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Wildy~ =3
January 30th, 2017, 08:47 PM
In this roleplay, normal people are teleported into a random book series, tv show, etc.
Every year, a black hole sucks them up and takes them to a new place.
And the cycle continues...

Every year the book series/book/tv show/movie/video game/whatever this rp is about changes, and the characters need to adapt to a new world, new rules, new NLCs (Non-Living Characters), as they are called, and new abilities. When it changes, active people will take an activeness check. Ignore it if you don't want to do this rp anymore. Or tell me if you will be active; but you'll be on vacation or something.

Person Looks:
Cat Looks:
Owl Looks:
Wolf Looks:

1. No OP charries.
2. No killing off other charries unless allowed to.
3. Plz nothing too dark unless it's FNAF year or the like.
4. Have Fun! I'll add more later.

Lia Wildmoon ( @Brambleflight (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=430) )
Ray ( @BluBunny (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=130) )
Adam ( @Night Awaits (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=904) )
Maris ( @FoxyFanGirl (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=426) )
Summer ( @SkyHeart (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=28) )
Allison ( @Skitty_Kitty (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=754) )
Thea Eventide ( @No One's Beeswax (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=1476) )
Abby ( @Rivergold (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=177) )
Dota ( @Wildpelt (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=1912) )
Cecilia ( Owlmint )
Lilly ( Healthy Diet Pepsi )
Erza ( Starstar )

2017 & (Some of) 2018: Warrior Cats

This is a slight bit of WIP

January 30th, 2017, 09:08 PM
Name: Ray
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Person Looks: Person (http://66.media.tumblr.com/ef3e73da16c88097b576e90517947df8/tumblr_ndp60xw5Do1rhxuhyo1_1280.jpg) Green tips on the top of his hair and he had bright green eyes.
Cat Looks: Cat (https://assets.rbl.ms/4166306/980x.jpg)Bright green eyes
Owl Looks:Owl (http://www.factzoo.com/sites/all/img/birds/owls/mottled-black-white-snowy-owl.jpg)Bright green eyes
Wolf Looks: Wolf (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/03/c7/6b/03c76b7c1800b7ae5a3d2006d817c055.jpg) The white undercoat goes from his chin to the tail, bright green eyes.
Perso: Ray is a quiet, anxious character. He always worries about small things and overthinks things at times. Even with his anxiety he would go out of his way to help anyone in trouble and it kind to everyone and anyone. He is very open-minded but can talk a lot when he is nervous or excited.
Crush: Open~ Pansexual perfers males
Other/Questions/Concerns: Nope

Wildy~ =3
January 30th, 2017, 09:45 PM
Name: Ray
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Person Looks: Person (http://66.media.tumblr.com/ef3e73da16c88097b576e90517947df8/tumblr_ndp60xw5Do1rhxuhyo1_1280.jpg) Green tips on the top of his hair and he had bright green eyes.
Cat Looks: Cat (https://assets.rbl.ms/4166306/980x.jpg)Bright green eyes
Owl Looks:Owl (http://www.factzoo.com/sites/all/img/birds/owls/mottled-black-white-snowy-owl.jpg)Bright green eyes
Wolf Looks: Wolf (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/03/c7/6b/03c76b7c1800b7ae5a3d2006d817c055.jpg) The white undercoat goes from his chin to the tail, bright green eyes.
Perso: Ray is a quiet, anxious character. He always worries about small things and overthinks things at times. Even with his anxiety he would go out of his way to help anyone in trouble and it kind to everyone and anyone. He is very open-minded but can talk a lot when he is nervous or excited.
Crush: Open~ Pansexual perfers males
Other/Questions/Concerns: Nope

Night Awaits
January 31st, 2017, 12:08 AM
Name: Adam
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Looks: https://goo.gl/images/429soa (Sorry, mobile makes it hard for URLs XD)
Personality: He's trigger happy, and talks from time to time. He also gets excited over most things, but tries to contain it, and in dangerous situations, he tries to help while he's freaking out inside.
Crush: Open
Other/Questions: One thing

He carries a pistol in his inside coat pocket XD

January 31st, 2017, 09:53 AM
Name: Maris
Age: 12
Gender: F
Person looks: https://animewriter.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/maris-homeroom-teacher.jpg
Cat looks: http://imgstocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Wp02395-portrait-of-brown-spotted-tabby-male-cat-lowlander.jpg
Owl looks: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTD0bsHE5JNf0zYSDdaCGOuIXzPuj4Bw 9LEQTZ43HvXczL-XG_1
Wolf looks: attached below
Perso: TBRP
Crush: open
Other/questions: wait so do they turn into the cat or owl or wolf that they have when they're sucked into the books?

January 31st, 2017, 11:10 AM
Name: Summer

Age: 16 1/2

Gender: Female

Person Looks: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg03.deviantart.net%2F 25be%2Fi%2F2016%2F150%2F5%2F6%2Fcute_anime_girl___ wallpaper_by_lelitaa-da4b04j.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Flelitaa.deviantart.com%2Far t%2FCute-Anime-Girl-Wallpaper-611893603&docid=TJZfrsQder-smM&tbnid=skINwGbmPUTlIM%3A&vet=1&w=1024&h=576&safe=strict&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=508&biw=320&q=cute%20anime%20girl&ved=0ahUKEwiZ1PzY5uzRAhUp7oMKHTZaDt0QMwh0KAYwBg&iact=mrc&uact=8 (But without the ears or whatever they are is just a droopy black bow in the back of her head XD)

Cat Looks: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zastavki.com%2Fpict ures%2Foriginals%2F2013%2FAnimals___Cats_White_flu ffy_cat_with_blue_eyes_046776_.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthefarshore.dreamwidth.org %2F&docid=iElScYJEWHIBDM&tbnid=qx4ge2XfH_7wRM%3A&vet=1&w=3504&h=2336&safe=strict&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=508&biw=320&ved=0ahUKEwjQm5DO6ezRAhUNySYKHX81DfwQxiAIBSgC&iact=c&ictx=1

Owl Looks: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fstuffpoint.com%2Fowls%2 Fimage%2F256146-owls-white-owl.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fstuffpoint.com%2Fowls%2Fima ge%2F256146%2Fwhite-owl-wallpaper%2F&docid=Ik_vyOLhBekrjM&tbnid=T7heY5TFbbTpqM%3A&vet=1&w=2560&h=1600&safe=strict&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=508&biw=320&q=cute%20black%20and%20white%20owl%20with%20blue%2 0eyes&ved=0ahUKEwir9-ej7-zRAhWE7IMKHcB9BUoQMwggKAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8 (Except the brown lines are black and the black eyes are light blue.)

Wolf Looks: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Forig13.deviantart.net%2 F60c8%2Ff%2F2013%2F191%2Fd%2F9%2Flight_brown_wolf_ adoptable_by_lill_devil_melii-d6cwue7.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Flill-devil-melii.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FLight-Brown-Wolf-Dog-Adoptable-Very-Cheap-384484831&docid=4apFjK6sZ89sRM&tbnid=N0XaFxE7F2PqCM%3A&vet=1&w=850&h=535&safe=strict&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=404&biw=320&q=ligt%20yellow%20wolf&ved=0ahUKEwjx9O_i7-zRAhVP2mMKHUHCAhQQMwgeKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 (The fur that isn't white would be the same color as her hair.)

Perso: Summer enjoys to have fun and is always up for an adventure, no matter the danger. She's sometimes daring and brave. Summer also enjoys getting along with people. She's friendly as well and enjoys getting excited and hyped. Even though she may seem strong, she does have a soft side. The rest is TBRPED

Crush: Open!

Other/Questions/Concerns: Nu XDDD

January 31st, 2017, 11:22 AM
In this roleplay, normal people are teleported into a random book series, tv show, etc.
Every year, a black hole sucks them up and takes them to a new place.
And the cycle continues...

Every year the book series/book/tv show/movie/video game/whatever this rp is about changes, and the characters need to adapt to a new world, new rules, new NLCs (Non-Living Characters), as they are called, and new abilities. When it changes, active people will take an activeness check. Ignore it if you don't want to do this rp anymore. Or tell me if you will be active; but you'll be on vacation or something.

Person Looks:
Cat Looks:
Owl Looks:
Wolf Looks:

1. No OP charries.
2. No killing off other charries unless allowed to.
3. Plz nothing too dark unless it's FNAF year or the like.
4. Have Fun! I'll add more later.

Lia Wildmoon ( Brambleflight )
Ray ( Lost Illusion )

2017: Warrior Cats (If allowed)
2017 (If Warrior Cats isn't allowed): Pokemon
2018: Tokyo Mew Mew
2019: Harry Potter
2020: Undecided (Yet...)

This is a slight bit of WIP
Dude, there's like, a billion other forms above mine so, give them a look too :D
Name: Allison
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Person Looks: http://www.baltana.com/girls/girl-high-quality-wallpapers-02053.html
Cat Looks: https://pixabay.com/p-300572/?no_redirect
Owl Looks: http://taravoices.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/owl_horned.jpg
Wolf Looks: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/97/02/cd/9702cda1a377c17f25fd61cf84f38573.jpg
Perso: TBRPD
Crush: OPEN
Other/Questions/Concerns: nope, Also, Warrior Cats is ALLOWED

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 12:25 PM
(All accepted!) Night Awaits The pistol may disappear sometimes when it wouldn't be allowed normally but comes back when it is allowed. FoxyFanGirl They turn into an animal if needed. So for WarriorCats you'd be a cat. SkyHeart I can't see the cat picture :( Sweet Bread THANK YOU! I really needed that info! :D

January 31st, 2017, 12:34 PM
(All accepted!) Night Awaits The pistol may disappear sometimes when it wouldn't be allowed normally but comes back when it is allowed. FoxyFanGirl They turn into an animal if needed. So for WarriorCats you'd be a cat. SkyHeart I can't see the cat picture :( Sweet Bread THANK YOU! I really needed that info! :D
Sweet when do we start!

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 12:42 PM
Name: Lia Wildmoon
Age: 13
Gender: She
Person Looks: Short for her age, Lia has long brown hair, bright hazel eyes, and slightly pale skin.
Cat Looks: Brown tabby with green eyes and white belly.
Owl Looks: Barn Owl with bright green eyes.
Wolf Looks: Light brown, with darker stripes and bright green eyes.
Perso: TBRP'd
Crush: Open
Other/Questions/Concerns: Eh.

(We can start now!)
She woke up on a smooth rock, sunlight dappling the ground. 'Huh?' she thought, confused. Last she checked, she was sleeping face-down on her bed. She got up on two legs, wobbling. She suddenly realized, "I'M A CAT!!!"

January 31st, 2017, 12:51 PM
Maris yelped and sat up on a patch of moss. "What the heck?!" She stared down at her hands -well, paws actually- and then flicked her ears.Wait... I couldn't do that before! She dashed over to a puddle and looked in it. Brown fur...pointy ears... a tail? Good God, I'm a cat!

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 12:53 PM
Maris yelped and sat up on a patch of moss. "What the heck?!" She stared down at her hands -well, paws actually- and then flicked her ears.Wait... I couldn't do that before! She dashed over to a puddle and looked in it. Brown fur...pointy ears... a tail? Good God, I'm a cat!
Lia looked at Maris. "... Hi." she said.

January 31st, 2017, 01:03 PM
Lia looked at Maris. "... Hi." she said.
Maris started, then relaxed. "Hey. Do you know what happened?"

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:10 PM
Maris started, then relaxed. "Hey. Do you know what happened?"
"What do you mean?" Lia asked, confused. Suddenly, two cats appeared, a large black tom and a tiny gray she-cat. "I can't wait until I see the look on-" The she-cat stopped, seeing Maris on the moss. "HEY! That's MY moss you stole! Give it back!" Meanwhile, the tom walked to Lia and snarled, "Go away, rogue. Take your friend with you. Your kind don't belong on BlazeClan territory."
"..." Lia said, staring in surprise at the tom. 'omahgoshiminthewarriorsbookseriesomahgosh' she thought.

