View Full Version : Beautiful

November 12th, 2016, 05:48 PM
I got this idea from a Phan AU that I just read. It helped heighten my extremely low self-esteem and I am going to try to do the same. I give credit to the author of this fanfic on Wattpad, and a huge thanks in which I had commented on the story's end for helping me to see this.

You are beautiful. I am beautiful. Everyone is beautiful. Down to the most high-pitched, deformed or disabled person up to the most snobby, perfect or popular, we are ALL beautiful. We are ALL amazing. We are ALL unique. Most importantly, we are ALL human, equal and alive. No one deserves to be bullied or hurt. I've been bullied, I've felt depression. If you know me, then you must know that I never allow anyone to compliment me without me denying it. I have now seen how wrong I was. My face may be covered in acne, my voice may be strange, my laugh may sound like im coughing, I may be clumsy and my teeth may be crooked. So what? I'm still beautiful. I'm a part of this world. You are too. It doesn't matter what you look like or where you were born. What matters is how you treat yourself and others. No one else's opinion of you truly matters. Only your opinion of you matters. Even if you're gay, transgender, genderfluid or any other part of the LGBT+ community, just as long as you be yourself and live your life as you, nothing else should matter. Of course, this isn't always the case. Sometimes you have to act. That's okay, as long as your whole life isn't just a big act. For example, I'm always pretending to be something I'm not. Truthfully, I lie a lot on here. It's only so people will like me. I've noticed my large mistake. I was only making everything worse, and I'm sorry for that. I've been rude and a hypocrite to everyone lately.
Just remember; no one is any better or worse than you. We are all human. Nothing is 'perfect', but we are all unique. We may not like other people, but that doesn't mean that nobody does.
Remember that it could be worse. Remember that even if you don't know it, somebody loves you.

Just remember.

I understand if this is deleted. I'm just trying to help. Please understand, and please pass this on. You could save someone's life.

I would also suggest listening to Christina Aguilera's song Beautiful. It also helped me.
I'd also read the Phanfic that gave me this idea;
The Photography Project. Phan AU by AllTimeFan73 on Wattpad

Remember to love yourself! I hope I helped someone out there. Even if I didn't, I can't say I didn't try. ♥

Oh, and remember....


November 12th, 2016, 06:27 PM
Listen to you are beautiful by Alissa

November 13th, 2016, 12:36 PM
Oh my gosh :heartbounce:
This is amazing