View Full Version : Mistpaw (rough overview)

January 28th, 2017, 04:29 PM
I'm afraid this won't be very detailed ^^' it's for my own reference - please tell me if I made a mistake!

Name: Mistpaw
Age (moons): 6
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Clan: WindClan
Rank: Apprentice
Friends: (searching)
Enemies/Rivals: (searching)
Mentor: (searching)
Apprentice: N/A

Mistpaw is a quick young she-cat; she loves to run and feel the wind blow through her thick fur. Often, she feels like she's flying, and regularly dreams of becoming a bird and watching all her clanmates from the sky. Of course, she doesn't tell anyone of this; to her, your biggest ambition is the most important part about you - even if it's unreasonable.

Mostly, she keeps her opinions to herself. If it's something she is exceptionally passionate about, however, she is unafraid to speak her mind. Her sense of humor is often sarcastic or self-deprecating.

Strengths: speed and stamina; strong sense of smell, which makes her a good tracker
Weaknesses: not very physically strong; forgetful; zones out a lot; worries about things easily; puts her loved ones before herself way too much

Breed: Blue/Silver Somali
Size/build: Small to Medium sized, long legs and a long tail
Fur texture: Thick yet smooth
Fur length: Medium-Long
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