January 31st, 2017, 01:12 PM
"What do you mean?" Lia asked, confused. Suddenly, two cats appeared, a large black tom and a tiny gray she-cat. "I can't wait until I see the look on-" The she-cat stopped, seeing Maris on the moss. "HEY! That's MY moss you stole! Give it back!" Meanwhile, the tom walked to Lia and snarled, "Go away, rogue. Take your friend with you. Your kind don't belong on BlazeClan territory."
"..." Lia said, staring in surprise at the tom. 'omahgoshiminthewarriorsbookseriesomahgosh' she thought.
"Listen buster, I literally just woke up here and I don't-" She broke off then cried, "Ohmygoshim interwarriorsbooksohmygosh!"

January 31st, 2017, 01:17 PM
(Sorry! XD Here's a different link. Hope it works! https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.litlepups.net%2F201 6%2F04%2F15%2Fmedium_cute-white-cat-with-blue-eyes.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.litlepups.net%2Fcb0f5e6 6fa0cf346.html&docid=TyBIrY***z8Q1M&tbnid=qbRKEL-08zuuKM%3A&vet=1&w=640&h=420&client=ms-android-samsung&bih=508&biw=320&q=cute%20white%20cat%20with%20light%20blue%20eyes&ved=0ahUKEwjxuJHEi-3RAhWJyoMKHT-KBIgQMwgdKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 I'll join in on the RP soon XD)

January 31st, 2017, 01:20 PM
Name: Lia Wildmoon
Age: 13
Gender: She
Person Looks: Short for her age, Lia has long brown hair, bright hazel eyes, and slightly pale skin.
Cat Looks: Brown tabby with green eyes and white belly.
Owl Looks: Barn Owl with bright green eyes.
Wolf Looks: Light brown, with darker stripes and bright green eyes.
Perso: TBRP'd
Crush: Open
Other/Questions/Concerns: Eh.

(We can start now!)
She woke up on a smooth rock, sunlight dappling the ground. 'Huh?' she thought, confused. Last she checked, she was sleeping face-down on her bed. She got up on two legs, wobbling. She suddenly realized, "I'M A CAT!!!"
(Wait, how about Allison got here 1 moon before them) A large she-cat snarled at lia. "You just noticed? Jeez, Lia, you're dumb." She nodded at a patrol of cats behind them. "Stonefur, Goosewind, and Leafstorm, meet Wildpaw, my apprentice. I though she'd run away for good." She whispered in LIa's ear. "You're Wildpaw, by the way" She stood up, watching as the cats bowed.
Goosewhisper bowed infront of Tigerstar. "Let's get back to camp"
Allison/Tigerstar nodded and stuck a claw in Wildpaw/Lia's shoulder. "Follow me, your warrior ceremony (She'll be Wildmoon) is starting soon. We can't be late"
Leafstorm shoved Stonefur and Goose, and they all ran ahead, leaving only Tigerstar and Wildpaw behind.
Tiger/Allison smiled.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:20 PM
"Listen buster, I literally just woke up here and I don't-" She broke off then cried, "Ohmygoshim interwarriorsbooksohmygosh!"
"What do you mean?" The she-cat asked, very confused.
Lia's ears pricked the moment she heard 'warriors'. "I'm sorry. My friend and I woke up here, without any memory of coming here. We don't know where to go," she explained to the tom. He seemed to relax at this. "Oh. I'll take you to Blazestar. Come on, Tinypaw," he said. The four started walking to BlazeClan camp. "Don't mind Blackbreeze. He wants BlazeClan to seem strong enough to beat the other Clans if needed. BlazeClan had broken apart. It used to be a big, strong Clan," Tinypaw said to them, not letting Blackbreeze hear her.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:21 PM
(Wait, how about Allison got here 1 moon before them) A large she-cat snarled at lia. "You just noticed? Jeez, Lia, you're dumb." She nodded at a patrol of cats behind them. "Stonefur, Goosewind, and Leafstorm, meet Wildpaw, my apprentice. I though she'd run away for good." She whispered in LIa's ear. "You're Wildpaw, by the way" She stood up, watching as the cats bowed.
Goosewhisper bowed infront of Tigerstar. "Let's get back to camp"
Allison/Tigerstar nodded and stuck a claw in Wildpaw/Lia's shoulder. "Follow me, your warrior ceremony (She'll be Wildmoon) is starting soon. We can't be late"
Leafstorm shoved Stonefur and Goose, and they all ran ahead, leaving only Tigerstar and Wildpaw behind.
Tiger/Allison smiled.
(Wait. They all come at the same time.)

January 31st, 2017, 01:24 PM
(Wait. They all come at the same time.)
Allison got here before, she got swallowed at the same time but the portal broke down a little and she landed 1 moon before. Now please reply to the post

January 31st, 2017, 01:26 PM
"What do you mean?" The she-cat asked, very confused.
Lia's ears pricked the moment she heard 'warriors'. "I'm sorry. My friend and I woke up here, without any memory of coming here. We don't know where to go," she explained to the tom. He seemed to relax at this. "Oh. I'll take you to Blazestar. Come on, Tinypaw," he said. The four started walking to BlazeClan camp. "Don't mind Blackbreeze. He wants BlazeClan to seem strong enough to beat the other Clans if needed. BlazeClan had broken apart. It used to be a big, strong Clan," Tinypaw said to them, not letting Blackbreeze hear her.
The leader is Tigerstar, not Blazestar.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:27 PM
Allison got here before, she got swallowed at the same time but the portal broke down a little and she landed 1 moon before. Now please reply to the post
(No. She can be in camp before them, but they all came the same week.)

January 31st, 2017, 01:30 PM
(No. She can be in camp before them, but they all came the same week.)

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:31 PM
(She can't become leader IN JUST UNDER ONE WEEK!)

January 31st, 2017, 01:34 PM
(She can't become leader IN JUST UNDER ONE WEEK!)
Tigerstar did in the books:
Step 1: Clan was week
Step 2: Helped them for a week
Step 3: LEADER

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:40 PM
Tigerstar did in the books:
Step 1: Clan was week
Step 2: Helped them for a week
Step 3: LEADER
1: BlazeClan isn't weak
2: Blazestar has 3 lives left.
3: He doesn't have evil sickness. YET
4: The deputy isn't going to die.
5: Clan would've chosen a tom. One of the reasons Clans separated from BlazeClan.
6: If there were no suitable cat for the job, they'd be dead.

January 31st, 2017, 01:42 PM
1: BlazeClan isn't weak
2: Blazestar has 3 lives left.
3: He doesn't have evil sickness. YET
4: The deputy isn't going to die.
5: Clan would've chosen a tom. One of the reasons Clans separated from BlazeClan.
6: If there were no suitable cat for the job, they'd be dead.
Jeez, wow. What a way to lose someone for the rp. BYE!!!!!

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:44 PM
Jeez, wow. What a way to lose someone for the rp. BYE!!!!!

Fine. I give up. You win. I just had ideas. And you just ruined them. I'm sorry if some of you liked this rp. I give up. Maybe even on the site.

January 31st, 2017, 01:51 PM

Fine. I give up. You win. I just had ideas. And you just ruined them. I'm sorry if some of you liked this rp. I give up. Maybe even on the site.
Wait Brambleflight! If Sweet Bread can't deal with It, that's THEIR problem. They don't have to ruin it for all of US.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 01:52 PM
Wait Brambleflight! If Sweet Bread can't deal with It, that's THEIR problem. They don't have to ruin it for all of US.

January 31st, 2017, 01:57 PM
Ray awoke on something wet and cold, his bright green orbs searched his surroundings. 'Trees? Grass?' He thought and looked down. His hands were paws, 'What?!' He put his paws on his head and felt ears. He looked behind him and noticed a long black and white speckled tail. "I am a cat?" He said out loud. His hearing and smell seem to be more advanced and he could smell all the trees and grass in the forest. A whiff of another scent hit his nose and he began to follow, not realizing it was the scent of other cats.

January 31st, 2017, 01:59 PM
Exactly! I had an idea, you didn't like it, I LEFT! Its not your problem If I leave, You can continue. Jeez

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:04 PM
Exactly! I had an idea, you didn't like it, I LEFT! Its not your problem If I leave, You can continue. Jeez

January 31st, 2017, 02:07 PM
I'm serious. Dont give up on it yet ok? c:

No One's Beeswax
January 31st, 2017, 02:21 PM
Name: Thea Eventide
Age: 14
Gender: Female
--looks removed for now--
Perso: TBRP
Crush: Open.
Other/Questions/Concerns: Brambleflight

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:23 PM
I'm serious. Dont give up on it yet ok? c:
reply to the post I left plz @Sweet Bread (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=754) is coming back! No One's Beeswax accepted.

January 31st, 2017, 02:25 PM
reply to the post I left plz @Sweet Bread (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=754) is coming back! No One's Beeswax accepted.
What post?

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:27 PM
"What do you mean?" The she-cat asked, very confused.
Lia's ears pricked the moment she heard 'warriors'. "I'm sorry. My friend and I woke up here, without any memory of coming here. We don't know where to go," she explained to the tom. He seemed to relax at this. "Oh. I'll take you to Blazestar. Come on, Tinypaw," he said. The four started walking to BlazeClan camp. "Don't mind Blackbreeze. He wants BlazeClan to seem strong enough to beat the other Clans if needed. BlazeClan had broken apart. It used to be a big, strong Clan," Tinypaw said to them, not letting Blackbreeze hear her.
(This one XD)

No One's Beeswax
January 31st, 2017, 02:30 PM
Thea laid asleep as a nice breeze flew through her window. A very nice breeze, and her bed smelt like dew and flowers...then she noticed something wrong, there was too much wind to have been just coming out of her window. Thea's eyes opened as she saw she was in a field. How the heck did she get there? Thea stumbled as she attempted to get to get up then glanced at her hands...now furry cat paws. Thea screamed.

(When in Warriors is this taken place?)

January 31st, 2017, 02:30 PM
Ray looked up as he got closer to the scent and noticed a group of cats. "Hello?" He said in a quiet voice. He watched the other cats and stepped out from behind a bush. "Uhmm..." He said. He wasn't sure how to explain his situation.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:32 PM
Thea laid asleep as a nice breeze flew through her window. A very nice breeze, and my bed smells so nice...then she noticed something wrong, there was to much wind to have been just coming out of her window. Thea's eyes opened as she saw she was in a field. How the heck did she get there? Thea stumbled as she attempted to get to get up then glanced at her hands. Her now furry cat hands. Thea screamed.

(When in Warriors is this taken place?)
(So many moons past the Darkforest Battle that the Clans forgot about the original Clans.)

January 31st, 2017, 02:33 PM
"What do you mean?" The she-cat asked, very confused.
Lia's ears pricked the moment she heard 'warriors'. "I'm sorry. My friend and I woke up here, without any memory of coming here. We don't know where to go," she explained to the tom. He seemed to relax at this. "Oh. I'll take you to Blazestar. Come on, Tinypaw," he said. The four started walking to BlazeClan camp. "Don't mind Blackbreeze. He wants BlazeClan to seem strong enough to beat the other Clans if needed. BlazeClan had broken apart. It used to be a big, strong Clan," Tinypaw said to them, not letting Blackbreeze hear her.
Maris bounded after them, looking around in shock. What... how... why... this is awesome! I'm actually in the Warriors world! This is so cool! "So uh... where's your camp?"

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:34 PM
Ray looked up as he got closer to the scent and noticed a group of cats. "Hello?" He said in a quiet voice. He watched the other cats and stepped out from behind a bush. "Uhmm..." He said. He wasn't sure how to explain his situation.
The group happened to be a BlazeClan hunting patrol. "Who are you?!" snarled a young ginger tom.

January 31st, 2017, 02:36 PM
The group happened to be a BlazeClan hunting patrol. "Who are you?!" snarled a young ginger tom.

