View Full Version : The Twisted Timber

Ludicrous Lunacy
April 20th, 2017, 07:37 PM
The Twisted Timber is an abandoned twoleg campsite, in which a weathered old cat named Jennifer currently resides alone. Jenn is a lonely older she-cat, eager to tell her stories to any cat who cares to listen. She recently lived just out of Clan territory at the beach, just within sight of Seastones, that tended to see more passerby than cats who dwell near there, but left near after the Evil Era, her tired, ancient eyes having seen too much bloodshed, and she was worried to witness it again. She lives in a poorly made den which she stays in during the time surrounding leafbare, moons that she usually goes hungry--Although to her, it is a crime to eat out of the mouths of the younger and rarely accepted offerings. Her den is a flimsy thing made out of twigs, likely to collapse at any moment. Woven into a branch on the wall of the hollow is a cat's collar, which is the subject of a few of her stories.
She herself is hard-working, refusing to stoop low and instead perservering, refusing to die although any other cat her age in her circumstances usually would have. She is a very persistent cat and usually refuses help from others, prefering to work for herself, please and thank you. She is also quite a wonderful story teller.
The area surrounding this weak den was once cleared for twoleg pelt nests, but with time plants have rebelled against the impervious surfaces, cracking the stone and overgrowing the perfectly smooth dusty dirt. Downhill from this area, to the south, is a small lake with a steadily rotting halfbridge, a thing that is risky to walk on, for a single missed step onto dead, damp wood could result in a cat becoming trapped and slowly starving to death, drowning, or--ironically--if they get trapped higher up, dying of thirst. It appears to also be likely to collapse, making the few cats who wander here avoid it. The prey isn't particularly scarce, but for an old cat like Jenn, even walking can be a problem, and so the elderly she-cat often starves. The forrested terrain offers prey like that found in ThunderClan, and is usually rather plump due to not being chased constantly by cats.
To the north is a long, dirt-paved twoleg trail leading to the area of Seastones, where Jennifer once lived, but when it rains the path sometimes becomes slippery and dangerous.
For such an expansive space, only one resides in it, the reason being its only resident can't treat it as a rest stop; Jenn is too old, tired, and lonely to go much further.

(Simply comment below with the name, gender/pronouns, and general age of your character to join!! Edit: Please @mention me when you post unless you are quoting a roleplay response, please do not quote this post though!!)

April 22nd, 2017, 01:06 AM
Ludicrous Lunacy

Apple (https://previews.123rf.com/images/evdoha/evdoha1309/evdoha130901577/22113922-Red-classic-tabby-Maine-Coon-cat-Stock-Photo.jpg)(Dark Brown Eyes)


About 25 Moons

Ludicrous Lunacy
April 25th, 2017, 06:10 PM
Ludicrous Lunacy

Apple (https://previews.123rf.com/images/evdoha/evdoha1309/evdoha130901577/22113922-Red-classic-tabby-Maine-Coon-cat-Stock-Photo.jpg)(Dark Brown Eyes)


About 25 Moons
(accepted, go ahead n post!)

April 25th, 2017, 06:25 PM
@Ludicrous Lunacy
Name: Saphire
Gender: She/Her
Age: about 15 moons
Saphire has to kits Feather and Cloud

Age: 3 moons

Age: 3 moons

April 25th, 2017, 07:50 PM
(accepted, go ahead n post!)

Apple lifted her bright red muzzle into the air, she opened her mouth a bit as she took in the scents around her. She smelt a faint Twoleg scent and saw what looked like Twoleg things just a few fox tail lengths away from her. Her tail stood high as she began to trot towards the area, she hoped to find a place for shelter somewhere in the area. Her ears turned to the side as she waited to hear any noise of any other cats, dogs or Twolegs. She thought she smelt another cats scent but she shrugged it off, there were no territory scent marks and she already figured other animals would try and take shelter here. A squirrel hit her nose and she crouched down carefully, she put all her weight into her haunches as she followed the scents. When the fiery she-cat got close enough to the squirrel she pounced and killed it with a swipe to the neck. She picked up the limp creature and wrinkled her nose as the fur of the squirrel brushed against her nose. Her brown hues searched for a place to eat, she could tell by the air that it might rain soon so she wanted to find a place to eat where rain wouldn't get onto her. She found a decent sized bush with a few leaves on it and began to eat, she hoped it didn't rain too hard.