View Full Version : Snowpaw's Tunnels[Private]

November 8th, 2016, 11:48 AM
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November 8th, 2016, 12:03 PM
(@Lonestar23, I was thinking they could 'accidentally' meet in the tunnels? XD )
Snowpaw padded forward into the main tunnel. She examined the ectrance of each of the tunnels; looking for the one with three claw marks, which resembled ThunderClan. She finally found it and ducked her head as she entered it. The darkness blinded her. Fox dung! I need to see! Snowpaw hissed, irritated that she couldn't see. She crept forward until she saw a faint light. What in StarClan's name..... Snowpaw continued on until she reached a small cavern. The cavern was filled with mossy rocks. Up above, a small hole in the ceiling let the warmth of light shine through.

November 8th, 2016, 12:09 PM
(@Lonestar23, I was thinking they could 'accidentally' meet in the tunnels? XD )

Snowpaw padded forward into the main tunnel. She examined the ectrance of each of the tunnels; looking for the one with three claw marks, which resembled ThunderClan. She finally found it and ducked her head as she entered it. The darkness blinded her. Fox dung! I need to see! Snowpaw hissed, irritated that she couldn't see. She crept forward until she saw a faint light. What in StarClan's name..... Snowpaw continued on until she reached a small cavern. The cavern was filled with mossy rocks. Up above, a small hole in the ceiling let the warmth of light shine through.
Enderpaw crept into the tunnel. How had he gotten here, anyway? He could feel frustration going through him, and he gave an angry lash of his tail. Calming himself as he tried to get a bearing on his surroundings, he could see a faint light emitting from somewhere up ahead. I should really go back...He thought, until he heard pawsteps. The black tom's eyes widened and he began to pad quickly onwards towards the light, wondering if he would run into whoever it was on the way. His light sage green eyes were narrowed in thought and determination, and he headed onwards doing his best to see in the pitch black darkness. He could see the silhouette of a cat up ahead, although it was hard to make out from the light. As Snowpaw had done, he entered the cavern and saw her standing there. His eyes narrowed more until they were almost slits, just the faintest gleam of sage green showing that they were indeed still open. "Who are you?" He asked, his voice challenging. It seemed as though he didn't have a worry in the world from his secure, strong remark.

November 8th, 2016, 12:26 PM
Snowpaw's head snapped to Enderpaw. Her eyes widen and stare at Enderpaw. She tastes the air and smells ThunderClan. "I-I'm Snowpaw." She states.

November 8th, 2016, 12:36 PM
Snowpaw's head snapped to Enderpaw. Her eyes widen and stare at Enderpaw. She tastes the air and smells ThunderClan. "I-I'm Snowpaw." She states.
Enderpaw's light eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable even in the light. "Snowpaw. What Clan are you from?" He asked, taking a step towards her. Being 11 moons old, and also being large for his age, Enderpaw could look quite threatening and scary, although he probably wouldn't hurt this cat. She wasn't an opponent that he would have fun fighting. He purposely left his own name and Clan out, although Snowpaw could probably scent ThunderClan on him. That could mean nothing, though. She shouldn't assume anything...I could just as easily be a rogue living in ThunderClan territory, or a ShadowClanner up to no good...He thought with a shrug. His light eyes were still fixed on Snowpaw, unblinking, strangely ghost like in the light, and his dark pelt was almost glittering in the sunlight, making him look larger and more threatening.

November 8th, 2016, 12:42 PM
Snowpaw lashed her. She looked the tom over and reasoned that he was about 12 Moons old. 'Am I giving too much away?' Snowpaw shook her head and glared at him. "Im from ShadowClan," She said. "Don't think about lieing, ThunderClanner. I can tell your ThunderClan. What is your name?" She meowed.

November 9th, 2016, 10:30 AM
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," Enderpaw purred, although there was a cold note to his purr, a hard light in his eye that showed that he was not amused in the least. "My name is Enderpaw. You are correct; I am from ThunderClan, although you shouldn't be so quick to assume things. For instance, what do you think of me? Just looking at me now, what kind of temperament do you think I have?" Enderpaw asked, his voice the smooth, metallic like purr that he had had in his voice earlier. He was not going to be pushed around by a Shadowclanner...he was the larger of the two, most likely the stronger...if worst came to worst, he would not hesitate to attack, although he would most likely regret doing so. As much as he didn't like the other Clans, technically he did not have a valid reason to attack her here and now...she was not harassing him or attacking him in any way and she was not on his territory. Enderpaw braced himself anyway. If she was going to attack, he needed to be ready...there was no way that he was going to lose to a Shadowclanner, particularly a she cat.

