View Full Version : Swiftfur <3

Phoenix Flames
November 5th, 2016, 09:16 AM

Current Name: Swiftfur
Other Names, if any: Swiftkit, Swiftpaw (former names)
Age (in moons): 35 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Creation Date: when I joined WCO

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: RiverClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: Dusk Syndicate
Rank: Queen/Warrior
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Fishstorm (NPC)
Mother(s): Berryheart (NPC)
Sibling(s): Fang (RPed by me)
Offspring: None but she has an adoptive kit, Goldenkit (RPed by Dawn & Dark)

Best Friend(s): Streamkit
Friend(s): Goldenkit
Neutral: Almost all cats of RiverClan
Acquaintance(s): None
Enemies: Lakekit

Crush: No
Significant Other: No


Overview: Swiftfur is a really kind, generous, and loyal shecat.
Traits: Kind, Generous, Loyal, Affectionate, and Helpful

Mental Age: 38 moons
Psychiatric Complications: no
Phobias: fear of getting hurt/injured, dogs, Twolegs, the Dusk Syndicate, The Dark Forest, seeing a clanmate die, fear of having her kit(s) die.

Sociability: Very social
Responsibility: Helping others
Cleanliness: very clean
Generosity: very generous
Manners: has very good manners
Bravery: 75/100
More Logical or More Emotional?: More logical

Favorite Season: new-leaf
Favorite Food(s): mice, rabbits, voles
Favorite Word: StarClan
Favorite Sound: Birds tweeting

Greatest Hope: to become deputy
Greatest Strength: hunting
Greatest Weakness: dogs
Worst Nightmare: N/A
Deepest Darkest Secret: Her brother, (in a past litter), is in The Dusk Syndicate.
Most Treasured Memory: Her brother being born.

Quirk(s): Quirky
Theme Song(s): All Time Low


Place of Birth: Rogue/Loner Territory
Date of Birth: when I joined WCO's old site
Former rank(s): Kit and Apprentice
Beliefs: StarClan

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Calico/Bengal
Fur Color(s): Tan and Brown
Fur Texture: soft
Fur Length: medium
Markings: tabby stripes
Eye Color: green

Body Type/Structure: normal
Height: average height
Weight: 15 pounds
Voice: soft, sweet
Gait: normal movement
Scent: voles and rivers

Scars / Deformities: Has a scar on her right eye.
Diseases / Conditions: she is blind on her right eye.

Coordination: good
Reflexes: fast
Strength: strong