Ray folded back his ears and stepped back. "Uhm... I am Ray." He said quietly. "I don't know how I got here... I was looking for help?.." He said.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:38 PM
Maris bounded after them, looking around in shock. What... how... why... this is awesome! I'm actually in the Warriors world! This is so cool! "So uh... where's your camp?"
"Over there," Blackbreeze said, pointing with his tail at a huge thicket wall.
'Is the leader like the Tangerine?' Lia thought, smiling.
(Guess who the Tangerine is? Hint: I complained a lot about him one day.)

No One's Beeswax
January 31st, 2017, 02:40 PM
Thea tried to calm down and looked around at her surroundings. What? Why? How...? She took a deep breath, she had to get to the bottom of this. Task one: learn how to walk. Thea stumbled onto her paws and took a few steps. Task accomplished. Task two: find some other cats or something. "Hello?" she called, "Anyone here?"

(Are there still 4 clans?)

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:42 PM
Ray folded back his ears and stepped back. "Uhm... I am Ray." He said quietly. "I don't know how I got here... I was looking for help?.." He said.
The tom burst out laughing. "Guys, come look at the lost wittle kitty!" Before his 'gang' could come, a white she-cat came up and said, "Firepaw! That's no way to treat other cats!" Firepaw looked down and said, "Sorry, Snowpool." "I'm sorry for my mouse-brained apprentice. Are you lost?" Snowpool asked.

January 31st, 2017, 02:46 PM
The tom burst out laughing. "Guys, come look at the lost wittle kitty!" Before his 'gang' could come, a white she-cat came up and said, "Firepaw! That's no way to treat other cats!" Firepaw looked down and said, "Sorry, Snowpool." "I'm sorry for my mouse-brained apprentice. Are you lost?" Snowpool asked.

Ray felt heat rush under his pelt as the tom made fun of him. He felt a surge of relief when the white cat came up and stopped him. 'Snowpool, Firepaw?' He thought. "Uhm, yes.. I am not sure where I am." He said. Now that the calmer and nicer she-cat was here Ray wasn't so worried. He put his head up high and hoped she would be able to help him.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:47 PM
Thea tried to calm down and looked around at her surroundings. What? Why? How...? She took a deep breath, she had to get to the bottom of this. Task one: learn how to walk. Thea stumbled onto her paws and took a few steps. Task accomplished. Task two: find some other cats or something. "Hello?" she called, "Anyone here?"

(Are there still 4 clans?)
(Yeah, but the plots will change that.)

Lia heard something and bounded off. Spotting Thea, she said, "Hello. My name's Lia. What's yours?"
(Can they be cousins?)

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 02:54 PM
Ray felt heat rush under his pelt as the tom made fun of him. He felt a surge of relief when the white cat came up and stopped him. 'Snowpool, Firepaw?' He thought. "Uhm, yes.. I am not sure where I am." He said. Now that the calmer and nicer she-cat was here Ray wasn't so worried. He put his head up high and hoped she would be able to help him.
"You're in BlazeClan territory. I'll need to take you to Blazestar. Come with me," Snowpool said.

January 31st, 2017, 02:59 PM
"You're in BlazeClan territory. I'll need to take you to Blazestar. Come with me," Snowpool said.

Ray nodded, 'Blazestar? What kind of cats are these?' He thought to himself and followed Snowpool. As he walked he took in the scents around him and observed the nature.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 03:04 PM
Ray nodded, 'Blazestar? What kind of cats are these?' He thought to himself and followed Snowpool. As he walked he took in the scents around him and observed the nature.
Soon they got to camp. "Hello, Blackbreeze," Snowpool said. "You found another loner?" Blackbreeze asked. "Yes. It looks like we have two loners to take to Blazestar," Snowpool replied. "What? I had two loners... Tinypaw! Do you know where the brown tabby loner is?" Blackbreeze asked angrily. "She went that way," Tinypaw said. Blackbreeze went that way, calling to Tinypaw, "Show Blazestar the loners! I'll get there soon!"

January 31st, 2017, 03:08 PM
Soon they got to camp. "Hello, Blackbreeze," Snowpool said. "You found another loner?" Blackbreeze asked. "Yes. It looks like we have two loners to take to Blazestar," Snowpool replied. "What? I had two loners... Tinypaw! Do you know where the brown tabby loner is?" Blackbreeze asked angrily. "She went that way," Tinypaw said. Blackbreeze went that way, calling to Tinypaw, "Show Blazestar the loners! I'll get there soon!"

Ray observed the camp silently. He was amazed there was so many cats here, they seemed to all get along.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 03:08 PM
(Yeah, but the plots will change that.)

Lia heard something and bounded off. Spotting Thea, she said, "Hello. My name's Lia. What's yours?"
(Can they be cousins?) No One's Beeswax

No One's Beeswax
January 31st, 2017, 03:11 PM
No One's Beeswax
(Whoops, just got off my bus. And sure, they could be cousins.)

Thea's ear twitched (How did she even do that?!) as she turned around to see a cat. It was weird being face-to-face with a cat, but this one seemed familiar...

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 03:11 PM
Ray observed the camp silently. He was amazed there was so many cats here, they seemed to all get along.
Tinypaw and Snowpool led Ray and Maris to a corner guarded by a ginger tom and a white tom with scars on his flank. "Wait for Blazestar here," Snowpool said. The ginger tom growled.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 03:14 PM
(Whoops, just got off my bus. And sure, they could be cousins.)

Thea's ear twitched (How did she even do that?!) as she turned around to see a cat. It was weird being face-to-face with a cat, but this one seemed familiar...
"Are you ok? You seem lost," Lia said.

Meanwhile, a black tom was searching for Lia. He couldn't find her trail.

No One's Beeswax
January 31st, 2017, 03:17 PM
"Are you ok? You seem lost," Lia said.

Meanwhile, a black tom was searching for Lia. He couldn't find her trail.
Thea shook her head, she couldn't know this cat, could she? "Well...yes, I, um, lost track of where I was." Thea knew this cat would think she was crazy if she told the truth.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 03:22 PM
Thea shook her head, she couldn't know this cat, could she? "Well...yes, am, um, lost track of where I was." Thea knew this cat would think she was crazy if she told the truth.
"Hmm... Do you have any cousins?" Lia asked, as a test.

January 31st, 2017, 03:28 PM
Tinypaw and Snowpool led Ray and Maris to a corner guarded by a ginger tom and a white tom with scars on his flank. "Wait for Blazestar here," Snowpool said. The ginger tom growled.
Maris growled back at him, trying to figure out how to unsheathe her claws. She flexed her paws and they sprung out.

No One's Beeswax
January 31st, 2017, 03:30 PM
"Hmm... Do you have any cousins?" Lia asked, as a test.
"I don't know, I'm a...um...cat doing cat things..." Thea hoped the other cat would be convinced, "B-But I think the real question is why you're asking me that."

January 31st, 2017, 04:06 PM
I hope it's not too late to join!

Name: Whispa
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Person Looks: http://s6.favim.com/610/151027/blue-eyes-brown-hair-fashion-girl-Favim.com-3484806.jpg
Cat Looks:

Owl Looks: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/guardiansofgahoole/images/4/47/Snowsnowy.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20151018153730

Wolf Looks: http://miriadna.com/desctopwalls/images/max/White-wolf.jpg

Perso: Whispa is energetic, friendly, self conscious, and gets jealous easily.
Crush: None
Other/Questions/Concerns: She always wears a green emerald necklace, even if she is an animal.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 07:44 PM
"I don't know, I'm a...um...cat doing cat things..." Thea hoped the other cat would be convinced, "B-But I think the real question is why you're asking me that."
"Because I know you're not from around here. Neither am I," Lia revealed this to Thea. She had a strong feeling that this is her cousin.

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 07:46 PM
Maris growled back at him, trying to figure out how to unsheathe her claws. She flexed her paws and they sprung out.
(@Star Accepted!)
The tom snorted. 'She's weak,' he thought.

Night Awaits
January 31st, 2017, 08:33 PM
Dang it

I'm so sorry for not responding earlier! Quick recap so I can jump in plz?)

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 08:39 PM
Dang it

I'm so sorry for not responding earlier! Quick recap so I can jump in plz?)
(Not Much. Some of the charries awakened, two are being guarded.)

January 31st, 2017, 09:01 PM
(This one XD) Tigerwhisper silenced Tinypaw. "Quiet, Tinypaw!" She snapped at the apprentice, and turned around to look at Lia. "Sorry about her... She's..... energetic"
She nodded. "That's the word. Anyway, welcome to Blazeclan. I got here a little bit before you, so I know my way around. Just, Be careful is all i'm going to say"

Wildy~ =3
January 31st, 2017, 09:05 PM
Tigerwhisper silenced Tinypaw. "Quiet, Tinypaw!" She snapped at the apprentice, and turned around to look at Lia. "Sorry about her... She's..... energetic"
She nodded. "That's the word. Anyway, welcome to Blazeclan. I got here a little bit before you, so I know my way around. Just, Be careful is all i'm going to say"
(You're a bit late XD Lia isn't near your charrie. You can talk to the guards or summon Blazestar to talk about the rogues)

Night Awaits
January 31st, 2017, 09:43 PM
(Not Much. Some of the charries awakened, two are being guarded.)

Oh okay, thanks! :3)

Adam blinked his eyes open, feeling slightly confused onto why he felt sticks poking his sides. He fully opened his eyes and looked around, seeing that he was in some sort of forest. Wait, forest? Adam jumped in surprise, not knowing how he got here. He felt weird, and a way shorter than he used to be, so he looked down, widening his eyes to find himself standing on four legs. I'm a black furry creature? Adam asked himself in confusion and looked around, spotting a puddle, which he ran to examine himself. He took a good look at himself, gasping as he saw that he was a black cat. "I'm a cat?" He murmured, not knowing whether to feel scared or excited. Probably both.

February 1st, 2017, 06:42 AM
Whispa woke up with light in her eyes. Ow! Hole in the ceiling?! She got up and looked around-well, she tried to but fell over. She looked down. She screamed when she saw the black and silver paws below her, and a cat tail and body behind her. She saw other cats around her. "What is happening?!" She asked all of them. Whispa tried to think like a cat. She licked her paw. Ewww! This is what cats go through?! I feel bad! Is that dirt on my leg?! Ugh! Whispa looked around for anyone to help her.

(This would be me if I was a cat XD )

February 1st, 2017, 06:47 AM
(@Star Accepted!)
The tom snorted. 'She's weak,' he thought.
(HE DID NOT JUST THINK THAT XD) Maris eyed him angrily and turned her back.

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 09:17 AM
(HE DID NOT JUST THINK THAT XD) Maris eyed him angrily and turned her back.
(Yeah he did XD)
The guards just sat there.

February 1st, 2017, 09:36 AM
(Yeah he did XD)
The guards just sat there.
What's wrong with these cats? He better not ignore me, Maris thought. I wonder when Blazestar will be here

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 09:45 AM
What's wrong with these cats? He better not ignore me, Maris thought. I wonder when Blazestar will be here
Suddenly, a muscular ginger tabby tom walked towards Maris. "Hello. I am Blazestar," the tom said. "I heard from Tinypaw and Snowpool that you were found trespassing on BlazeClan territory. Is this true?"

February 1st, 2017, 09:49 AM
Suddenly, a muscular ginger tabby tom walked towards Maris. "Hello. I am Blazestar," the tom said. "I heard from Tinypaw and Snowpool that you were found trespassing on BlazeClan territory. Is this true?"
"Well, not really. I kind of went to sleep last night in my own bed? And then I woke up on the moss and I have no idea how I got here," Maris explained. "I didn't know it was your territory and then Tinypaw and Snowpoll scared me half to death."

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 10:10 AM
"Well, not really. I kind of went to sleep last night in my own bed? And then I woke up on the moss and I have no idea how I got here," Maris explained. "I didn't know it was your territory and then Tinypaw and Snowpool scared me half to death."
(Blackbreeze is the other cat that got you to camp, not Snowpool.)
"Hmm...." Blazestar said, thinking.
"So you're a kittypet?" asked the ginger guard.

