View Full Version : Why Hello!

November 14th, 2016, 11:38 AM
Why hello there! I am CookiesCooking, a new member to this forum. I am 16 years old and I live in the united states, and let's just say I'm very different from other people. I am pretty kind and nice, but it will take a while for someone to make me open to them. Below is some of my main Characters and their introduction. :)
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A soft noise in the forests of ThunderClan draws you closer and closer to a small area outside of the territory. You sniff the air, curious, as you freeze. Slowly, you go into a hunter's crouch, stalking forward, but you knew there was something there. You can smell a she-cat, but it was odd. A mix of scents from her pelt drew you closer to a tree root. Peering inside, you were greeted with a yowl and a flash of claws. "Oi! Can't a she-cat get any rest without some stupid cat poking their nose where I am?!" Came a hiss as the cat rises. You backed up to give the she-cat some room, but once you get a good look at her face, you let out a scream. The left side of the cat's face was gone, like a dog attacked her. No eye or ear and pink skin there, her tabby fur didn't grow around that side of her face anymore. Letting out a hiss again, the tabby she-cat sighed. "You done? I am Mud, or as you Warriors call, Mudclaw. Don't scream again. I will shred you like the dog that almost shredded me. I might be 31 moons, but many say I am an Elder. No clan has me yet, nor will I be the happiest she-cat if I get put in the Elders den. Don't even try, or I'll be your worst nightmare." Oddly enough, the She-cat curled back into the roots, laying down. "Till a leader can attract me into their Clan, I stay here." She snaps before falling back asleep.

.................................................. .................................

You could hear quiet whispering as you walk inside a cave. Drawn to it by the hissing from the outside, you wondered what was inside. Carefully, you trotted down till you enter a large cavern, much like the moonstone, but only this had a pool instead of the stone itself. Over in the corner, you manage to see a smoked Tabby she-cat, the source of the hissing and whispering. "One day I will take over...mark my claws and my stars I will take over the forest...." She was clearly tired and sick, the wave of crow-food from a small pile showing the stolen prey outside of the camp. Letting out a soft noise of kindness, the smoked Tabby jumps and wheezes, eyes wide. They were odd, one blue and one green. "O-Oh! A-A Warrior from the C-Clans...d-don't mind me..." She rasps, trying to be seductive, but failing in her sickened state. It was greencough, as you could see the green mucus coming from her nose and eyes. "I-I am Silentheart, and I am in n-need of a Cla-" She breaks off into a giant fit of coughing and wheezing, collapsing and shaking. Once she had recovered, the she-cat laid there, shivering. "P-Please...great W-Warrior...take me to your Clan and let me heal...p-please..."

Phoenix Flames
November 14th, 2016, 05:53 PM
Why hello there! I am CookiesCooking, a new member to this forum. I am 16 years old and I live in the united states, and let's just say I'm very different from other people. I am pretty kind and nice, but it will take a while for someone to make me open to them. Below is some of my main Characters and their introduction. :)
.................................................. ........................................
A soft noise in the forests of ThunderClan draws you closer and closer to a small area outside of the territory. You sniff the air, curious, as you freeze. Slowly, you go into a hunter's crouch, stalking forward, but you knew there was something there. You can smell a she-cat, but it was odd. A mix of scents from her pelt drew you closer to a tree root. Peering inside, you were greeted with a yowl and a flash of claws. "Oi! Can't a she-cat get any rest without some stupid cat poking their nose where I am?!" Came a hiss as the cat rises. You backed up to give the she-cat some room, but once you get a good look at her face, you let out a scream. The left side of the cat's face was gone, like a dog attacked her. No eye or ear and pink skin there, her tabby fur didn't grow around that side of her face anymore. Letting out a hiss again, the tabby she-cat sighed. "You done? I am Mud, or as you Warriors call, Mudclaw. Don't scream again. I will shred you like the dog that almost shredded me. I might be 31 moons, but many say I am an Elder. No clan has me yet, nor will I be the happiest she-cat if I get put in the Elders den. Don't even try, or I'll be your worst nightmare." Oddly enough, the She-cat curled back into the roots, laying down. "Till a leader can attract me into their Clan, I stay here." She snaps before falling back asleep.

.................................................. .................................

You could hear quiet whispering as you walk inside a cave. Drawn to it by the hissing from the outside, you wondered what was inside. Carefully, you trotted down till you enter a large cavern, much like the moonstone, but only this had a pool instead of the stone itself. Over in the corner, you manage to see a smoked Tabby she-cat, the source of the hissing and whispering. "One day I will take over...mark my claws and my stars I will take over the forest...." She was clearly tired and sick, the wave of crow-food from a small pile showing the stolen prey outside of the camp. Letting out a soft noise of kindness, the smoked Tabby jumps and wheezes, eyes wide. They were odd, one blue and one green. "O-Oh! A-A Warrior from the C-Clans...d-don't mind me..." She rasps, trying to be seductive, but failing in her sickened state. It was greencough, as you could see the green mucus coming from her nose and eyes. "I-I am Silentheart, and I am in n-need of a Cla-" She breaks off into a giant fit of coughing and wheezing, collapsing and shaking. Once she had recovered, the she-cat laid there, shivering. "P-Please...great W-Warrior...take me to your Clan and let me heal...p-please..."
I love your Gangnam Style cat profile pic! :rainbowllama::rainbowllama::princess::whistle:

November 14th, 2016, 06:02 PM
Welcome to WCO!!

November 15th, 2016, 07:29 AM
Thank you all! It's nice to hear people speaking to me! :D Also, thank you for liking my avatar, it took FOREVER to find.

November 17th, 2016, 10:29 PM
Bit late sorry...


Don't ever be afraid to talk or ask questions :)

I hope you enjoy your time here!