View Full Version : Aysgarth Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Semi-literate 4+ Lines)

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Brooklyn Trees
October 8th, 2016, 01:34 PM
Note: I did not create this roleplay, it was created by Chaal and temporarily given to Dr. Sheldon Cooper by Chaal when Chaal was more occupied by school.

Welcome to Aysgarth Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Dear Miss/Mr _____

We are delighted to inform you that after thorough evaluation you have been accepted into Aysgarth Academy.
You are invited to an orientation on August 1st at 9:00 am.
Please bring sleepwear, the appropriate books (List will be sent by owl in a weeks time), your wand, shoes and various other standard school supplies for you will have core classes.
It has been arranged for a train to take you and your fellow classmates to Aysgarth by train. Please meet at the Millbrooke Train station (Tickets are included). You will receive your robes upon arrival.

Sincerely yours,
Tahith Uevia
Deputy headmistress

Is what the letter that you received by a snowy white owl read.
(For mundane-born) This must be a joke right?
Well, maybe not. I mean, some weird stuff has been happening like the time you turned your neighbors cat into a toad, or the teapot that levitated above your head a few mornings ago; but that was just your mind playing tricks on you wasn't it? But how did they know your name and address? You don't have any friends that would prank you. Maybe this is legit? Why not show up at the train station just in case?

(For wizard-born) Aha! Finally you received your letter after years of waiting! You already had most of your supplies, you just had to pack and tell your parents.



Core Classes
Dark Arts
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Flying (1st years only)
History of Magic
Mundane Studies


Electives (third years and up)
Alchemy (sixth and seventh year, if demand is sufficient)
Apparition (Sixth and seventh year, those of age only)
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
Study of Ancient Runes


Extra-curricular Subjects
Ancient Studies
Frog Choir
Ghoul Studies
Magical Theory
Muggle Art
Muggle Music



Time - Period
6:30 - Breakfast
7:50 - Tardy Bell
7:50 - 845 HR/Period 1
8:48 - 9:45 Period 2
9:46 - 10:41 Period 3: Lunch
10:44 - 11:39 Period 4
11:42 - 12:37 Period 5
12:39 - 1:34 Period 6
1:36 - 2:30 Period 7
2:30 Students dismissed
6:30 - Dinner
10:00 Lights out

Here there are 3 selective houses.
Valdel: house colors being Purple and black mascot a raven is known for cleverness and honesty
Huxley: house colors being red and white, mascot a wolf is known for their courage and loyalty
Aexian: House colors being Green and Grey, mascot a bear is known for their kindness and trustworthiness

Which are you?

We will begin with everyone on the train then they will arrive at the school and will be taken by horse-drawn carriage to the main building. This is roughly based off Harry Potter but has a different plot. Enjoy!

REPLIES MUST BE 4+ LINES not sentences.
If you are asked to leave you must do it quietly.
I have the right to deny any forms.
Keep genders equal


Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend:

I have tried to rewrite the original post Chaal created as closely as I could. But now that I have done so, here are just a few other thingies I'm going to add that were answers to my about this roleplay. =^^=

This roleplay takes place in Southern Sweden
Muggles and Mundanes are the same
First years are 15-17
And, yes, they are currently still on the train =^^=

Brooklyn Trees
October 8th, 2016, 01:49 PM
My last post roleplaying Auburny for Dr.

Auburny hesitated, knowing that he had just said that he didn't want to leave them there, but yet the thing the cat did seemed like he was telling her to follow.She walked into the doorway and then after a brief hesitation, she followed Jackson and the cat down to the compartment they had gone to.

(It was four lines on the old site...)

My next post roleplaying William because The Little Pink Fox roleplayed her charrie last. =^^=

William stopped himself from attempting to again brush at his bangs, he didn't even really know how that habit had begun. Silvia had begun to blush deeper, and now he could feel his own cheeks beginning to get warmer. For some reason though, he couldn't peel his eyes off of her anymore, which was an odd change from his current non-ability to look at her. He was vaguely aware that he was staring at her, but somehow that didn't make him able to stop it. She was pretty, even when she was deep red and awkwardly still holding his hand...

October 8th, 2016, 02:53 PM
Name: Evanlyn
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wavy light brown hair, ray-blue eyes
House: Valdel
Classes: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Flying, Herbology, Potions, History of Magic
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Not at the moment
Siblings: William(Will)
Sexuality: Straight(Heterosexual)
Other: Mundane born

Name: William(Will)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium length brown hair, blue eyes
House: Valdel
Classes: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Mundane Studies, Herbology, Potions, History of Magic
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: None yet
Siblings: Evanlyn
Sexuality: Straight(Heterosexual)
Other: Mundane born

October 8th, 2016, 02:56 PM
Name: Mae Borowkski
Age (15-17): 15 (first-year)
Gender: Demifeminine. Uses both they/them and she/her, although they prefer the former.
Mae is an individual of a short stature- just under the average for those of their age. Although they have softer features than most, this is balanced out by their sharper temperament. Mae is extremely impulsive and tends to release short bursts of energy over time, which usually manifests in some form of emotional or physical hyperactivity. However, starting out being raised family that held Dark beliefs, they were taught from a young age to harness that reoccurring mania in a manner that would aid in the raw energy of their magic. Mae was never really able to shake that off, and although they now live with their maternal, mundane family, there are times they abuse their magic in ways they barely understand. Aside from their terrible habits, Mae has a preference for floral clothing and mostly things of an olive hue, which is probably why they despise the dress code the school enforces. Their curly, off-black locks are usually messily brushed and cropped short, as Mae dislikes their hair getting in the way of whatever they may be doing. Their wand is a six-point five inch cypress and Antipodean Opaleye heartstring core, with a rather simple design; a rather thin, tapering rod that thickens around the base for the handle.
House: Valden.
Dark Arts.
Study of Ancient Runes
Defense Against Dark Arts
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: N/A at the moment. They're open for one, though!
Siblings?: None. Mae is an only child.
Sexuality: Homoromantic (sapphic) gray-asexual.
Other: Mae's pet is a common wood pidgeon, those of which look like this

Brooklyn Trees
October 9th, 2016, 04:23 PM
All accepted. I'll copy my own characters forms from the old site in a sec =^^=

October 9th, 2016, 04:55 PM
Name: Fletcher "Freck" Gregor

Age(15-17): 16 [first year]

Gender: Demimasculine / Transexual / They/He Pronouns

Appearance: Standing at 5'3 1/2", with a bit of tummy-pudge that shows, and thick, orange, oval-shaped glasses, Freck really doesn't pose much a threat. They have a short torso and long legs, at least for one their height, with big, deep gray-blue eyes and a gap between their two front teeth. Still, they have a strong build, and if you get them angry enough, they could knock you out in a punch or two. picture reference #1 (https://67.media.tumblr.com/db073dc5bbc9f523499ed86fc44bcac5/tumblr_mpdll8SBEk1qgojlgo1_500.jpg) | picture reference #2 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/de/2d/f4/de2df45a3af00e5279119926818bcce5.jpg)

House: Huxley

History of Magic
Ancient Studies

Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: None yet

Siblings?: Their jerk of an older brother, Flinn, and their bratty but lovable little sister, Jacqui

Sexuality: Biromantic Demisexual

Other: Freck suffers from severe anxiety, abandonment issues, and frequent panic attacks

Brooklyn Trees
October 9th, 2016, 05:59 PM

Brooklyn Trees
October 9th, 2016, 06:17 PM
Updated copies of my charries' forms~

Name: Auburny Gibbs
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dark, dusty red hair, with freckles. She is tan and tall and has long arms and legs. Her eyes are dark green and her fingers are also very long. She is thin and has high cheek-bones.
House: Valdel
Classes: 1~Charms / 2~Dark Arts / 3~Herbology / 4~Potions / 5~Transfiguration / 6~Art / 7~Orchestra
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Jackson
Siblings?: She is an only child
Sexuality: Straight
Other: She is very studious =^^=

Name: William Ollson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: He is not especially tall, though he has long legs. He has curly blonde locks and pale blue eyes. He is completely deaf n his left ear due to medical reasons.
House: Huxley
Classes: 1~Defence Against the Dark Arts / 2~Charms / 3~Flying / 4~Herbology / 5~Potions / 6~Transfiguration / 7~Magical Theory
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: I think he has a crush on Silvia
Siblings: He's got a little sister, but she is only 7 currently. Her name is Alva.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Other: N/A

October 9th, 2016, 06:53 PM
[[gosh, all these characters are so cool!! can we start? i can wait if we need to tho]]

October 9th, 2016, 07:06 PM
Name:Katherine Reese
Classes:Charms|Defense Against the Dark Arts|Transfiguration|Potions|Herbology|Art
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend:Open for all!
Other:She is a bookworm and loves to draw.This an example of what she migh draw:http://http://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/26-anime-drawing-Kirito1.jpg She likes anime. :waaah: (http://http://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/26-anime-drawing-Kirito1.jpg)

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
October 9th, 2016, 07:29 PM
(I just found a roundabout way to get here without getting blocked out by the forums tab, oh yeah and one thing I probably should have mentioned, but I was having Jackson go to the compartment with William and Silvia. And I will try and copy my form over here when I get the chance if I can.)

Casual Scribbles
October 9th, 2016, 08:22 PM
(I will too, but I'm going to update it to her character now.) Silvia looked back up at William. She noticed him staring and smiled. "Take a picture," she laughed, slightly embarrassed, "it lasts longer," she had to admit, he was cute. Especially with the bangs. She hoped she didn't ruin it before they even became real friends.

October 9th, 2016, 08:29 PM
Alexander Cross / Luca Leinfeld / Aero Bliss / Alina Cross
17 (3rd) / 16 (2nd) / 17 (3rd) / 15 (1st)
Male (x3) / Female
Alexander: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/l/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12331686_1693665094204249_1412143267_n.jpg?ig_cach e_key=MTE0NDcxMzA5Njc5MzYzNDgyMg%3D%3D.2.l
Luca: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/11/c6/74/11c6744bd5c6833bd6ce8789b95b83b6.jpg
Aero: https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12558915_797212627075263_1949280448_n.jpg?ig_cache _key=MTE2MzQwMDA5MTMzNDAzMTQ1NQ%3D%3D.2.l
Alina: http://data.whicdn.com/images/33016332/superthumb.png
Alexander: Valdel
Luca: Huxley
Aero: Aexian
Alina: Valdel
1. Charms / Astronomy / Potions / Muggle Studies
2. Transfiguration / Potions / Transfiguration / Charms
3. Xylomancy / Charms / Herbology / Defense Against the Dark Arts
4. Potions / Defense Against the Dark Arts / Charms / Astronomy
5. Study of Ancient Ruins / History of Magic / Study of Ancient Ruins / Transfiguration
6. Herbology / History of Magic / Divination / Potions
7. Care of Magical Creatures / Herbology / Ghoul Studies / Flying
Alexander <-> Alina
Hetero / Hetero / ??? / Ace

Brooklyn Trees
October 10th, 2016, 12:46 PM
(All accepted (And Applesauce to you too XP)

Brooklyn Trees
October 10th, 2016, 12:47 PM
[[gosh, all these characters are so cool!! can we start? i can wait if we need to tho]]

(Yup =^^= Sorry, I didn't think to post that because we had already been roleplaying before XP)

Brooklyn Trees
October 10th, 2016, 12:54 PM
(I will too, but I'm going to update it to her character now.) Silvia looked back up at William. She noticed him staring and smiled. "Take a picture," she laughed, slightly embarrassed, "it lasts longer," she had to admit, he was cute. Especially with the bangs. She hoped she didn't ruin it before they even became real friends.

William blushed deeper and looked down, subconsciously brushing at the hair along his forehead with his free hand.
"Sorry." He told her, not entirely sure why he was acting in this way, and then realized that he had done the thing with his hair that he did when things got awkward or embarrassing and forced his hand away from his face back down to his side.

Casual Scribbles
October 10th, 2016, 03:11 PM
William blushed deeper and looked down, subconsciously brushing at the hair along his forehead with his free hand.
"Sorry." He told her, not entirely sure why he was acting in this way, and then realized that he had done the thing with his hair that he did when things got awkward or embarrassing and forced his hand away from his face back down to his side.

"It's alright," she giggled. "Don't apologize." She smiled, her face like the the rays of the rising sun. Panther lifted his head and looked between the two of them, feeling the static energy in the air. He knew they were in love. How could they not see it themselves?

Brooklyn Trees
October 10th, 2016, 08:11 PM
"It's alright," she giggled. "Don't apologize." She smiled, her face like the the rays of the rising sun. Panther lifted his head and looked between the two of them, feeling the static energy in the air. He knew they were in love. How could they not see it themselves?

No it isn't. He thought. It is never and will never be okay to stare at a girl. Especially not Silvia. William then began to wonder why especially not her for a moment, it had just sort of popped into his mind, and he wasn't entirely sure why it had. He had absolutely no idea how to respond to what she had said and now he was just... Staring at his foot... In silence. He wondered again how very weird this scene would be to anyone else... Well, actually it was weird to him too, but it would be even more weird for somebody who didn't know how it had begun.

October 11th, 2016, 10:46 AM
Will sat by his sister, gazing out the window. Evanlyn leaned on her brother's shoulder, falling asleep as dreams of magic flew through her mind, soon her brother woke her up, "Evanlyn, we'll be there soon you should change into your robes." He said, his strong voice calling her from her slumber. She nodded, rising from her seat and walking out of their compartment to change. Will, already changed, then turned and put his legs on the seat, stretching out, his long legs cramped from the confined space. After a few minutes, Evanlyn came back in, shoving his legs off, "Come on Will! I was only gone for a few minutes!" He grinned, turning to look out the window again.

October 11th, 2016, 05:40 PM
The train wasn't too packed when Freck'd arrived early to get a seat, and there still weren't enough kids to fill every compartment. But some pairs sat together, most likely brother and sister, or friends who'd been on the train before, but they sat alone. Freck at first had believed this to be a joke. Magic didn't exist, it just wasn't possible. They were the top of their class in every science class, and it just wasn't probable. Yet here they were, trunk full of supplies, train full of wizards and witches, etc. This must be some kind of well-planned joke their brother and his dumb friends cracked up, right? It did sound like something Flinn would do, considering he'd successfully tricked Freck into thinking their sister was an alien, complete with UFOs and fake abductions, from age 3 to 8. They shrugged it off, they were being paranoid like they always were. Their breathing was uneven and they were shaking a bit, picking and biting at their abused nails and the skin around them, a nasty habit they'd picked up as a coping mechanism for their anxiety. Calm down before you break skin, Fletcher.. They convinced themselves, sticking their hands into their hoodie pockets before starting to bounce their leg to exert some of their contained paranoia, keeping their eyes on the view outside from their window. They hadn't brought any of their stress toys with them, having forgotten them in their haste to get to the station early..

Casual Scribbles
October 11th, 2016, 08:38 PM
Silvia smiled. Inwardly she cursed herslef, thinking she made him more uncomfortable. (Sorry for short post. I have to get to bed)

Brooklyn Trees
October 12th, 2016, 11:24 AM
Silvia smiled. Inwardly she cursed herslef, thinking she made him more uncomfortable. (Sorry for short post. I have to get to bed)

William looked up at her, seeing as she had not responded and then averted his gaze towards the window, though he wasn't entirely sure why he had done so. He just kind of... Did. Slowly, he pushed his fingers through his curls, trying to get himself to quit acting so odd.
"I-I'm sorry about... This..." He said, gesturing slightly with the hand that was still holding hers. He wasn't entirely sure what he was apologizing for exactly, he had originally been talking about the hand thing, because she had only done it because of something that he had done. But maybe he wasn't just talking about that. He really didn't know what was going on, so he just sat there, staring out of the window.

Brooklyn Trees
October 27th, 2016, 08:25 PM
These were my last replies to both EclipsemoonXD and Alphypoin before the time setback =^^=

Via William for Eclipse


William looked up at her rather quickly once she said that, not having had expected her to ask... Well, really anything, he had been lost in thought while staring down at his shoe and he realized how odd it was to have looked up so quickly.
The blonde boy opened his mouth to respond, but really didn't know what he was going to say, if he had in fact had any idea on what he was going to say earlier then he had lost it to the corner of his mind when he began to attempt speaking. Now realizing that he didn't really have an answer, and having partially forgotten the question as well by now, he closed his mouth again and lightly brushed his bangs away from his eyes, forgetting that this kind of gave away his own awkwardness.
"I-I don't really know to b-be honest." He said, now back to looking at his shoes.

Via Auburny for Alphypoin


Auburny glanced up from watching her fingers work themselves around the tips of her hair and realized that they had extended their hand again. She slipped her hand hesitantly into Freck's and waited for them to do something with their hands this time, as she wasn't entirely accustomed to hand-shaking and didn't know how much you are supposed to shake the hand or how hard, so she decided to leave that up to Freck.
"Um.. Auburny Gibbs." She repeated, she didn't really have a nickname so she didn't insert it into the second introduction.

(And you may have written one in response to this before the site switch but if so I didn't see it, sorry.)

Casual Scribbles
October 28th, 2016, 05:19 AM
Silvia smiled gently. "You'll find your animal eventually. I answered with 'all of them' for the longest time before I completely realized the cuteness of foxes. Foxes are my favorite now." She noticed that William wasn't sitting down and knew something wasn't quite right. He still seemed awkward around her, but she'd give him his space this time and let him work his way out of it. (can we get to the school?)

Brooklyn Trees
October 28th, 2016, 04:46 PM
Silvia smiled gently. "You'll find your animal eventually. I answered with 'all of them' for the longest time before I completely realized the cuteness of foxes. Foxes are my favorite now." She noticed that William wasn't sitting down and knew something wasn't quite right. He still seemed awkward around her, but she'd give him his space this time and let him work his way out of it. (can we get to the school?)