February 1st, 2017, 10:38 AM
(Blackbreeze is the other cat that got you to camp, not Snowpool.)
"Hmm...." Blazestar said, thinking.
"So you're a kittypet?" asked the ginger guard.
"No, I'm not. I used to be human- we, a two-leg, but I kind of just got turned into a cat. It's true, I promise," Maris explained.

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 10:47 AM
"No, I'm not. I used to be human- we, a two-leg, but I kind of just got turned into a cat. It's true, I promise," Maris explained.
The tom started laughing. "A Twoleg! HA!"
Firepaw heard and walked over. "You a kittypet?" he asked, snickering.
"Silence!" Blazestar hissed at the toms, and they fell silent. "Although your situation isn't really believable, I'll let you join BlazeClan as an apprentice, if you wish."

February 1st, 2017, 11:10 AM
The tom started laughing. "A Twoleg! HA!"
Firepaw heard and walked over. "You a kittypet?" he asked, snickering.
"Silence!" Blazestar hissed at the toms, and they fell silent. "Although your situation isn't really believable, I'll let you join BlazeClan as an apprentice, if you wish."
They won't believe me even if I swear it on Starclan. "Ok, I'll join." Maris turned her gaze on Firepaw, a glare dawning on her face. "And you'd do well not to tease me," she spat. "Not if you want to be crushed in a fight."

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 11:13 AM
They won't believe me even if I swear it on Starclan. "Ok, I'll join." Maris turned her gaze on Firepaw, a glare dawning on her face. "And you'd do well not to tease me," she spat. "Not if you want to be crushed in a fight."
"Ok. I'll announce it to the Clan. No fighting. Flamebite, keep your son in line," Blazestar said.

February 1st, 2017, 11:30 AM
"Ok. I'll announce it to the Clan. No fighting. Flamebite, keep your son in line," Blazestar said.
"Nyah!" Maris stuck her tongue out at Firepaw and felt satisfaction at his furious glare. She followed the leader out of the den.

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 11:36 AM
"Nyah!" Maris stuck her tongue out at Firepaw and felt satisfaction at his furious glare. She followed the leader out of the den.
Firepaw glared at her. Then copied her "Nyah!"
"Stay here with Tinypaw. I need to finish talking to Softlily," Blazestar said.

February 1st, 2017, 11:38 AM
Firepaw glared at her. Then copied her "Nyah!"
"Stay here with Tinypaw. I need to finish talking to Softlily," Blazestar said.
"Ok." Maris sat down and let her eyes meet Firepaw'scas if to say, "Do what you like. I'm not afraid of you or your petty insults."

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 11:43 AM
"Ok." Maris sat down and let her eyes meet Firepaw'scas if to say, "Do what you like. I'm not afraid of you or your petty insults."
Firepaw glared one more time, then walked to the apprentice's den. Now that he wasn't as angry anymore, he felt sorta- guilty.
(*accidentally ships Firepaw and Maris.* Also, what should her Warrior Cat name be?)
"So..." Tinypaw said. "Firepaw's never backed off before," she commented, confused.

February 1st, 2017, 12:09 PM
Firepaw glared one more time, then walked to the apprentice's den. Now that he wasn't as angry anymore, he felt sorta- guilty.
(*accidentally ships Firepaw and Maris.* Also, what should her Warrior Cat name be?)
"So..." Tinypaw said. "Firepaw's never backed off before," she commented, confused.
XD Emeraldpaw. For her green eyes.)

"Maybe I'm just awesome," Maris joked with a smile.

Wildy~ =3
February 1st, 2017, 12:21 PM
XD Emeraldpaw. For her green eyes.)

"Maybe I'm just awesome," Maris joked with a smile.
(They'd probably do Greenpaw or Jadepaw btw)
"Even his dad can't make him back off. All even Blazestar can do is silence him for a bit," Tinypaw said.
Firepaw was sitting in his nest of moss when a voice interrupted him.
"You ok?" Snowpool asked, sitting next to him.
Firepaw ignored her.
(I'll have this colored from now on, if that's ok with you.)

No One's Beeswax
February 1st, 2017, 01:01 PM
"Because I know you're not from around here. Neither am I," Lia revealed this to Thea. She had a strong feeling that this is her cousin.
(Sorry about my poof yesterday. I had to do some school stuff.)

Thea took a step back in surprise, "How do you--" Then her eyes widened in realization. No wonder this cat seemed so familiar, "Lia!?" Either this cat was her cousin or Thea was just crazy.

February 1st, 2017, 01:01 PM
(They'd probably do Greenpaw or Jadepaw btw)
"Even his dad can't make him back off. All even Blazestar can do is silence him for a bit," Tinypaw said.
Firepaw was sitting in his nest of moss when a voice interrupted him.
"You ok?" Snowpool asked, sitting next to him.
Firepaw ignored her.
(I'll have this colored from now on, if that's ok with you.)

Ok c: ) "Seriously? He's that stubborn?" Maris laughed.

Wildy~ =3
February 2nd, 2017, 10:21 AM
(Sorry about my poof yesterday. I had to do some school stuff.)

Thea took a step back in surprise, "How do you--" Then her eyes widened in realization. No wonder this cat seemed so familiar, "Lia!?" Either this cat was her cousin or Thea was just crazy.
Lia smiled. "I knew you'd guess right. Come on, we have a lot to talk-" she broke off as a black tom bounded into the clearing.
"Finally! I found you! Now come on- Wait, who's that?" Blackbreeze asked, out of breath.
"My cousin. Come on, let's go," Lia said, walking towards the BlazeClan camp.
Blackbreeze shrugged and followed Lia.

Wildy~ =3
February 2nd, 2017, 10:22 AM
Ok c: ) "Seriously? He's that stubborn?" Maris laughed.
"Yup," Tinypaw said, giggling.

February 2nd, 2017, 10:37 AM
"Yup," Tinypaw said, giggling.
"So when's Blazestar gonna call the meeting?" she asked.

No One's Beeswax
February 2nd, 2017, 03:16 PM
Lia smiled. "I knew you'd guess right. Come on, we have a lot to talk-" she broke off as a black tom bounded into the clearing.
"Finally! I found you! Now come on- Wait, who's that?" Blackbreeze asked, out of breath.
"My cousin. Come on, let's go," Lia said, walking towards the BlazeClan camp.
Blackbreeze shrugged and followed Lia.

Thea hurried to catch up with Lia. Once she did, Thea leaned towards her and whispered, "Do you know what's up with this place?" All Thea knew was that she woke up in a field as a cat and Lia and some weirdo were also here.

February 3rd, 2017, 04:45 PM
Name: Abby
Age: 16(17 now)
Gender: Female
Person Looks: doop (https://orig00.deviantart.net/07d1/f/2018/013/c/d/rivergold_3_ways_by_abbyjmeow-dbzxbrt.jpg)
Cat Looks: Cat/wolf/owl (https://orig00.deviantart.net/07d1/f/2018/013/c/d/rivergold_3_ways_by_abbyjmeow-dbzxbrt.jpg)
Owl Looks: see above
Wolf Looks: See above
Perso: tbrped
Crush: one would be very nice
Other/Questions/Concerns: I drew all of these

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 01:28 PM
( Rivergold accepted!)
( FoxyFanGirl )
Tinypaw shrugged. She saw Blackbreeze enter the camp. "You're back!" she exclaimed happily, running to him.
Blackbreeze smiled.
( No One's Beeswax )
Blazestar walked to them. "More of you? I assume you're Twolegs too, or at least were," He said, eyeing the two.
Lia nodded.
Blazestar nodded and went to the Blazerock. "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a Clan Meeting!"
Firepaw went over and sat down.
Flameclaw followed.
The scarred white tom walked over as well.
A pretty white she-cat with crystal-blue eyes sat next to Firepaw.
Snowpool followed.
A large red-brown tom with more scars than the other tom sat too.
A queen followed, her belly swolen with kits.

February 4th, 2017, 01:55 PM
(You're a bit late XD Lia isn't near your charrie. You can talk to the guards or summon Blazestar to talk about the rogues)
The sound of cats talking filled the camp.
"Flutterwing, It's my turn to guard the cats" Said the first cat,
"But Tigerwhisper, Blazestar said you can go off-duty" Said a weak voice.
"Flutterwing, NOW!" A voice boomed. It wasn't either of the cats voices, this voice was male. Flutter's voice started again
"Ok, Stonewing!" A cat scampered out, most likely Flutterwing. The pit-patter of paws hurried toward Bramblepaw. "Hello, Cat" A voice mewled

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 01:59 PM
The sound of cats talking filled the camp.
"Flutterwing, It's my turn to guard the cats" Said the first cat,
"But Tigerwhisper, Blazestar said you can go off-duty" Said a weak voice.
"Flutterwing, NOW!" A voice boomed. It wasn't either of the cats voices, this voice was male. Flutter's voice started again
"Ok, Stonewing!" A cat scampered out, most likely Flutterwing. The pit-patter of paws hurried toward Bramblepaw. "Hello, Cat" A voice mewled
Lia jumped. "Wha?!" she said.
Firepaw glared at her. "Hey, Tigerwhisper! Blazestar's calling a meeting! Get Flutterwing and Stonewing over here!" he meowed.
(Firepaw looks up to her btw)

February 4th, 2017, 02:55 PM
Name: Fever Laviouscourt
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Person Looks: Red hair with pale skin
Cat Looks: my pfp
Perso: tbrp
Wolf looks: All white wolf with grey eyes
owl looks: Grey barred owl with green eyes
Crush: Would be nice!
Other: In cat form she goes by Gingerpounce

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 02:57 PM
Name: Fever Laviouscourt
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Person Looks: Red hair with pale skin
Cat Looks: my pfp
Perso: tbrp
Wolf looks: All white wolf with grey eyes
owl looks: Grey barred owl with green eyes
Crush: Would be nice!
Other: In cat form she goes by Gingerpounce

February 4th, 2017, 03:14 PM
( Rivergold accepted!)
( FoxyFanGirl )
Tinypaw shrugged. She saw Blackbreeze enter the camp. "You're back!" she exclaimed happily, running to him.
Blackbreeze smiled.
( No One's Beeswax )
Blazestar walked to them. "More of you? I assume you're Twolegs too, or at least were," He said, eyeing the two.
Lia nodded.
Blazestar nodded and went to the Blazerock. "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a Clan Meeting!"
Firepaw went over and sat down.
Flameclaw followed.
The scarred white tom walked over as well.
A pretty white she-cat with crystal-blue eyes sat next to Firepaw.
Snowpool followed.
A large red-brown tom with more scars than the other tom sat too.
A queen followed, her belly swolen with kits.

Maris bounded over to stare up at Blazestar, her tail twitching excitedly. ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh YES! her mind squealed.

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 03:18 PM
Maris bounded over to stare up at Blazestar, her tail twitching excitedly. ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh YES! her mind squealed.
Tinypaw smiled.

February 4th, 2017, 03:20 PM
Gingerpounce lept in, Hello!"

February 4th, 2017, 03:22 PM
Tinypaw smiled.
Whens he gonna do it? Whens he gonna say it? Maris wondered. Oh I can't wait! She grinned back at Tinypaw.

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 03:27 PM
Firepaw growled at Gingerpounce.
"He's probably waiting for Tigerwhisper and the others to come," Tinypaw said, shrugging. (She does that a lot XD)

February 4th, 2017, 03:28 PM
Gingerpounce sighed.

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 03:36 PM
Gingerpounce sighed.
Firepaw glared.

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 04:27 PM
Whens he gonna do it? Whens he gonna say it? Maris wondered. Oh I can't wait! She grinned back at Tinypaw.

February 4th, 2017, 06:39 PM
(I'm back c: ) "I want him to do it NOW," Maris muttered.

