View Full Version : Atilla

January 27th, 2017, 04:32 PM

Current Name: Atilla
Other Names, if any: None
Age (in moons): 50 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Creation Date: Unknown

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: None
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: None
Rank: Loner
Mentor(s): None
Apprentice(s): None

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): OPEN
Mother (s): OPEN
Sibling(s): None
Offspring: None

Best Friend(s): OPEN
Friend(s): OPEN
Neutral: OPEN
Acquaintance(s): OPEN
Enemies: OPEN

Crush: OPEN
Significant Other: OPEN


Overview: Atilla likes to use her smarts to her advantage. She is deceitful. This she-cat tends to be manipulative, and she uses flirting and her brain in order to get what she wants. However, she wasn't this in the first place. Atilla once was a kind, loving she-cat that was loved by all. She holds grace and beauty, however, she doesn't use it for good. She attempts to block out emotions that she doesn't want to accept, and she continues to lie to herself in order not to bring back her loving self like she used to be. However, she does still have her old personality in her. Can you unlock it?
Traits: Old Traits: kind, caring, motherly, thoughtful, compassionate; New Traits: sarcastic, power- hungry, deceitful, manipulative, smart, cocky, fiery, nervous, scared
(She still holds her old traits, but she doesn't like to show them)

Mental Age: 60 moons
Psychiatric Complications: None
Phobias: None

Sociability: 5/10
Outlook: Optimistic 50% Pessimistic 50%
Responsibility: 9/10
Cleanliness: 9/10
Generosity: 7/10
Manners: 9/10
Bravery: 8/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical, but does show Emotional knowledge sometimes

Favorite Season: Greenleaf
Favorite Food(s): Rabbit
Favorite Word: "Why, hello there"
Favorite Sound: Running stream

Greatest Hope: To find a cat who can bring out the good in her, to have a family (mate and kits)
Greatest Strength: Her smarts
Greatest Weakness: Denying loving emotions
Worst Nightmare: Dying alone, and not accomplishing her goals
Deepest Darkest Secret: Unknown
Most Treasured Memory: When her mother told her, "Love is what runs the world."

Quirk(s): None
Theme Song(s): None


Place of Birth: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Former rank(s): None
Beliefs: Unknown

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Oriental
Fur Color(s): Tortishell
Fur Texture: Rough and soft
Fur Length: Medium
Markings: Tortishell
Eye Color: Green

Body Type/Structure: Long and powerful
Height: Medium
Weight: Normal
Voice: Medium depth with voice cracks (specially when she yells or get upset or emotional)
Gait: Slight limp
Scent: Pine

Scars / Deformities: Knick in her left ear
Diseases / Conditions: None

Coordination: 8/10
Reflexes: 8/10
Strength: 7/10

Image(s): http://www.gccfcats.org/portals/0/OrientalLH.jpg