November 9th, 2016, 08:42 PM
Snowpaw looked the tom over once again. It seems as if he were preparing for a fight. 'Stupid toms. Especially ThunderClan ones; always picking fights with other clans.' Snowpaw lashed her tail and glared menacigly at the ebony tom. "Well, for one your too talkative. You give away too much information and you don't bother to hide your ThunderClan stench; I could smell you coming all the way from my camp. You have the mind of a bee-brained dog to come in here and ask me silly questions." Snowpaw began to stalk closer to Enderpaw until they were almost touching noses. "Enderpaw." Snowpaw spat. She lashed her tail back and forth as she curled her lips back into a snarl.

November 10th, 2016, 05:23 AM
Enderpaw appeared to be unfazed by the she cat's outburst, and he simply looked thoughtful for a moment before letting out a purr of amusement. "Well I can see you aren't very observant, aren't you? Any cat can smell a scent- I asked your Clan so that I would not make an assumption on what Clan you were from by your scent. And as a matter of fact, perhaps I do talk a lot, if only to drown out the words of the idiots that surround me." He snarled the last part quite viciously, making himself look much larger than he appeared and lashing his tail. The she cat's words had not bothered him...very little did. He didn't see the point in getting upset over what someone else said to you. She is entitled to her own opinion...at least she has the guts to say something, most back down. Typical Shadowclanner, though...predictable. Disappointing, I thought this one might be different. He thought, examining the she cat. He hadn't expected a verbal fight to happen when he had first confronted her, but perhaps that was just a ShadowClan thing. Attacking someone for asking simple questions.

November 10th, 2016, 03:07 PM
Snowpaw backed away from Enderpaw. He seemed to be unnaffected by her harsh words. She liked that in a cat, especially a friend. 'What am I saying! I can't be friends with a petty ThunderClan cat.' Snowpaw fixed her gaze on Enderpaw. "What brings you to my tunnels? I presume that it wasn't me, seeing as you don't particularing like me so far?" Snowpaw asked.

November 10th, 2016, 07:29 PM
Snowpaw backed away from Enderpaw. He seemed to be unnaffected by her harsh words. She liked that in a cat, especially a friend. 'What am I saying! I can't be friends with a petty ThunderClan cat.' Snowpaw fixed her gaze on Enderpaw. "What brings you to my tunnels? I presume that it wasn't me, seeing as you don't particularing like me so far?" Snowpaw asked.

Enderpaw snorted slightly, his expression one of amusement. "Your tunnels? These tunnels connect to ThunderClan, do they not? Now what business would a ShadowClan cat have sneaking down these tunnels?" He mewed, his sage colored hues narrowing. He then realized that he was down here himself, and tried to remember what had brought him down here in the first place. If I remember correctly, I did scent a cat...perhaps that was why I came down here? Thinking they could be a future ally...oh, perhaps a ShadowClan spy could be useful to me. I could gather information...yes, a spy from the inside. I like that a lot, He thought with a purr. "I could scent another cat so I followed their scent down here. I was not expecting to bump into you however...I apologize for my rudeness. You must forgive me, I am...unused to dealing with ShadowClanners, I am not familiar with the cats of other Clans. Perhaps we should put our differences aside, at least while we are on this- neutral ground." Enderpaw mewed in his most charming tone. 'Charming' was a word that most cats, upon getting to know him, would not use to describe Enderpaw. Cruel, yes. Manipulative, yes. But charming was certainly not a word that could be used for this cold hearted feline. However, he was somewhat of a handsome tom...and knew how to use that to his advantage. He could be charming when he wanted to be, and only used this when he was trying to get another cat to do something he wanted.

November 12th, 2016, 02:19 AM
Snowpaw glared at the tom. Amusement shone in her eyes as she looked at him.
"Don't think I don't know why a cat is trying to manipulate me." She chuckled. "My father, Raggedclaw, was a master of manipulation, but also a murderer. But, I guess we could.....on this neutral ground" She meowed. Snowpaw tried not to think about her. father. 'Don't think about that dumb fox hearted coward!' Snowpaw squeezed her eyes shut and reopened them. Fresh malice was written all over her gaze. Snowpaw unsheathed and sheathed her claws. Snowpaw neared Enderpaw and started to circle him. "What was the last lie you told?" She asked. Her gaze betrayed nothing. Snowpaw knew this was an interesting question, but she had to know......if she was the only one who'd ever lied about their heritage. Snowpaw stopped circling him to stand in front of him. Her gaze looked to tom over once or twice, then she locked their gaze.

