View Full Version : cold forest {closed}

April 14th, 2017, 05:21 PM
A large, fluffy gray-and-white tom padded through the forest. He carried a plump sparrow in his jaws. He glanced around for a nice place to rest, when his eyes landed on a shaded spot with no nettles scattering the ground. The forest cat sat down and began to eat his prey. Most of the feathers and a wing had been torn off because of his sloppy catch, but the rest of it was still edible. He bit into the juicy meat and gladly swallowed. Normally, he was alert of his surroundings, but at the moment, his focus was on his meal.

April 14th, 2017, 05:28 PM
is it alright if I join?

April 14th, 2017, 05:28 PM
Ashfire padded up to the gray tom, making sure to look as unobtrusive and friendly as he could. "Hello! My name's Ashfire. What's yours?"

April 14th, 2017, 05:30 PM
ForestSky purred, chewing a mouse

April 14th, 2017, 05:38 PM
((Sure, the order is Ashfire, Jay-Jay, me, then you))
The tom almost leapt out of his fur, turning to the stranger and growling. "Excuse me," he spoke, but with the strangest thing ever- a Norwegian accent. The tom's fur stood on end, his pelt hot with anger of being startled. He'd never been one for being startled, even at his old home far away. His fur slowly went down once more, and he meowed in a much less angered tone, "you should be leaving, I suppose." The Norwegian forest cat was much bigger than the others, and far more intimidating.

April 14th, 2017, 05:42 PM
"Don't drive me out!" Ashfire's eyes flashed with hurt. "I've been alone my whole life. All I want his a companion." He turned to the sky and growled in frustration. "Do the stars hate me so much that they would rid me of the friendship in my life?"