he was forming a crush. When he became a warrior he realized that he was in fact homosexual and feared being dis-owned by his own family. This leads him to lock himself up in the closet, and due to this be becomes more self-conscious and fears that anything he does will tip them off. He still tries to be friendly and kind towards his clan-mates as he used to be, but at the same time is even more careful about what he says and does so that no one finds out. In an attempt to keep his sexuality hidden, Dusty tends to try even harder to say what he believes his family would want to be, and becomes harsher to cats that they are against - though in secret he would be kind towards a tom that he liked, especially if it seems that they like him back.
Additional Information-
- Is a closet homosexual
- If accepted as younger brother then maybe he looks up to Peachfuzz - his older brother - and wishes to become like him, sharing the same beliefs .
Though when he becomes an apprentice he begins to start questioning his sexuality. This leads him to realize when he's a warrior that he is gay, but in fear of disappoint his brother he remains in the closet?


Originally Posted by CandyFlossCat (Post 303886)
Name: Brackenleaf
Age: Around the age of Peachfuzz
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): Peachfuzz's sister
Appearance: http://home.total.net/~grandmc/images/Socks1.jpg
Personality: Brackenleaf is timid and shy, and hates that their brother thinks of them as 'inferior' to toms. They can't bring themself to confront him about it, but they wish they could. They refuse to be coddled and in a nursery producing kits instead of helping their Clan out on the battle field. Though they pretends to agree with him, and sneak out of the nursery at times when they aren't being watched .They has been in battles before and refuse to stop.
Additional Information: Closet non-binary.


Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 303935)
|| Name ||
|| Age ||
34 Moons (45 if younger is not preferred)
|| Gender ||
|| Role ||
Peachfuzz || Sister
|| Appearance ||
Reference Picture
Breed: Maine Coon
Fur Colors: Grey, black, white
Special Markings: Swirls of white and grey cover Echoskip's black fur.
Fur Texture: Smooth and soft
Complete Description: Echoskip is a large cat in terms of height. She is a black coated cat with swirls and stripes of grey and white, her black coat fading from black to a light grey on her head. Her fur is well groomed, silky and soft despite the harsh conditions. Strong and large, Echoskip is more suited for fighting rather than hunting, making up for lost speed with strength.
|| Personality ||
Echoskip is not a shy cat, rather boisterous and loud. She strongly disagrees with her family's views on how clan-life should be, but keeps quiet about it in fear that her family will disown her. Argumentative and stubborn, Echoskip is more likely to join in a heated argument rather than avoiding it like most cats. Echoskip speaks her mind the majority of the time, only keeping quiet when her family is around.
|| Additional Information ||
Echoskip is lesbian, but keeps it secret from her family.


Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 304756)
Name: Forestkit- Forestpaw -Forestfur
Age: 27 moons
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): Peachfuzz's younger sibling
Appearance: Forestfur is quite the startling young she-cat. Her face is striking with high cheek-bones laid bellow her bright amber eyes. Her fur is long and fluffy, with colors of brown, white, and black mixing in it. On her back, it is a brindle of black and a light brown, leading down her back to a darker brown, which laces her tail and hind-legs. Forestfur's fore-paws are a white only to her elbows, which turns to a light brown.
Personality: Forestfur is quite a defiant she-cat; the family rules only seem like a whisper in the trees, and they don't matter. The Maine Coone had always been different from most of her family, as she thought that being different didn't always mean you were angering StarClan. Though Forestfur disregards most of the rules that her parents had set for her, she holds their belief in StarClan, of course in a different manner. She believes that their ancestors would always love them no matter what sex they were attracted to.
Forestfur makes her opinion blatant, but never confesses her attraction to she-cats. She knows that if she were to say something of her love, she would be condemned. Though she hates the views that her family has, she loves them like any cat would, and knows that they would disown her, as they already look down upon her.
Though sometimes a bit standoffish, Forestfur is a very warm she-cat once she knows someone better. And as soon as someone were to break that shell of hers, they would find Forestfur is very protective of her clan, and of course her family. Forestfur is also quite the friendly cat, always trying to start up conversations, even if it's out of the blue. The warrior is quite a lovely one, though you wouldn't want to meet her in battle.
Though when talking to her peers, she may seem as harmless as a fly-- and sometimes annoying as one too-- but in battle, she is ferocious and brave. Forestfur takes the promise she made at the beginning of her warriorship seriously, always ready to put her life on the line for her clan. Saying that, Forestfur is as loyal as she is ferocious; thinking of betraying her clan makes her sick.
Forestfur is a sweet she-cat, though she possesses a different viewpoint from her family. She is always eager to help her clan, and will always follow the warrior code.
Additional Information: Forestfur is closeted, though she shares her views openly.
Forestfur trusts Peachfuzz, though they share different views, and may sometimes confide in him.