November 12th, 2016, 02:09 PM
Snowpaw glared at the tom. Amusement shone in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Don't think I don't know why a cat is trying to manipulate me." She chuckled. "My father, Raggedclaw, was a master of manipulation, but also a murderer. But, I guess we could.....on this neutral ground" She meowed. Snowpaw tried not to think about her. father. 'Don't think about that dumb fox hearted coward!' Snowpaw squeezed her eyes shut and reopened them. Fresh malice was written all over her gaze. Snowpaw unsheathed and sheathed her claws. Snowpaw neared Enderpaw and started to circle him. "What was the last lie you told?" She asked. Her gaze betrayed nothing. Snowpaw knew this was an interesting question, but she had to know......if she was the only one who'd ever lied about their heritage. Snowpaw stopped circling him to stand in front of him. Her gaze looked to tom over once or twice, then she locked their gaze.
"Manipulate? I believe you have it wrong...this is not, what you call, manipulation...I prefer to think of it as charming someone who could possibly help me." Enderpaw chuckled mirthlessly, lazily unsheathing and sheathing his claws until they hurt, and he flicked his tail lightly. The tom's sage colored hues narrowed...did she suspect him of anything? Was she accusing him of plans that he had not even made, and had no plan to? His eyes, and only his eyes followed her as she circled around him, his expression remaining stony and his position stiff as though he were being inspected. In all honesty, he felt like he was...though that was something he wouldn't admit to himself, let alone Snowpaw. This...Shadowclanner had no right to ask him questions like that. If anything, he should be the one asking her questions...but he didn't feel like it. Besides, he didn't have to be truthful with her. One small lie never hurt anyone...although he knew that wasn't necessarily true, one small lie could bring down the Clans or build them up, but he wasn't going to speak that aloud. Snowpaw most likely didn't know that either. "The last lie that I told? I do not see why this would be any of your concern...I have only just met you, and although we are on neutral ground you have no right to ask me personal questions such as that and if you do so again, I may be forced to take different measures to deal with you. Please do not have me do so, I do not wish to...but I will have you know that I have been well trained and am close to being a warrior." His words held the ring of a threat in them, and his head was held high with pride. "Listen. I do not wish to threaten you, but that is a question that may be saved for another time...perhaps I will answer it some other time, when I have gotten to know you better, but you had no right in asking me that now." He mewed, his tone a little quieter and back to the more charming tone that it had held before.

November 14th, 2016, 06:04 PM
Snowpaw flicked her tail dismissively. For once, a ThunderClanner was right about something. 'Stupid! Stupid! Snowpaw! You shouldn't have asked that awful question!' She clawed as the tender dirt beneath her paws, obiously angered. She stopped figiting and looked back up at Enderpaw. "You are right, I shouldn't have asked that. It was selfish and rude to ask. I apolagize, usually I don't do things like this." She meowed. "I hope that in the near fuuture we will be able to trust each other like that"

November 18th, 2016, 06:39 PM
Snowpaw flicked her tail dismissively. For once, a ThunderClanner was right about something. 'Stupid! Stupid! Snowpaw! You shouldn't have asked that awful question!' She clawed as the tender dirt beneath her paws, obiously angered. She stopped figiting and looked back up at Enderpaw. "You are right, I shouldn't have asked that. It was selfish and rude to ask. I apolagize, usually I don't do things like this." She meowed. "I hope that in the near fuuture we will be able to trust each other like that"

