View Full Version : king

March 27th, 2017, 06:34 PM

You're alone, you're on your own, so what?
Have you gone blind?
Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
Glass half empty, glass half full
Well either way you won't be going thirsty
Count your blessings not your flaws

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again

You don't get what all this is about
You're too wrapped up in your self doubt
You've got that young blood, set it free

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king

There's method in my madness
There's no logic in your sadness
You don't gain a single thing from misery
Take it from me

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again

Alistair always had trouble with the whole concept of 'trust.'
Not because he went through some sort of traumatizing experience or something along the lines of that, but because deep, deep down, he was fully aware of the concept of 'betrayal.'
He seemed programmed to not trust. Like it was genetic; as if such a thing were genetic. But with the genes like his, it was no surprise that he had a problem with betrayal.
Not only had his father betrayed the clans long ago; fighting on the opposing side; the Dusk Syndicate rather his own, but his father had also left Alistair's mother before him and his siblings were even born. Alistair's mother had been the sort to trust far too easily, and that was how her heart had been broken.
Once Alistair and his siblings had reached the age of around six moons, his mother left the Dusk Syndicate without a trace. It was odd; especially for her sort. She had always been good at heart, friendly, and kind do all. It broke his heart on the day he awoke to find his mother's next cold and unused. At the raw age of six moons did he decide that he wouldn't trust another being ever again, for fear of a broken heart.

So that was just some backstory. Here's the actual plot.

Now, at the age of twenty two moons, Alistair has found himself falling dreadfully in love with a beautiful she-cat that lives in the Dusk Syndicate. He'd not many friends during kithood, but she was the only one remotely friendly to the slightly antisocial tom. He fell desperately in love with her, and she told him she had deep love for him as well. They became sort of like mates, but the molly hadn't ever kitted. Not to him, anyway. But one day, she told him she was pregnant with his kits. This purely astonished the tom, but he loved the molly, and would do anything for her. He hadn't really wanted kits, but if she was happy, he was too. By now, he'd nearly completely ignored his hatred of trust. He loved her, and his love blinded him. When the kits were born, he noticed something- rather odd. Not one remotely resembled him; a pale coloured sphynx cat. All resembled their mother, except not exactly every one of them. But Alistair ignored this. He was happy. Delighted, really, to be a father was a gift.
But one night, he awoke to seeing her side of the nest empty. Cold- as if she had been gone for some time. Not thinking much of this, he went back to sleep. Now, this happened a few more times. Alistair grew suspicious, and stayed awake; pretending to sleep. When he felt her leave the nest, he waited before following.
His eyes fell upon a horrible sight; the molly with another tom. One that bore a strange resemblance to their kits. Shocked, and horrified, he ran back to his den. The next morning, he told her what he knew, and the two split up- and to his horror, taking the kits with them.

Now, several moons later, Alistair meets a new cat. A handsome tom. But instead of picking up friendly conversation, Alistair remains silent, grumpy, and sarcastic, trying to get this cat to leave before he trusted them. But this cat was persistent, and despite Alistair's rude comments, grumbling, complaining, and stubbornness, Alistair begins to trust once more. But, in a far less open way. He tries to act tough, rude, and mean, but in reality; he'd die to save this tom's life- that much he knew. Eventually, this new tom teaches him to trust once more, how to be happy, and how to love the world. The two eventually fall in love.

Anyway, i thought this was a cute, heartwarming plot idea. It helps to show how even though the dusk syndicate is evil, they have hearts.
I do have some requirements for the roleplayers of the roles, and of the characters.

Roleplayers must be able to post at least two paragraphs; if not, one large, detailed one.
Please try to be active, as ali is one of my new favourite characters whom i wish to deepen the personality of <3


Alistair's first mate
(must be female, rather flirty, and deceitful.)

Alistair's siblings
( wolybro's character Percival is once of them. they are not required but would be helpful when ali is depressed about loosing his first mate.)

Mate #1 and tom's kits
(five at the most. must resemble mate #1 and tom at least a bit. will not be part of the plot after mate #1 and alistair break up.)

(must be male, mates with mate #1)

Mate #2
(must be male. must be the optimistic sort, friendly, funny, and persistent.)


Appearance link (optional):
Character site page (optional):

That's all for now! Thanks so much for reading this <3

Trashy Sky
March 27th, 2017, 07:30 PM
Name: Skylark
Age: 26 moons
Role: Mate #2
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual
Appearance link: Here! (http://alwayscravingdeath.weebly.com/uploads/7/1/6/8/71689123/0349137d185b52babb1f19b91f2ca237_orig.jpg)
Appearance: Skylark is small for the average cat, though his long and fluffy fur make him seem a bit bigger then he really is. He's a dilute calico, making him infertile but also giving the black of his otherwise normal calico appearance a grey color and making the orange lighter then it really would be. He's mostly grey and white, but has a patch of orange on his right front shoulder and on his right back leg while there's another orange patch above his nose and on his left side. His eyes are a grey color, like a blue-grey, but seem to be lighter in a certain direction of light. Another thing about him is his tail, its very short as it's a bobbed tail. At times, it looks like he doesn't even have a tail. This throws off his balance and makes him a bit clumsy.
Personality: Skylark is a shy and scared tom, his past causing him to have a terribly soft personality that he never grew out of. Though, what's considered soft in the Dusk Syndicate isn't that bad. He's a friendly and caring tom, wanting to make sure no one has to go through harm. It's one of the reasons he chose to be a healer. He doesn't like seeing others in pain, and would rather take the pain for them as feels like he deserves it most of the time. This lets him be an even better healer, as he easily takes the insults and verbal abuse from ranks in the Syndicate without getting mad back or giving up. He's very kind, and has almost never uttered anything rude to anyone. If he does say anything rude, it's most likely from a sudden burst in emotions as he's never been great at controlling emotions once they build up over time. Though, he almost always apologizes once he's said something mean. He's also terribly full of stress, even when nothing's going on as it's been a constant thing that seems to come with his depressive mood. It's like a package, his depression and anxiety. They come together and he's never without some anxiety or depression. ​
Other: he seems pretty sucky for this plot but i think he might be good enough idk i just really like this plot
Character site page: Here! (http://alwayscravingdeath.weebly.com/skylark.html)