View Full Version : Peachrain and Lilacblossom's story

October 8th, 2016, 05:04 PM
So I am making reincarnatations of them... So I am making the life story of the old ones.

Peachkit and Lilackit were born in Thunderclan IDK when. Peachkit was the bold one excited to get out of the nursery and was wrestling with apprentices at one moon old. Lilackit however at one moon old was scared of the world out of the nursery. She left the nursery for the first time at three moons old and hid behind her sister. She was scared and relied on her sister for protection.
Soon they became apprentices. Peachpaw was a great hunter and fighter. Lilacpaw wasn't , she couldn't catch a dead mouse if she tried. Nor could she defend herself against a mossball flying at her.
At 10 moons old. Peachpaw passed her final assessment, Lilacpaw didn't.
Peachpaw cheatted her. She caught prey and when no one was looking she alert Lilacpaw and bury prey so when Lilacpaw returned she had 20 pieces of prey, and she only caught one of them. When they had them do a practice mock fight. Peachpaw went easy on her, and let her pass. They became warriors together. Peachrain and Lilacblossom. Peachrain worked with Lilacblossom privately to get her good enough to hunt and fight. Soon she could, but was still relying on Peachrain. One day, Peachrain realized that Lilacblossom needed to break free from hiding on her so she told Lilacblossom NO. And Lilacblossom freaked out crying. Peachrain forced herself not to get affected. That was when Peachrain met the DS cat who she thought was strong and hawt. She started hunting with him and play fighting and before she knew it she was expecting kits. She gave birth to two kits. Bluekit and Orchardkit. She-kits. One day, she was showing them the territory, since the were antsy to see it. When she came, she saw her long lost love. Lilacblossom was with them. And three DS warriors. Lilacblossom ran and hid in a bush, calling the kits to her.
Peachrain purred at her love and told him about their kits. Then one of them attacked her.
She fought him off, killing him. She killed the next one too.
Her sister was horrified and ran to tell Ashstar.
Peachrain knew she couldn't return, and couldn't leave her kit. She picked up Orchardkit and Bluekit and brought them to the DS, where she took her love as a mate.
Bluekit and Orchardkit hated it, since they were called Blue and Orchard. They screamed and hollerd. but were attacked.
Finally at Thunderclan, Lilacblossom got her gut up, she entered the DS territory and found the kits. She brought them to Thunderclan. She raised them herself, Bluekit wanted her murderous mother back, and left for the DS at four moons old. But she discused herself and was murdered since she didn't look like them. She died and Peachrain grew angry and murdered her Bluekit's murder.
Soon, it was Orchardpaw, who thought of Lilacblossom as her mother. She wanted to see her mother so she waitted at the border, but her mother grabbed her and pinned her down, clawing her back open and leaving huge scars on her and kicked her way.
Orchardpaw was rescued by Lilacblossom and healed, with horrible scars from her mother.
Orchardpaw soon became Orchardpetal and lived her life onward in fear of Peachrain and the DS forever.