View Full Version : It's All a Circle Of Neverending Pain

February 9th, 2017, 05:50 PM
Turtlestrike has lost everything. Her family, her friends, her home. And It's all thanks to those filthy rogues. She needs to get back on his paws... but she can't do it alone. She needs friends. She needs family... and just maybe, she needs a little drama in her life to help her realize that she still had more than most cats.

Mkay, so these are the cats i need.

Rogue 1 (leader): Scorch (Hugz)
Rogue 2:
Rogue 3:
Rogue 4:
Rogue 5:

Friend 1: Smoke (Shadomaru)
Friend 2:
Friend 3:

Tom: Phoenix (Mystical Monokuma)

Rival 1:

[Tom]'s Rival:

Rogues: If you can live with yourself when you want to be a cat who basically ruined an 11-year-old rogue's life, go ahead.
Friends: You're there to help Turtlestrike out and comfort her. After all, that what friends are for, right?
Tom: If you don't mind she-cats fighting over you, please, sign up for this. You will have a crush on Turtlestrike.
Rival: You are basically trying to take [Tom] from Turtlestrike. You have to create drama for the RP, otherwise this wont work out. Technically, even though you found Turtlestrike and decided to help her out, you aren't really considered as a friend.
[Tom]'s Rival: You are the other tom who is crushing on Turtlestrike. You also need to creat drama.

Ok so the form.

Age (Rogues will be 30-32 moons old, everyone else is 11-13 moons):
Appearence (rogues must have dark pelts):
Personality (TBRP is accepted):
Drama lvl:
RP example (and I'm going to let you in on a secret: if you make your persobality super descriptive, I will count that as the RP example):

Mkay that's it! And I need all positions filled before we can start roleplaying. Have a fantastic day, everyone! And Happy Valentine's Day!

February 9th, 2017, 06:56 PM
Name: Scorch
Age: 31 moons
Gender; F
Apperance: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hWR5zrji7LQ/maxresdefault.jpg
Personality; TBRP'D
Drama lvl: 8-10
Activity: 9-10
Questions: Nlll
Other: Rouge 1
Rp Ex: http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78&page=13

February 10th, 2017, 05:36 AM
Name: Scorch
Age: 31 moons
Gender; F
Apperance: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hWR5zrji7LQ/maxresdefault.jpg
Personality; TBRP'D
Drama lvl: 8-10
Activity: 9-10
Questions: Nlll
Other: Rouge 1
Rp Ex: http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78&page=13
Accepted! I'll add you on!

February 10th, 2017, 05:48 AM
If all spot's aren't taken by the time i get home from school, I'll see if I can fill in a role :3

February 10th, 2017, 06:23 AM
If all spot's aren't taken by the time i get home from school, I'll see if I can fill in a role :3
Ok I'll save you a spot which one do you want?

February 10th, 2017, 01:33 PM
Ok I'll save you a spot which one do you want?
This one:

Name: Phoenix
Age: 12 moons
Gender: Male
Appearence: http://monos-charries.weebly.com/uploads/8/6/8/2/86822254/phoenis.jpg?369
Personality: TBRP because I just got home from school so I cant think straight atm
Drama lvl: I don't do much Drama, but I'd say somewhere around 7/10
Activity: 8-9/10
Questions/concerns: N/A
Other: Tom. Dont judge me if im bad at Drama, I'm not in my schools Theater Class...
RP example:
Shade looked around the area, having some fun as she kept near her home, not wanting to stray too far and get lost. She had been a curious one for quite some time, and no one could disagree with that. She had looked around the trees for any harmless animals, and looked in the bushes for berries or anything else. When she thought she heard something, she averted her gaze to the left, before turning around and walking back home with her siblings and her parents.

