View Full Version : Adderfang's Love Stories (WC)

February 19th, 2017, 04:21 PM
Hello and welcome to my second plot that I made that stars my WindClan tom, Adderfang (http://lawliskitties.weebly.com/adderfang.html), which in short, is about Adder's trouble with love and relationships and a ton of kits that result from it.


The plot starts off with Adderfang being his normal self. He fights and hunts to the best of his ability to serve his clan. He is also, in some or rather most ways, kind of a jerk to others, inside and outside the clan. He isn't very friendly towards others and likes to order others around and show he is in charge. Netherless he is incredibly strong and knows how to defend his clanmates well. One she cat has taken notice of him and began to admire his positive attributes from afar. Eventually gathers courage to approach him while in camp. However he only sees her as waste of time and walks away. He continuously does so as the molly keeps trying to conversate with him. Despite trying to argue with her, she manages to get him to allow her to accompany him to hunt. She uses this time to chat with him, to which he ensures they stay and show off her hunting skills, returning to camp with three rabbits. Adderfang is impressed, but only admits it internally.

They continue to meet up to hunt and over time, Adderfang begins to soften up when around her and becomes more protective, to which the she cat found rather amusing. Adderfang finally confesses his feelings to her and asks her to become mates with him (technically he really demanded it but you know)

Soon the she cat moves into the nursery and gives birth to their litter. Adderfang visits them everyday, playing with the kits and tending to his mate's needs. Adderfang's life seemed very pleasant and he was happy, though he didn't show it. He became hostile to those who harmed his mate or his kits.

After his mate recovered from labor, she begins walking outside the nursery when the kits are busy doing other things to tend to her needs and so she isn't so dependent on Adderfang. She is out of camp one day to go show that she is capable of still hunting. She was chasing after a rabbit, however she wasn't as fast as she used to be due to her body not fully back to the way it was before she was pregnant. She stopped chasing the rabbit and collapsed on the thunderpath to catch her breath. A monster was approaching fast and didn't look like it was slowing down. She got up and tried to move out the way, but was too slow... Her body is found and brought back to camp, causing grief within Adderfang and his kits.

A moon after his mate's death and Adderfang is having difficulty going on without her. Another she-cat brings herself in his world. She is a pretty she-cat but her personality wasn't as good as his former mate's. Still, he was too tired from grieving to hiss her away. She helped him cope with his dead mate. Eventually he falls for this she cat, they become mates, and she gives birth to his second litter.

He didn't visit the nursery as much as he did with the first litter, mostly because instead of Adderfang voluntarily giving her her needs, she is very whiny and demanding, much to Adderfang's annoyance. She isn't the best mother and likes to wander when she wants, even if her kits need her for something. Outside of the nursery, Adderfang keeps an eye out for her after what happened with his last mate.

She attends a gathering, even though Adderfang strongly suggests she doesn't. During the gathering, a tom approaches her and flirts with her, to which she positively responds to it, even going as much as getting close and flirting back. Adderfang breaks them up, hissing threats at the tom and scolding his mate for encouraging the flirting. She brushes it off and says it was nothing, however Adderfang doesn't think that is the case. He is in a mood for the rest of the night, a mood his mate keeps trying to pull him out of it, by brushing up next to him and licking his cheek. It doesn't work.

She makes herself into a warrior again before her kits are apprentices. Adderfang tries to get her stay longer in the nursery, but she doesn't listen. So, every time she leaves, he accompanies her so he can make sure she doesn't get hurt. While they are out on border patrol, the tom from the Gathering, to her delight and Adderfang's displeasure. The tom attempts to make small chat when Adderfang interrupts him and tells him to leave and go back to his clan and the next time he sees him he will attack him. As they go back to the clan, she complains that he didn't have to be so mean.