It was all Enderpaw could do to keep a smug expression off of his face. He had won. He had won over her, he had broken her, whatever he wanted to call it- he had won. His expression softened slightly at her seemingly honest apology and her words. He wasn't completely heartless...he knew when a cat was being honest, and Snowpaw was at that moment. "Thank you. Perhaps sometime in the future- I cannot say whether it will be the near future or not, but perhaps at some point we shall be able to trust each other." Enderpaw flashed her another smile, the tip of his tail betraying his friendly expression as it was twitching with amusement. He was a little surprised to find the ThunderClanner suddenly dropping her guard like that, but all it took was one chink in your steel guard and you were down. Dead, gone, out...there would be nothing you could do to fix it. "I hope you will not find me too forwards by asking this, but I have a favor that I would like you to do for me." Enderpaw mewed suddenly, raising his sage hues to meet her own. The level of seriousness in his voice was almost alarming, even to him...generally he would try and keep a certain amount of charm in it, but he hoped that his change of attitude would earn him sympathy, if nothing else. Oh, how he hated sympathy...he hated the way other cats sounded when they used it, hated the very word itself, hated every meaning behind it. Sympathy was one thing that Enderpaw had never felt in his life before. Ever. He had never felt sorry for another cat, he had never cried, not even in the strange new place, and he had never given up on anyone or anything. Still, sympathy was better than nothing. It was a start- a start to a path that Enderpaw would certainly win in the end, as he always did.

November 20th, 2016, 06:59 PM
It was all Enderpaw could do to keep a smug expression off of his face. He had won. He had won over her, he had broken her, whatever he wanted to call it- he had won. His expression softened slightly at her seemingly honest apology and her words. He wasn't completely heartless...he knew when a cat was being honest, and Snowpaw was at that moment. "Thank you. Perhaps sometime in the future- I cannot say whether it will be the near future or not, but perhaps at some point we shall be able to trust each other." Enderpaw flashed her another smile, the tip of his tail betraying his friendly expression as it was twitching with amusement. He was a little surprised to find the ThunderClanner suddenly dropping her guard like that, but all it took was one chink in your steel guard and you were down. Dead, gone, out...there would be nothing you could do to fix it. "I hope you will not find me too forwards by asking this, but I have a favor that I would like you to do for me." Enderpaw mewed suddenly, raising his sage hues to meet her own. The level of seriousness in his voice was almost alarming, even to him...generally he would try and keep a certain amount of charm in it, but he hoped that his change of attitude would earn him sympathy, if nothing else. Oh, how he hated sympathy...he hated the way other cats sounded when they used it, hated the very word itself, hated every meaning behind it. Sympathy was one thing that Enderpaw had never felt in his life before. Ever. He had never felt sorry for another cat, he had never cried, not even in the strange new place, and he had never given up on anyone or anything. Still, sympathy was better than nothing. It was a start- a start to a path that Enderpaw would certainly win in the end, as he always did.

Bump for S A G I E

December 9th, 2016, 04:31 PM
@S A G I E

Enderpaw padded into the tunnels, the dark furred tom's pelt gleaming for a second before he was in complete darkness. He blended well, it was almost impossible to see him and for a moment he was thankful. I can't believe I'm doing this. Me, having a friend in another Clan. ShadowClan, none the less. I can't believe this. Enderpaw thought to himself. If someone had told him that he would have a friend from ShadowClan a moon ago, he would have laughed at them. And now he was very confused. He headed towards the speck of light that he could see up ahead, the spot where he and Ibispaw had first met, and now...now he was going back. As much as he hated to admit it, he liked the she cat. He liked her spunk, and he admired the way that she was able to talk back to him. No one ever did. At least, no one ever did except for Ibispaw. Part of him wondered why he didn't just attack her, but inside he knew the answer...as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't want to. And he knew that he would never be able to. Great. What if ThunderClan and ShadowClan get into a war or something? What's going to happen to us- to me- then? Enderpaw thought worriedly, as he settled down to wait for Ibispaw, curling his dark tail around his paws as he did so. His sage hues flitted around the area, and he wondered when she would arrive. The longer he waited, the more nervous he seemed to become.