Wildy~ =3
February 4th, 2017, 06:43 PM
(I'm back c: ) "I want him to do it NOW," Maris muttered.
"Nothing we can do about it," Tinypaw said.
"As you can tell, we have some new cats in camp. It's time to make them apprentices. You. Step forward," Blazestar said, pointing his tail at Maris.

February 4th, 2017, 06:59 PM
"Nothing we can do about it," Tinypaw said.
"As you can tell, we have some new cats in camp. It's time to make them apprentices. You. Step forward," Blazestar said, pointing his tail at Maris.

Maris took an excited step forward, trying not to act like it was the MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT OF HER LIFE. Her tail twitched.

February 4th, 2017, 09:48 PM
(just freaking because...my charrie is going to be the same one I used for another rp...and this has happened to her before, albeit in a different way.)
Abby stretched languishly as she woke, then suddenly sat up. "...I am a cat...again." She looked down at herself, flicking her tail in satisfaction. "Okay, I look the same," She looked around at the greenery surrounding her. "The box is not." She turned in a full circle. "This is not the box...okay then." She caught the scent of cats, and turned in that direction. "So, straight into Warriors world, huh?" She crossed the scent marker and started toward the heart of the territory, scenting and listening for patrols.
(Not all of my posts are gonna be this long, and also don't worry about what she thinks she's in.)

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 08:54 AM
Maris took an excited step forward, trying not to act like it was the MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT OF HER LIFE. Her tail twitched.
"From now on you shall be called Leafpaw. Foxbite, you shall be her mentor. Icebite taught you well as an apprentice, and I want you to teach her all you know," Blazestar said.
The red-brown tom walked over to touch noses.
The white tom nodded, his silver stripes seeming white.
Lia heard those names before.... Before this happened.... But where? She asked herself in her head. I got it! Icebite was the evil character I made up, and I played Foxbite in WC:UT. She was confused as to why there are cats named after her characters, then remembered: I had a kit named Blazekit. If his warrior name was Blazetalon....

February 5th, 2017, 09:15 AM
"From now on you shall be called Leafpaw. Foxbite, you shall be her mentor. Icebite taught you well as an apprentice, and I want you to teach her all you know," Blazestar said.
The red-brown tom walked over to touch noses.
The white tom nodded, his silver stripes seeming white.
Lia heard those names before.... Before this happened.... But where? She asked herself in her head. I got it! Icebite was the evil character I made up, and I played Foxbite in WC:UT. She was confused as to why there are cats named after her characters, then remembered: I had a kit named Blazekit. If his warrior name was Blazetalon....

Leafpaw/Maris touched noses to Foxbite, then flashed an excited grin at Tinypaw.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 09:24 AM
Leafpaw/Maris touched noses to Foxbite, then flashed an excited grin at Tinypaw.
Tinypaw smiled back, but she was worried. Every cat mentored by a -bite normally become -bite too... And -bite cats are evil, she thought.
"You," Blazestar pointed at Lia this time.
Lia stepped forward.
"From this moment on, until you become a warrior, you shall be known as Bramblepaw. Tigerwhisper," Blazestar said, beckoning the she-cat over.

February 5th, 2017, 09:30 AM
Tinypaw smiled back, but she was worried. Every cat mentored by a -bite normally become -bite too... And -bite cats are evil, she thought.
"You," Blazestar pointed at Lia this time.
Lia stepped forward.
"From this moment on, until you become a warrior, you shall be known as Bramblepaw. Tigerwhisper," Blazestar said, beckoning the she-cat over.

Leafpaw/Maris (I don't know what to call her now XD) studied Tinypaw. She seems worried about something. But what?

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 09:49 AM
Leafpaw/Maris (I don't know what to call her now XD) studied Tinypaw. She seems worried about something. But what?
(Call her Leafpaw but don't forget her real name)
Tinypaw shook off her worries and walked to Leafpaw. "Congratulations!" she said, then whispered, "Meet me by the giant birch tonight. I need to explain some things."
"Leafpaw! Come over here!" Foxbite called.

February 5th, 2017, 09:58 AM
(Call her Leafpaw but don't forget her real name)
Tinypaw shook off her worries and walked to Leafpaw. "Congratulations!" she said, then whispered, "Meet me by the giant birch tonight. I need to explain some things."
"Leafpaw! Come over here!" Foxbite called.

"Right." Leafpaw heard Foxbite's call and trotted over. "Yes, Foxbite?"

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 10:02 AM
"Right." Leafpaw heard Foxbite's call and trotted over. "Yes, Foxbite?"
"I'll show you the territory tomorrow. Today, meet up with the other cats and relax," Foxbite said gruffly.

February 5th, 2017, 10:07 AM
"I'll show you the territory tomorrow. Today, meet up with the other cats and relax," Foxbite said gruffly.
"Ok." Leafpaw turned away and padded back to Tinypaw. "So what's this thing that you wanted to tell me?" she mewed.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 10:20 AM
"Ok." Leafpaw turned away and padded back to Tinypaw. "So what's this thing that you wanted to tell me?" she mewed.
"Wait. If they hear..." Tinypaw trailed off. "Also, Foxbite means that you need to meet his friends, Icebite and Flameclaw. Probably Firepaw and Crystalpaw too. Crystalpaw's probably the only decent cat in that group." She said the last 9 words in a whisper. "Firepaw might soften up, being Snowpool's apprentice. That should be a good thing."
A white she-cat with gray petal-shaped markings walked past, muttering under her breath.

February 5th, 2017, 10:24 AM
"Wait. If they hear..." Tinypaw trailed off. "Also, Foxbite means that you need to meet his friends, Icebite and Flameclaw. Probably Firepaw and Crystalpaw too. Crystalpaw's probably the only decent cat in that group." She said the last 9 words in a whisper. "Firepaw might soften up, being Snowpool's apprentice. That should be a good thing."
A white she-cat with gray petal-shaped markings walked past, muttering under her breath.

Leafpaw watched the she-cat stalk past. "Who's that?" she whispered

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 10:29 AM
Leafpaw watched the she-cat stalk past. "Who's that?" she whispered
"Softlily. She's the medicine cat. The elder Thushclaw is sick with greencough, and some say she had a bad omen from StarClan a few days ago," Tinypaw said.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 10:32 AM
Tinypaw smiled back, but she was worried. Every cat mentored by a -bite normally become -bite too... And -bite cats are evil, she thought.
"You," Blazestar pointed at Lia this time.
Lia stepped forward.
"From this moment on, until you become a warrior, you shall be known as Bramblepaw. Tigerwhisper," Blazestar said, beckoning the she-cat over.

( Sweet Bread )

February 5th, 2017, 10:49 AM
"Softlily. She's the medicine cat. The elder Thushclaw is sick with greencough, and some say she had a bad omen from StarClan a few days ago," Tinypaw said.
"Do you know what it was?" Leafpaw breathed.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 11:00 AM
"Do you know what it was?" Leafpaw breathed.
"Sadly, no," Tinypaw replied. "Foxbite might get upset if he comes back to see all you're doing is talking to me. You should explore the camp."

February 5th, 2017, 11:03 AM
"Sadly, no," Tinypaw replied. "Foxbite might get upset if he comes back to see all you're doing is talking to me. You should explore the camp."
"Ok. See you later." Glancing around sge spotted Firepaw and walked over to him. "Hey," she greeted him.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 11:11 AM
"Ok. See you later." Glancing around sge spotted Firepaw and walked over to him. "Hey," she greeted him.
"Go away!" Firepaw snarled. Half of him hated her, half of him.... He didn't know.

February 5th, 2017, 11:18 AM
"Go away!" Firepaw snarled. Half of him hated her, half of him.... He didn't know.
Leafpaw studied him. "I was going to ask if you could show me around camp," she mewed finally, ignoring his outburst.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 11:30 AM

"Well, if you don't want to, then that's fine.'' Leafpaw started to turn away.
Firepaw stared after her. Part of him wanted to say sorry, but he pushed the feeling of guilt away.
"Hey! You!" Flameclaw said.

February 5th, 2017, 11:36 AM
Firepaw stared after her. Part of him wanted to say sorry, but he pushed the feeling of guilt away.
"Hey! You!" Flameclaw said.

"Yeah?" Leafpaw turned around to stare at Flameclaw.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 11:39 AM
"Yeah?" Leafpaw turned around to stare at Flameclaw.
"Come here," Flameclaw said.

February 5th, 2017, 11:42 AM
"Come here," Flameclaw said.
Leafpaw gulped and eyed the cat nervously. "What is it?" she asked, trotting over.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 11:46 AM
Leafpaw gulped and eyed the cat nervously. "What is it?" she asked, trotting over.
"I don't like you. Do you know what I like to do with cats I don't like?" Flameclaw growled.

February 5th, 2017, 11:57 AM
"I don't like you. Do you know what I like to do with cats I don't like?" Flameclaw growled.
"Um. No?" Leafpaw took a pace back and shot a pleading look at Tinypaw.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 12:02 PM
"Um. No?" Leafpaw took a pace back and shot a pleading look at Tinypaw.
Tinypaw was talking to Blackbreeze.
"I set an 'accident'. And I have a purrfect idea for the next one. Come on, unless you want it to be long and painful," Flameclaw said.
Firepaw was thinking.
Flameclaw started walking. "Come," he said.
Firepaw knew where he was going, and walked in a different direction.

February 5th, 2017, 12:07 PM
Tinypaw was talking to Blackbreeze.
"I set an 'accident'. And I have a purrfect idea for the next one. Come on, unless you want it to be long and painful," Flameclaw said.
Firepaw was thinking.
Flameclaw started walking. "Come," he said.
Firepaw knew where he was going, and walked in a different direction.

(My heart is pounding right now XD)

Leafpaw trailed after Flameclaw, trying to catch someone's eyes. She fixed her gaze and Firepaw, begging that he would notice her.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 01:40 PM
(My heart is pounding right now XD)

Leafpaw trailed after Flameclaw, trying to catch someone's eyes. She fixed her gaze and Firepaw, begging that he would notice her.
Firepaw ignored her. The moment he got out of camp, he started sprinting to an unknown destination.
Flamclaw led her to a Twolegplace. He grabbed some dog's teeth from the ground and fit them to his claws. "Ready for the 'accident'?" he snarled.
(I'm so evil and I like it!)
(-whispers- Don't worry Leafpaw. I have special plot twist.)

February 5th, 2017, 01:58 PM
Firepaw ignored her. The moment he got out of camp, he started sprinting to an unknown destination.
Flamclaw led her to a Twolegplace. He grabbed some dog's teeth from the ground and fit them to his claws. "Ready for the 'accident'?" he snarled.
(I'm so evil and I like it!)
(-whispers- Don't worry Leafpaw. I have special plot twist.)

(NUUU! I'm just like, Firepaw is Leafpaw's senpai, so, "Please notice me, senpai, or I am seriously going to die!" XD)
Leafpaw stared at the claws, gasping. "You won't get away with this!" she panicked. "B-Blazestar will find out. Y-you'll be exiled." She took several steps back, as far away from Flameclaw as possible until she hit a fence. "How many cats have you killed already?" This is it. As soon as I got here, I was going to die. She leaned against the fence, eyes darting around wildly for some means of escape. Starclan, if you aren't just something in a book, please help me!

February 5th, 2017, 02:01 PM
( Sweet Bread )
The large she-cat stepped over, a hungry look passing over her face. Quickly, she hid it, trying not to look suspicious. She dipped her head, waiting for blaze to continue.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 02:05 PM
(NUUU! I'm just like, Firepaw is Leafpaw's senpai, so, "Please notice me, senpai, or I am seriously going to die!" XD)
Leafpaw stared at the claws, gasping. "You won't get away with this!" she panicked. "B-Blazestar will find out. Y-you'll be exiled." She took several steps back, as far away from Flameclaw as possible until she hit a fence. "How many cats have you killed already?" This is it. As soon as I got here, I was going to die. She leaned against the fence, eyes darting around wildly for some means of escape. Starclan, if you aren't just something in a book, please help me!
Flameclaw smiled. "A lot," he said. He pounced, but was knocked back just as the teeth touched Leafpaw's neck fur.
Firepaw pinned the tom down.
"Wha?" Flameclaw gasped.
Firepaw got off. "Father, no," he said, whacking Flameclaw across the face.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 02:07 PM
The large she-cat stepped over, a hungry look passing over her face. Quickly, she hid it, trying not to look suspicious. She dipped her head, waiting for blaze to continue.
"You had great training from me, and I hope you will do well in training this young cat," Blazestar finished.