His mate starts to demand that he allow her to go out of camp alone. She has officially recovered all her speed and strength back so she doesn't need or want Adderfang's hovering anymore. She is a cat very hard to argue with, so he allows it. After she comes back from a few successful trips outside the camp, Adderfang relaxes a bit. However one day when he came to greet her, he smelled the scent of the clan of the tom from the gathering. He asked her about it, but she only brushed it off saying she followed that she had to cross the border to catch. He laid off it but it his became suspicious(put your favorite warrior cat character as a code to say that you read at least up to here) One night he watches her leave their nest that they shared and left camp. He followed her. He took shelter in a bush when he witnessed the same tom come and greets his mate lovingly and the two embrace, licking each other's fur. Outraged, he erupts from his hiding place and confronts the two. She begs for mercy and tries cuddling up to Adderfang as she asks for his forgiveness. He pushes her away and hisses at her. He no longer wants to hear her excuses. He drives both of them away from WindClan. The molly turns toward him one more time and asks for forgiveness, tears in her eyes. Adderfang's last words to her are "Come near WindClan or my kits again and next time i won't spare you by leaving you alive". He tells his kits that their mother was taken by a twoleg and he couldn't save her. He doesn't miss her.

Adderfang becomes single yet again, spending most of his patrolling the border to ensure his old mate doesn't try crawling back to WindClan. He stumbles upon a she-cat wandering the border, like she is unaware of anything around the forest. He asks which clan she is from, to which she says none. He concludes she is nothing more than an outisder and tells her to leave the territory. She gives him a curious look and with a flick of her tail, she leaves as instructed.

The next time he sees her is when she is trying to catch a bird, but fails. Instead of chasing her off, he sees that she lacks hunting experience and offers to help her. He shows her hunting techniques and they go after some prey. She is too slow to run after a rabbit or jump after a bird, but she is able to catch a mouse with his help. After they find a place for her to eat, he asks why she is hunting. She reveals to him that she lost her twolegs somewhere due to her wanting to roam her twolegplace territory (if she is still a kittypet) OR she left her twolegs to be a wild cat, however she doesn't know much about how to hunt (if she is an ex-kittypet and now a loner). After she eats, she shows him an abandoned shed that she has taken in as her den. She brushes up to him, telling him to meet her again so she can be taught how to hunt again. Adderfang takes in the outsider as a secret mate. No cat except them knows of their secret meetings and if he is accompanied by a clanmate when she appears on the territory, he hisses her away like any other intruder, but not before she gives him a lovingly gaze and a flick of her tail before bounding away.

Multiple times he has asked his forbidden mate to join him in his clan. She'll be able to get meals on a daily basis, their relationship could be legit and he be around her at all times, and also, as he learned she was expecting, the clan was the safest place to raise the litter. However, she declines each and every time. She doesn't feel like she would adapt to clan life and actually prefers to be solitary, though she does enjoy spending time with him.

The litter arrives and the two couldn't be happier. Like his first mate, she didn't ask for much and Adderfang voluntarily brought her needs to her. However he kept asking to WindClan and she still declined, giving the same reason each and every time. He begins to become agitated by this. One day, he has had enough with her excuses. He snatches up each kit that belonged to them and storms off towards WindClan. She runs after him, in an attempt to get her kits back. She is unable to keep up, her body not fully recovered and she is left heartbroken over the loss of her kits. Adderfang brings the kits to a WindClan queen and asks her to take them in as they aren't old enough to be without milk yet. The queen asks where the mother is, to which Adderfang responds he found her dead body near the kits, he took pity on them and will raise them as if he is their father. To this litter, Adderfang as their adopted father when in reality he is their true father.

Adderfang's opinion on love has diminished as he realizes how many relationships he has been in and how they have failed. Why? He knew he loved each and every from start to finish (excluding the second one) and did his best to be a great mate and father. He didn't understand...

He is in a hunting patrol with a pretty little she-cat, however she was very cowardly and weak. Aware of his single status, she spends more time with him, talking with him in his free time. She wasn't infatuated by him that much as his previous mates were, she mostly desired to have a tom there to protect and provide her with her needs. Adderfang wasn't bother by this however and took her in as his fourth and final mate. He isn't as loving to her as he was in his other relationships. He rarely spends time with her in his down time, they do share a nest, but he usually faces away from her. Sometimes when she goes out of her way to talk to him, he might ignore her or just stare at her while she is talking, but doesn't respond a lot.