(I'll ask everyone else RPing on here if they are ready for that switch and once everybody is, then we can get to the school =^^= )

"Okay then..." William said while attempting to find something to say to continue the conversation, but he was at a loss for something to say, having no actual ideas at the moment, so he just stood there while they stared at their shoe, still trying to think of something. After a few minutes, the blonde boy cupped the back of his neck in his hand and looked back up at Sylvia, having finally thought of something that he was actually willing to say to her to continue this conversation.
"Have you ever... Well, drawn a fox?" He asked, blushing slightly. She liked to draw, so it was very probable that she had done something such as this.

Casual Scribbles
October 28th, 2016, 07:09 PM
"I, well, I, no. Actually I haven't." Silvia realized this as William asked the question, finding it strange that she hadn't even drawn her favorite animal yet. "Wow, I haven't even drawn a fox yet," she shook her head, laughing a bit at this fact.

Brooklyn Trees
October 28th, 2016, 08:14 PM
"I, well, I, no. Actually I haven't." Silvia realized this as William asked the question, finding it strange that she hadn't even drawn her favorite animal yet. "Wow, I haven't even drawn a fox yet," she shook her head, laughing a bit at this fact.

(Mobile post)

William grinned again. She had a nice laugh and for some reason her ability to actually continue a conversation made this situation ever so slightly less absolutely awkward, though he still remained slightly awkwardly standing with his hand hanging off of his neck again.

(Have you got plans for what she was drawing before or can William ask about it? =^^= )

Casual Scribbles
October 28th, 2016, 08:21 PM
(No clue. I was thinking she accidentally drew William without realizing it)

October 28th, 2016, 09:47 PM
These were my last replies to both EclipsemoonXD and Alphypoin before the time setback =^^=

Via William for Eclipse


William looked up at her rather quickly once she said that, not having had expected her to ask... Well, really anything, he had been lost in thought while staring down at his shoe and he realized how odd it was to have looked up so quickly.
The blonde boy opened his mouth to respond, but really didn't know what he was going to say, if he had in fact had any idea on what he was going to say earlier then he had lost it to the corner of his mind when he began to attempt speaking. Now realizing that he didn't really have an answer, and having partially forgotten the question as well by now, he closed his mouth again and lightly brushed his bangs away from his eyes, forgetting that this kind of gave away his own awkwardness.
"I-I don't really know to b-be honest." He said, now back to looking at his shoes.

Via Auburny for Alphypoin


Auburny glanced up from watching her fingers work themselves around the tips of her hair and realized that they had extended their hand again. She slipped her hand hesitantly into Freck's and waited for them to do something with their hands this time, as she wasn't entirely accustomed to hand-shaking and didn't know how much you are supposed to shake the hand or how hard, so she decided to leave that up to Freck.
"Um.. Auburny Gibbs." She repeated, she didn't really have a nickname so she didn't insert it into the second introduction.

(And you may have written one in response to this before the site switch but if so I didn't see it, sorry.)

[i might have but i don't quite remember, writing another is no problem, though]

Great. Fantastic. Absolutely amazing. Once again, Freck, Monarch of Awkward Encounters, has made the situation ever more awkward. God, what an idiot. Still, they tried to roll with it, and shook Auburny's hand gently, leaving their hands plastered together for a little over a comfortable amoutn of time. Realizing their mistake, Freck yanked his hand back and rested it on top of the other, averting their gaze to the window, searching wildly for a topic. The second they got one, they blurted it out without thinking, "So are you a first year?" Wow. That's not so bad, but Freck still found themself feeling stupid for asking.

They put their fingers to their mouth, starting to chew on the already abused nails and skin around them. They'd never managed to bleed, but they'd always gotten close. Freck began to fidget worse than they'd even done before. They bounced their leg, twiddled and bit at their fingers, kept looking from the window to the compartment to Auburny and all over again, etcetera. Perfect.

Brooklyn Trees
October 29th, 2016, 12:34 AM
[i might have but i don't quite remember, writing another is no problem, though]

Great. Fantastic. Absolutely amazing. Once again, Freck, Monarch of Awkward Encounters, has made the situation ever more awkward. God, what an idiot. Still, they tried to roll with it, and shook Auburny's hand gently, leaving their hands plastered together for a little over a comfortable amoutn of time. Realizing their mistake, Freck yanked his hand back and rested it on top of the other, averting their gaze to the window, searching wildly for a topic. The second they got one, they blurted it out without thinking, "So are you a first year?" Wow. That's not so bad, but Freck still found themself feeling stupid for asking.

They put their fingers to their mouth, starting to chew on the already abused nails and skin around them. They'd never managed to bleed, but they'd always gotten close. Freck began to fidget worse than they'd even done before. They bounced their leg, twiddled and bit at their fingers, kept looking from the window to the compartment to Auburny and all over again, etcetera. Perfect.

Auburny retrieved her own hand once they let go of it and looked down at her lap once again where her fingers had once again begun to play with the tips of her dark auburn hair.
"Yes," Auburny said, responding to Freck's question as least awkwardly as she could.
"First year, first magical experience. first time meeting someone who can actually use magic. A lot of firsts today." She left out that it was her first time on a train, though she wasn't finding it much different than the other forms of travel... Well, fairly different from air travel, but she preferred the train to the plane. For some reason, it was slightly easier to speak when she wasn't looking at them, however, when she looked up to ask if he was a first year she found a bit more difficulty in talking.
"Um... Well, w-what about... y-you...?" She stuttered shyly, but she didn't look away again, though her fingers continued to fiddle with her hair. She noticed his nail biting now and wished that she could do something to help them. She was afraid that they were going to break skin.

Brooklyn Trees
October 29th, 2016, 12:37 AM
(No clue. I was thinking she accidentally drew William without realizing it)
(That doesn't really answer my question though...)

Brooklyn Trees
October 30th, 2016, 07:19 PM

Casual Scribbles
October 30th, 2016, 08:23 PM
(Erm, I guess Will could ask about it, but I don't know what I made her draw so, it would be hard for me to think of a response to his question)

Brooklyn Trees
October 30th, 2016, 08:24 PM
(Erm, I guess Will could ask about it, but I don't know what I made her draw so, it would be hard for me to think of a response to his question)

(Mkay, I won't then =^^= )

Casual Scribbles
October 31st, 2016, 11:16 AM
Kay den :3)

Brooklyn Trees
October 31st, 2016, 11:26 AM
Kay den :3)
(Oop, sorry it hadn't occurred to me that you may not have seen my last Roleplay post. I'll boop it =^^= )
(Y'know or copy/paste it because thats what I did XD)

William grinned again. She had a nice laugh and for some reason her ability to actually continue a conversation made this situation ever so slightly less absolutely awkward, though he still remained slightly awkwardly standing with his hand hanging off of his neck again.

Casual Scribbles
October 31st, 2016, 03:57 PM
"I think we're almost there," Silvia smiled, gesturing out the window. They'd been on the train long enough, the school couldn't possibly be that far away. "It's got to be close," I certainly hope so, she thought to herself. The short haired girl needed space. Space to forget what happened, space to give her time to think, draw, and write.

October 31st, 2016, 05:01 PM
Katherine sat in a different compartment than everyone else.It was far from everyone else,so she liked it.The tall girl sat inside,reading an book.It was called Johnny Toast's Book on Paranormal Entities. She enjoyed reading about things like this,ghosts,monsters,and demons.They intruiged her.

Brooklyn Trees
October 31st, 2016, 07:30 PM
(Is everybody ready to switch to the school?)
SIlverheart_the_Warrior EclipsemoonXD alphypoin Solstice_X FadedShadow achilles

October 31st, 2016, 07:31 PM

October 31st, 2016, 08:57 PM
[i am]

Casual Scribbles
October 31st, 2016, 09:57 PM
I've been waiting forever!)

November 1st, 2016, 04:05 AM
(oh why not.
i forgot about aysgarth OTL)

Brooklyn Trees
November 1st, 2016, 01:26 PM
(Eh XD 4 out of 6 replies, close enough. The train has pulled up now. XD)

Casual Scribbles
November 1st, 2016, 03:04 PM
Silvia watched out the window as the train slowed then stopped, staring in wonder at the building that towered above her. The school was magnificent, nothing less than what a magical academy should be, but this was only the outside. What would the inside be like, if the exterior was so beautiful? "Wow," she breathed, her breath fogging up the glass. It was all she could manage, as the sight had left the girl speechless.

November 1st, 2016, 03:08 PM
Katherine looked up from her book when the train stopped."We're here already?" She mumbled,looking outside.The building,well castle more like,stood out against the clear blue sky.I wonder how it is on inside....I hope they have an big library. She thought to herself.

Casual Scribbles
November 1st, 2016, 07:17 PM

Brooklyn Trees
November 1st, 2016, 09:58 PM
Silvia watched out the window as the train slowed then stopped, staring in wonder at the building that towered above her. The school was magnificent, nothing less than what a magical academy should be, but this was only the outside. What would the inside be like, if the exterior was so beautiful? "Wow," she breathed, her breath fogging up the glass. It was all she could manage, as the sight had left the girl speechless.

(Sorry, didn't have access to a computer for the day XD)

William smiled at her reaction to the sight of the castle. His family had long since attended this school and the stories and pictures of this place had grown familiar, in a way at least, to him, but regardless he still felt awed at the place outside, but he just couldn't stop watching Sylvia as she looked up at it through the window, let alone actually focus on the school that they were stopped at, or anything besides how she looked as if she had entered some kind of magical land... Well, she kind of had, but he didn't realize his mental error.

November 2nd, 2016, 03:30 PM
Auburny retrieved her own hand once they let go of it and looked down at her lap once again where her fingers had once again begun to play with the tips of her dark auburn hair.
"Yes," Auburny said, responding to Freck's question as least awkwardly as she could.
"First year, first magical experience. first time meeting someone who can actually use magic. A lot of firsts today." She left out that it was her first time on a train, though she wasn't finding it much different than the other forms of travel... Well, fairly different from air travel, but she preferred the train to the plane. For some reason, it was slightly easier to speak when she wasn't looking at them, however, when she looked up to ask if he was a first year she found a bit more difficulty in talking.
"Um... Well, w-what about... y-you...?" She stuttered shyly, but she didn't look away again, though her fingers continued to fiddle with her hair. She noticed his nail biting now and wished that she could do something to help them. She was afraid that they were going to break skin.

"I'm a first year too.." They said, muffled by the fingers in their mouth, but not wanting the conversation to end there, went on, "I'd be okay if I wasn't a damned mudblood," They grimaced at the name, not knowing if it was offensive or slang or both, but they didn't like it being treated as either, "I've no idea what Aysgarth even is, I was just hoping this was all a joke played on local kids, but no, magic actually exists, apparently." They gained some confidence from losing their self in the short rant, more or less, but looked sheepishly at Auburney, and asked, "What's your blood?" They asked, hoping it wasn't such an offensive question to anyone.

They averted their eyes once more, watching the looming castle roll across the horizon, gray-blue orbs stretching to saucers. You have to be kidding me, a bloody castle? Since when did this even exist? I know every castle in Sweden, and I've never seen this one. This has to be a joke.. They thought, hand tightening on their bag strap.

Brooklyn Trees
November 2nd, 2016, 06:26 PM
"I'm a first year too.." They said, muffled by the fingers in their mouth, but not wanting the conversation to end there, went on, "I'd be okay if I wasn't a damned mudblood," They grimaced at the name, not knowing if it was offensive or slang or both, but they didn't like it being treated as either, "I've no idea what Aysgarth even is, I was just hoping this was all a joke played on local kids, but no, magic actually exists, apparently." They gained some confidence from losing their self in the short rant, more or less, but looked sheepishly at Auburney, and asked, "What's your blood?" They asked, hoping it wasn't such an offensive question to anyone.

They averted their eyes once more, watching the looming castle roll across the horizon, gray-blue orbs stretching to saucers. You have to be kidding me, a bloody castle? Since when did this even exist? I know every castle in Sweden, and I've never seen this one. This has to be a joke.. They thought, hand tightening on their bag strap.

Auburny looked back down at her fingers as they began to speak, but found herself very confused as to what they were talking about. The girl looked up when he asked what her 'blood' was, she was tempted to say something along the lines of 'O positive', which it was, but had a faint idea that that was probably not what they were asking.
"U-Um... Blood?" She asked, having no idea what a 'mudblood' was, having never heard the term before.
"I-I don't understand..." She added quietly, more to herself than to them though she attempted to say it loud enough for him to hear. It occurred to her momentarily that he may be asking if she had magic in her blood, but she was here, she would have to have magic blood in order to be on a train to a magical school... Which... Was... Right outside the window. She jumped when she noticed that, not expecting a castle to be there when she glanced towards the window. She didn't notice that her hands had stopped fiddling with her hair once the adrenaline that came with surprise had come.

Casual Scribbles
November 2nd, 2016, 07:59 PM
(Sorry, didn't have access to a computer for the day XD)

William smiled at her reaction to the sight of the castle. His family had long since attended this school and the stories and pictures of this place had grown familiar, in a way at least, to him, but regardless he still felt awed at the place outside, but he just couldn't stop watching Sylvia as she looked up at it through the window, let alone actually focus on the school that they were stopped at, or anything besides how she looked as if she had entered some kind of magical land... Well, she kind of had, but he didn't realize his mental error.

"I knew it was a magic school, but..." Silvia trailed off, unable to find words to finish her sentence, "Wow," was all she said instead. The towering building took her breath away. Panther lifter his head from the seat and was at the window at once, tiny black paws pressed against the glass. Her already large amber eyes widened and his ears flattened. He had trouble finding his way around Silvia's house, how would he find his way around that?! The bombay cat leaped onto Sil's shoulder and crouches there, trembling in awe and shock and fear.

Brooklyn Trees
November 2nd, 2016, 11:47 PM
"I knew it was a magic school, but..." Silvia trailed off, unable to find words to finish her sentence, "Wow," was all she said instead. The towering building took her breath away. Panther lifter his head from the seat and was at the window at once, tiny black paws pressed against the glass. Her already large amber eyes widened and his ears flattened. He had trouble finding his way around Silvia's house, how would he find his way around that?! The bombay cat leaped onto Sil's shoulder and crouches there, trembling in awe and shock and fear.

William smiled a bit more at her as she looked out of the window, and then glanced past her towards the castle outside. It seemed vaguely daunting, like the basement used to be daunting when he was smaller, but he was also glad to be here finally. This had been the source of many stories from his childhood and the place that both of his parents had attended. He wouldn't know anybody hear, except for Sylvia, but that just meant that he would get to meet more people than he would have been able to if he knew someone there already. In these strange thoughts that he came across while looking at the castle, he came across something to say.
"It will be even more beautiful in a little while." He said, then flushed, since he had been talking about her being in it. For some reason, he just wasn't able to actually flirt with Sylvia, but then again, what he had said had been kind of vague. He both hoped, and dreaded, that she would know what he meant... Or ask about it.

Casual Scribbles
November 3rd, 2016, 03:45 AM
What did he mean by that? Silvia's shoulders stiffened momentarily wondered about the phrase, but then relaxed as she realized that he grew up knowing about this place, while she had no history in magic whatsoever. Perhaps there was some form of a change that occurred? The girl didn't know, but she couldn't wait to get inside. "I wonder what the sorting is like..." she murmured, more to herself than to William, as she put away her things and made sure nothing had rolled away across the floor.

Brooklyn Trees
November 3rd, 2016, 12:49 PM
William relaxed slightly when she didn't ask about his weird attempt at flirting and smiled again at her. He honestly didn't have any idea what the sorting was like, because you weren't supposed to tell and so nobody could prepare for it, so he instead said nothing and just looked outside of the window again. After a few moments though, he spoke again.
"Do you think we should start getting off?" He asked, though it was entirely a question. He was a bit lost as to what to do next actually.

Casual Scribbles
November 3rd, 2016, 01:19 PM
"I guess," Silvia stood up, carefully making sure that Panther didn't fall off. The poor cat. He seemed so scared! Silvia lifted her bag and placed it on her other shoulder. "Did you... bring anything with you?" she asked. Sil couldn't imagine anyone not bringing anything at all, he must have a bag somewhere!

Brooklyn Trees
November 3rd, 2016, 02:11 PM
William stood up as she stood up, and then rubbed quietly at the back of his neck again.
"Um... Yeah, It's just... Well, not in this compartment..." He said, remembering now that he had forgotten his larger bag back at the compartment he had been in earlier. He did, however, have a small bag with him now that he had carried his robes in earlier, which he put over his shoulder.

Casual Scribbles
November 3rd, 2016, 05:47 PM
"Well, we can get it on the way out." Silvia said, smiling. Panther still crouched on her shoulder, eyes wide and trembling. He had his claws dug into Silvia's shirt. Luckily, Sil was prepared for this kind of thing and had soft cusions on each shoulder under her shirt.

Brooklyn Trees
November 3rd, 2016, 05:52 PM
"Well, we can get it on the way out." Silvia said, smiling. Panther still crouched on her shoulder, eyes wide and trembling. He had his claws dug into Silvia's shirt. Luckily, Sil was prepared for this kind of thing and had soft cusions on each shoulder under her shirt.

"Um... You don't have to... I can just go get it and meet you off of the train... Th-That is if you want to meet up afterwards, because if you don't I could just..." He trailed off and found himself staring at his foot again, finding it for now rather interesting. William hooked his fingers around the back of his neck again, just because he didn't really have much else to do with his hand and glanced back up at her, noticing that the cat was acting... Strangely...