February 5th, 2017, 02:23 PM
"You had great training from me, and I hope you will do well in training this young cat," Blazestar finished.

Her gaze grew powerful again. "I won't let you down, Blazestar. This cat will become one of the clans most powerful warriors" She bent down to lick Bramblepaw's forehead. "Come on, Cat... We have to talk"

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 02:25 PM
Her gaze grew powerful again. "I won't let you down, Blazestar. This cat will become one of the clans most powerful warriors" She bent down to lick Bramblepaw's forehead. "Come on, Cat... We have to talk"
"Ok," Lia said, nodding.

February 5th, 2017, 02:29 PM
Flameclaw smiled. "A lot," he said. He pounced, but was knocked back just as the teeth touched Leafpaw's neck fur.
Firepaw pinned the tom down.
"Wha?" Flameclaw gasped.
Firepaw got off. "Father, no," he said, whacking Flameclaw across the face.


Leafpaw gazed at Firepaw. "Thank you," she breathed. "For that."

February 5th, 2017, 02:31 PM
"Ok," Lia said, nodding.
She stormed through the undergrowth, tail flicking harshly. She sat down and looked at Lia. "Excuse me, Lia, but do you mind telling me the details of your little vortex trip?"

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 03:03 PM

Leafpaw gazed at Firepaw. "Thank you," she breathed. "For that."
"But-" Flameclaw was cut off by his son.
"I know you want to protect me. But I'm not a kit. And I should give up kit-like things like teasing. You should too, father. Plus, I was the one being mean to her, not the other way around. And I'm tired of you killing just because they were mean. I actually liked Whispfeather! You need to pay for what you did. You made me the way I was. And I hate it!" Firepaw yelled.
"Is this true, Flameclaw?" Blazestar asked.
".... Yes," Flameclaw said.
"Well...." Blazestar walked to him. "You know what happens to traitors." Then he swiped, claws unsheathed.
Flameclaw didn't realize what was happening until blood gushed from his throat. He fell to the ground.
"Let's go home, Leafpaw," Firepaw said, walking to camp.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 03:05 PM
She stormed through the undergrowth, tail flicking harshly. She sat down and looked at Lia. "Excuse me, Lia, but do you mind telling me the details of your little vortex trip?"
"How do you know about that?!" Lia squeaked, surprised. "Also, I don't know. I woke up here. But I did have a dream about a portal..."

February 5th, 2017, 03:07 PM
"How do you know about that?!" Lia squeaked, surprised. "Also, I don't know. I woke up here. But I did have a dream about a portal..."
"I was hunting right when you fell to our world. I fell unconscious, and I absorbed all the knowledg-" She stopped talking with a shriek. She fell on the floor, screaming.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 03:09 PM
"I was hunting right when you fell to our world. I fell unconscious, and I absorbed all the knowledg-" She stopped talking with a shriek. She fell on the floor, screaming.
"Are you ok?!?!" Bramblepaw said, surprised again.

February 5th, 2017, 03:13 PM
"Are you ok?!?!" Bramblepaw said, surprised again.
*timeskip, 20 minutes*
Two kits were sleeping at Tigerewhisper's feet. "Lionkit... and Rowankit..."
GTG for a while

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 03:15 PM
*timeskip, 20 minutes*
Two kits were sleeping at Tigerewhisper's feet. "Lionkit... and Rowankit..."
GTG for a while
Lia was back at camp.
Softlily was making sure Tigerwhisper was ok.

February 5th, 2017, 03:49 PM
"But-" Flameclaw was cut off by his son.
"I know you want to protect me. But I'm not a kit. And I should give up kit-like things like teasing. You should too, father. Plus, I was the one being mean to her, not the other way around. And I'm tired of you killing just because they were mean. I actually liked Whispfeather! You need to pay for what you did. You made me the way I was. And I hate it!" Firepaw yelled.
"Is this true, Flameclaw?" Blazestar asked.
".... Yes," Flameclaw said.
"Well...." Blazestar walked to him. "You know what happens to traitors." Then he swiped, claws unsheathed.
Flameclaw didn't realize what was happening until blood gushed from his throat. He fell to the ground.
"Let's go home, Leafpaw," Firepaw said, walking to camp.

Leafpaw stared down at Flameclaw's unmoving body, shaking. She turned headed back to the camp, staring straight ahead. Any cat that looked at her could see that she was shocked. "Let's go home, Leafpaw." Firepaw's words repeated themselves. But this isn't my home.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 03:50 PM
( @FoxyFanGirl (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=426) )
Firepaw looked at Leafpaw. "You ok?" he asked.

February 5th, 2017, 03:51 PM
(And then there's Abby)
The golden brown she-cat stopped suddenly as she heard cats approaching. "Hello?" she called, padding in that direction. "Could someone tell me who's territory I'm in?"

February 5th, 2017, 03:54 PM
( @FoxyFanGirl (http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/member.php?u=426) )
Firepaw looked at Leafpaw. "You ok?" he asked.

Leafpaw didn't respond right away, just gazed at him with wide eyes. "Yeah," she mewed finally. "Yeah I'm fine."

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 03:55 PM
Leafpaw didn't respond right away, just gazed at him with wide eyes. "Yeah," she mewed finally. "Yeah I'm fine."
"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you," Firepaw said suddenly.

February 5th, 2017, 04:00 PM
"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you," Firepaw said suddenly.
She blinked. "Its Ok," she replied.

February 5th, 2017, 04:02 PM
(...could someone please find Abby? I'm uncomfortable rping background characters like patrols.....)

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:05 PM
She blinked. "Its Ok," she replied.
Firepaw smiled. The guilt he had vanished. They had finally made it to the camp.
Snowpool smiled.
Some of the cats cheered a bit.

No One's Beeswax
February 5th, 2017, 04:08 PM
(...could someone please find Abby? I'm uncomfortable rping background characters like patrols.....)
(*Chucks Thea at Abby* Thea probably needs some air anyway.)

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:09 PM
(...could someone please find Abby? I'm uncomfortable rping background characters like patrols.....)
A Siamese she-cat was walking when she saw Abby. "Who are you?" she asked warily, her tail curling to protect her unborn kits.

February 5th, 2017, 04:12 PM
Firepaw smiled. The guilt he had vanished. They had finally made it to the camp.
Snowpool smiled.
Some of the cats cheered a bit.

Leafpaw looked around at the cats. Then she breifly touched her nose toFirepaw's and walked over to Tinypaw.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:13 PM
(*Chucks Thea at Abby* Thea probably needs some air anyway.)
Blazestar called out, "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather so we can continue the meeting!"
After enough cats came, Blazestar continued. "Time to name more cats. You, step forward." His tail pointed at Thea.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:15 PM
Leafpaw looked around at the cats. Then she briefly touched her nose to Firepaw's and walked over to Tinypaw.
Tinypaw was already running to her. "Are you ok? We heard about Flameclaw," Tinypaw burst into tears.
(I think Leafpaw is a sister figure to Tinypaw XD)

February 5th, 2017, 04:16 PM
A Siamese she-cat was walking when she saw Abby. "Who are you?" she asked warily, her tail curling to protect her unborn kits.
(yuuus tenk yus)
"I'm-" she paused, remembering her assumed name. "I'm River. Could you tell me what clan's territory I'm in?"

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:18 PM
(yuuus tenk yus)
"I'm-" she paused, remembering her assumed name. "I'm River. Could you tell me what clan's territory I'm in?"
The cat looked at her. "Well, River, you're in BlazeClan territory," she said.
(Snooty Booty...)

February 5th, 2017, 04:25 PM
The cat looked at her. "Well, River, you're in BlazeClan territory," she said.
(Snooty Booty...)

She blinked. Okay, this is a fanclan...with rude cats. She dipped her head and purred in her most agreeable tone. "I thank you most kindly for this information, although I must ask," she tilted her head. "Have there been any others that have come recently?"

February 5th, 2017, 04:26 PM
Tinypaw was already running to her. "Are you ok? We heard about Flameclaw," Tinypaw burst into tears.
(I think Leafpaw is a sister figure to Tinypaw XD)
(I think so too) "I'm fine," Leafpaw said, still in a bit of shock. She pressed close to her friend.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:27 PM
She blinked. Okay, this is a fanclan...with rude cats. She dipped her head and purred in her most agreeable tone. "I thank you most kindly for this information, although I must ask," she tilted her head. "Have there been any others that have come recently?"
"Why do you need to know?" The she-cat asked, suspicion in her eyes.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:31 PM
(I think so too) "I'm fine," Leafpaw said, still in a bit of shock. She pressed close to her friend.
Tinypaw's sobs quieted, until she stopped crying.
Blackbreeze walked to them. "You two should get some rest. It's getting late," he told them.
Tinypaw nodded, then walked to the apprentices' den, beckoning Leafpaw to follow.
Firepaw watched them, smiling. He was excited for tomorrow, but he had to keep it a secret from the other cats.

February 5th, 2017, 04:34 PM
"Why do you need to know?" The she-cat asked, suspicion in her eyes.
She sighed. "Well, to be honest with you, I was just wondering. I woke up here just now with no recollection of how I got here. I was just wondering if that happened to anyone else."

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:38 PM
She sighed. "Well, to be honest with you, I was just wondering. I woke up here just now with no recollection of how I got here. I was just wondering if that happened to anyone else."
"You're one of them..." she said. "Come with me." She ran towards camp. She was surprisingly quick.

February 5th, 2017, 04:43 PM
"You're one of them..." she said. "Come with me." She ran towards camp. She was surprisingly quick. "Thank you," she mewed, easily keeping pace. I wonder if there's any humans, she thought absently.

February 5th, 2017, 04:43 PM
Tinypaw's sobs quieted, until she stopped crying.
Blackbreeze walked to them. "You two should get some rest. It's getting late," he told them.
Tinypaw nodded, then walked to the apprentices' den, beckoning Leafpaw to follow.
Firepaw watched them, smiling. He was excited for tomorrow, but he had to keep it a secret from the other cats.

Leafpaw followed, to exhausted to do anything else. She scraped a nest together and lay down. Soon she was asleep.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:47 PM
"Thank you," she mewed, easily keeping pace. I wonder if there's any humans, she thought absently.
Soon they arrived at camp. The she-cat went to talk to Blazestar.
"Hello. Who are you?" asked a white she-cat with crystal blue eyes.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 04:49 PM
Leafpaw followed, to exhausted to do anything else. She scraped a nest together and lay down. Soon she was asleep.
Tinypaw fell asleep as well.
(We might need to timeskip... but not yet.)

February 5th, 2017, 04:50 PM
Soon they arrived at camp. The she-cat went to talk to Blazestar.
"Hello. Who are you?" asked a white she-cat with crystal blue eyes.

"You can call me River," she mewed.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 05:04 PM
"You can call me River," she mewed.
"My name's Crystalpaw. Lilytuft is going to have kits any day now, so she might be a little defensive. It does come off as rude though," The cat explained.

February 5th, 2017, 05:10 PM
"My name's Crystalpaw. Lilytuft is going to have kits any day now, so she might be a little defensive. It does come off as rude though," The cat explained.
"Hello, Crystalpaw, and thanks." She looked around the camp. "There seems to be a great many apprentices here."

No One's Beeswax
February 5th, 2017, 05:41 PM
(Sorry about my odd 'poofing' habits.)