She takes in Adderfang's kits from previous relationships and his "adopted" ones and has her own not too long into their relationship. She may not find much happiness with spending much time with Adderfang, she is able to find bliss with her kits, adopted and biological, and Adderfang finds happiness the same way, even if the kits tire them out fairly quickly. She doesn't return as a warrior after all the kits become apprentices and stays in the nursery to assist other queens, though sometimes she'll accompany Adderfang at night in their nest.



Mate #1
sweet, intelligent, playful and independent, female, WindClan, Adderfang's first and best love, will die, watches over Adderfang and her kits

Mate #2
cutesy, flirty, comforting, hard to argue with, demanding, whiney, careless and indecent mother, female, WindClan, is chased off with the tom for cheating

flirty, chases after what he wants, passionate, clan outside of WindClan, meets with Mate #2 on the border, causes Mate #2 to cheat, takes Mate #2 as his own after she is forbidden to go back to WindClan by Adder's words

Mate #3
curious, persistent, loving, flirty, emotional, prefers to be alone (with exceptions), female, Kittypet or ex-Kittypet/Loner, kits get taken from her, is taken in by former twoleg/new twoleg and becomes happy in her twoleg nest again

WindClan Queen
motherly, kind, unjudging, takes in "abandoned kits" and treats them as her own kits, is saddened when Mate #4 takes them but is happy she gets to watch them grow in the nursery still

Mate #4
cowardly, weak, clingy, seeks protection and attention, female, WindClan takes in previous kits, finds happiness in kits, remains a queen, assists other queens

Litter #1
looks like Adderfang or Mate #1, Adderfang's first litter, grieves over mother's death, is taken in by Mate #4

Litter #2
looks like Adderfang or Mate #2, prefers father over mother, doesn't miss their mother, is taken in by Mate #4

Litter #3
looks like Adderfang or Mate #3, isn't aware of half Clan heritage and doesn't remember their mother, loves WindClan queen and Mate #4 equally

Litter #4
looks like Adderfang or Mate #4, loves mother and father equally

***the litters can have 3-6 kits***

Form W/ Link-

Name w/ Link:
Role Wanted:
RP Sample:

Form W/O Link-

Role Wanted:
RP Sample:


February 19th, 2017, 06:23 PM
Name w/ Link: Sunsong (http://cashmeoussidehowboutnah.weebly.com/sunsong.html)
Role Wanted: Queen
Code: I dislike berrynose i srry
Questions/Other: aha always comment when Im needed in plots bc i get nervous on when to come in ;w;
RP Sample:
Her eyes were in slits,heated with rage. Memories of the past flooded her mind,of when they were apprentices and grew up together. All she wanted was to focus on her warrior duties but no,she had to have kits. "You have been a burr in my pelt since you came into my life!" she snarled,aiming another blow to the toms neck,not caring if it was going to damage him more. "You harass me when I have given you hints to stay out of my life,but you just don't get it,do you?" she snarled. Another blow she aimed for his neck. "I never wanted you,and never will. Not even in my life." she spat,curling her lip. "You think you have the right to decide which lives you can take? Fallowkit? i never hated my kits. I simply disliked them." she clarified. "But I do hate you." she aimed a final blow to the toms neck,her clear thorn sharp claws out stretched not for a simple scratch,but for a kill. She couldn't handle the stress of seeing his face everyday,his smug smirk. the scent of blood that was always on him. She hated him,and she wanted to be the cause of his ending.

February 19th, 2017, 07:02 PM
Name: Skykit link: http://humz.bid/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/grey-tabby-cat-brown-tabby-cat-gray-tabby-cat-kittens-light-brown-tabby-cat-with-amber-eyes-silver-and-white-tabby-cat.jpg
Age: TBrPed
Rank: kit
Appearence: In link
Perso: Bouncy and optimist. Deeply saddened by mother's death.
Role Wanted: Litter 1
Code: Stormfeather xD
Q/O: Y halo thar

February 19th, 2017, 07:52 PM
Name: Lavendercloud
Age: 28 moons
Rank/Residence: Warrior/WindClan
Appearance: Boop (https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.DtwCyVz9PHr0F55tb1jysgDJEs&pid=15.1)
Perso: Lavendercloud is a rough-and-tumble kind of cat. She enjoys taking risks and doing what she's told not to do. She can be extremely stubborn, never taking an answer she doesn't like unless she's forced into it. Ever since her apprenticeship, she's been very cunning and witty. She knows how to be persuasive and uses this skill a lot. She is fun loving and searches for silver lining in every situation. She is caring sweet. She often can get into deep trouble with her actions. She believes that she can do everything on her own as well, which also gets her extremely upset when she doesn't have complete control over any situation. She is sometimes rude to certain cats if she's having an off day, and is never afraid to lash out. (I have more information but I don't want this form to be 50 paragraphs long, so i summarized it...)
Role Wanted: Mate #1
Code: Hollyleaf and Ivypool
Questions/Other: Nope!