Casual Scribbles
November 4th, 2016, 05:31 AM
"We can meet up later," Silvia said happily. "Come on, let's go, 'fore the train pulls off with us still on it!" She laughed jokingly, but was afraid William would take it the wrong way. After all, he was in the door way and Sil didn't wat to push past him and be rude.

Casual Scribbles
November 4th, 2016, 07:14 AM
"We can meet up later," Silvia said happily. "Come on, let's go, 'fore the train pulls off with us still on it!" She laughed jokingly, but was afraid William would take it the wrong way. After all, he was in the door way and Sil didn't wat to push past him and be rude.

Sorry... this post was longer than 4 lines on mobile...)

Brooklyn Trees
November 4th, 2016, 02:35 PM
Sorry... this post was longer than 4 lines on mobile...)


"O-oh yeah... Sorry..." He said, stepping out of the doorway. He had quite forgotten where he was standing and had actually been waiting for her to step out before him... Which was... Yeah... He turned and then stopped and looked over his shoulder again.
"See you then..." He added, and then walked off down the corridor towards his previous compartment to get the bag from where he had placed it in the overhead rack.

November 4th, 2016, 05:51 PM
Auburny looked back down at her fingers as they began to speak, but found herself very confused as to what they were talking about. The girl looked up when he asked what her 'blood' was, she was tempted to say something along the lines of 'O positive', which it was, but had a faint idea that that was probably not what they were asking.
"U-Um... Blood?" She asked, having no idea what a 'mudblood' was, having never heard the term before.
"I-I don't understand..." She added quietly, more to herself than to them though she attempted to say it loud enough for them to hear. It occurred to her momentarily that they may be asking if she had magic in her blood, but she was here, she would have to have magic blood in order to be on a train to a magical school... Which... Was... Right outside the window. She jumped when she noticed that, not expecting a castle to be there when she glanced towards the window. She didn't notice that her hands had stopped fiddling with her hair once the adrenaline that came with surprise had come.
"O-Oh, I-I'm sorry, I meant if you were born from the mundane, or-or from wizards, or m-maybe half, I-I thought.." How about you stop assuming and actually ask, dummy.. They hissed to themself, stuffing their fingers in their mouth again, hoping to keep it more occupied than with talking. They'd assumed everyone knew what blood meant, and from her reaction, she might be muggle-born like them. Still, no more assuming, you idiot.

The train came to a halt in a small town just below the looming castle. It wasn't very extravagant, but it gave Freck a warm feeling in their chest. It felt like their old home town. They jerked around as the train stopped, pulling the chest out from below them and slinging their pack upon their shoulders, though they stood, they waited for Auburny to stand, too.

"O-Oh, w-wait, you have to get y-your things.." They murmured, "I-I'm sorry, y-you might be late because of me.." They added, feeling very stupid for trying to befriend this girl.

The whole endeavor had been awkward. From the panic attack, to Freck trying to act confident, to right now. Freck had made a fool of themself, they'd thought. They were even angry with themselves. But still, they stood and held out their hand for Auburny to take. No offense to her, but she looked as if she wouldn't be able to stand on her own two feet.

Brooklyn Trees
November 4th, 2016, 08:14 PM
"O-Oh, I-I'm sorry, I meant if you were born from the mundane, or-or from wizards, or m-maybe half, I-I thought.." How about you stop assuming and actually ask, dummy.. They hissed to themself, stuffing their fingers in their mouth again, hoping to keep it more occupied than with talking. They'd assumed everyone knew what blood meant, and from her reaction, she might be muggle-born like them. Still, no more assuming, you idiot.

The train came to a halt in a small town just below the looming castle. It wasn't very extravagant, but it gave Freck a warm feeling in their chest. It felt like their old home town. They jerked around as the train stopped, pulling the chest out from below them and slinging their pack upon their shoulders, though they stood, they waited for Auburny to stand, too.

"O-Oh, w-wait, you have to get y-your things.." They murmured, "I-I'm sorry, y-you might be late because of me.." They added, feeling very stupid for trying to befriend this girl.

The whole endeavor had been awkward. From the panic attack, to Freck trying to act confident, to right now. Freck had made a fool of themself, they'd thought. They were even angry with themselves. But still, they stood and held out their hand for Auburny to take. No offense to her, but she looked as if she wouldn't be able to stand on her own two feet.

Auburny broke her gaze away from the window once they began to talk again. She knew the word 'Mundane' from a few of the books that she had peaked into, not knowing if she wasn't allowed to do so until the classes started or not. She had been about to speak and say that she was then Mundane-born, though what 'blood' was used for in that context, when they stood and begun took their bag up onto their shoulder. The red-head watched these motions curiously for a moment before she remembered that they would be getting off of the train now.

The girl looked at their extended hand for a moment, knowing that he was attempting to help her up, but in all honesty she was afraid that she would pull him over... He didn't exactly appear to be the steadiest person. It was only now that she realized that her hands were still wrapped about her hair in the way that they had been when she had suddenly stopped moving them. She slowly pulled her fingers loose from her hair and tried to go over the current moment. She was still afraid that she might pull him over if she did let them help her up, but if she didn't would that appear... Rude? She didn't know what wizard standards were or even if he was wizard-born but in her own eyes, shunning their hand seemed a bit rude.
She was also still a bit adrenaline-rushed which had left her a bit shocked and shaky, and she eventually put her hand timidly into theirs. She had decided to stand up and just have her hand in his so it didn't seem rude to him...

"Oh... Yeah..." She said. She had completely forgotten about her luggage. It was actually just sitting in the hallway down the bend, she had passed it now and then while she was walking and now remembered that she didn't have it with her.

November 4th, 2016, 08:32 PM
Auburny broke her gaze away from the window once they began to talk again. She knew the word 'Mundane' from a few of the books that she had peaked into, not knowing if she wasn't allowed to do so until the classes started or not. She had been about to speak and say that she was then Mundane-born, though what 'blood' was used for in that context, when they stood and begun took their bag up onto their shoulder. The red-head watched these motions curiously for a moment before she remembered that they would be getting off of the train now.

The girl looked at their extended hand for a moment, knowing that he was attempting to help her up, but in all honesty she was afraid that she would pull him over... He didn't exactly appear to be the steadiest person. It was only now that she realized that her hands were still wrapped about her hair in the way that they had been when she had suddenly stopped moving them. She slowly pulled her fingers loose from her hair and tried to go over the current moment. She was still afraid that she might pull him over if she did let them help her up, but if she didn't would that appear... Rude? She didn't know what wizard standards were or even if he was wizard-born but in her own eyes, shunning their hand seemed a bit rude.
She was also still a bit adrenaline-rushed which had left her a bit shocked and shaky, and she eventually put her hand timidly into theirs. She had decided to stand up and just have her hand in his so it didn't seem rude to him...

"Oh... Yeah..." She said. She had completely forgotten about her luggage. It was actually just sitting in the hallway down the bend, she had passed it now and then while she was walking and now remembered that she didn't have it with her.

Freck swallowed as they met with skin. They'd been in such a panic earlier that it hadn't mattered then. But now that they could think clearly and say the gentleness of both of their hands actually touching in an almost flattering way... well, it made their cheeks grow redder than the flannel under their dark robs.

They gulped once more, not letting go of Auburny's hand. Not because they wanted to keep holding it, of course not, they just thought that they saw her sway.... honest! They pulled her to the door, and lead her outside, "Y-You should, uh, g-get your things... ma'm.." They murmured, training their eyes to the floor as they held the compartment door open, gently tugging the girl out.

They're face continued to burn hotly, and a bead of sweat broke out on their forehead. Were they having a panic attack? No, there weren't any signs that they were used to. Embarrassed? Definitely, but there was definitely something else. Something they weren't very familiar with, or straight up denied..

Casual Scribbles
November 4th, 2016, 09:30 PM
Silvia paused, watching William walk down the ling hallway. Now which way is out... The train seemed so confusing now. How had she gotten in? Silvia decided to pick a direction and go with it. She had to find some kind of exit eventually. Hopefully before the train pulled away. The short-haired girl went the opposite direction as William, stroking Panther soothingly as she walked. Silvia was so focused on Panther that she didn't notice the two people in front of her. She bumped lightly into red-headed girl - having not been walking fast - and stopped quickly. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn’t see you!" She quickly apologized. (She means Auburny)

Brooklyn Trees
November 5th, 2016, 01:44 PM
Freck swallowed as they met with skin. They'd been in such a panic earlier that it hadn't mattered then. But now that they could think clearly and say the gentleness of both of their hands actually touching in an almost flattering way... well, it made their cheeks grow redder than the flannel under their dark robs.

They gulped once more, not letting go of Auburny's hand. Not because they wanted to keep holding it, of course not, they just thought that they saw her sway.... honest! They pulled her to the door, and lead her outside, "Y-You should, uh, g-get your things... ma'm.." They murmured, training their eyes to the floor as they held the compartment door open, gently tugging the girl out.

They're face continued to burn hotly, and a bead of sweat broke out on their forehead. Were they having a panic attack? No, there weren't any signs that they were used to. Embarrassed? Definitely, but there was definitely something else. Something they weren't very familiar with, or straight up denied..

Silvia paused, watching William walk down the ling hallway. Now which way is out... The train seemed so confusing now. How had she gotten in? Silvia decided to pick a direction and go with it. She had to find some kind of exit eventually. Hopefully before the train pulled away. The short-haired girl went the opposite direction as William, stroking Panther soothingly as she walked. Silvia was so focused on Panther that she didn't notice the two people in front of her. She bumped lightly into red-headed girl - having not been walking fast - and stopped quickly. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn’t see you!" She quickly apologized. (She means Auburny)

Auburny had found herself growing redder, being unaccustomed to being called 'ma'am'. She didn't want Freck to think that she was a ma'am, as she felt embarrassed by it for some reason or another. She removed her hand from theirs once they had left the compartment and had been turning towards him, attempting to think of something to say to him when Silvia collided with her. Her first thought at this was surprise as she took a step backwards away from the girl. Why are there so many collisions today? she thought, seeing as she had collided with at least three people just today on the train. She looked down at the ground, hating the next part of it... The apologizing part of collisions. She disliked being apologized to and tended to have a problem with apologizing altogether, meaning that she often ended up apologizing too much.
"Sorry... I-I was in the way. Sorry..." She said, talking to the girl though she didn't look up at her as she spoke, attempting to stop herself from 'over-apologizing' which she could do at times.

William walked down the hallways quietly, trying to talk some sense into himself about why on earth he couldn't act normally around Sylvia. He was slightly scared about the change, but mostly just confused as to why there was a change. It hadn't happened before in his life as he had always been the type of person to go up and talk to total strangers and be overall talkative, even when he was very small. He found his old compartment at some point and pulled his bag down from the overhead rack, slinging it over his shoulder with his smaller bag and then looking out of the window up at the castle again. Now that Sylvia wasn't distracting him he found it easier to be lost in the vastness of the castle image. He would be living there for a long time...

Casual Scribbles
November 5th, 2016, 03:39 PM
"No, no, it's fine!" Silvia said quickly. She caught Panther before he slipped off her shoulder. "I should have been watching where I was going!" How could she be so stupid?! She and William weren't the only people on the train! Silvia noticed another person and realized they must have been having a cinversation. "I'm sorry for interrupting, I'm just trying to find my way off the train and I wasn’t watching ahead of me."

Brooklyn Trees
November 6th, 2016, 05:42 PM
"No, no, it's fine!" Silvia said quickly. She caught Panther before he slipped off her shoulder. "I should have been watching where I was going!" How could she be so stupid?! She and William weren't the only people on the train! Silvia noticed another person and realized they must have been having a cinversation. "I'm sorry for interrupting, I'm just trying to find my way off the train and I wasn’t watching ahead of me."

(I am going to wait for alphypoin to respond before I post again =^^= )

November 6th, 2016, 06:05 PM
[ Brooklyn Trees i'm here!! sorry for my absence!!]

Freck gulped, watching the scene go down. This girl had handled the situation much better than they had. They pulled their arms to their chest, face still unbelievably flushed as they stared at Auburny get nervous again, and both girls apologise profusely. They nearly jumped at the mention of them, somehow losing what masculinity in their voice they had and going from fully developed teenager to just hit the peek in their puberty tween.

"O-Oh! Yo-You didn't in-inter-rupt an-anything, we-we, uh, we were j-just leaving.." They managed to squeak out, face turned velvet as they stammered embarrassingly and their voice cracked every other syllable, eyes averting from one point to another erratically, until settling on Auburny's face on accident. Freck found themself staring, a lump forming in their throat as they choked out their breaths. Were they panicking again? No, not this time. It was something so far from it, something that made their heartbeats burn, hurt, even.

They tore their eyes to the floor, clenching their teeth together and sticking their arms to their sides like glue, soft brunette locks falling over their gray-blue optics.

Brooklyn Trees
November 6th, 2016, 10:43 PM
"No, no, it's fine!" Silvia said quickly. She caught Panther before he slipped off her shoulder. "I should have been watching where I was going!" How could she be so stupid?! She and William weren't the only people on the train! Silvia noticed another person and realized they must have been having a cinversation. "I'm sorry for interrupting, I'm just trying to find my way off the train and I wasn’t watching ahead of me."
[ Brooklyn Trees i'm here!! sorry for my absence!!]

Freck gulped, watching the scene go down. This girl had handled the situation much better than they had. They pulled their arms to their chest, face still unbelievably flushed as they stared at Auburny get nervous again, and both girls apologise profusely. They nearly jumped at the mention of them, somehow losing what masculinity in their voice they had and going from fully developed teenager to just hit the peek in their puberty tween.

"O-Oh! Yo-You didn't in-inter-rupt an-anything, we-we, uh, we were j-just leaving.." They managed to squeak out, face turned velvet as they stammered embarrassingly and their voice cracked every other syllable, eyes averting from one point to another erratically, until settling on Auburny's face on accident. Freck found themself staring, a lump forming in their throat as they choked out their breaths. Were they panicking again? No, not this time. It was something so far from it, something that made their heartbeats burn, hurt, even.

They tore their eyes to the floor, clenching their teeth together and sticking their arms to their sides like glue, soft brunette locks falling over their gray-blue optics.

(sorry about that, I poofed to go to dinner.)

Auburny remained with her eyes trained to the floor, trying very hard to think back to when they first got on the train. Which way had that been? She couldn't remember to be honest. She kind of thought that the girl had been going the right direction, but she wasn't entirely sure. The red-head looked up at Freck when they began to speak, seeing as their voice wasn't the same as it had been a moment earlier. Are they okay? She thought. Auburny looked at him for a moment longer and then returned her gaze back down to the floor. She still had no memory of where the exit of the train was.
"S-Sorry... I-I... I-I'm not sure w-where th-that is.. Sorry..." She said, though she wasn't entirely sure if she had spoken loudly enough to be easily audible, and slipped her hands into her pockets.

William put the two bag straps over his shoulder and then exited the compartment, heading back down the way the corridor that he had gone down when he found Silvia/Sylvia. The blonde continued down it until he reached the compartment that he and Sylvia/Silvia had sat at earlier and stepped inside. He wasn't entirely sure why, he just kind of did and then looked around it again before turning and heading out again, going down the way that Silvya/Sylvia earlier had.

Casual Scribbles
November 7th, 2016, 09:36 AM
"Okay. Um, I'll find the exit." Silvia mentally noted that now it was three people who had become uncomfortable in her presence. She sighed quietly. "Well, see you guys at school." She began plodding along through the endless hallways, wishing that her life would go back to normal. But then I would never have met Will! She realized with a shock that he might possibly be the only friend she had here. Panther shook and dug his claws in deeper. And Panther is having a panic attack. Silvia stroked his velvety black head gently, trying to soothe him.

Brooklyn Trees
November 10th, 2016, 04:45 PM
"Okay. Um, I'll find the exit." Silvia mentally noted that now it was three people who had become uncomfortable in her presence. She sighed quietly. "Well, see you guys at school." She began plodding along through the endless hallways, wishing that her life would go back to normal. But then I would never have met Will! She realized with a shock that he might possibly be the only friend she had here. Panther shook and dug his claws in deeper. And Panther is having a panic attack. Silvia stroked his velvety black head gently, trying to soothe him.

(Sorry for late response... Really late response actually...)

William got his bag off of the top rack bag holder object thing (God I'm bad at describing things XD) and slung the strap around his shoulder so that he had a strap on each shoulder, simply because he felt that it seemed more balanced, and then left the compartment, turning back and heading down through the compartments towards the compartment that he had been in with Silvia, pausing momentarily before heading into it again to look out of the window at the castle again. He took a moment, standing there before turning and continuing down the corridor towards the exit.

November 11th, 2016, 12:45 AM
Freck was trembling, still from anxiety, but it seemed like the attacks would stop. For now. They stood there dumbly, before looking up at Auburny, "D-Do you want s-some c-c-company..? On-On your w-way to your things and-and the exit, I-I, uh, I mean.." They offered quickly, hoping the awkwardness between them would simply stop. Yes, they were awkward and reeked of anxiety, but come on. One of them had to try, and they didn't want to make Auburny uncomfortable with that responsibility, so they took charge.

"If-If you need it, I mean, I-I don't have any friends aroujd, and-and I thought maybe we could, u-uhm, get through this? Together?" They'd accidentally thought aloud, cringing at their quivering voice and stammering, hoping they weren't making Auburny uncomfortable.

Brooklyn Trees
November 11th, 2016, 12:48 PM
Freck was trembling, still from anxiety, but it seemed like the attacks would stop. For now. They stood there dumbly, before looking up at Auburny, "D-Do you want s-some c-c-company..? On-On your w-way to your things and-and the exit, I-I, uh, I mean.." They offered quickly, hoping the awkwardness between them would simply stop. Yes, they were awkward and reeked of anxiety, but come on. One of them had to try, and they didn't want to make Auburny uncomfortable with that responsibility, so they took charge.

