View Full Version : Leopardkit bio

February 1st, 2017, 01:44 PM
Name: Leopard: by hers black spots and golden fur.
Kit: Because she is a little kit.
Age: 1 moon
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Residential info
Current clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Kit
Future mentor: Unknown

Mother: Fadedwhisker/ loves (Rp'ed by kozui-chan, unknown status)
Father: Unknown/ want to know more (NPC, deceased)

Neutral: ???
Best friends: ???
Friendly rival: Aspenkit (Roleplayed by RipplePaw)

Lonely: It's hard to Leopardkit get friends, not because she can't, but because she don't want, so, she tends to be very lonely, and she don't care about that.
Clever: She always tends to be more rational, than emotional, she don't care if she offended someone psychologically, can be considered insensitive, and can take advantage from mouse-brained cats if she wants.
Loyal: Leopardkit is very loyal to Shadowclan ONLY, because one day, she wants to become a warrior, or a leader, Leopardkit wants to make Shadowclan more stronger, became useless is her worst nightmare.
Brave: Sometimes looks like she don't have any fears.

Favorite season: Leaf-bare, because the snow makes the forest beauty for her.
Favorite food: Mouse
Favorite sound: Birds chirping

Greatest hope: Be the leader or a stronger warrior of Shadowclan.
Greatest strenght: Her clever mind.
Greatest weakness: The fact that she is a kit, and she is still very weak in a fight or hunt.
Deepest dark secret: none for now
Most treasured memory: the time that she was recently opened her eyes, with her mother.

Quirks: tends to bite rocks when she is bored.

Place of birth: Shadowclan nursery
Beliefs: Starclan

Physical info:
Breed: Bengal cat
Image: http://www.petsbrasil.com/files/pictures/picture_549.jpg
Voice: High pitched and loud.
Scent: Milk and grass.