February 21st, 2017, 05:16 PM
Name w/ Link: Wrenclaw (http://echowcorp.weebly.com/wrenclaw.html)
Role Wanted: Tom
Code: Sorreltail or Whitestorm c:
Questions/Other: Other than Wrenclaw might leave the she-cat eventually if they have kits cause he's a cheat, then none xD
RP Sample:Illusion was resting in her nest when a sudden pain in her stomach jerked the fluffy alabaster she-cat awake. Her deep blue optics shot opened and she twisted to give her stomach a quick lick. Perhaps it was just a kit kicking? Illusion never went and saw a healer like Hades, her mate, had suggested. Instead she just lounged in the clearing or in the nursery hoping that the kits were to arrive soon and that nothing would happen to her or them during the process. You're fretting over nothing. A queen gives birth every day, it's nothing new in the circle of life, she scolded herself before another pain shook her body. Inhaling deeply she bit her bottom lip and let out a pitiful wail of pain. "Hades!" she called as loud as she could into the clearing. There was no hiding it anymore, the proud tom-cat couldn't hide the fact they were mates any longer, especially when she was yelling his name in particular. Sure their relationship was a little strange considering she flirted with every tom and he allowed it, but she was loyal to Hades nonetheless. This proved it after all. Another pain wracked her body and that's when it hit her that the kits were actually coming. Illusion was more desperate now as she turned to lay on her side and started breathing heavy. Already, her normally sleek, beautiful pelt was ruffled and her normally clear optics were glazed with pain. She wasn't expecting this in the least bit. Not this much pain. "Hades! I need you!" she tried wailing again. It took her breath away and she wasn't going to try again. If Hades was in camp now, he should've heard her.

February 22nd, 2017, 11:51 AM
{Throwing this in here incase someone has a black kitty~ that and this is also a little boop~}
Role Wanted:
Kit in any litter really~
Jayfeather {so confuzzled}
Hmm nah
Roleplay Sample:
{Do I have to?
*Does any ways*}

The orange molly turned her inquisitive honey hues upon Winterwhisp and chuckled, a big smile formed on her maw 'And the plan is now being set into motion...though...she looks familiar.' she thought, though she pushed that thought aside, she had promised herself, as well as her idiot brother that she would find him a mate, and this one right beside her seems like a great first attempt "Blazingstar, my sibling, are you interested? my my, he already has a crush, who would've thought."she chuckled, she still couldn't figure out where she's seen this warrior before, and she's heard her voice before. It annoyed her a little, just the way she asked, the way she asked, the moment they locked eyes she know she didn't like this warrior, but this wasn't for her, she was talking to Winterwhisp for Blazingstar, to find him someone that would help him deal with his stress. Emberdust quivered her whiskers and picked her head up, so that her gaze was even with the warriors, so that Winterwhisp wasn't looking down upon her, it made her even more annoyed, she didn't like others looking down upon her, if anything it was her that would look down upon others, not because of her status, no she didn't care for that, no, it was because of her intelligence, she was much smarter than most of these cats in this clan, how else was she able to come up with this fool proof, mate finding, plan for his brother.