"If-If you need it, I mean, I-I don't have any friends aroujd, and-and I thought maybe we could, u-uhm, get through this? Together?" They'd accidentally thought aloud, cringing at their quivering voice and stammering, hoping they weren't making Auburny uncomfortable.

Auburny kept her eyes trained to the floor once the girl left, fiddling with the tips of a bit of her dark red hair, trying to stop being awkward for just long enough to actually be able to think... She broke her eyes away from the floor when Freck began to speak. W-what did he mean by that? Get through this? She thought, she was confused, not sure what he was talking about... Oh God, were they having another panic attack? She looked them up and down quickly, though she stopped once she realized that she had no idea what she was looking for.

Auburny hadn't realized that she had once again stopped fiddling with the lock of hair and looked back down at the floor.
"I-If you would like to..." She said. It felt strange to be accepting whatever it was that she was accepting after he had said that rather confusing sentence, but she just didn't have it in her anymore to really think about what was going on.

Casual Scribbles
November 11th, 2016, 03:31 PM
Silvia finally found an exit, and stepped down out of it. But then she just stood there. Extremely awkwardly. Silvia pried Panther off of her shoulder and stroked him gently, just leaning against the cold metal of the train. She gazed out at the warm glow of the sun that was just beginning to turn the sky beutiful shades of orange and pink.

Brooklyn Trees
November 11th, 2016, 03:52 PM
William headed down the train again before spotting two people further down the corridor in the hallway, so he turned and briskly walked the other direction, trying to find a different exit. To be truthful he really just didn't want to be in the corridor anymore, it was beginning to feel a bit too small as he continued along it, even though it's actual size wasn't changing in the slightest. The blonde boy found another exit and climbed down from the train before leaning against the train's wall and putting his face temporarily into his hands. He stood like this for a moment before returning himself t his upright position and looking around.

Casual Scribbles
November 11th, 2016, 05:12 PM
Silvia stood and stared out at the sun. It's warm colors were welcoming. The young girl leaned against the cold train, waiting for something. She wasn't sure what she was waiting for. She was just waiting. For something unknown. She stroked Panther's velvety head, the cat purring gently as he finally calmed down.

Brooklyn Trees
November 11th, 2016, 07:52 PM
William looked around slowly, glad to be outside again and no longer in a corridor on a train. He looked over his shoulder for a slight moment just to look back at the exit he had come out of. As he had expected, it had been just a door. Why he had looked back he couldn't tell, he just kind of reflexively did. Once had regained his composition he headed along the train platform to where most of the other people were in hopes of finding Silvia again.

Casual Scribbles
November 12th, 2016, 05:53 PM
Silvia sighed and pushed herself off the train. She began heading along to the platform. Perhaps William would be there again. Would he be waiting for her? Or would he avoid her, like most did? The only way to find out was to find him.

Brooklyn Trees
November 12th, 2016, 06:17 PM
William headed along the edge of the platform, heading towards where everybody else was. He was slightly apprehensive of being inside the... Well it wasn't really a throng, it just kind of looked like it to him. Instead, he paused and hovered at the edge of where there were more people, trying to look through them and catch a glimpse of the girl from the train. The gorgeous- nope he was not going to think like that. The blonde mentally slapped himself and continued looking around. He caught a glimpse of what he had thought was her hair and his breath caught for a moment, it turned out not to be her though.

Casual Scribbles
November 13th, 2016, 08:38 AM
Silvia saw how many people were on the train and regarded them all with suspicion. She put on that face to show them that she wasn't just some push-over, and fingered the pocket tool in her bag nervously. The brown-haired girl pushed through the crowd, searching for William. She hoped he'd be searching for her too.

Brooklyn Trees
November 13th, 2016, 11:56 AM
William continued to look from just outside of the crowd, still apprehensive of actually going into the crowd. He slipped his hands into his pockets and tilted from side to side, trying to peer through the gaps between others' bodies' trying to see if he could find a glimpse of Sylvia's brunette hair. He noticed, after a few moments, that his heartrate was elevated, he could hear it in his ear, pounding. Whether it was Sylvia or the crowd that made it so though, he wasn't sure.

Casual Scribbles
November 13th, 2016, 07:43 PM
Silvia continued to push through the crowd, eager to get away from the packed bodies around her. A corner would be nice... she thought, glancing around suspiciously. A last, she spotted William's blonde hair at the edge of the crowd. The brunette exhaled in relief and began picking her way through the mass of students, squeezing Panther close to her chest. Panther meowed uncomfortably. "Will!" She called to him. Silvia realized too late that he might not like being call 'Will' and bit her lip. She craned her neck to try and see him again, still headed to where she had glimpsed the boy last.

Brooklyn Trees
November 14th, 2016, 08:51 PM
William continued to stand in his awkward, tip-toed position, trying to see over the heads of the people around him. He certainly wasn't the tallest person, which made it a bit difficult for him to look through a crowd without being in it, which wasn't really an option for him. Well it was, but he wasn't too sure that it would end too well. He still couldn't see her and he was beginning to get embarrassed about this odd rocking motion he had taken up to try to look around people and- Wait a moment. Wasn't that her voice? William stopped looking in the direction that he had been looking and turned towards where her voice had come from.
Who's 'Will'? Oh... He mentally facepalmed. 'Will' is short for 'William' you knucklehead. He scolded himself, shaking his head slightly and heading towards where her voice had come from.

Casual Scribbles
November 15th, 2016, 06:03 AM
(I am quite literally laughing out loud while reading this. I find romance funny most of the time, rather than all mushy and whatever its stereotyped as) "William!" Silvia calked again, seeing him begin walking toward her. She kept pushing through the crowd, murmuring 'excuse me's and 'sorry's as she headed toward him. Couldn’t everyone just make way for people trying to walk past? Like, seriously. It's not that hard to step aside! Panther growled at everyone who brushed his owner's side. His little protective efforts weren't much more than that, seeing as he was stuck in Silvia's arms. "Panther, shush!" She hissed quietly to the Bombay cat.

Brooklyn Trees
November 16th, 2016, 01:30 PM
(I am quite literally laughing out loud while reading this. I find romance funny most of the time, rather than all mushy and whatever its stereotyped as) "William!" Silvia calked again, seeing him begin walking toward her. She kept pushing through the crowd, murmuring 'excuse me's and 'sorry's as she headed toward him. Couldn’t everyone just make way for people trying to walk past? Like, seriously. It's not that hard to step aside! Panther growled at everyone who brushed his owner's side. His little protective efforts weren't much more than that, seeing as he was stuck in Silvia's arms. "Panther, shush!" She hissed quietly to the Bombay cat.

(Hehe XD I'm not quite sure why people think of romance as 'mushy'. 'Mushy' is a word I wold use when describe mashed potatoes, not romance... XD)
(Also, I am going to be mean to William and put him into the crowd...)

William heard his name called again and continued to head towards where he had heard it coming from. He hesitated, momentarily, before entering the mash of bodies that had become the crowd outside of the train, even if it wasn't actually that mushed, he couldn't really tell if it was or not. The blonde boy tucked his hands securely into his pockets and pressed his elbows to his sides, continuing forwards, though he wasn't sure if he was going in the right direction anymore, since the semi-constant moving of people around him had made him lose his sense of direction.

Casual Scribbles
November 16th, 2016, 02:51 PM
Silvia continued to push forward, the air becoming more static the closer she got to him. Although, this is just a phrase, she didn't notice the feeling she got as she neared the blonde-haired boy. Panther could feel the emotion though, being so close to her heart which had sped up just a little more with every step. She couldn’t help but want to see his eyes again, his beautiful, gleaming eyes. Silvia felt a tiny rush of adrenaline as she tripped over someone's robe and fell forward.

Brooklyn Trees
November 16th, 2016, 09:17 PM
Silvia continued to push forward, the air becoming more static the closer she got to him. Although, this is just a phrase, she didn't notice the feeling she got as she neared the blonde-haired boy. Panther could feel the emotion though, being so close to her heart which had sped up just a little more with every step. She couldn’t help but want to see his eyes again, his beautiful, gleaming eyes. Silvia felt a tiny rush of adrenaline as she tripped over someone's robe and fell forward.

William was a bit more preoccupied with the facts that he was now completely lost, didn't know how to get out of the crowd, and was beginning to feel suffocated, all while trying not to begin to freak out, which was getting increasingly more difficult. He looked around and saw... A brunette girl squashing a cat to her chest... Was he hallucinating? He didn't think that he was, but it was possible. He stood where he was and watched her coming towards him. He could hear his heart in his ears, but whether that was a result to the people knocking into him or the sight of Sylvia, he wasn't sure...

goddess of ducks
November 17th, 2016, 01:05 PM
Name: Kris | Bree
Age(15-17): 16 | 15
Gender: Female | Female
Appearance: Badoop (http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1379799383i/654033._SY540_.jpg)| Boop (http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/c69612ed-e439-4637-85f3-d6c9f9b2c36e/3b5904b9-08e5-47e1-b0ec-24209ee3c13e.jpg)
House: Huxley |Aexian
Classes: Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms, Herbology, Potions | Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Flying, Potions, Transfiguration
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Open | Open
Siblings?: Nope
Sexuality: Straight | Straight
Other: Wizard Born | Mundane Born

Brooklyn Trees
November 17th, 2016, 04:27 PM
Name: Kris | Bree
Age(15-17): 16 | 15
Gender: Female | Female
Appearance: Badoop (http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1379799383i/654033._SY540_.jpg)| Boop (http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/c69612ed-e439-4637-85f3-d6c9f9b2c36e/3b5904b9-08e5-47e1-b0ec-24209ee3c13e.jpg)
House: Huxley |Aexian
Classes: Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms, Herbology, Potions | Astronomy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Flying, Potions, Transfiguration
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Open | Open
Siblings?: Nope
Sexuality: Straight | Straight
Other: Wizard Born | Mundane Born

(Accepted, the characters are currently unboarding the train.... Unboarding is a word, right? XD)

goddess of ducks
November 17th, 2016, 09:43 PM
(I forgot to mention that Bree has a black cat named Raven, so I hope that's okay)
Bree was one of the last ones off the train. She gazed about wide eyed at the commotion before her. Another person pushed her on out and the young girl had no choice but to move forwards. Bree stepped forwards, her arm clutched around Raven, the she cat seemed to be the only thing in the world at the moment that was moving, shoving and pushing. She strained forwards coming across a scene where some girl had fallen on the ground in the chaos to get forwards. She wanted to stop and help but the flow of the crowd forced her onwards.

Brooklyn Trees
November 17th, 2016, 10:41 PM
(I forgot to mention that Bree has a black cat named Raven, so I hope that's okay)
Bree was one of the last ones off the train. She gazed about wide eyed at the commotion before her. Another person pushed her on out and the young girl had no choice but to move forwards. Bree stepped forwards, her arm clutched around Raven, the she cat seemed to be the only thing in the world at the moment that was moving, shoving and pushing. She strained forwards coming across a scene where some girl had fallen on the ground in the chaos to get forwards. She wanted to stop and help but the flow of the crowd forced her onwards.

(It's fine =^^= )

Casual Scribbles
November 18th, 2016, 05:37 AM
Silvia stood up slowly and saw William just ahead of her. "William!" she called over to few remaining people to him. There was only a little bit of space between the two of them and she continued to close it, hoping Willaim would close his end as well. Panther felt Silvia's heart speed up again, although she seemed to take no notice.

Brooklyn Trees
November 18th, 2016, 12:13 PM
Silvia stood up slowly and saw William just ahead of her. "William!" she called over to few remaining people to him. There was only a little bit of space between the two of them and she continued to close it, hoping Willaim would close his end as well. Panther felt Silvia's heart speed up again, although she seemed to take no notice.

William heard his name be called again, but it took him a moment to realize that it was Silvia speaking, and she still had a cat on her chest... Which he found a bit odd. He watched her come closer, though it didn't really occur to him that he should be moving too until she was very close to him, when he took a tentative step backwards without really realizing it.
"H-Hi." He said, stuttering less out of awkwardness and more out of discomfort at the current situation of being within the crowd and her being fairly close, but decided to take a step towards her anyways because he had taken a step away from her and didn't want her to think that he was backing away from her, even if he had been, but he had backed away because of how close she was, not because it was her.

Casual Scribbles
November 19th, 2016, 03:19 PM
Thud, thud, thud, thud, Silvia could finally feel her heartrate. It was so fast and loud that she was sure William could hear it. The two were so close, and Silv felt the static that filled the air between them. Panther's fur fluffed up a little. What was she feeling? Silvia didn't know. She couldn’t tell. Her mind spun. "Hi," she managed a smile.

Brooklyn Trees
November 20th, 2016, 01:01 AM
Thud, thud, thud, thud, Silvia could finally feel her heartrate. It was so fast and loud that she was sure William could hear it. The two were so close, and Silv felt the static that filled the air between them. Panther's fur fluffed up a little. What was she feeling? Silvia didn't know. She couldn’t tell. Her mind spun. "Hi," she managed a smile.

William swallowed nervously and gave a sideways glance off to the side. Too close, too close, too close, too close, too close... those two words continued to echo inside his mind as he forced his body to remain in place and not back away or just plain turn tail and run away as fast as he could.
"H-Hi..." He said, grinning from mixed habit, nerves and an odd emotion that he couldn't quite place. Well, he could place it, he knew it's name, but he had never really felt in this way before and his mind wanted to believe that he was most certainly not feeling it, though he knew that he was.

Casual Scribbles
November 20th, 2016, 05:14 AM
Silvia saw William swallow nervously and realized she was to close to him. But if she stepped away, it could be rude. She also noticed how he glanced sideways. Her shoulders had been tense the entire time she was in the crowd, and now was not an exception. Silvia quickly flicked her eyes just past him and noticed how close the edge of the crowd was. Perhaps it was crowd making him nervous as well. "William, do you want to get out of the crowd, maybe?" She asked gently, using the psychology trick she had learned while reading. Apparently saying the persons name helps them calm down, because it's something they recognize. Silvia just wanted to make sure Will didn't freak out, despite the fact that her heart was racing a hundred miles an hour.

Casual Scribbles
November 22nd, 2016, 04:52 AM

Brooklyn Trees
November 28th, 2016, 02:27 PM
Silvia saw William swallow nervously and realized she was to close to him. But if she stepped away, it could be rude. She also noticed how he glanced sideways. Her shoulders had been tense the entire time she was in the crowd, and now was not an exception. Silvia quickly flicked her eyes just past him and noticed how close the edge of the crowd was. Perhaps it was crowd making him nervous as well. "William, do you want to get out of the crowd, maybe?" She asked gently, using the psychology trick she had learned while reading. Apparently saying the persons name helps them calm down, because it's something they recognize. Silvia just wanted to make sure Will didn't freak out, despite the fact that her heart was racing a hundred miles an hour.

(Sorry. I was gone)

William flinched at this. He had been hoping that he wasn't so transparent, though how transparent he was he didn't really want to know. The blonde boy looked over his shoulder at where she had looked when she looked over his shoulder. Well... Either he hadn't come very far or had somehow managed to end up completely disoriented as to the direction of anything and at another edge, either of which could be possible. He turned his eyes back to her, trying not to wince as the memory of what she had just asked him came back. Yes... he thought in silent response to her, but decided against saying that out loud.
"U-um... If you want t-to..." He said, removing his hand from his pocket and rubbing the back of his neck with it, looking down at his feet.

Casual Scribbles
November 28th, 2016, 04:21 PM
"Let's go," Silvia said gently and started toward the edge of the crowd. For a moment, the mass of people seemed to become a wall, blocking her vision, making William and Panther the only other life forms near her. For one of the only times in her life, she felt claustrophobic, despite the fact that she usually liked tight places, and took refuge in them as often as she could. Then the walls turned back into a churning sea of bodies and elbows, and Sil dodged this way and that to the edge of the crowd.

Brooklyn Trees
November 28th, 2016, 08:20 PM
"Let's go," Silvia said gently and started toward the edge of the crowd. For a moment, the mass of people seemed to become a wall, blocking her vision, making William and Panther the only other life forms near her. For one of the only times in her life, she felt claustrophobic, despite the fact that she usually liked tight places, and took refuge in them as often as she could. Then the walls turned back into a churning sea of bodies and elbows, and Sil dodged this way and that to the edge of the crowd.

William turned as she began to move, hesitating for a moment and then following her. He followed behind her, his arms still pressed to his sides and hands in his pockets, head down. He wasn't quite sure why, but taking up less space and becoming 'smaller' seemed to make the people around him seem to be taking up less space as well. Once they had come to the edge of the crowd, he began to move as far away from the mass of people as he could until he was standing on the edge of the platform. Only know, that he had actually distanced himself from the feeling of being suffocated did he begin to become very embarrassed about this whole train ride and the thing in the crowd.

Casual Scribbles
November 29th, 2016, 04:21 AM
"Careful," Silvia said, noticing him backing up, " You don’t want to fall off the edge!" She had seen claustraphobia before, but never to the point that the backed away from the space. At least, not this far away from the space. "It would kinda suck if you had to spend your first year at Asygarth with a broken arm, especially scince we need our arms to do the spells," Silvia wasn’t sure if that were true, but it was her best guess. Even if she were wrong about the last part, the first part was true. I really would suck to have a broken arm at Asygarth. She didn't know if they could heal fractures over night, but perhaps they could. "Are you alright?" It just seemed like a typical question to ask someone eho backed away from a crowd.