December 10th, 2016, 06:41 PM
@S A G I E

Enderpaw padded into the tunnels, the dark furred tom's pelt gleaming for a second before he was in complete darkness. He blended well, it was almost impossible to see him and for a moment he was thankful. I can't believe I'm doing this. Me, having a friend in another Clan. ShadowClan, none the less. I can't believe this. Enderpaw thought to himself. If someone had told him that he would have a friend from ShadowClan a moon ago, he would have laughed at them. And now he was very confused. He headed towards the speck of light that he could see up ahead, the spot where he and Ibispaw had first met, and now...now he was going back. As much as he hated to admit it, he liked the she cat. He liked her spunk, and he admired the way that she was able to talk back to him. No one ever did. At least, no one ever did except for Ibispaw. Part of him wondered why he didn't just attack her, but inside he knew the answer...as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't want to. And he knew that he would never be able to. Great. What if ThunderClan and ShadowClan get into a war or something? What's going to happen to us- to me- then? Enderpaw thought worriedly, as he settled down to wait for Ibispaw, curling his dark tail around his paws as he did so. His sage hues flitted around the area, and he wondered when she would arrive. The longer he waited, the more nervous he seemed to become.
The little white and black dappled molly scampered down the tunnels. Her paws skidded across the muddy ground last night's evening shower caused. Ibispaw opened her mouth to taste the air, and sure enough, she scented Enderpaw. The thought of meeting him made a rush of excitement tingle through her tiny, dappled body. Her pale hues scanned the tunnel. A pale light shone through a nearby hole. Ibispaw sighed. She was almost there. The little molly then continued scampering through the muddy tunnel. She emerged into a small cavern, the first place Enderpaw and Ibispaw had met. She breathed in Enderpaw's scent and saw his body silhouetted against the base of the cavern. "Greetings, Enderpaw." Ibispaw purred happily.

December 11th, 2016, 02:02 PM
The little white and black dappled molly scampered down the tunnels. Her paws skidded across the muddy ground last night's evening shower caused. Ibispaw opened her mouth to taste the air, and sure enough, she scented Enderpaw. The thought of meeting him made a rush of excitement tingle through her tiny, dappled body. Her pale hues scanned the tunnel. A pale light shone through a nearby hole. Ibispaw sighed. She was almost there. The little molly then continued scampering through the muddy tunnel. She emerged into a small cavern, the first place Enderpaw and Ibispaw had met. She breathed in Enderpaw's scent and saw his body silhouetted against the base of the cavern. "Greetings, Enderpaw." Ibispaw purred happily.
Enderpaw spun around, at first his fur beginning to bristle with hostility before he realized it was just Ibispaw. "Greetings to you as well, Ibispaw. I trust you have been well?" Enderpaw purred, his voice as calm and pleased as ever. He began to approach her, his tail twitching. The tom was used to getting what he wanted. Through lies and deceit, usually, but what he wanted none the less. If he wanted Ibispaw, chances were he was going to have her. Confusion was an emotion that Enderpaw generally did not feel. He was pretty good at figuring things out on his own. Although surprise that he actually had allowed himself to be taken by this ShadowClanner was an emotion that he felt on a daily basis. It was not uncommon for him to be friendly, once he had developed a sense of respect for someone, and to his surprise and even slight disgust, he had developed a certain amount of respect for the she cat.

December 11th, 2016, 02:50 PM
Enderpaw spun around, at first his fur beginning to bristle with hostility before he realized it was just Ibispaw. "Greetings to you as well, Ibispaw. I trust you have been well?" Enderpaw purred, his voice as calm and pleased as ever. He began to approach her, his tail twitching. The tom was used to getting what he wanted. Through lies and deceit, usually, but what he wanted none the less. If he wanted Ibispaw, chances were he was going to have her. Confusion was an emotion that Enderpaw generally did not feel. He was pretty good at figuring things out on his own. Although surprise that he actually had allowed himself to be taken by this ShadowClanner was an emotion that he felt on a daily basis. It was not uncommon for him to be friendly, once he had developed a sense of respect for someone, and to his surprise and even slight disgust, he had developed a certain amount of respect for the she cat.
(Btw, I'm gonna change her to WindClan. c:)
Ibispaw slightly smiled at the approaching tom. Although she didn't dare admit it, she wanted Enderpaw. The thought of him made her heart skip in joy. The tiny apprentice didn't care that he was from another clan. Ibispaw zoned out as she thought about the possibilities. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the ThunderClan tom. "I have. Have you been fine, as well?" She mewed happily.