February 24th, 2017, 08:46 PM

February 24th, 2017, 09:28 PM
Name w/ Link: Breezestorm (http://areptesa.wixsite.com/wcochars/spellcaster)
Role Wanted: Mate 1 or Mate 2 (preferably 1)
Code: (Only using warrior names here) Hmm... I really like Jayfeather, but I also love Lionblaze, Dovewing, Hollyleaf, Fireheart, Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw, Ashfur, Blackfoot, Leopardfur, Mistyfoot, Onewhisker, Mudclaw... What can I say? I love all of them xD
Questions/Other: I'd prefer Breezestorm die than be chased out of Windclan, which is why I prefer her to be mate 1, but I can role with either since her personality kinda goes with both :3
RP Sample:
Amber eyes gazed out at the wandering cats in the Shadowclan clearing. They were the only things visible about Nightleap, her pelt being completely black, helping her blend into the shadows. However, her gaze was blank. She didn't know why she'd failed, or how. She only knew that she did. The she-cat's grief for her young apprentice started making her not hungry herself. She ate when others were watching just to get them to be quiet about her now-fragile body. She just had to let Wolfpaw fight, didn't she? Light tears started welling in the warrior's eyes as she thought about her little apprentice. Every time she saw Wolfpaw's family she apologized. How long could she keep it up? She hadn't spoken to any of her friends since it happened. She simply stayed in her little corner unless she was chosen for patrol, which was the only reason she had for doing anything for any clan, or herself. Maybe she should talk to someone... Someone who understood her pain. Nightleap glanced about the clearing, searching for someone to talk to, though she didn't really want to. When she saw her old friend, the she-cat let herself smile slightly.
She got up slowly, aching throughout her body from staying in the same spot all day. She shook her pelt, which was slightly matted from the dirt, and started padding over to Snakesnap. When she spoke, her voice was unusually gruff. "Hey, Snakesnap..."

February 26th, 2017, 12:22 AM

March 3rd, 2017, 08:29 PM
30 Moons
Ref1 (http://img08.deviantart.net/f1c3/i/2009/306/2/c/cat_by_colorful_child.jpg)||Ref2 (http://sunclanwarriorsunite.webs.com/Monkeytail.jpg)
Woodrunner is a skinny and tall molly with light, smooth, fluffy brown fur with stunning, starling blue orbs.
Woodrunner is a shy, and skiddish molly who is very soft spoken and just goes with the flow. She can easily be bribed and is incredibly gullible, she doesn't really like to be around other cats because she fells as though she'll only annoy others and or just be a burden to them. She hate's seeing other's suffer and is constantly doing other's work for them. She loves kits and has always dreamed of having her own, but has never really tried to find her mate, she feels as though her mate will naturally come to her, she believes in soul mates and would do anything to keep her soulmate happy.
Role Wanted
Mate #4
Still goin with jayfeather

RP Sample
Do I have to?

March 11th, 2017, 11:54 AM
~ba bump ba~


March 11th, 2017, 02:01 PM
Name: Larkfur | Finchkit - Finchpaw - Finchtail
Age: 27 Moons | Unborn
Gender: Female | Trans[male]
Rank/Residence: Warrior | Kit
Appearance: 1 (https://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/979859/214344508/stock-photo-grey-and-ginger-tortoiseshell-tabby-cat-investigating-a-twig-on-a-grape-vine-by-smelling-it-214344508.jpg), 2 (https://thumb1.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/979859/194597756/stock-photo-cute-grey-and-ginger-tortoiseshell-tabby-cat-rolling-on-the-dirt-with-paws-up-and-looking-at-camera-194597756.jpg), 3 (https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/979859/236647441/stock-photo-beautiful-grey-and-ginger-tortoiseshell-tabby-torbie-cat-sitting-on-sandstone-bench-in-garden-236647441.jpg) | 1 (https://thumb1.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1375261/569652919/stock-photo-brown-cat-of-siberian-breed-at-two-months-569652919.jpg), 2 (https://thumb9.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1375261/569652958/stock-photo-brown-cat-of-siberian-breed-at-two-months-569652958.jpg), 3 (https://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1375261/569652877/stock-photo-brown-cat-of-siberian-breed-at-two-months-569652877.jpg)
Independent; Intelligent; Sweet
Compassionate; Friendly; Playful;
Silly; Trusting; Willful;
Clever; Charming; Loyal;
Ambitious; Daring; Reserved;
Airy; Erratic; Hostile
Role Wanted: Mate #1 | Litter #2
Code: sorreltail
Questions/Other: nah
RP Sample: pfftt

March 19th, 2017, 09:14 PM
bop it

twist it

pull it