Brooklyn Trees
November 29th, 2016, 01:14 PM
"Careful," Silvia said, noticing him backing up, " You don’t want to fall off the edge!" She had seen claustraphobia before, but never to the point that the backed away from the space. At least, not this far away from the space. "It would kinda suck if you had to spend your first year at Asygarth with a broken arm, especially scince we need our arms to do the spells," Silvia wasn’t sure if that were true, but it was her best guess. Even if she were wrong about the last part, the first part was true. I really would suck to have a broken arm at Asygarth. She didn't know if they could heal fractures over night, but perhaps they could. "Are you alright?" It just seemed like a typical question to ask someone eho backed away from a crowd.

William felt his face flush and looked down, rubbing the back of his neck again before just hanging his hand on the back of his neck. He looked back up at her with just his eyes, keeping his face pointed slightly downwards and away from her, hoping that she wouldn't see his embarrassment.
"Magic can heal bones almost immediately." He said, but still he took a step away from the edge of the platform and felt himself flinch as she asked that. He thought he had escaped being asked that for the time being.
"Yeah. Fine." He muttered, looking down again.

Casual Scribbles
November 29th, 2016, 07:28 PM
"Okay," Silvia watched his reactions closely. He didn't seem fine, but who was she to judge? She didn't know what William felt. "So, how long do you think it'll be until they take us inside?" Sil asked, reffering to the professors taking the students into Asygarth. "I'm sure everyone's bags are getting heavey," she hoisted her own hogher on her shoulder and blew some hair out of her face.

Brooklyn Trees
November 29th, 2016, 08:47 PM
William looked up again. Oh good, she changed the subject. He thought, slightly relieved.
"Probably soon I would bet..." He said. He wasn't quite sure but he doubted that they would be out here for a long time without an adult. He looked through the people in the crowd again, trying to detect someone who may be a teacher here at Aysgarth.

(I'm going to make a teacher just because we need one...)

Brooklyn Trees
November 29th, 2016, 09:26 PM
Name: Elis Erling
Age(15-17): 32
Gender: Female
Appearance: Erling is a tall and thin woman with long black hair and green eyes. She has a long, thin and slightly upturned nose, high cheek-bones and a thin face.
House: Valdel
Classes: Potions
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Open
Siblings?: None
Sexuality: Straight
Other: Elis Erling is a professor.

Casual Scribbles
November 30th, 2016, 05:04 AM
I will do the same. Scince neither of the people who were in charge of this roleplay have come here, I nominate you to be the new leader of the roleplay.)

Casual Scribbles
November 30th, 2016, 05:12 AM
Name: Elentia Crossbeam
Age(15-17): 32
Gender: female
Appearance: medium hight, with long reddish-brown hair. She has slightly tanned skin, with a splash of freckles across her nose. Her eyes are brown with tiny flecks of gold in them. She has an overall very friendly appearance.
House: Axien
Classes: she teaches transfiguration
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: open
Siblings?: none
Sexuality: straight
Other: is a teacher

Brooklyn Trees
November 30th, 2016, 07:43 PM
(Actually, I got temporary ownership from the second owner of this roleplay before they left.)
(Oh yeah. And accepted.)

November 30th, 2016, 07:49 PM
(Can I join this rp as someone who is not first year? I just have a.... interesting backstory I want to try out. if you want Ill pm it to you.)

Casual Scribbles
December 1st, 2016, 04:32 AM
"I don't see anyone out here, but you're right, they wouldn't leave us outside by ourselves for very long. Where do you think they are?" She asked. Silvia looked at him, trying to detect any reaction without looking like she was. He still seemed nervous, but maybe that was just the way he was? She closed her eyes and inhlaed a cool breeze that blew by, the way she ysed to do at 'home'. Silvia would always stand outside at stretch herself bay, lifting her neck up so the wing could reach alk the places she felt too warm. Of course, then she would go inside and ignore the rest of the orphans and fosters to read a book or draw, but she was okay with that. She had set up her bottom bunk as her little workspace, with a blankt tucked into the side of the bed above to form a sort of curtain, and an inflatable solar lantern hanging from above, and a box in the corner that act both as a storage space and a kind of desk. It was actuall pretty cool, and Silvia had brought what she needed to hopefully recreate it.

Brooklyn Trees
December 1st, 2016, 12:28 PM
(Can I join this rp as someone who is not first year? I just have a.... interesting backstory I want to try out. if you want Ill pm it to you.)
(Yeah you can, and you don't have to PM it =^^=)

Brooklyn Trees
December 1st, 2016, 12:43 PM
"I don't see anyone out here, but you're right, they wouldn't leave us outside by ourselves for very long. Where do you think they are?" She asked. Silvia looked at him, trying to detect any reaction without looking like she was. He still seemed nervous, but maybe that was just the way he was? She closed her eyes and inhlaed a cool breeze that blew by, the way she ysed to do at 'home'. Silvia would always stand outside at stretch herself bay, lifting her neck up so the wing could reach alk the places she felt too warm. Of course, then she would go inside and ignore the rest of the orphans and fosters to read a book or draw, but she was okay with that. She had set up her bottom bunk as her little workspace, with a blankt tucked into the side of the bed above to form a sort of curtain, and an inflatable solar lantern hanging from above, and a box in the corner that act both as a storage space and a kind of desk. It was actuall pretty cool, and Silvia had brought what she needed to hopefully recreate it.

William watched her stretch, though he remained with one hand in his pocket and the other hooked over the back of his neck. What was wrong with him right now? He didn't generally act like this, but for some reason she made him do so. He pushed this thought away and grinned at her as she closed her eyes. She seemed almost already at home here. That was good though, he turned slightly to look past her, deciding that maybe it was best just to start over, pretend like the 'hand thing' in the compartment had never happened and that he wasn't acting like a shy person around her. He didn't know if that would be easy or not though as he resumed his search for an older person nearby who would hopefully be a teacher.

Elis Erling stood among the students that would be joining Aysgarth shortly before raising her voice.
"First years, please follow me!" She said before turning and moving slowly away from the platform and towards the school.

(How should they be sorted?)

December 1st, 2016, 02:25 PM
Name: Dizerel Nemonis
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light brownish hair. decent looking, somewhat tall. Green eyes and usually wears a black zip up jacket.
House: Aexian
Classes: Potions, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Orchestra
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Not yet
Siblings?: None Known
Other: His mother went to the school, however she got pregnant halfway through her studies and died from childbirth. The father is nowhere to be found, so Dizerel was practically raised by the school, and he started classes at the age of 12 since he lived at the school.

Casual Scribbles
December 1st, 2016, 02:42 PM
(Maybe something like Ilvermorny was? With a great hall that has a statue of a raven, a statue of a bear, and a statue of a wolf. The student stands in the center of the triangle and if they belong to Valdel, the Raven will flap it's wings and caw. If they belong to Huxely, the wolf will tilt it's head back and howl. If they belong to Axien the bear will stamp it's paws and roar? Post coming soon)

Casual Scribbles
December 1st, 2016, 04:44 PM
(Can I pretend she never said she knew her house, instead she made a confident guess?)
"I think that's us," Silvia smiled at William. She hefted her bags higher onto her shoulder. "I wonder what house we'll be in!" She was excited for her first year at the magical school. Silvia had never heard of it before this, but she was glad she had gotten that letter. William seemed to have know the whole time that he was coming here, but this was a new experience for Silvia. She couldn't wait to see what the majestic building looked like on the inside.

December 1st, 2016, 05:25 PM
Cardamon Whelp



He's got blond hair that's usually rather neat, unless you catch him when he's only just woken up, then it's often kinked out in different directions. He's got dark brown eyes, a slim build, always standing straight. Default expression is a bit of a scowl, and his eyes seem perpetually half-lidded. He's often got his books clutched to his chest, wears his robe shut, and gives off a judgemental aura.

He's got wonderful posture, though sometimes he studies hunched and ends up with aching shoulders; sometimes, when nervous, he'll tense and untense his muscles and leave himself with a knot in his shoulders.


Charms, herbology, history of magic, transfiguration, study of ancient runes, ghoul studies.

Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend:

Only child

Bisexual/romantic with a male lean. He's not open about this, and likely doesn't realize his own orientation.

His familiar is a rat, Cornelius.

Brooklyn Trees
December 1st, 2016, 07:19 PM
Name: Dizerel Nemonis
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light brownish hair. decent looking, somewhat tall. Green eyes and usually wears a black zip up jacket.
House: Aexian
Classes: Potions, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Orchestra
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Not yet
Siblings?: None Known
Other: His mother went to the school, however she got pregnant halfway through her studies and died from childbirth. The father is nowhere to be found, so Dizerel was practically raised by the school, and he started classes at the age of 12 since he lived at the school.

Cardamon Whelp



He's got blond hair that's usually rather neat, unless you catch him when he's only just woken up, then it's often kinked out in different directions. He's got dark brown eyes, a slim build, always standing straight. Default expression is a bit of a scowl, and his eyes seem perpetually half-lidded. He's often got his books clutched to his chest, wears his robe shut, and gives off a judgemental aura.

He's got wonderful posture, though sometimes he studies hunched and ends up with aching shoulders; sometimes, when nervous, he'll tense and untense his muscles and leave himself with a knot in his shoulders.


Charms, herbology, history of magic, transfiguration, study of ancient runes, ghoul studies.

Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend:

Only child

Bisexual/romantic with a male lean. He's not open about this, and likely doesn't realize his own orientation.

His familiar is a rat, Cornelius.

(Both accepted)

Brooklyn Trees
December 1st, 2016, 07:43 PM
(Can I pretend she never said she knew her house, instead she made a confident guess?)
"I think that's us," Silvia smiled at William. She hefted her bags higher onto her shoulder. "I wonder what house we'll be in!" She was excited for her first year at the magical school. Silvia had never heard of it before this, but she was glad she had gotten that letter. William seemed to have know the whole time that he was coming here, but this was a new experience for Silvia. She couldn't wait to see what the majestic building looked like on the inside.

(Ilvermorny? And yeah, we can pretend that didn't happen XD)
(Ooh. What if we had a sorting Boggart? So a boggart that changed into the animal mascot of the student's specific house? Or maybe sorting wands, like the wands of the creators of each house that if you pick it up it will glow if you belong in it's house or etc.?)

William smiled again,
"Yeah, probably." He said, removing his hand from his neck and his other hand from his pocket so that both of his arms were by his side.
"And any of the three I suppose." He said. "Your guess is as good as mine." He said. He didn't have a house running in the line of his heritage, everyone was just kind of, sprinkled across the houses, so he really didn't know which house he would be ending up in.

Casual Scribbles
December 1st, 2016, 08:03 PM
(Ilvermorny is the new canon school of witchcraft and wizardry. J. K. Rowling put its info up on Pottermore. And I like the boggart idea!)

Silvia grinned. "Guess we'll have to find out when we get inside!" She started toward the crowd, "But, of course, we'll have to follow the professors to get there." She was loathe to go back into the suffocating crowd, but she didn't see any other choice. They had to get to the teacher, but that meant going into the center of the crowd. Silvia hesitated, fingering the pocketknife in her art bag. The inscription rubbed against her thumb, a familiar comfort. All it was was her name. But it was calming. Silvia waited for William to follow.

Brooklyn Trees
December 1st, 2016, 08:44 PM
(Ilvermorny is the new canon school of witchcraft and wizardry. J. K. Rowling put its info up on Pottermore. And I like the boggart idea!)

Silvia grinned. "Guess we'll have to find out when we get inside!" She started toward the crowd, "But, of course, we'll have to follow the professors to get there." She was loathe to go back into the suffocating crowd, but she didn't see any other choice. They had to get to the teacher, but that meant going into the center of the crowd. Silvia hesitated, fingering the pocketknife in her art bag. The inscription rubbed against her thumb, a familiar comfort. All it was was her name. But it was calming. Silvia waited for William to follow.

(Should we go with Boggart then?)
"O-oh yeah." He said, looking back at the crowd. William didn't want to panic, and it wasn't like being in a crowd could hurt him. He followed after her, returning his hands to his pockets as he followed the brunette girl. He kept his smile on though, in an effort at pretending, though he kind of figured that she would have guessed at his claustrophobia based from the earlier, ahem, 'thing'. Today was sure turning out to be producing a lot of 'things'. He waited to follow her, not really in a big hurry to go into it. He looked at her for a moment before speaking again.
"Excited?" He asked, his voice actually steadier than he was expecting it to be, which was a bit of a surprise to him.

December 1st, 2016, 08:56 PM
(I guess i gotta wait for everyone to get inside of the school before i can rp)

Brooklyn Trees
December 1st, 2016, 11:45 PM
(I guess i gotta wait for everyone to get inside of the school before i can rp)
(Not necessarily. You could roleplay him inside the school while everyone is still outside before they come in =^^=)

December 1st, 2016, 11:48 PM
(Also sorry if my first few posts are a little short. Im on mobile atm so i may not get much more than 4 lines)

Dizerel picked up his wand and sighed, marching over to the adjacent hallway with a mop and a bucket of water floating behind him. Since he lived at the school year round, the staff made him work as a janitor to help out. Turning the corner, her reached the hallway, and he saw the mess. Someone had left some sort of goopy substance in the middle of the hall, and Dizerel had to clean it up before the newbies arrived. Flicking his wand, the mop magically got to work and soaked itself in the bucket before starting to scrub the goop up.

Casual Scribbles
December 2nd, 2016, 06:00 AM
Silvia smiled and looked up at William. Although she was tall, Will was just a bit taller. "Very excited," she laughed, "to get into the school, I mean. Not to, um, go into the crowd," the mass of students was packed so tightly, it may have been a wall and not a crowd. How would they get through to the teacher? "You ready?" She asked, just the hint of nervousness showing through her voice. Eagerness was never a word she used to describe going into crowds. Silvia hated crowds. She hated not being able to see everyone at once. It made her uneasy, being surrounded by people and not knowing what they were doing or about to do.

Brooklyn Trees
December 2nd, 2016, 12:59 PM
Silvia smiled and looked up at William. Although she was tall, Will was just a bit taller. "Very excited," she laughed, "to get into the school, I mean. Not to, um, go into the crowd," the mass of students was packed so tightly, it may have been a wall and not a crowd. How would they get through to the teacher? "You ready?" She asked, just the hint of nervousness showing through her voice. Eagerness was never a word she used to describe going into crowds. Silvia hated crowds. She hated not being able to see everyone at once. It made her uneasy, being surrounded by people and not knowing what they were doing or about to do.

William glanced for a moment at the crowd and then back up at Silvia, keeping his smile, though it turned slightly sheepish for a moment.
"Uh, sure." He said, slipping into the people. He figured that the sooner he entered, the sooner he could get out. He wasn't sure if that was true or not, but it was the best he could come up with to actually get him to enter the mass of bodies.

Casual Scribbles
December 2nd, 2016, 04:52 PM
Silvia followed after William. She hated being in the crowd, but as long as she kept William in view, she didn't have a total panic attack. She did turn around several times though, when someone brushed against her. Finally they emerged near the teacher who had called them over, and Silvia spun in a circle, making sure no one was directly behind her. She exhaled in relief, feeling less cramped in. Now, Silvia waited patiently with William for whomever this professor was to speak again.

December 2nd, 2016, 05:10 PM
(Should Dizerel go out into the crowd and help them?)

Brooklyn Trees
December 2nd, 2016, 05:12 PM
(Should Dizerel go out into the crowd and help them?)
(Up to you. What would he be helping with though?)

December 2nd, 2016, 05:14 PM
(whatever they need help with. He literally lives at the school, so he probably knows just as much as any of the staff.)

Brooklyn Trees
December 2nd, 2016, 05:19 PM
Silvia followed after William. She hated being in the crowd, but as long as she kept William in view, she didn't have a total panic attack. She did turn around several times though, when someone brushed against her. Finally they emerged near the teacher who had called them over, and Silvia spun in a circle, making sure no one was directly behind her. She exhaled in relief, feeling less cramped in. Now, Silvia waited patiently with William for whomever this professor was to speak again.

William remained slightly hunched as he walked through, watching his feet while they walked through the crowd. Suddenly it didn't feel so enclosed and he looked up to find that they had found their way to the front of the crowd. He removed his hands from his pockets and rubbed his neck lightly again in embarrassment, since she had been following him and would have seen the strange way he had been walking. He looked over at her sheepishly before remembering that he was pretending that it was starting over and removed the sheepishness from his grin.

Proffesor Erling raised her hands to try to silence those who were still talking, her robes slipping down her arms partially as she did this. Once everything was quiet she spoke loud and clearly.
"Welcome to Aysgarth Academy or Witchcraft and Wizardry!" She said.
"Now that you are here, you will enter into the hall and there will be a sorting ceremony to discover which of the three houses of Aysgarth you will be going into.
"The three houses are, Valdel, the house of the raven and of those who are clever and honest. Huxley, the house of the wolf and of those who are courageous and loyal. And Aexian, the house of the Bear and of those who are Kind and Trustworthy. Once you have been sorted into your house you will join them and they will become like your family. You will eat with them, you will sleep with them and you will attend classes with them." She said, and then waited for a moment longer to see if this was sinking into the crowd yet.

Brooklyn Trees
December 2nd, 2016, 05:21 PM
(whatever they need help with. He literally lives at the school, so he probably knows just as much as any of the staff.)
(True. It's up to you though =^^= )

December 2nd, 2016, 05:22 PM
(Once you enter, before you get sorted, Ill have him bump into you.)

Brooklyn Trees
December 2nd, 2016, 05:26 PM
(Once you enter, before you get sorted, Ill have him bump into you.)
(Lol, which me? Auburny, Elis or William?)

December 2nd, 2016, 05:28 PM
(Silvia and william, since they are traveling together and you two seem the most active)

Brooklyn Trees
December 2nd, 2016, 05:37 PM
(Silvia and william, since they are traveling together and you two seem the most active)

Casual Scribbles
December 2nd, 2016, 08:45 PM
"Hmm," Silvia thought about what the professor said, "I think I was to be Huxley." She said. (Sorry for short post, got a bit busy!)