February 10th, 2017, 02:14 PM
This one:

Name: Phoenix
Age: 12 moons
Gender: Male
Appearence: http://monos-charries.weebly.com/uploads/8/6/8/2/86822254/phoenis.jpg?369
Personality: TBRP because I just got home from school so I cant think straight atm
Drama lvl: I don't do much Drama, but I'd say somewhere around 7/10
Activity: 8-9/10
Questions/concerns: N/A
Other: Tom. Dont judge me if im bad at Drama, I'm not in my schools Theater Class...
RP example:
Shade looked around the area, having some fun as she kept near her home, not wanting to stray too far and get lost. She had been a curious one for quite some time, and no one could disagree with that. She had looked around the trees for any harmless animals, and looked in the bushes for berries or anything else. When she thought she heard something, she averted her gaze to the left, before turning around and walking back home with her siblings and her parents.

February 11th, 2017, 06:26 AM

Ainz Ooal Gown
February 11th, 2017, 10:11 AM
Name: Smoke
Age (Rogues will be 30-32 moons old, everyone else is 11-13 moons): 12 moons
Appearence (rogues must have dark pelts): https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M180ba6828aeac0e2f47fc55fa4621914H0&pid=15.1
Personality (TBRP is accepted): TBRP
Drama lvl: 4
Activ 9.5/10 but Track is starting soon and so the days I have track meets, it will probably only be like a 3
Questions/concerns: nope
Other: Friend 1
RP example (and I'm going to let you in on a secret: if you make your persobality super descriptive, I will count that as the RP example):
It had to be done. His leader was about to start a war among all clans. She would’ve caused chaos everywhere. At least, that’s what Amberwind had told them. Stripedfoot had to kill Maplestar, there was no other option. He and Greyseed had worked together to kill her. They lead Maplestar to the small, but deep river near the border and pushed her in.
“Should we have done it?” Greyseed asked, still shaking in guilt.
“Of course. Amberwind said that she was about to start war with every clan involved. We couldn’t let that happen,” Stripedfoot replied. “Don’t worry about it. We can say that a RiverClan cat crossed the border and she chased him off, but fell into the river.”
Greyseed nodded, “If you say so, but something just doesn’t feel right.”
“What do you mean?”
“It just feels weird. She was leader for only a quarter moon. It just feels like she died too quick for comfort.”
Stripedfoot rubbed his side, “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like she can come back from the dead.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Greyseed replied.

February 11th, 2017, 11:10 AM
Name: Smoke
Age (Rogues will be 30-32 moons old, everyone else is 11-13 moons): 12 moons
Appearence (rogues must have dark pelts): https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M180ba6828aeac0e2f47fc55fa4621914H0&pid=15.1
Personality (TBRP is accepted): TBRP
Drama lvl: 4
Activ 9.5/10 but Track is starting soon and so the days I have track meets, it will probably only be like a 3
Questions/concerns: nope
Other: Friend 1
RP example (and I'm going to let you in on a secret: if you make your persobality super descriptive, I will count that as the RP example):
It had to be done. His leader was about to start a war among all clans. She would’ve caused chaos everywhere. At least, that’s what Amberwind had told them. Stripedfoot had to kill Maplestar, there was no other option. He and Greyseed had worked together to kill her. They lead Maplestar to the small, but deep river near the border and pushed her in.
“Should we have done it?” Greyseed asked, still shaking in guilt.
“Of course. Amberwind said that she was about to start war with every clan involved. We couldn’t let that happen,” Stripedfoot replied. “Don’t worry about it. We can say that a RiverClan cat crossed the border and she chased him off, but fell into the river.”
Greyseed nodded, “If you say so, but something just doesn’t feel right.”
“What do you mean?”
“It just feels weird. She was leader for only a quarter moon. It just feels like she died too quick for comfort.”
Stripedfoot rubbed his side, “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like she can come back from the dead.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Greyseed replied.
Accepted! ...And I just now realized I didn't put "role" in the form.

Ainz Ooal Gown
February 11th, 2017, 11:25 AM