December 11th, 2016, 03:09 PM
(Btw, I'm gonna change her to WindClan. c:)

Ibispaw slightly smiled at the approaching tom. Although she didn't dare admit it, she wanted Enderpaw. The thought of him made her heart skip in joy. The tiny apprentice didn't care that he was from another clan. Ibispaw zoned out as she thought about the possibilities. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the ThunderClan tom. "I have. Have you been fine, as well?" She mewed happily.
"That's good to hear. I've been doing well also," Enderpaw mewed. Despite his corrupted personality, once he did grow to care for someone he rarely backed out on them. "No trouble in your own Clan, I suppose? Everything is going smoothly?" He asked. Enderpaw's definition of "smoothly" was different...for him, things back in his own Clan couldn't be better. He agreed with Ratnight's beliefs, he didn't mind that the leader had outlawed StarClan, and he was more then happy to be a member of ThunderClan at that moment. So for Enderpaw, smoothly could have meant anything. He came to stand beside Ibispaw, at what could have been considered an uncomfortably close distance. The ThunderClan tom was a good deal larger then Ibispaw, making him almost tower over her. If he was being honest with himself, he did want Ibispaw. Although, if she's still as spirited as she was at our first meeting, chances are I'll have to work harder. But I never lose. If I want her, I'll have her. He thought, brushing his tail up against her in a protective manner. Enderpaw wasn't exactly an overly protective cat; with the exception of when he wanted something. He would protect that thing at all costs. And that meant Ibispaw.

December 12th, 2016, 02:28 AM
"That's good to hear. I've been doing well also," Enderpaw mewed. Despite his corrupted personality, once he did grow to care for someone he rarely backed out on them. "No trouble in your own Clan, I suppose? Everything is going smoothly?" He asked. Enderpaw's definition of "smoothly" was different...for him, things back in his own Clan couldn't be better. He agreed with Ratnight's beliefs, he didn't mind that the leader had outlawed StarClan, and he was more then happy to be a member of ThunderClan at that moment. So for Enderpaw, smoothly could have meant anything. He came to stand beside Ibispaw, at what could have been considered an uncomfortably close distance. The ThunderClan tom was a good deal larger then Ibispaw, making him almost tower over her. If he was being honest with himself, he did want Ibispaw. Although, if she's still as spirited as she was at our first meeting, chances are I'll have to work harder. But I never lose. If I want her, I'll have her. He thought, brushing his tail up against her in a protective manner. Enderpaw wasn't exactly an overly protective cat; with the exception of when he wanted something. He would protect that thing at all costs. And that meant Ibispaw.
Ibispaw looked up at the big tom. It was weird how big he was compared to her, considering that they were born only a moon apart. But, that of course was because Ibispaw was the runt of the litter. "My clan is great! I personally like it under the rule of Singenight and Gorsefeather." She meowed. Ibispaw hadn't even noticed how close Enderpaw was to her. She just thought about how WindClan had changed since Singenight had taken over WindClan. She personally liked Gorsefeather, he was nice...at times. But, all cats have their moments. The tiny molly wrapped her tail around her paws and looked up at Enderpaw. However much she didn't want to admit it, she actually enjoyed Enderpaw's company. Other than Thrushpaw, no one else actually ever paid attention to her.

December 12th, 2016, 12:11 PM
Ibispaw looked up at the big tom. It was weird how big he was compared to her, considering that they were born only a moon apart. But, that of course was because Ibispaw was the runt of the litter. "My clan is great! I personally like it under the rule of Singenight and Gorsefeather." She meowed. Ibispaw hadn't even noticed how close Enderpaw was to her. She just thought about how WindClan had changed since Singenight had taken over WindClan. She personally liked Gorsefeather, he was nice...at times. But, all cats have their moments. The tiny molly wrapped her tail around her paws and looked up at Enderpaw. However much she didn't want to admit it, she actually enjoyed Enderpaw's company. Other than Thrushpaw, no one else actually ever paid attention to her.
Enderpaw looked down at the other apprentice and a surprisingly warm gleam entered his sage hues. "That's wonderful. Some cats in my Clan are...opposed to Ratnight being in control. They don't exactly appreciate my views on the matter. I trust no one gives you any trouble?" Enderpaw asked, his hues darkening as he awaited her reply. He hoped that no one was giving Ibispaw a hard time back in her own Clan. It's a good thing I don't belong to WindClan, otherwise...those cats just might have a little 'accident'. Enderpaw thought, flexing his claws as he did so. The smile returned to his maw as he glanced at Ibispaw. She had the same views as him, despite being from another Clan. It almost surprised him, how much the two actually had in common. It was an interesting thing, and something that Enderpaw wasn't quite sure whether he loved or hated. Perhaps it was a mixture of both. Maybe that was why he enjoyed Ibispaw's company so much, and felt so...protective of her. Yes, protective was definitely an emotion Enderpaw was feeling at the moment, as he put his long black tail around her, shielding her from....well, pretty much everything but him.