Brooklyn Trees
December 3rd, 2016, 08:00 PM
"Hmm," Silvia thought about what the professor said, "I think I was to be Huxley." She said. (Sorry for short post, got a bit busy!)

William looked over at Silvia as she spoke, smiling again.
"I don't really care where I end up." He said, returning his attention back to the professor who was standing and speaking.

Professor Elsing began to give a final instruction before she would lead them inside the castle.
"You will stand together and when I call out your surname you will come up and stand in the designated area. Now follow me." She said, turning sharply on her heel and beginning to walk towards the castle doors.

Casual Scribbles
December 3rd, 2016, 09:57 PM
Silvia followed the teacher inside, gasping in awe as she stepped inside the majestic building. "It's- it's-" she struggled for a word to describe the castle she would be living in for the next year. Finding none, she finally breathed the word, "Wow," and stared around, wide-eyed. She sometimes walked backwards a few steps just to keep looking at something that really caught her eye.

Eletia Crossbeam was waiting for Professor Elsing in the great hall, making sure the boggart did not try to escape again, as it had most years.

December 3rd, 2016, 10:03 PM
Dizerel finished cleaning up the goop after a bit, sending the bucket and mop back to the janitor closet with another flick of his wand. He heard a lot of commotion nearby, and remembered that all the newbies were coming in today. he decided to have some fun and go mess around with some of them. Turning the corner, he saw the large crowd of them entering the main hall the be placed into the different houses. sneakily, he entered with the rest of the crowd, trying to make some mischief.

Brooklyn Trees
December 4th, 2016, 12:30 AM
Silvia followed the teacher inside, gasping in awe as she stepped inside the majestic building. "It's- it's-" she struggled for a word to describe the castle she would be living in for the next year. Finding none, she finally breathed the word, "Wow," and stared around, wide-eyed. She sometimes walked backwards a few steps just to keep looking at something that really caught her eye.

Eletia Crossbeam was waiting for Professor Elsing in the great hall, making sure the boggart did not try to escape again, as it had most years.

William got jostled in behind her with the other first years, keeping close to Silvia. The building inside was large and ornate, like many castles. He remained near Silvia as she looked around, speaking. He was more preoccupied with staring curiously at the witch who seemed to be trying to restrain something in the main hall.

Professor Elsing walked up towards the front of the main hall, where three large tables were spaced out. Her eyes drifted to Professor Crossbeam, who was restraining the boggart and walked up to join her.
"Would you like to do the honors Eletia?" She asked, tucking a stray strand of hair up behind her ear and looking at the crowd of what was soon to be many first years.

Casual Scribbles
December 4th, 2016, 11:14 AM
"Sure," Elentia Crossbeam. Stepped around the struggling creature. "Welcome to Asygarth, school of witchcraft and wizardry. I am Professor Crossbeam, this is Professor Elsing," she gestured to the teacher next to her. "There are three houses in Asygarth. Huxely, the house of the wolf, Valdel, the house of the raven, and Axeian, the house of the bear." Elentia remembered her sorting. At first, she had been afraid of the boggart, but not once the teachers had told them his purpose. And especially not after she had mentally named him 'Bob'. "This," she motioned toward the creature, "Is our boggart." Most of the first years stepoed back with a gasp. "He sorts you into your respective houses. Like this," she reached her hand out and allowed the boggart to brush her. 'Bob' turned into a bear. "This shows that I am in Axeian."

Silvia stepped back with a gasp as the creature was introduced as a boggart. "Won't it try to hurt us?" He whispered to William, stepping a bit closer to him in fear. The explanation and show only eased her fear a little. The creature was still terrifying.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 4th, 2016, 08:20 PM
Oooh yay this is still going:woot:

Name: Phillip Willard|||Secelia Willard||| Cassandra Willard

Age(15-17): 15|||15|||17

Gender: Male|||Female|||Female

Appearance: Phillip is short for his age clocking in at 4'8". He has short blonde hair red cheeks and a face dusted with freckles. He also has a pair of Jade green eyes like his mother. He has little to no muscles and is thin.|||Phillip's twin sister has a similar body structure. Same height and same hair color. Though her hair is longer than Philips going down to the back of her neck. The only major difference between the two is that Secelia has Ice Blue eyes.|||Cassandra has little resemblance to her younger siblings. She has long brown hair that falls past her shoulders and is 5'8". She is drop dead gorgeous to most, and a heartbreaker to the rest. Despite that you will never find her without a fresh coating of makeup.

House: Valdel|||Valdel|||Huxley

Classes: 1: Flying 2: Art 3: Defence Against the Dark Arts 4: Music 5: Herbology 6: Orchestra 7: Potions|||1: Flying 2: Art 3: Defence Against the Dark Arts 4: Music 5: Herbology 6: Orchestra 7: Potions|||1: Astronomy 2: Charms 3: Dark Arts 4: Transfiguration 5: Divination6: Ghoul Studies 7: Xylomancy

Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: None|||None|||Open

Siblings?: They all are siblings

Sexuality: All heterosexual

Other: Phillip and Secelia are twins and do everything together. It is rare not to find them side by side unless they are going to bed or the restroom. Even though they are always by each other they rarely speak, giving them a creepy aura and the feeling that you are being watched whenever you are near them. Whenever they do speak they usually speak in unison unless you can catch them speaking to each other. They have very monotone and flat voices adding to the spook factor.|||Cassandra takes pride in the fact that she has dated more guys than she can count and sets her sight on dating every guy she finds hot for at least a short amount of time. She always gets her way and can make almost any guy do whatever she wants.

Brooklyn Trees
December 4th, 2016, 10:47 PM
Oooh yay this is still going:woot:

Name: Phillip Willard|||Secelia Willard||| Cassandra Willard

Age(15-17): 15|||15|||17

Gender: Male|||Female|||Female

Appearance: Phillip is short for his age clocking in at 4'8". He has short blonde hair red cheeks and a face dusted with freckles. He also has a pair of Jade green eyes like his mother. He has little to no muscles and is thin.|||Phillip's twin sister has a similar body structure. Same height and same hair color. Though her hair is longer than Philips going down to the back of her neck. The only major difference between the two is that Secelia has Ice Blue eyes.|||Cassandra has little resemblance to her younger siblings. She has long brown hair that falls past her shoulders and is 5'8". She is drop dead gorgeous to most, and a heartbreaker to the rest. Despite that you will never find her without a fresh coating of makeup.

House: Valdel|||Valdel|||Huxley

Classes: 1: Flying 2: Art 3: Defence Against the Dark Arts 4: Music 5: Herbology 6: Orchestra 7: Potions|||1: Flying 2: Art 3: Defence Against the Dark Arts 4: Music 5: Herbology 6: Orchestra 7: Potions|||1: Astronomy 2: Charms 3: Dark Arts 4: Transfiguration 5: Divination6: Ghoul Studies 7: Xylomancy

Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: None|||None|||Open

Siblings?: They all are siblings

Sexuality: All heterosexual

Other: Phillip and Secelia are twins and do everything together. It is rare not to find them side by side unless they are going to bed or the restroom. Even though they are always by each other they rarely speak, giving them a creepy aura and the feeling that you are being watched whenever you are near them. Whenever they do speak they usually speak in unison unless you can catch them speaking to each other. They have very monotone and flat voices adding to the spook factor.|||Cassandra takes pride in the fact that she has dated more guys than she can count and sets her sight on dating every guy she finds hot for at least a short amount of time. She always gets her way and can make almost any guy do whatever she wants.

Yay! You're back! :woot: :woot: And accepted. And oh yeah, you're the original secondary owner (does that actually make sense? XD) of this thread, so here. *hands thread back*

And another 'oh yeah' moment here, but are you still gonna RP Jackson or are you dropping him?

Brooklyn Trees
December 4th, 2016, 10:56 PM
"Sure," Elentia Crossbeam. Stepped around the struggling creature. "Welcome to Asygarth, school of witchcraft and wizardry. I am Professor Crossbeam, this is Professor Elsing," she gestured to the teacher next to her. "There are three houses in Asygarth. Huxely, the house of the wolf, Valdel, the house of the raven, and Axeian, the house of the bear." Elentia remembered her sorting. At first, she had been afraid of the boggart, but not once the teachers had told them his purpose. And especially not after she had mentally named him 'Bob'. "This," she motioned toward the creature, "Is our boggart." Most of the first years stepoed back with a gasp. "He sorts you into your respective houses. Like this," she reached her hand out and allowed the boggart to brush her. 'Bob' turned into a bear. "This shows that I am in Axeian."

Silvia stepped back with a gasp as the creature was introduced as a boggart. "Won't it try to hurt us?" He whispered to William, stepping a bit closer to him in fear. The explanation and show only eased her fear a little. The creature was still terrifying.

William stepped backwards with the others so that he wouldn't be in front, jumping slightly as Silvia brushed against him as he hadn't been expecting any kind of reaction like that from her.
"It's a boggart." He whispered. "Generally they're creatures that mimic you're worst fear, but it won't hurt us. I guess it's just been trained or enchanted or something." He said, though he wasn't denying the fact that having something suddenly turn into either a Raven, Bear or Wolf near him was going to be frightening and surprising.

Erling took a step backwards as she watched her colleague introduce the boggart to the students, trying not to be near enough to it that it would turn into a raven, seeing as that wouldn't be very conventional or professional. Crossbeam was closer of course, but she remained well away from the two, watching with her hands clasped in front of her.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 5th, 2016, 03:50 PM
(You can keep the ownership, I am not going to be able to be as active and I will be keeping Jackson. I just need to repost his form so I have it for reference.)

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 5th, 2016, 04:43 PM
(Nevermind reposting the form lol. I can't access the old site, I guess I'll just go from here.)
Jackson had zoned out for a bit and when he came back he was in a different compartment with no one to be found. At first he started to panic wondering where everyone went before he came to his senses and realized he was probably just in an empty compartment. When he had looked out the window he saw a massive castle, all he could do was stand there in awe. This was it he was finally at magic school. He had a brief moment of apprehension before he noticed the crowd of people out in front. He did not want to be late to whatever it was they were doing and didn't want to miss out on any of it. Feelings of apprehension aside he rushed out quickly found his bags and got off. Now that he was off though he started to wonder where Cinder and Auburny went. When he thought about Auburny he felt a small tug. He couldn't describe it but he knew what it meant. He then started to worry that Cinder might still be on the train when he felt a massive weight slam into his back and knock him to the ground. He turned up already knowing what it was, but got a mouthful of fur as Cinder stepped directly onto his face. When Cinder hopped off Jackson stood up spat the fur out of his mouth and looked around embarrassed hoping nobody had seen. "Especially not Auburny," said a little voice from inside of him. He didn't know why though, why would it be any different if Auburny saw than if anyone else did? Putting the question aside he rushed up to the crowd to hear what seemed to be one of the professors calling over the first years. He gave a silent thanks to himself that he had come down when he did and joined the group of first years heading towards the school. When they stopped he heard one of the professors explaining the houses and how the selection process worked. A small part of him entertained the terrifying thought that he might not get into to any of the houses. What would they do if you had none of the qualities? Would you get kicked out? He did not want to go all this way just to be told he would have to go home. "But surely it has to happen as not everyone can have these traits?" All of a sudden everything seemed a lot more sinister and his breathing became slightly harder as he thought about the possibility. He took the Boggart as a reason to take his mind of off the thoughts. When they revealed the boggart and most people took a step back in fear Jackson leaned forward trying to get a better look. The sorting was one of the things his parents had left out so he didn't want to miss any of it.

Phillip and Secelia followed the group slowly and quietly stayed a good ten feet behind. This combined with the fact that they barely said anything or looked at the other got them a bunch of strange looks from the older kids and any of the first years who looked back. They were used to this though as people always thought there was something strange with them. "Do you see that boy over there with the cat brother?" Secelia said in her naturally monotone voice as a tall boy rushed by with an equally large cat.
"Yes I do, are you thinking what I'm thinking sister?" Phillip said in his equally monotone voice.
"As always brother."
(Sorry for it being so long)

Brooklyn Trees
December 5th, 2016, 05:15 PM
(Nevermind reposting the form lol. I can't access the old site, I guess I'll just go from here.)
Jackson had zoned out for a bit and when he came back he was in a different compartment with no one to be found. At first he started to panic wondering where everyone went before he came to his senses and realized he was probably just in an empty compartment. When he had looked out the window he saw a massive castle, all he could do was stand there in awe. This was it he was finally at magic school. He had a brief moment of apprehension before he noticed the crowd of people out in front. He did not want to be late to whatever it was they were doing and didn't want to miss out on any of it. Feelings of apprehension aside he rushed out quickly found his bags and got off. Now that he was off though he started to wonder where Cinder and Auburny went. When he thought about Auburny he felt a small tug. He couldn't describe it but he knew what it meant. He then started to worry that Cinder might still be on the train when he felt a massive weight slam into his back and knock him to the ground. He turned up already knowing what it was, but got a mouthful of fur as Cinder stepped directly onto his face. When Cinder hopped off Jackson stood up spat the fur out of his mouth and looked around embarrassed hoping nobody had seen. "Especially not Auburny," said a little voice from inside of him. He didn't know why though, why would it be any different if Auburny saw than if anyone else did? Putting the question aside he rushed up to the crowd to hear what seemed to be one of the professors calling over the first years. He gave a silent thanks to himself that he had come down when he did and joined the group of first years heading towards the school. When they stopped he heard one of the professors explaining the houses and how the selection process worked. A small part of him entertained the terrifying thought that he might not get into to any of the houses. What would they do if you had none of the qualities? Would you get kicked out? He did not want to go all this way just to be told he would have to go home. "But surely it has to happen as not everyone can have these traits?" All of a sudden everything seemed a lot more sinister and his breathing became slightly harder as he thought about the possibility. He took the Boggart as a reason to take his mind of off the thoughts. When they revealed the boggart and most people took a step back in fear Jackson leaned forward trying to get a better look. The sorting was one of the things his parents had left out so he didn't want to miss any of it.

Phillip and Secelia followed the group slowly and quietly stayed a good ten feet behind. This combined with the fact that they barely said anything or looked at the other got them a bunch of strange looks from the older kids and any of the first years who looked back. They were used to this though as people always thought there was something strange with them. "Do you see that boy over there with the cat brother?" Secelia said in her naturally monotone voice as a tall boy rushed by with an equally large cat.
"Yes I do, are you thinking what I'm thinking sister?" Phillip said in his equally monotone voice.
"As always brother."
(Sorry for it being so long)

(Do you want me to PM your form from the old site to you?)

(Why do I have a feeling that Philip and Secelia are going to make something not good happen? XD)

Auburny stood quietly near the back of the group of other people, quietly looking around at the other places. She could see what was going on with the boggart through the empty spaces between the bodies around her, but aside from that she couldn't see much. She had her fingers tucked into pockets again as she watched the people around her, her head turned down slightly towards her feet. It was only after a short while that she saw someone running nearby with a gigantic grey cat and felt herself suddenly wishing that she was over there while simultaneously wanting to run in the other direction. It was an odd sort of feeling, one that she wasn't very sure if she liked.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 5th, 2016, 05:21 PM
(Yes please. And yeah I don't know what yet but they are gonna have some "Fun" XD)

Brooklyn Trees
December 5th, 2016, 07:38 PM
(Yes please. And yeah I don't know what yet but they are gonna have some "Fun" XD)
(Lol XD)

Casual Scribbles
December 5th, 2016, 07:38 PM
Silvia sighed and rolled her eyes. "And knowing that a boggart shows are worst fears makes me feel better, how?" She laughed. Though, knowing it was trained made her not as scared as she had been. "Who's going first?" She wondered aloud. Panther wriggled out of Silvia's arms and onto her shoulder sitting on his usual perch.

Elentia looked over at Professor Esling. "Professor Elsing will now call you up to be sorted. Please, do come up, even if you're scared. It is not very good for the schedule, and I'm sure you're all hungry." She knew there would be at least one student who didn’t come up, but she said the last part anyway.

Casual Scribbles
December 5th, 2016, 08:35 PM
I just want to make another student...)

Name: Jacob
Age(15-17): 15
Gender: male
Appearance: tall and muscular. He has a wide stance and good posture when standing up, or just sitting to listen, but when he's writing, he usually slouches over and hunches his shoulders. He's got dirty blonde hair that he often brushes to the side, but it's usually a bit longer than most boy's hair cuts, reaching almost down to his ears. He has bright blue eyes and skightly tanned skin. Usually wears a leather sleeve on one arm that covers the top of his hand and stretches up to his shoulder. It has a couple of tough leader cords with clips attatched to it. Has a large falcon that perches on the arm with the leather sleeve. It's wings are not clipped, which is why he usually clips it to tge leather cords during the day. Is considered extremely handsome.
(Just gonna add this) Personality: quiet, rarely speaks. He is assumed to be like the stereotypical jock, and not very smart, but he is extremely intelligent and doesn’t like to brag. He thinks a lot, which is why he doesn't speak. Doesn’t always show emotion, but is known to be very kind. If he does speak, his voice is smooth like honey, sort of hypnotic, which is why he doesn't speak much. He loves his bird, and his bird loves him. His bird's name is Thunder.
House: Valdel
Classes: Astronomy, Herbology, Potions, transfiguration, art
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: open
Siblings?: nope
Sexuality: bi, though leaning more towards gay
Other: no

Brooklyn Trees
December 5th, 2016, 09:15 PM
Silvia sighed and rolled her eyes. "And knowing that a boggart shows are worst fears makes me feel better, how?" She laughed. Though, knowing it was trained made her not as scared as she had been. "Who's going first?" She wondered aloud. Panther wriggled out of Silvia's arms and onto her shoulder sitting on his usual perch.

