View Full Version : Noodle's Alleyway [Remade]

October 13th, 2016, 04:16 PM
Noodle sat on the edge of the rusted dumpster, looking out upon the empty cement path that ran through the deserted alleyway. The abrupt honk of a car horn made her ears twitch as the human machines rushed past the place she called home on the large black cement path that she knew not to cross when it was this busy. Her long, dark-furred tail draped over the side of the trash container, twitching contently as her mind seemed to wander about her next meal and where the safest place to rest her paws would be. A slight drizzle of rain poured on her head, misting her fur gently.

Noodle's Appearance (https://www.petsmartcharities.org/sites/default/files/Ginger%2011%20year%20old%20female%20long%20hair%20 Tortoiseshell%20cat%20from%20memphis%20Tennesee%20 owner%20Keisha%20Dowdy.jpg) | Alleyway (http://buytaert.net/sites/buytaert.net/files/cache/vancouver-2004-vancouver-random-alley-900x1350.jpg)

October 13th, 2016, 04:49 PM
Jungle shook her tortishell fur as it rained. She ignored the cars as she turned at an alleyway.

November 7th, 2017, 06:45 PM
Noodle sat on the edge of the rusted dumpster, looking out upon the empty cement path that ran through the deserted alleyway. The abrupt honk of a car horn made her ears twitch as the human machines rushed past the place she called home on the large black cement path that she knew not to cross when it was this busy. Her long, dark-furred tail draped over the side of the trash container, twitching contently as her mind seemed to wander about her next meal and where the safest place to rest her paws would be. A slight drizzle of rain poured on her head, misting her fur gently.

Noodle's Appearance (https://www.petsmartcharities.org/sites/default/files/Ginger%2011%20year%20old%20female%20long%20hair%20 Tortoiseshell%20cat%20from%20memphis%20Tennesee%20 owner%20Keisha%20Dowdy.jpg) | Alleyway (http://buytaert.net/sites/buytaert.net/files/cache/vancouver-2004-vancouver-random-alley-900x1350.jpg)
Tiberius looked up from his place on a thin, ice cold stone ledge between a set of twoleg houses. He blinked furiously as a drop of rain fell from the grey sky and onto his whisker. Shaking his head, Tiberius decided to find cover. Bunging his muscles, the lean feline leaped neatly onto the soft, light green grass beneath the hedge. The tom cat skirted between houses until he came upon an alleyway shadowed with buildings. The young male shook his smooth grey tabby fur out, ruffling it into a rather attractive shabbiness and clearing the moisture from his pelt. Unlike most thin-furred cats, water didn't glide off. It soaked him to the bone. Tiberius gave a disgusted twitch of his nose and looked around at his surroundings.