Thea's fur bristled, she was still trying the fact that she was a cat now. She raised her paw...then she licked it. Thea grimaced, curse thee fowl cat reflexes! She sighed and got to her paws out of Whatever-Clan camp. Thea needed some air.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 05:44 PM
"Hello, Crystalpaw, and thanks." She looked around the camp. "There seems to be a great many apprentices here."
"Yeah. But some of us will be warriors soon!" Crystalpaw said happily.

No One's Beeswax
February 5th, 2017, 06:03 PM
(*Sees post on page 10* ....whoops...*)

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 06:33 PM
Blazestar called out, "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather so we can continue the meeting!"
After enough cats came, Blazestar continued. "Time to name more cats. You, step forward." His tail pointed at Thea.

(@No One's Beeswax REPLY TO THIS PLZ!)

No One's Beeswax
February 5th, 2017, 07:29 PM
Blazestar called out, "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather so we can continue the meeting!"
After enough cats came, Blazestar continued. "Time to name more cats. You, step forward." His tail pointed at Thea.

(You can choose Thea's warrior cat name by the way.)

Thea hesitated before stepping forward as others had. She gazed up at the head honcho with confidence sparkling in her eyes.

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 07:41 PM
(You can choose Thea's warrior cat name by the way.)

Thea hesitated before stepping forward as others had. She gazed up at the head honcho with confidence sparkling in her eyes.
"From this moment on, until you become a warrior, you shall be known as Berrypaw. Icebite will be your mentor," Blazestar said.
Icebite, the scarred white tom with silver stripes, walked to her.

No One's Beeswax
February 5th, 2017, 07:50 PM
"From this moment on, until you become a warrior, you shall be known as Berrypaw. Icebite will be your mentor," Blazestar said.
Icebite, the scarred white tom with silver stripes, walked to her.

Berrypaw eyed her new mentor with sharp eyes. Where did Icebite get so many scars?

Wildy~ =3
February 5th, 2017, 09:14 PM
Berrypaw eyed her new mentor with sharp eyes. Where did Icebite get so many scars?
Icebite stared at Berrypaw. "Don't ask questions Unless I say you can. Especially about my scars," he growled.

February 6th, 2017, 05:33 AM
Tinypaw fell asleep as well.
(We might need to timeskip... but not yet.)
(Mkay sounds good to me)

February 6th, 2017, 10:38 AM
"Yeah. But some of us will be warriors soon!" Crystalpaw said happily.
She smiled. "I hope I can become a warrior as well." She padded to the rest of the cats.(you canb choose her name)

No One's Beeswax
February 6th, 2017, 02:03 PM
Icebite stared at Berrypaw. "Don't ask questions Unless I say you can. Especially about my scars," he growled.
Berrypaw narrowed her eyes. Was that a challenge she heard? If Icebite was going to be difficult she would just have to be 10 times more difficult.

Wildy~ =3
February 7th, 2017, 09:13 PM
Berrypaw narrowed her eyes. Was that a challenge she heard? If Icebite was going to be difficult she would just have to be 10 times more difficult.
"Go get some sleep. We'll start training in the morning," Icebite said, walking to the warriors' den.

February 7th, 2017, 09:15 PM
(Is my charrie gonna get made a warrior? she knows how to hunt and everything)

Wildy~ =3
February 7th, 2017, 09:21 PM
She smiled. "I hope I can become a warrior as well." She padded to the rest of the cats.(you can choose her name)
Blazestar, who already heard of River's arrival, called out, "River, step forward."

February 7th, 2017, 09:25 PM
Her ears pricked and she stepped forward, her heart beating harder. I hope get named Rivergold, she thought. But, it doesn't matter.

Wildy~ =3
February 7th, 2017, 09:32 PM
Her ears pricked and she stepped forward, her heart beating harder. I hope get named Rivergold, she thought. But, it doesn't matter.
"River, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Riverpaw. I will be your mentor. But I sense something like this happened to you, so I might make you a warrior tomorrow," Blazestar said, jumping from the Blazerock and going to the leader's den.

February 7th, 2017, 09:43 PM
"River, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Riverpaw. I will be your mentor. But I sense something like this happened to you, so I might make you a warrior tomorrow," Blazestar said, jumping from the Blazerock and going to the leader's den.
Okay, Riverpaw. Not ba--wait, I'm an apprentice?? The newly named Riverpaw nearly opened her mouth to protest, but then the rest of the Leader's words sunk in. "Oh, okay," she mewed softly to herself as the older tom left. "Wait, aren't I supposed to touch noses with him?" she blinked at the dark entrance of the Leader's den, then shook her head. "Right, this isn't the clans of the forest. The rules are probably different here."

Wildy~ =3
February 7th, 2017, 09:53 PM
Okay, Riverpaw. Not ba--wait, I'm an apprentice?? The newly named Riverpaw nearly opened her mouth to protest, but then the rest of the Leader's words sunk in. "Oh, okay," she mewed softly to herself as the older tom left. "Wait, aren't I supposed to touch noses with him?" she blinked at the dark entrance of the Leader's den, then shook her head. "Right, this isn't the clans of the forest. The rules are probably different here."
The cats of BlazeClan went to their dens and slowly fell asleep in their nests.

February 8th, 2017, 07:54 AM
Riverpaw followed the younger-looking cats to what appeared to be the apprentice's den. She moved off to one side and scraped together a nest, then curled up in it with a happy sigh. "I love being a cat," she said to herself as she drifted off to sleep. And began to snore.
(now for the fun to start. She has this strange ability to have entire conversations in her sleep, with absolutely no memory of what she says afterward.)

Wildy~ =3
February 8th, 2017, 02:45 PM
(Also, only Tinypaw and Leafpaw wake up in the night)
Tinypaw woke up in the middle of the night, yawning. Huh? she thought. I never wake up in the middle of the nigh- wait. I forgot something didn't I? OF COURSE! I forgot to explain the stuff to Leafpaw! she tiptoed to Leafpaw and gently shook her awake. "Leafpaw!" she hissed in a whisper.

Bramblepaw woke in a starry forest. She turned and saw Berrypaw and Tigerwhisper.

February 8th, 2017, 06:21 PM
(Also, only Tinypaw and Leafpaw wake up in the night)
Tinypaw woke up in the middle of the night, yawning. Huh? she thought. I never wake up in the middle of the nigh- wait. I forgot something didn't I? OF COURSE! I forgot to explain the stuff to Leafpaw! she tiptoed to Leafpaw and gently shook her awake. "Leafpaw!" she hissed in a whisper.
Riverpaw's snoring stopped and she murmured something.

February 9th, 2017, 08:19 AM
(Also, only Tinypaw and Leafpaw wake up in the night)
Tinypaw woke up in the middle of the night, yawning. Huh? she thought. I never wake up in the middle of the nigh- wait. I forgot something didn't I? OF COURSE! I forgot to explain the stuff to Leafpaw! she tiptoed to Leafpaw and gently shook her awake. "Leafpaw!" she hissed in a whisper.

Bramblepaw woke in a starry forest. She turned and saw Berrypaw and Tigerwhisper.
Leafpaw was awake instantly. "What is it?" she whispered back.

Wildy~ =3
February 9th, 2017, 09:02 AM
Leafpaw was awake instantly. "What is it?" she whispered back.
"Remember what I told you? To come to the great birch we passed when we came to camp? Let's go now," Tinypaw explained.

February 9th, 2017, 09:03 AM
"Remember what I told you? To come to the great birch we passed when we came to camp? Let's go now," Tinypaw explained.
"Ok, let's go!" Leafpaw whispered excitedly.

Wildy~ =3
February 9th, 2017, 09:27 AM
"Ok, let's go!" Leafpaw whispered excitedly.
"Come on," Tinypaw said, tiptoeing around the cats. She nearly woke up Bramblepaw, but was careful enough to hop over Firepaw's tail.

February 9th, 2017, 09:30 AM
"Come on," Tinypaw said, tiptoeing around the cats. She nearly woke up Bramblepaw, but was careful enough to hop over Firepaw's tail.
Leafpaw stepped around the cat's quickly and stood in the entrance of the den. "Come on, come on!" she whispered urgently. "Waitwaitwait, back up!" She ducked back inside as Icebite padded by the den.

Wildy~ =3
February 9th, 2017, 09:48 AM
Leafpaw stepped around the cat's quickly and stood in the entrance of the den. "Come on, come on!" she whispered urgently. "Waitwaitwait, back up!" She ducked back inside as Icebite padded by the den.
Icebite looked inside the den.
Tinypaw immediately changed her breathing to mimic a sleeping cat's.
Icebite shrugged and wandered back to the warriors' den.
Tinypaw suppressed a sigh of relief and ran silently out of camp, beckoning Leafpaw over with a flick of her tail.

February 9th, 2017, 09:50 AM
Icebite looked inside the den.
Tinypaw immediately changed her breathing to mimic a sleeping cat's.
Icebite shrugged and wandered back to the warriors' den.
Tinypaw suppressed a sigh of relief and ran silently out of camp, beckoning Leafpaw over with a flick of her tail.

Glancing around, she raced after Tinypaw, eyes wide. If we get caught... if it's Icebite... it would NOT be good

Wildy~ =3
February 9th, 2017, 09:56 AM
Glancing around, she raced after Tinypaw, eyes wide. If we get caught... if it's Icebite... it would NOT be good
"We're here," Tinypaw said. They were in a clearing with a large birch tree at the far end. "Roll in the ferns over there and climb the birch," she said, already rolling in ferns behind an oak. She soon climbed the oak and started jumping from tree to tree, eventually landing on a low branch on the birch tree.

February 9th, 2017, 10:03 AM
"We're here," Tinypaw said. They were in a clearing with a large birch tree at the far end. "Roll in the ferns over there and climb the birch," she said, already rolling in ferns behind an oak. She soon climbed the oak and started jumping from tree to tree, eventually landing on a low branch on the birch tree.
Leafpaw obeyed and then stared, puzzled, at the trunk. Uh... how, exactly? she thought. She unsheathed her claws and dug them into the bark. She scrambled up and by the time she was at Tinypaw's level she was gasping for breath. "How do you do that?" she panted.

Wildy~ =3
February 9th, 2017, 10:05 AM
Leafpaw obeyed and then stared, puzzled, at the trunk. Uh... how, exactly? she thought. She unsheathed her claws and dug them into the bark. She scrambled up and by the time she was at Tinypaw's level she was gasping for breath. "How do you do that?" she panted.
Tinypaw giggled. "You need practice," she explained. "It'll get better in time."

February 9th, 2017, 10:37 AM
Tinypaw giggled. "You need practice," she explained. "It'll get better in time."
"Ok, whatever. Now tell me about what you were going to say!" Leafpaw flicked her friend with her tail.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 08:58 AM
"Ok, whatever. Now tell me about what you were going to say!" Leafpaw flicked her friend with her tail.
"Well, it all began with the first cat in the forest with the suffix -bite. His name was Darkbite, and he mentored cats to be ruthless and cruel, like he was. Almost every cat mentored by a -bite, becomes a -bite. Flameclaw used to be a -bite, but played innocent until his name was changed," Tinypaw explained.

February 10th, 2017, 09:15 AM
"Well, it all began with the first cat in the forest with the suffix -bite. His name was Darkbite, and he mentored cats to be ruthless and cruel, like he was. Almost every cat mentored by a -bite, becomes a -bite. Flameclaw used to be a -bite, but played innocent until his name was changed," Tinypaw explained.
"Well, I'm going to ask for my suffix to not be -bite," Leafpaw snapped. "I'm not evil. I'm a perfectly nice she-cat with a kind heart who would never hurt a soul unless in desperate times. And my mentor CAN'T MAKE ME!"

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:18 AM
"Well, I'm going to ask for my suffix to not be -bite," Leafpaw snapped. "I'm not evil. I'm a perfectly nice she-cat with a kind heart who would never hurt a soul unless in desperate times. And my mentor CAN'T MAKE ME!"
Tinypaw flinched. She turned away, muttered, "I didn't say you were," before climbing to the topmost branch and laying there.