Elentia looked over at Professor Esling. "Professor Elsing will now call you up to be sorted. Please, do come up, even if you're scared. It is not very good for the schedule, and I'm sure you're all hungry." She knew there would be at least one student who didn’t come up, but she said the last part anyway.
Silvia sighed and rolled her eyes. "And knowing that a boggart shows are worst fears makes me feel better, how?" She laughed. Though, knowing it was trained made her not as scared as she had been. "Who's going first?" She wondered aloud. Panther wriggled out of Silvia's arms and onto her shoulder sitting on his usual perch.

Elentia looked over at Professor Esling. "Professor Elsing will now call you up to be sorted. Please, do come up, even if you're scared. It is not very good for the schedule, and I'm sure you're all hungry." She knew there would be at least one student who didn’t come up, but she said the last part anyway.

William glanced sideways at her before turning his head to look at her fully as she asked the first question that she said, even though she had added a laugh at the end of it it still stunned him that she had actually been looking for some kind of comfort from the boggart. Especially not in him. He pushed the thought away and turned his face again to look forwards.
"No idea." He said, answering the second question that she asked and choosing to pretend instead that the first question had not actually happened.

Erling stepped towards them again and removed a scroll from her pocket with the name's of the new students beginning with A of their surnames and began to speak. It read,

Cross, Alina
Gibbs, Auburny
Gregor, Fletcher
Grey, Silvia
Ollson, William
Reese, Katherine
Schuyler, Angelica
Willard, Philip
Willard, Secelia
Williams, Jackson

Calling out the first name on the list she called
(Solstice is no longer active and Achiles has left so I'm just gonna skip over their charries...)

Brooklyn Trees
December 5th, 2016, 09:17 PM
I just want to make another student...)

Name: Jacob
Age(15-17): 15
Gender: male
Appearance: tall and muscular. He has a wide stance and good posture when standing up, or just sitting to listen, but when he's writing, he usually slouches over and hunches his shoulders. He's got dirty blonde hair that he often brushes to the side, but it's usually a bit longer than most boy's hair cuts, reaching almost down to his ears. He has bright blue eyes and skightly tanned skin. Usually wears a leather sleeve on one arm that covers the top of his hand and stretches up to his shoulder. It has a couple of tough leader cords with clips attatched to it. Has a large falcon that perches on the arm with the leather sleeve. It's wings are not clipped, which is why he usually clips it to tge leather cords during the day. Is considered extremely handsome.
(Just gonna add this) Personality: quiet, rarely speaks. He is assumed to be like the stereotypical jock, and not very smart, but he is extremely intelligent and doesn’t like to brag. He thinks a lot, which is why he doesn't speak. Doesn’t always show emotion, but is known to be very kind. If he does speak, his voice is smooth like honey, sort of hypnotic, which is why he doesn't speak much. He loves his bird, and his bird loves him. His bird's name is Thunder.
House: Valdel
Classes: Astronomy, Herbology, Potions, transfiguration, art
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: open
Siblings?: nope
Sexuality: bi, though leaning more towards gay
Other: no

Accepted =^^=

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 6th, 2016, 05:25 AM
(Oh by the way Phillip and Secelia are first years too)

Brooklyn Trees
December 6th, 2016, 12:56 PM
(Oh by the way Phillip and Secelia are first years too)
(Did I not put them on the list? I thought I did... Silly me I'l go edit it XD)

December 6th, 2016, 02:09 PM
A silk tie, purple and black. It slips through the fingers he tries to curl it around, pursing his lips as he follows up by smoothing the creases from it. He's glad it's his second year here -- trudging through the sortings, the registering, getting settled -- it's always managed to be dragged on unbearably long.

The Valdel's fingers run along the spine of his leather-bound book, passed down through generations of his family. A lot of it is outdated, Cardamon thinks, scrunching his nose. His mother refuses to send him off without it packed, unfortunately. Sitting it upright against his chest, he tips his chin onto the book, watching the freshman gather around Professor Elsing.

He watches through half-lidded eyes, not as bored as he could be. He scopes out potential housemates, sat across from the crowd in one of the high-backed armchairs.

[[ALSO changing cardamon's familiar to a ferret, if that's okay?]]

Brooklyn Trees
December 6th, 2016, 07:16 PM
A silk tie, purple and black. It slips through the fingers he tries to curl it around, pursing his lips as he follows up by smoothing the creases from it. He's glad it's his second year here -- trudging through the sortings, the registering, getting settled -- it's always managed to be dragged on unbearably long.

The Valdel's fingers run along the spine of his leather-bound book, passed down through generations of his family. A lot of it is outdated, Cardamon thinks, scrunching his nose. His mother refuses to send him off without it packed, unfortunately. Sitting it upright against his chest, he tips his chin onto the book, watching the freshman gather around Professor Elsing.

He watches through half-lidded eyes, not as bored as he could be. He scopes out potential housemates, sat across from the crowd in one of the high-backed armchairs.

[[ALSO changing cardamon's familiar to a ferret, if that's okay?]]

(Okey Dokey =^^= )

Casual Scribbles
December 6th, 2016, 08:40 PM
Silvia heard the first name and waited patiently to be called. Honestly, she didn't want to go up and have the boggart touch her. The creature was still a bit creepy to her, especially the shpe-shifting part.

Jacob stood at the back of the crowd, being too tall to be anywhere else. He was silent as usual, with his arm extended so Thunder could sit on the leather comfortably. The falcon was tied to the sleeve of protection, and Jake stroked the feathers on the back of the bird's neck slowly. He heard the first name be called, and decided to watch the rest of the ceremony in silence. Jacob ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair for a moment to set it back in place, then returned it to its former action.

Elentia Crossbeam was standing near the boggart, so she could help the more frightened students if the need arose. She waited patiently for Bree to come up towards them, out of the crowd of students she would soon be teaching.

December 6th, 2016, 09:02 PM
sneakily hiding inside of the crowd, he saw that all the newbies were afraid to approach to boggart. Amused, he saw one huddling next to her friend terrified. He loved messing with the newbies, although it was pretty likely he would get caught if he did anything, so he waited for the ceremony to end.

December 6th, 2016, 10:03 PM
The pure-blood's brows twitch, knitting together as his pale eyes come to rest upon the larger frame of Dizerel, the Aexian boy had become a sight he'd grown used to over his first year at the academy. Still, it goes without saying that Cardamon isn't entirely taken with the older student.

Suspiciously, the blond watches the sandy brunet carefully. The ferret in his sleeve wriggles and brushes against his palm, urging its wizard to fuss over it.

December 6th, 2016, 10:07 PM
(Oh mirefern congrats on mini mod btw)

Dizerel saw that someone had noticed him. slyly flicking out his wand from inside his sleeve, he ducked behind someone in the crowd so that none of the staff could see him, then used a spell of invisibility on himself. It wasnt a very good spell, as one could still see the person if they focused, but It would be enough for him to sneak out of there.

goddess of ducks
December 6th, 2016, 10:25 PM
William glanced sideways at her before turning his head to look at her fully as she asked the first question that she said, even though she had added a laugh at the end of it it still stunned him that she had actually been looking for some kind of comfort from the boggart. Especially not in him. He pushed the thought away and turned his face again to look forwards.
"No idea." He said, answering the second question that she asked and choosing to pretend instead that the first question had not actually happened.

Erling stepped towards them again and removed a scroll from her pocket with the name's of the new students beginning with A of their surnames and began to speak. It read,

Cross, Alexander
Cross, Alina
Gibbs, Auburny
Gregor, Fletcher
Grey, Silvia
Leinfeld, Luca
Ollson, William
Reese, Katherine
Willard, Philip
Willard, Secelia
Williams, Jackson

Calling out the first name on the list she called
(Solstice is no longer active and Achiles has left so I'm just gonna skip over their charries...)
(Oh my gosh why am I so bad at remembering where I'm roleplaying at lol)
Bree stood among the crowd of first years, blending in as best she could. She wasn't the attention seeking ine, never liking to be stared at or mad fun of, as her face turned a bright shade of red when something like that did happen. But of course, she had to be the first one on the list. Her face quickly went from her light tan freckled tone to one of a pinkish tinge. Embarrassed she stepped forwards a little, not too sure what she was supposed to do. With a quick glance beep hind her at the others she swallowed hard and finished covering the distance between her and Erling.

December 6th, 2016, 10:36 PM
"Hm," comes the idle response from the second year, watching the elder student vanish amongst the crowd. Adjusting the material of his bridal gauntlets, he shifts his attention elsewhere, half-hoping the brunet won't reappear behind him with only the intention to spook Cardamon out of his skin. Settling back into the plushness of the armchair, he returns to watching the freshmen and the Professor.

A snort of amusement escapes him, barely audible from his place between the pillars, at Bree's little trip up.

Casual Scribbles
December 7th, 2016, 06:41 AM
"Welcome to Asygarth, Bree." Professor Crossbeam smiled at the first year, who seemed a bit uncomfortable with being first. "All you need to do is let the boggart touch you. Then you can step away," she explained.

Silvia watched intently, determined to be ready when her turn came. She didn't want to be caught off guard, and ruin the reputation she needed to hold.

Jacob continued to watch in silence from the back. He was prepared to go up when they called his name, though he hoped he wouldn’t be second.

Brooklyn Trees
December 7th, 2016, 12:12 PM
Professor Erling rolled lowered the paper so that she could watch the first student be selected into a house by the boggart. She would always love getting to see who would be going into which of the houses.

William kept his hands inside his pockets, watching quietly to see which house that the girl would go to, though he kept half of his attention on the brunette girl beside him with the black cat. Silvia that is, with Panther. He wondered if they would end up in the same house as one another or not. Even if they didn't they were still both at Aysgarth.

Auburny stood quietly, alternating between looking through the people around her to try to find where Jackson was and forcing her mind away to pay attention to what was going on with the professors at the sorting. It was weird to be alternating in such a way and she was a bit ashamed of her odd attraction to this boy who she had only met a few hours before. Was it wrong to say that she was worried about him? He had kind of passed out in the hallway earlier, but it was more than worry that kept her from fully concentrating on what was going on and though she knew it she was still denying it.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 8th, 2016, 05:00 AM
Jackson saw the first first year go up and tried to guess what house they would get. He placed his bet on the boggart turning into a bear for them. As he was looking at the boggart he felt a small tug, not a physical tug but inside of him. As if some part of him was telling him to do something. It felt like it was pulling him in a certain direction. When he looked at that direction he was met with someone else looking back at him. Immediately he looked down at his feet and felt his cheeks turn red. He knew who it was, but he didn't know why he reacted that way. "I just looked at her. Why do I have to act this way all of a sudden when I'm around Auburny?" Part of him wanted to walk over there and talk to her, like when they were on the train, but another part of him didn't that part almost seemed... afraid. "Why would I be afraid of Auburny? She hasn't done anything that would make me scared."

Casual Scribbles
December 8th, 2016, 11:59 AM

Brooklyn Trees
December 8th, 2016, 03:35 PM
Jackson saw the first first year go up and tried to guess what house they would get. He placed his bet on the boggart turning into a bear for them. As he was looking at the boggart he felt a small tug, not a physical tug but inside of him. As if some part of him was telling him to do something. It felt like it was pulling him in a certain direction. When he looked at that direction he was met with someone else looking back at him. Immediately he looked down at his feet and felt his cheeks turn red. He knew who it was, but he didn't know why he reacted that way. "I just looked at her. Why do I have to act this way all of a sudden when I'm around Auburny?" Part of him wanted to walk over there and talk to her, like when they were on the train, but another part of him didn't that part almost seemed... afraid. "Why would I be afraid of Auburny? She hasn't done anything that would make me scared."

Auburny immediately froze and then looked away quickly when she found that he had turned around and looked at her. She could feel her cheeks burning and was guessing that they were now a color that could approximate the color of her dark red hair. Something that she wasn't too overly excited about. For some reason he both attracted and frightened her. She wanted to seek him out in the crowd and based her experience now would most likely freak out and run away if she saw him. Something that she was actually debating doing now. Calm down... She told herself. She didn't want to run away, for some reason she just wanted to be here, drinking in the site of Jackson... And the little bell in her head went off again, chiming the word staring into her ears as she realized that she was staring at him again and felt her cheeks grow warmer.

December 8th, 2016, 06:48 PM
[[ayyeee, i'm quite alive and not dead, but unfortunately, my motivation to write had! i'm really sorry for just kinda laying back and abandoning y'all, but i'm back, and i read over what happened, so i'll just kinda..... slide freck back in here.. soon]]

Brooklyn Trees
December 8th, 2016, 07:33 PM
[[ayyeee, i'm quite alive and not dead, but unfortunately, my motivation to write had! i'm really sorry for just kinda laying back and abandoning y'all, but i'm back, and i read over what happened, so i'll just kinda..... slide freck back in here.. soon]]
(Okey dokey =^^=)

Brooklyn Trees
December 8th, 2016, 08:52 PM

goddess of ducks
December 9th, 2016, 12:45 PM
(Le mention didn't work, if I don't respond withing 12 hours just leave me a comment on my page)
Bree gave a still nervous glance and nodded to the teacher. The young girl stepped forwards, approaching the so called, boggart. She wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen, but tried to remain calm. She hated letting fear control her, but it seemed that no matter how hard she struggled to control it, it still found a way to steadily seep in and take over. Trying to not appear squeamish in front of the entire school, Bree stretched out a shaking hand towards the boggart, not knowing what was to happen.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 9th, 2016, 02:50 PM
(Oh not sure if we should have mentioned this but you're the one who chooses the form the boggart takes as it will be the house you chose for your character. At least I think that's what we're supposed to do XD)

Casual Scribbles
December 9th, 2016, 03:46 PM
(Yeah, that's what happens) Silvia watched the first year go up with growing curiosity. What shape would the boggart take? She noticed the girl's slight tremble, but didn’t react to it, knowing what sge would feel like.

Elentia stood just a bit aways from the student, ready to help if she startled. Bree was doing surprisingly well, as she was the first student called up.

Jacob scratched the back of Thunder's neck, the soft brown-and-white feathers fluffed up in a bit of a ruff. The bird leaned toward Jake with love, half-closing his eyes in a gesture of comfort.

December 10th, 2016, 05:27 AM
[[ayyeee, i'm quite alive and not dead, but unfortunately, my motivation to write had! i'm really sorry for just kinda laying back and abandoning y'all, but i'm back, and i read over what happened, so i'll just kinda..... slide freck back in here.. soon]]
kicks my leggy up. we haven't rped together for ages come home alphy]]

Casual Scribbles
December 10th, 2016, 09:58 AM

Brooklyn Trees
December 10th, 2016, 07:56 PM
(Le mention didn't work, if I don't respond withing 12 hours just leave me a comment on my page)
Bree gave a still nervous glance and nodded to the teacher. The young girl stepped forwards, approaching the so called, boggart. She wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen, but tried to remain calm. She hated letting fear control her, but it seemed that no matter how hard she struggled to control it, it still found a way to steadily seep in and take over. Trying to not appear squeamish in front of the entire school, Bree stretched out a shaking hand towards the boggart, not knowing what was to happen.

(Okay. Sorry about that.)

Brooklyn Trees
December 10th, 2016, 08:29 PM
(Yeah, that's what happens) Silvia watched the first year go up with growing curiosity. What shape would the boggart take? She noticed the girl's slight tremble, but didn’t react to it, knowing what sge would feel like.

Elentia stood just a bit aways from the student, ready to help if she startled. Bree was doing surprisingly well, as she was the first student called up.

Jacob scratched the back of Thunder's neck, the soft brown-and-white feathers fluffed up in a bit of a ruff. The bird leaned toward Jake with love, half-closing his eyes in a gesture of comfort.

William glanced sideways at Silvia, not moving his head so as to try to seem less like he was looking at her, something which he wasn't too sure was working at all. However, he looked back up at the girl walking over to the boggart, which was still in the form that it had assumed as Professor Crossbeam had been near it and since they had first entered.

Elis Erling stood, watching Elentia and Bree with a slight smile. The girl seemed timid, as many were, of the creature standing there in the form of a bear. It was beautiful, in a slightly frightening way at least. More so when you knew that it could do no harm to you. It was merely a boggart, which wanted to frighten you. She hoped that nobody would laugh...

Casual Scribbles
December 10th, 2016, 09:02 PM
Silvia felt heat flush her cheeks when she noticed William looking at her, but she hid it by pretending she dropped something. As she crouched down to 'retrieve' it, she was aware of him standing behind her. Silvia stayed in her crouched position until she was sure her face was no longer red. Then she feigned putting the 'thing' back in her bag, and stood straight again, watching the process closely.

Jacob continued to pet his bird, watching the ceremony carefully, so as not to miss a thing. He wouldn’t want to do it wrong, expecially if this was the only chance he got.

Elentia waited patiently for Bree to allow the boggart to touch her. She still remembered her sorting, how afraid she was. Still, 'Bob' wasn’t that scary once you understood him.

goddess of ducks
December 10th, 2016, 10:22 PM
Bree stretched out her hand, shaking slightly. Here brown eyes still searched the figure in front of her. Nervously she tapped him gently with ine finger. Hesitantly she placed the rest of her hand on the boggart. The boggart began swirling around, changing its shape and figure. Bree back away in shock of what was going on in front of her. Slowly she began to pick out hints of green in the swirling mass. As she looked on in both astonishment and fear, the boggart shifted a little bit more until it materialized in front of her. A rather large bear, with emerald tipped fur stood before her gazing at her kindly. The fifteen year old smiled, knowing enough from the train ride to know she was now a resident of Aexian. She smiled proudly and trotted back down to join the mass of green that would now be her resident house.