Originally Posted by Little Bird (Post 308194)

Name: Mudtuft
Mud- his brown fur
Tuft- his fluffy head fur/tufts
Age: 45 moons
Gender: Male
Role (please specify who they're related to): Peachfuzz's brother
Ref || Ref || Ref || Ref
||Base Coat|| Brown/Tan
||Under coat|| Cream/White/Tan
||Eye color|| Amber
||Fur length|| Long
||Tail length|| Long
||Markings|| Maine Coon, splotches
||Height|| Short
Mudtuft is more on the short side. His legs are short and stocky, making it hard for him to walk at times. However, he manages. He doesn't walk like a normal cat, and it looks awkward, but it works for him. His back and flanks have a really cool design. His back has a mud brown color, as well as his flanks. But on his flanks there are petal shaped patches/splotches all over. The muddy brown continues onto the top of his tail, while the bottom of his tail is tan. His legs are creamy chocolate brown and muddy. His chest is white, and the white carries on to his muzzle. His face is surrounded by fluff. Mudtuft's face has tabby/Maine Coon stripes on it. He has amber eyes.
[-Traditional||+Loyal ||-Rude||-Self-centered||=Fierce]
Mudtuft strongly believes that Homosexuals poison the clan. How are they supposed to produce offsprings? They couldn't. "Starclan want's the clans to live, they don't want us to die because homosexual's can't produce kits!" is what he says. He thinks that non-hetero couples are worse than rouges, loners, kittypets, and the other clans put together! He also feels strongly that she-cats should be queens, or hunters, and shouldn't fight. He takes pride in everything he does, but fails to complement other cats. He is fierce, and isn't afraid to kill.
Additional Information: N/A

Accepting all of these as Peachfuzz's siblings!

As the fourth litter, they will have to be 24 moons old. It'd be nice if somewhere in the future, one or more of the LGBTQ+ siblings could be outed for not being hetero/cis, so the family could regard this litter to be the "abomination" litter-- it would lead to some family conflict!

If you are going to create finders for these characters, please label the thread [FUZZ] in order to be added to the finder section. Post the link in this thread so it can be listed in the original post. Examples are here and here.

Additionally (and this applies to all members of the Fuzz Family), please notify me by posting in this thread or the discord with any additions to the family. This includes mates, kits, in-laws, etc., with a link to the roleplayer's account, so I can update the family tree accordingly.
next time y'all are getting a mention because i know there are undocumented family members out there

To make things a bit easier on me, please use this form when letting us know who's being added to the family:

Your character:
Character name:
Character gender:
Character's relation to your character (mate, kits, sibling-in-law, etc.):
Link to roleplayer's account:

Welcome to the family! I'll update the google doc and family tree in a moment.

All of Peachfuzz's roles are closed.

We are still looking for Tinyfuzz's parents, if anyone is interested in applying for them!

red_inactive July 24th, 2017 08:56 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 331234)

Accepting all of these as Peachfuzz's siblings!

As the fourth litter, they will have to be 24 moons old. It'd be nice if somewhere in the future, one or more of the LGBTQ+ siblings could be outed for not being hetero/cis, so the family could regard this litter to be the "abomination" litter-- it would lead to some family conflict!

If you are going to create finders for these characters, please label the thread [FUZZ] in order to be added to the finder section. Post the link in this thread so it can be listed in the original post. Examples are here and here.

Additionally (and this applies to all members of the Fuzz Family), please notify me by posting in this thread or the discord with any additions to the family. This includes mates, kits, in-laws, etc., with a link to the roleplayer's account, so I can update the family tree accordingly.
next time y'all are getting a mention because i know there are undocumented family members out there

To make things a bit easier on me, please use this form when letting us know who's being added to the family:

Your character:
Character name:
Character gender:
Character's relation to your character (mate, kits, sibling-in-law, etc.):
Link to roleplayer's account:

Welcome to the family! I'll update the google doc and family tree in a moment.

All of Peachfuzz's roles are closed.

We are still looking for Tinyfuzz's parents, if anyone is interested in applying for them!

Thank you! I'll offer Echoskip up to be outed, although it will be awhile before she works up the courage to yell at her family for their views and confess her sexuality.

Hexict July 24th, 2017 09:01 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 331234)

Accepting all of these as Peachfuzz's siblings!

We are still looking for Tinyfuzz's parents, if anyone is interested in applying for them!

Thanks you! I'll post his page whenever I get it done~

i already applied for Tiny's father, but idk if my chances have now lessened...

wickedvirtues July 24th, 2017 09:03 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 331234)

Accepting all of these as Peachfuzz's siblings!

As the fourth litter, they will have to be 24 moons old. It'd be nice if somewhere in the future, one or more of the LGBTQ+ siblings could be outed for not being hetero/cis, so the family could regard this litter to be the "abomination" litter-- it would lead to some family conflict!

If you are going to create finders for these characters, please label the thread [FUZZ] in order to be added to the finder section. Post the link in this thread so it can be listed in the original post. Examples are here and here.

Additionally (and this applies to all members of the Fuzz Family), please notify me by posting in this thread or the discord with any additions to the family. This includes mates, kits, in-laws, etc., with a link to the roleplayer's account, so I can update the family tree accordingly.
next time y'all are getting a mention because i know there are undocumented family members out there

To make things a bit easier on me, please use this form when letting us know who's being added to the family:

Your character:
Character name:
Character gender:
Character's relation to your character (mate, kits, sibling-in-law, etc.):
Link to roleplayer's account:

Welcome to the family! I'll update the google doc and family tree in a moment.

All of Peachfuzz's roles are closed.

We are still looking for Tinyfuzz's parents, if anyone is interested in applying for them!

Thank you! Should probably go write down Bracken's info :3

Hexict July 24th, 2017 09:33 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Dustycloud's page

Dustycloud's & Stripedpelt's finder

red_inactive July 24th, 2017 09:48 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Echoskip's Finder

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