View Full Version : The Murders of ThunderClan

February 13th, 2017, 01:56 PM
There is a black oriental with a murderous history. Highly stoic and no feelings that brew inside show through. He has disappeared into the territory and come back with blood. "A Messy Kill.." he says. Until one day he starts killing his own. He attacks his fellow Apprentices, and claims he thought they were 'intruders', they continue for about a moon until one day an attack leads to DEATH. Now Crownight must face exhile. But he won't go down without a fight. After he leaves he attacks more cats and kills them before he goes to the syndicate. But he doesn't stop there. He has fallen in love with a ThunderClan molly, Owlstone, and urges her to come with him, but her weak legs and fear of rogues forces her to tell him no and he becomes heart broken, and then leaves. But when she finds out she is with kits, she goes looking for him. When she finds him, Crow goes to the syndicate and fights for the both of them then she becomes a healer and he becomes a fighter.

First killed cat
Second Killed cat
Third Killed cat
Attacked apprentices
Witness to tell Gyrestar
Cat to lead them to the Syndicate

RP Example~

RP Example~

CROWNIGHT (http://moons-charries.weebly.com/crownight.html)

February 13th, 2017, 02:05 PM
Name~ Helios
Age~ 14 moons
Gender~ Female
Looks~ Cream molly with green eyes
Personality~ Without question, Helios is one of the quickest cats in the Syndicate, or so she thinks, she's witty and strategic and if anyone were to use her wits about her, she'd very easily attack. (WIPWIP)
Role~ Cat that leads to Syndicate
PPD~ 32.18
RP Example~ ercyleap was at her nest, when she heard something.
Not just something.. It sounded.. Peculiar. No, it was nothing.. Just a memory..
Mercykit was squealing, wanting attention, when her mother picked her up and threw her out of the den, she had hit her muzzle; hard. thus the crooked look she has on it. She screeched and ran back in, but her mother; Dappledbreeze; Threw her out again.
This time she's had enough, she's going to get her revenge, on her mom or on someone else.

February 13th, 2017, 02:05 PM
Name~ Goldenpaw. http://maplefall.weebly.com/thunderclan.html
Role~ Apprentice that gets attacked,
PPD~ Around ten.
RP Example~ http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10&page=183, bottom post. Sorry it won't let me quote.

February 13th, 2017, 04:05 PM
Name: Turtlestrike
She's beautiful tortoiseshell with striking green eyes
Role: witness
Other/questions: nope
PPD: around 9
Rp example: Turtlestrike sat in the shadows of a clump of ferns, and then her ears pricked up as she heard a scrabbling of tiny claws over wood. She sniffed the air. Mouse. Crouching low, she began to slink over the forest floor, ears flat and tail kinked over her back to make herself as small as she possibly could. She set a paw fown and a twig snapped beneath it. The mouse froze, and with a hiss of desperation, Turtlestrike leaped, but her paws came down on empty air. The mouse had darted away into a hole. "Fox dung," she cursed. Looks like she would have to go out again at sunhigh. With a sigh, she turned around and headed back to camp.

February 13th, 2017, 04:28 PM
All accepted!

February 13th, 2017, 05:44 PM
Name~ Laurelpaw (http://what-a-tragedy.weebly.com/laurelpaw.html)
Role~ Apprentice that gets attacked (because apprentice is plural in the OP ^^)
Other/Questions~ Unfortunately, I don't want to kill any of my children :< When will this take place (real time)?
PPD~ 1.02
RP Example~ Ravenpaw flinched, mind racing with various outcomes of this situation and how to respond before he realized who had run into him. "Oh! S-Softpaw," he started, relief coming off of him in waves. He didn't know what he would've said if the cat in front of him had been anyone else. Heart burning and pounding like there was no far, he closed his eyes and took in a slow, deep breath, counting to 7 before he exhaled. "I was just looking for you," admitted the black tom, glancing at his friend before shifting his gaze towards her paws. He was never much good at keeping eye contact; it made him far too nervous. "We should, umm, hang... hang out. Sometime. It—it doesn't have to be now if you don't want to." His confidence slowly but surely raised during the time in which he spoke to Softpaw. It always started out at rock bottom, despite his earlier conversations with the pretty she-cat, but it always began to grow as he spoke to her. He was apprehensive, nausea pooling in the pit of his stomach. It was... strange. He hadn't been like this with her as of late—maybe he still hadn't gotten over the shock of someone bumping into him? Whatever it was, he wasn't too delighted with the feeling.

The rabbit that Ravenpaw had devoured was not sitting well in his stomach, and a twinge of doubt nestled itself in his mind. Maybe hanging out with Softpaw wasn't the best of ideas? Maybe... maybe she was making him feel like this. No, he dismissed the thought immediately. That couldn't be it. If it wasn't, well, what was making him like this?

February 13th, 2017, 06:04 PM
Accepted. Plot is set to begin sometime this month after Crow's ceremony then he would be exhiled in either march or april due to time limits!

goddess of ducks
February 13th, 2017, 07:29 PM
Name~ Storkpaw
Link: https://nightyscharries.weebly.com/storkpaw.html
Role~ Attacked apprentice
Other/Questions~ Nurp
PPD~ 8.7 (I think)
RP Example~ (Skyclan Territory page 70)

Cliffheart listened in silence. He was listening but was finding it hard to believe. As she told him that he was a star, he shook his head disdainfully and looked at the peaty ground below him. She was probably just saying this to comfort him....right? Although no matter how many times he went over that thought, he couldn't help but feel hopeful that she was actually right. He wanted to believe it, he really did, but how? This was similar to everything every cat had ever to,d him. 'You are special!' And 'You are different!' Those were what bothered him, because yes he was painfully aware of how different he was. But there was something in the way that she said it. She sounded truly genuine about it, and ...oh how he desperately wanted to believe he could be great. But then again, look at the leader and deputy, they seemed perfect. They seemed to always know how to handle things, their bodies were in perfect shape. He couldn't be like them. It just wasn't possible. Still shaking his dusty head in disbelief, he sighed and threw his head back and let his hues wander the starry sky above him.
His hues lingered there, and jumped from the different specks of light. What is she was right? Was he truly a star? How could he be if he couldn't function on all limbs? He couldn't wrap his mind around it. For him, the leaders were flawless. Even Singenight, Bucknight, Ratnight and Blazingnight. They too were all flawless, just in different ways. How could he be a leader, a star a hero, if he could run fast enough to save everyone. He just couldn't. "Look, Scorched, I can't. I'm not made out to be leader. I hear what you have to say and everything, and I thank you for saying it. But I think the problem is, is that I don't think we're seeing the same cat. You seem to see someone who knows what then want when they want, and they know how to get it. They know they can power through anything and rise to the occasion. I don't see that in me. Sorry, but I don't." He said simply, turning away from her, not wanting to see the look in her face. "I don't think I can be a hero. Heroes seem to have it all together. Who would want a hero who isn't fast enough to save the day? Who isn't good enough to stand tall and firm?" He asked, anger boiling inside him. It wasn't directed at her, but it was still there festering inside him.