February 10th, 2017, 09:19 AM
Tinypaw flinched. She turned away, muttered, "I didn't say you were," before climbing to the topmost branch and laying there.
"Sorry, Tinypaw," Leafpaw apologized. "I just get worked up about this stuff. Sorry."

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:22 AM
"Sorry, Tinypaw," Leafpaw apologized. "I just get worked up about this stuff. Sorry."
Tinypaw didn't answer. She buried her head in her paws.

February 10th, 2017, 09:32 AM
Tinypaw didn't answer. She buried her head in her paws.
Leafpaw climbed up to where her friend was sitting and curled up next to her.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:34 AM
Leafpaw climbed up to where her friend was sitting and curled up next to her.
Tinypaw sat up and turned away. "You don't know any of it," she said, jumping through the trees out of sight.

February 10th, 2017, 09:42 AM
Tinypaw sat up and turned away. "You don't know any of it," she said, jumping through the trees out of sight.
"Tinypaw-" Leafpaw watched her friend jump out of sight. Without her, the forest suddenly seemed dark and uninviting. She shrank against the trunk.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 10:29 AM
"Tinypaw-" Leafpaw watched her friend jump out of sight. Without her, the forest suddenly seemed dark and uninviting. She shrank against the trunk.
Tinypaw slowed, stopping on top of a sycamore tree. She sat down, sighing. Suddenly, a memory popped up in her mind.
She was in a cave. Two white cats were with her. This was her kithood. In the cave, two Clan cats, one of BlazeClan, the other of LilyClan, sat beside her. Her parents. Suddenly, two other cats had shown up: a dark gray tom with brown stripes, and a firey orange tom with amber eyes.
"Traitors," growled the fire-colored tom. Flamebite.
"Remember what we do to traitors?" the other tom asked his companion. Snakebite.
She hid behind her mother, Wishlily.
The two toms sprang at her father, snarling.
Her father, Snowfrost, jumped out of the way then sprang at them the moment they landed. His claws struck Snakebite's throat.
Snakebite gasped for air, but blood gushed out of the wound, killing him.
Flamebite's eyes widened, and he quickly slashed Snowfrost's face.
Snowfrost didn't even flinch, and the two wrestled.
Flamebite let out a yowl of triumph, as Snowfrost had recieved a terrible belly wound.
"No!" Wishlily yowled, jumping at Flamebite.
Smirking, Flamebite dodged and sliced Wishlily's throat.
Wishlily fell to the ground, blood seeping out of the wound.
Tinypaw, then Tinykit, stared at her parents, eyes wide with horror.
"Don't say a word about this, and you'll stay alive," Flameclaw hissed.
Tinykit, not knowing what other choices she had, nodded and followed him.
The flashback had ended, and Tinypaw curled up on the tree branch, sobbing.

February 10th, 2017, 10:38 AM
Tinypaw slowed, stopping on top of a sycamore tree. She sat down, sighing. Suddenly, a memory popped up in her mind.
She was in a cave. Two white cats were with her. This was her kithood. In the cave, two Clan cats, one of BlazeClan, the other of LilyClan, sat beside her. Her parents. Suddenly, two other cats had shown up: a dark gray tom with brown stripes, and a firey orange tom with amber eyes.
"Traitors," growled the fire-colored tom. Flamebite.
"Remember what we do to traitors?" the other tom asked his companion. Snakebite.
She hid behind her mother, Wishlily.
The two toms sprang at her father, snarling.
Her father, Snowfrost, jumped out of the way then sprang at them the moment they landed. His claws struck Snakebite's throat.
Snakebite gasped for air, but blood gushed out of the wound, killing him.
Flamebite's eyes widened, and he quickly slashed Snowfrost's face.
Snowfrost didn't even flinch, and the two wrestled.
Flamebite let out a yowl of triumph, as Snowfrost had recieved a terrible belly wound.
"No!" Wishlily yowled, jumping at Flamebite.
Smirking, Flamebite dodged and sliced Wishlily's throat.
Wishlily fell to the ground, blood seeping out of the wound.
Tinypaw, then Tinykit, stared at her parents, eyes wide with horror.
"Don't say a word about this, and you'll stay alive," Flameclaw hissed.
Tinykit, not knowing what other choices she had, nodded and followed him.
The flashback had ended, and Tinypaw curled up on the tree branch, sobbing.

Leafpaw sighed and raced after Tinypaw, and found her crying. "Are you ok?" she asked.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 11:20 AM
Leafpaw sighed and raced after Tinypaw, and found her crying. "Are you ok?" she asked.
"You don't know... What I've been through," Tinypaw said, after a few moments.

February 10th, 2017, 11:58 AM
"You don't know... What I've been through," Tinypaw said, after a few moments.
"I don't," she sighed. "We should go back to camp. So we don't get caught by... by the -bites. That's what I'm calling them."

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 01:42 PM
"I don't," she sighed. "We should go back to camp. So we don't get caught by... by the -bites. That's what I'm calling them."
Tinypaw nodded, and set off towards camp.
(Timeskip to morning?)

February 10th, 2017, 02:15 PM
Tinypaw nodded, and set off towards camp.
(Timeskip to morning?)


Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 08:24 PM
(Alright! :D)
(@Sweet Bread and @NoOne'sBeeswax dream will be later.)

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 08:38 PM
Tinypaw twitched in her sleep. She was having a strange dream.
Firepaw had already woken up. He was washing his paw.
Crystalpaw was laying in her nest, grumbling about not being a morning cat.
Softlily and Blazestar were chatting.
Blackbreeze was at the edge of camp, grooming his chest fur.
Icebite was in the warriors' den, snoring loudly.
Foxbite was glaring at him, annoyance in his eyes.
A brown tabby tom was in the medicine cat den, coughing loudly.
"TAKE YOUR CATMINT!!!!" Softlily yelled at him, before continuing to chat with Blazestar.
Bramblepaw was having an extremely confusing dream of cat walking to a beautiful, yet dense forest and setting camp there. Her tail twitched with excitement.

February 10th, 2017, 08:40 PM
"...Blueberry muffins..." Riverpaw murmured in her sleep, her tail curling.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 08:44 PM
"...Blueberry muffins..." Riverpaw murmured in her sleep, her tail curling.
Firepaw stared at her, confused.

February 10th, 2017, 08:53 PM
Firepaw stared at her, confused.
"...left of the fridge..."
(you can have entire conversations with her and she won't remember a thing when she wakes up)

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 08:56 PM
"...left of the fridge..."
(you can have entire conversations with her and she won't remember a thing when she wakes up)
"Umm....." Firepaw said, staring at her as is she could breath fire.

February 10th, 2017, 09:01 PM
"Umm....." Firepaw said, staring at her as is she could breath fire.
"...no, left...."

February 10th, 2017, 09:03 PM
Tinypaw twitched in her sleep. She was having a strange dream.
Firepaw had already woken up. He was washing his paw.
Crystalpaw was laying in her nest, grumbling about not being a morning cat.
Softlily and Blazestar were chatting.
Blackbreeze was at the edge of camp, grooming his chest fur.
Icebite was in the warriors' den, snoring loudly.
Foxbite was glaring at him, annoyance in his eyes.
A brown tabby tom was in the medicine cat den, coughing loudly.
"TAKE YOUR CATMINT!!!!" Softlily yelled at him, before continuing to chat with Blazestar.
Bramblepaw was having an extremely confusing dream of cat walking to a beautiful, yet dense forest and setting camp there. Her tail twitched with excitement.

Leafpaw padded up to Foxbite. "So what are we going to learn today?" she asked.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:04 PM
"...no, left...."
"Ok... What in the name of StarClan are you doing?" Firepaw asked, confused.

February 10th, 2017, 09:07 PM
"Ok... What in the name of StarClan are you doing?" Firepaw asked, confused.
"I said it's left,"

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:13 PM
Leafpaw padded up to Foxbite. "So what are we going to learn today?" she asked.
"Checking out the boundaries. Then battle training. If we have enough time afterward hunting practice," Foxbite said gruffly.
Bramblepaw woke up and started to go for a walk. Tigerwhisper is in the nursery, Blazestar forgot that she's my mentor... I must practice on my own. She went to the Lilyclan border by accident. She sniffed the air and smelled cats, mixed with the fragrance of lilies from the river and the smell of fish. She remembered cats talking about the other Clans. LilyClan, FernClan, and GrassClan, those were the names. She knew she was at LilyClan, and nodded before walking north.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:15 PM
"I said it's left,"
"What is left?" Despite himself, Firepaw was a bit interested.

February 10th, 2017, 09:17 PM
"What is left?" Despite himself, Firepaw was a bit interested.
"The muffins,"

February 10th, 2017, 09:19 PM
"Checking out the boundaries. Then battle training. If we have enough time afterward hunting practice," Foxbite said gruffly.
Bramblepaw woke up and started to go for a walk. Tigerwhisper is in the nursery, Blazestar forgot that she's my mentor... I must practice on my own. She went to the Lilyclan border by accident. She sniffed the air and smelled cats, mixed with the fragrance of lilies from the river and the smell of fish. She remembered cats talking about the other Clans. LilyClan, FernClan, and GrassClan, those were the names. She knew she was at LilyClan, and nodded before walking north.

"What is left?" Despite himself, Firepaw was a bit interested.
"Ok. When can we start?" Leafpaw mewed. (Poor, simple Firepaw. You'll never understand blueberry muffins XD)

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:23 PM
"The muffins,"
"What are muffins?" Firepaw asked.

February 10th, 2017, 09:26 PM
(this is so fun)

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:28 PM
"Ok. When can we start?" Leafpaw mewed. (Poor, simple Firepaw. You'll never understand blueberry muffins XD)
"Now. Come on," Foxbite said, walking towards the LilyClan border.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 09:44 PM
(this is so fun)
"What are blueberries?" Firepaw asked.

February 10th, 2017, 10:03 PM
"Now. Come on," Foxbite said, walking towards the LilyClan border.

Leafpaw followed Foxbite, her tail twitching. Tinypaw's words ran through her mind, about the -bites. (XD)

February 10th, 2017, 10:09 PM
"What are blueberries?" Firepaw asked. "Berries are berries are food," she replied.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 10:10 PM
Leafpaw followed Foxbite, her tail twitching. Tinypaw's words ran through her mind, about the -bites. (XD)
Foxbite arrived at the LilyClan border. "What do you smell?" he asked.
Bramblepaw tasted the air. She had arrived at her destination. The air smelled of grass and rabbits, as well as cats. GrassClan. She tasted the air again before marking a single rock on the border and running towards the pine forest.

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 10:12 PM
"Berries are berries are food," she replied.
"Ok...." Firepaw said, before walking away, confused.

February 10th, 2017, 10:24 PM
Foxbite arrived at the LilyClan border. "What do you smell?" he asked.
Bramblepaw tasted the air. She had arrived at her destination. The air smelled of grass and rabbits, as well as cats. GrassClan. She tasted the air again before marking a single rock on the border and running towards the pine forest.

"Just more cats," Leafpaw repliedm

Wildy~ =3
February 10th, 2017, 10:28 PM
"Just more cats," Leafpaw replied.
"What else?" Foxbite snarled. "You need to know each enemy Clan's scent by heart. Only then will you be able to fight your enemies!"

February 10th, 2017, 10:40 PM
"Ok...." Firepaw said, before walking away, confused. Riverpaw woke a few moments later, stretched, then padded outside. "Good morning," she mewed to a male apprentice that she didn't know.

February 11th, 2017, 05:29 AM
"What else?" Foxbite snarled. "You need to know each enemy Clan's scent by heart. Only then will you be able to fight your enemies!"
"Can't you fight your enemy without being abl to smell them?" she muttered under her breath. "All right. I think I smell badger, but it's stale. And over here... this is where another one of us popped in and... oh wait! This is where I landed! I can still smell Blackbreeze and Tinypaw."