View Full Version : Brightstorm's Romance

February 21st, 2017, 06:58 PM
Brightstorm is my only character, and I love her to pieces, so I may be picky about who gets to take these roles. This plot is mostly about her romance with Tom 1 but there are other components and roles.


A brief backstory of Brightstorm

Born to ShadowClan parents, she was never close to her mother but definitely was with her father. Only days after he said to her that he would never leave her, he was killed by rival warriors, and since then Brightstorm, who once so fitted her prefix, became the prickly, isolated and sarcastic cat that she is today.

The plot

Brightstorm is an excellent huntress, so she is asked to take some other talented young warriors on regular hunting patrols to keep the fresh-kill pile up. These are Tom 1, She-cat 1 and Tom 2, who are noisy and boisterous and cheerful - everything that Brightstorm is not. She doesn't take to them at first, but she is surprised by the way they deflect her pointed sarcasm, even sending some back in return (especially Tom 2).

On the first patrol, however, she gets annoyed that she can't hunt on her own and wanders from the group. When the cries of battling cats disturb her prey, she races to find the patrol, only to see they've come face to face with a fox. By doing so, she narrowly manages to save She-cat 1's life, and the group of friends decide that they will be friends with Brightstorm whether she likes it or not.

As time goes on, she finds that she's beginning to soften. The three cats' unrelenting warmth wears down her barriers until they break through, and when Brightstorm exchanges her hunting techniques for Tom 1's help with her fighting skills, she's disturbed to find she may be falling in love with him. She assumes that he feels nothing for her, as he treats her just the same as he would treat She-cat 1.

Brightstorm has now opened up to the three, and they take up their four roles - Tom 1 as the glue that keeps them all together, She-cat 1 bringing the fun and the laughter, Tom 2 keeping them under control and making sure they stick to at least some rules, and finally Brightstorm, who's that one person who will still be claiming not to have any feelings when she's faded from StarClan, but at the same time can be ridiculously protective and secretly adores the first three real friends she'd ever had. She's even more eager not to mess this up by telling Tom 1 how she feels - she feels like she could ruin things at any moment and that they don't care about her as much as they care about each other.

That's until one day when Brightstorm is out hunting alone (she's still the same cat, and there's something to be said for hunting without the Clan's biggest chatterboxes) when she meets Rogues 1 and 2. They attack, and she manages to defeat them, but she's heavily injured with a wound in her shoulder, collapsing in the woods. Luckily She-cat 1 came looking for her, and drags her back to camp.

When she wakes up in the medicine cat's den a day later, Tom 1 quickly comes to her side, and tells her quietly but a little angrily how worried they've been. Brightstorm is shocked and Tom 1 explains to her that they all love her - and more specifically, that he loves her (the code is to name two canon characters who are mates), but he hastens to add that he doesn't expect anything and knows she doesn't feel the same way. She's quick to correct him.

They becomes mates soon after, and Brightstorm moves into the nursery to have Kits 1, 2, 3 and 4. She's anxious that she won't be good with them and they won't like her, but it could not be less true.

That's all there is of the plot at the moment.


Tom 1 (optimistic, friendly, cheerful, loyal, easily jealous, easily stressed)
She-cat 1 (loud, boisterous, flirtatious, short-tempered, impatient)
Tom 2 (quiet, patient, a lil sarcastic, stickler for the rules)
Rogues 1 and 2 (willing to fight a ShadowClan warrior)
Kits 1, 2, 3, and 4 (look like Brightstorm or Tom 1)


Role Wanted:
Why they would fit the role:
RP Example:

February 24th, 2017, 10:59 PM
Name: Tigerblaze
Role Wanted: Tom 1
Code: Tigerstar and Goldenleaf
Why they would fit the role: He's a character in one of my fan fictions who has basically the same personality as Tom 1, hence I'm applying ;D
Appearance: dark brown tabby tom with bright golden/copper eyes and darker, black stripes. He has a sturdy, "all-around" build and stature.
Personality: He has a very playful personality and enjoys messing with his friends by pranking them by either tackling them from behind or "accidentally" stepping on twigs during hunting patrols. He is confident, reckless, and very enthusiastic about fighting and battles in general, and as a result is a pretty good fighter. His weakness lies in not knowing when or where to stop which has landed him in quite a bit of trouble as an apprentice.
RP Example: (Pranking) Tigerblaze stepped out from behind a bramble bush, golden eyes gleaming with amusement. "You should have seen the look on your face!" he purred loudly. "You were so scared!"
(Reckless) "Get back on your side you worthless fur balls!" Tigerblaze fluffed up his fur until he looked twice his size. He curled his mouth into a snarl. "Or I'll claw those smug grins off your ugly faces!"
(Romance :balloon: ) The dark tabby leaned toward her, eyes softening. "You know that's not true. We all like you...I do anyways..."