Brooklyn Trees
December 10th, 2016, 11:57 PM
Silvia felt heat flush her cheeks when she noticed William looking at her, but she hid it by pretending she dropped something. As she crouched down to 'retrieve' it, she was aware of him standing behind her. Silvia stayed in her crouched position until she was sure her face was no longer red. Then she feigned putting the 'thing' back in her bag, and stood straight again, watching the process closely.

Jacob continued to pet his bird, watching the ceremony carefully, so as not to miss a thing. He wouldn’t want to do it wrong, expecially if this was the only chance he got.

Elentia waited patiently for Bree to allow the boggart to touch her. She still remembered her sorting, how afraid she was. Still, 'Bob' wasn’t that scary once you understood him.
Bree stretched out her hand, shaking slightly. Here brown eyes still searched the figure in front of her. Nervously she tapped him gently with ine finger. Hesitantly she placed the rest of her hand on the boggart. The boggart began swirling around, changing its shape and figure. Bree back away in shock of what was going on in front of her. Slowly she began to pick out hints of green in the swirling mass. As she looked on in both astonishment and fear, the boggart shifted a little bit more until it materialized in front of her. A rather large bear, with emerald tipped fur stood before her gazing at her kindly. The fifteen year old smiled, knowing enough from the train ride to know she was now a resident of Aexian. She smiled proudly and trotted back down to join the mass of green that would now be her resident house.

William stood awkwardly as the Silvia crouched down to the floor. It would be a bit obvious if he started to stare at her when she was on the floor because he would be looking down instead of forwards at the sorting... But still...
The blonde boy cast a glance over at her as she crouched on the floor picking up something that he couldn't see from where he was standing and felt his face flush again as he looked up, mentally slapping himself.

Erling nrolled her parchment again located the name of the second person on the list.
"Evanlyn!" She called, rolling it up once more and clasping one hand around the wrist of the arm that held the parchment as she watched intently for the next student to come up and touch the boggart to be sorted into their houses.

Casual Scribbles
December 11th, 2016, 07:04 AM
Elentia smiled as Bree finally touched the boggart. "Welcome to Aexian," she whispered in her ear before the girl went down to her house. Then she waited for the next student to come up.

Silvia stood still and continued to watch the ceremony, though she was now smiling slightly. Just a small tug at the corners of her lips. She watched the boggart become a swirling mass, then form a bear. It was an amazing process to watch.

Jacob watched the ceremony with curiosity now, seeing the boggart change shape. "It shouldn't be physically possible, and yet..." he trailed off as he realized that he wasn't thinking the words, but murmuring them. He hoped no one else had heard. He didn't want them to be stuck in the same effect others usually were stuck in after hearing him speak.

December 12th, 2016, 10:04 AM
Evanlyn shuddered, standing slowly, her heart rhythmically thudding against her rib cage as she stood. Casting her eyes upon the floor, she took a few small steps toward the boggart. Nervously quickening her pace as she drew nearer, Better get it over with. She thought, smiling grimly as she stepped up the the imposing figure.

Bill smiled encouragingly at his sister as she reached the boggart. Remembering his own sorting, he grinned fondly at the memories.
(Changed is name to avoid confusion.)

December 12th, 2016, 10:32 AM
The younger year definitely master this whole 'dragging it on' thing, he discovers. His book is now discarded, acting more as an armrest than a hefty encyclopedia of his family's magical history. Years and years of pure-blooded witches and wizards put their knowledge into the parchment, and here he is, lounging against it with his chin on his knuckles. He feels his mother would be utterly aghast by this, but finds himself incapable of caring when boredom gnaws so viciously at him.

His attention drifts to the billowy mass, shifting into the bulky form of a bear. He hadn't seen a boggart transform into a bear -- his own had formed a gyrfalcon. His eyes shift towards Jacob, the younger student uttering something he can't quite pick up on from his distance. It's the first time he'd seen him open his mouth, so it's a pity, he thinks, that he couldn't pick up on what he said.

Mind wandering further, he wonders how a Scandinavian school came into ownership of a boggart. Himself, not being from Sweden, can only note the peculiarity with some curiosity.

Casual Scribbles
December 13th, 2016, 05:59 AM
Jacob noticed the other boy looking at him with curiosity, but when he looked away, Jacob sighed in relief. He didn't hear me, the boy thought. He turned his eyes back to the ceremony, watching for the boggart to change into its next shape. He watched the next student go up, and wondered if she was afraid to touch it. Either way, Jacob knew it'd his turn soon, so he continued to watch.

Silvia no longer looked at the boggart in fear, but in interest. How did it change shape? The basic principles of anatomy told her it should be impossible, but yet she was witnessing it with her very own eyes. She looked over at the blonde boy standing next to her. William hadn't seemed afraid of the boggart in the slightest, and he knew what it was. She made a point to ask him about it after the ceremony. For now, she turned back to the stage. They seemed to be going in alphabetical order, at least, that's what Silvia guessed from the two name having been called. Her last name started with a 'G', making her be one of the first ones up.

Brooklyn Trees
December 13th, 2016, 08:49 PM
Evanlyn shuddered, standing slowly, her heart rhythmically thudding against her rib cage as she stood. Casting her eyes upon the floor, she took a few small steps toward the boggart. Nervously quickening her pace as she drew nearer, Better get it over with. She thought, smiling grimly as she stepped up the the imposing figure.

Bill smiled encouragingly at his sister as she reached the boggart. Remembering his own sorting, he grinned fondly at the memories.
(Changed is name to avoid confusion.)
Jacob noticed the other boy looking at him with curiosity, but when he looked away, Jacob sighed in relief. He didn't hear me, the boy thought. He turned his eyes back to the ceremony, watching for the boggart to change into its next shape. He watched the next student go up, and wondered if she was afraid to touch it. Either way, Jacob knew it'd his turn soon, so he continued to watch.

Silvia no longer looked at the boggart in fear, but in interest. How did it change shape? The basic principles of anatomy told her it should be impossible, but yet she was witnessing it with her very own eyes. She looked over at the blonde boy standing next to her. William hadn't seemed afraid of the boggart in the slightest, and he knew what it was. She made a point to ask him about it after the ceremony. For now, she turned back to the stage. They seemed to be going in alphabetical order, at least, that's what Silvia guessed from the two name having been called. Her last name started with a 'G', making her be one of the first ones up.

(You don't need to do that if you don't want to =^^=)
Professor Erling smiled at the girl from where she stood as Evanlyn came up towards them, wondering which of the three creatures it would form when she came closer to it.

William glanced sideways at her again only to have his eyes flit nervously back up at the girl and the boggart. He felt ashamed to keep looking at her when there was an amazing creature, meaning the boggart not the girl, right there in front of the group. This realization at what he had been doing colored his cheeks slightly and he hung one hand from his neck again, keeping his eyes glued to the boggart.

Brooklyn Trees
December 15th, 2016, 08:09 PM

Brooklyn Trees
December 18th, 2016, 12:42 AM
Is this dead...? It survived for so long...

Casual Scribbles
December 18th, 2016, 10:20 AM
(It's not dead. We're just waiting for FadedShadow to reply)

December 20th, 2016, 03:17 PM
[ mirefern hecks yea dood ]

Freck squirmed in their place, watching the girl up front with wide eyes. Were they serious? They were panicking in their spot right now, barely able to contain it, but that was one thing. Going up there, in front of everyone, silent, and shake hands with that "boggart," was truly another. They might as well faint the moment the first syllable of their name was called. Freck's hands trembled, damp with sweat, pinching and pulling at their robes, nipping their lips in anticipation.

They looked at the people around them, for the most part, they all looked so enthralled, so interested in what was happening, not the fact that they'd be up there soon, that they'd have to get sorted themselves. How could they not focus on that? They could be made a fool of on the first day and gain a vexing nickname for the rest of their years at Aysgarth, and they didn't care? It utterly confused Freck, who fretted over everything. Their reputation would be ruined without any chance of reconciliation and follow them to adulthood in the wizarding world.

Freck just couldn't take it. Their legs felt like jelly, their stomach tossing and turning as if on a high-speed rollercoaster ride, they were sweating bullets no-less. It was a nightmare. Why couldn't they just have been mundane and sporty like their older brother, or oblivious and silly like their younger sister? No, the boring, plain, if-they-were-a-spice-they'd-be-flour Fletcher Gregor had to be the chosen freak of the family. Congratulations.

Casual Scribbles
December 23rd, 2016, 04:58 PM
[ mirefern hecks yea dood ]

Freck squirmed in their place, watching the girl up front with wide eyes. Were they serious? They were panicking in their spot right now, barely able to contain it, but that was one thing. Going up there, in front of everyone, silent, and shake hands with that "boggart," was truly another. They might as well faint the moment the first syllable of their name was called. Freck's hands trembled, damp with sweat, pinching and pulling at their robes, nipping their lips in anticipation.

They looked at the people around them, for the most part, they all looked so enthralled, so interested in what was happening, not the fact that they'd be up there soon, that they'd have to get sorted themselves. How could they not focus on that? They could be made a fool of on the first day and gain a vexing nickname for the rest of their years at Aysgarth, and they didn't care? It utterly confused Freck, who fretted over everything. Their reputation would be ruined without any chance of reconciliation and follow them to adulthood in the wizarding world.

Freck just couldn't take it. Their legs felt like jelly, their stomach tossing and turning as if on a high-speed rollercoaster ride, they were sweating bullets no-less. It was a nightmare. Why couldn't they just have been mundane and sporty like their older brother, or oblivious and silly like their younger sister? No, the boring, plain, if-they-were-a-spice-they'd-be-flour Fletcher Gregor had to be the chosen freak of the family. Congratulations.

(I'm laughing at the last line)

Brooklyn Trees
December 23rd, 2016, 07:56 PM
(I'm laughing at the last line)

(Is flour actually a spice? I'm going to use the spice-flour line now because it's awesome.)

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 23rd, 2016, 08:27 PM
(According to my vast knowledge and totally not google XD flour is not a spice.)

Brooklyn Trees
December 23rd, 2016, 09:41 PM
(According to my vast knowledge and totally not google XD flour is not a spice.)
(It's still a great expression though. Also, because I've got terrible eyesight, it took me about ten minutes to figure out that the thing between 'According to my vast knowledge' and 'flour is not a spice.' Was tiny words and not a long eclipses.)

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 24th, 2016, 06:53 AM
(Lol, it still works and I probably will steal it too XD)

Casual Scribbles
December 24th, 2016, 08:45 AM
(Can we just skip over faded shadows charrie? They haven't responded in forever...)

Brooklyn Trees
December 24th, 2016, 01:27 PM
FadedShadow They are still active, I think they just forgot so I'm gonna just Boop them again.)

Brooklyn Trees
December 24th, 2016, 05:32 PM
(Can we just skip over faded shadows charrie? They haven't responded in forever...)
(Should we give it a final day or do you just want to skip over them so they can either do it later or pretend that they did it?)

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 24th, 2016, 07:42 PM
Yeah, I think we should just give them one more day and if they don't respond then pretend they did it.

Brooklyn Trees
December 24th, 2016, 07:44 PM
Yeah, I think we should just give them one more day and if they don't respond then pretend they did it.

Casual Scribbles
December 24th, 2016, 08:56 PM
Yeah, I think we should just give them one more day and if they don't respond then pretend they did it.

I agree)

Brooklyn Trees
December 25th, 2016, 12:35 AM
I agree)
(Mkay. Either way the sorting will end up moving on tomorrow =^^=)

December 25th, 2016, 11:29 PM
[that line was actually from the show bob's burgers ;0 but go ahead doods]

December 26th, 2016, 12:26 PM
(You don't need to do that if you don't want to =^^=)
Professor Erling smiled at the girl from where she stood as Evanlyn came up towards them, wondering which of the three creatures it would form when she came closer to it.

William glanced sideways at her again only to have his eyes flit nervously back up at the girl and the boggart. He felt ashamed to keep looking at her when there was an amazing creature, meaning the boggart not the girl, right there in front of the group. This realization at what he had been doing colored his cheeks slightly and he hung one hand from his neck again, keeping his eyes glued to the boggart.

(Sorry I haven't been on! I've been extremely busy.)
Evanlyn swallowed nervously, stepping up to the boggart. Her hear fluttered in her chest as the boggart started morphing, a great gray mass twisting and swirling in front of her until finally an animal formed, much too small to be a bear or wolf. Could it be? Infront of her sat a large dark Raven, she gasped as it fluttered it's wings.

Bill grinned as his sister stood in front of the boggart, his navy eyes glimmering as he watched the two.

Brooklyn Trees
December 26th, 2016, 01:09 PM
[that line was actually from the show bob's burgers ;0 but go ahead doods]
(Lol XD.)

Brooklyn Trees
December 26th, 2016, 02:35 PM
(Sorry I haven't been on! I've been extremely busy.)
Evanlyn swallowed nervously, stepping up to the boggart. Her hear fluttered in her chest as the boggart started morphing, a great gray mass twisting and swirling in front of her until finally an animal formed, much too small to be a bear or wolf. Could it be? Infront of her sat a large dark Raven, she gasped as it fluttered it's wings.

Bill grinned as his sister stood in front of the boggart, his navy eyes glimmering as he watched the two.

(It's good =^^=)
(I'm going to create drama because Evanlyn was sorted into Valdel right before Auburny is going to be. XD)
Erling smiled at Evanlyn before going back to consulting her scroll, which she slowly unrolled again and scanned down the names of the two people who had previously come up until she came to the third name on the list, which she called out to the crowd of teenagers.
"Gibbs, Auburny." She said, rolling the parchment she held back into its rolled scroll-like form and rested them against her lap again, though she stood and turned her eyes to look around at the children.

Auburny felt her stomach clench. She had forgotten about the part of this where her name would be called and she would have to walk up there and touch the boggart and be sorted and suddenly attending an academy to learn magic seemed like a very, very bad idea. Forcing her feet to move, she began to walk forwards towards the edge of the clump of teenagers and beyond that the boggart, still in the form of a raven on the floor. It was a large raven, but then again maybe it wasn't, she had only ever heard of ravens before, never having seen one with her own eyes and so had always imagined ravens to be like the crows and blackbirds that sometimes flew by her house.
Edging forwards she picked her way carefully and somewhat stiffly through the collected people continuing forwards until she picked out a familiar person in the crowd, and immediately felt her knees give out as she stumbled forwards the next few steps and then grasped her right arm with her left hand, walking more stiffly. She had thought that looking for someone nearby that she knew would make this feel less frightening, but then she remembered that that same person would probably be watching her get sorted just like everybody else, including Auburny, had been watching the previous two girls get sorted, which meant that everybody else would probably be watching her mess her sorting up. These things together had amounted to her stumble. She had reached the edge of where everyone was standing and out towards where the boggart was, walking rather stiffly with her free hand clenched, fingernails digging into skin in an effort to stop herself from shaking or running away. Attention had never been something that she particularly enjoyed at any time, especially now. If she knew any magic, what she would do right now was make herself melt away. Actually she could possibly have done that, pretended not to be there when the teacher called her name. Maybe they would have looked over her name and moved on with the sorting and she could have gone back to a normal life. No, she had spoken to more than one of those people in the crowd and at least one of them knew that she was there, which she knew because she had stared at him only minutes before her name was called. Maybe he hadn't seen her though.
She pushed her mind past such silly things to think, she was up here now and the things that she could have done before this were not very helpful hints the imagine having done at the moment. She reached the bird and let go of her arm, reaching out to the creature with her left hand, which had been holding onto her other arm. Her right palm felt raw and sore from where she had been pressing her fingertips into it.
The red-headed girl took a deep breath and put her hand out to it, running her fingers through its stiff black feathers. Nearly as soon she did this the boggart began to change, becoming the shapeless mass of gaseous substance before taking back a physical form. Once it fully changed she just stood there, looking at it. From what she could notably see, the creature had undergone no actual change in its form. It remained as it had been before she touched it. A bird. A large bird with shimmering black feathers and intense eyes. A raven.
What did that mean exactly? What happened, why didn't it change? Had she not been accepted into any of the houses? She knew that she wasn't brave. She could be brave, but it wasn't in her characteristics to take a stand. She was loyal to those she knew as well. Or at least she had been. She wasn't sure if she was kind or honest. She wasn't generally mean, but there was a large gap between kind and mean. She wanted to think that she was kind, though she believed that she had fallen more into the category of 'recluse'. Then the other house, she wasn't a genius or anything, but she wasn't stupid either. She believed herself to be at least partially smart, but she supposed maybe not smart enough. She felt panic rise into her chest, not really knowing what to do with what was happening, since she understood nothing of what was going on. She looked back into the crowd, her heart leaping into her throats as she confirmed that many were watching, and then turned to look at the other students who had already gone into their houses. It wasn't until professor Erling said "Go on then. The raven is Valdel, remember?" That she realized that it hadn't needed to change. Relief clung to her legs and weighted then down heavily for moment before she made her way quickly over towards the rest of Valdel stood. She never, ever, wanted to do that again. She hoped that they didn't need to get resorted or anything like that. Now that she stood among the rest of the other Valdels she began to calm down slightly, and then looked at her hand. Her fingertips had cut her palm, not badly, but it stung when her eyes met it. At least I only made mostly a fool of myself instead of entirely. She thought somewhere on the verge of bitterness and relief. She put her hand back down and returned her gaze to Erling.

Erling rolled her eyes in her mind at the fact that the girl, Miss Gibbs, probably hadn't been paying enough attention to anything to know what she was supposed to be doing up there. Brushing it off her shoulder she returned her houghrs to the parchment that she held, unrolling it and scanning down the names until she reached the fourth name written on the list. Gregor, Fletcher.
"Gregor, Fletcher." She called before re-rolling the paper again and letting her hands fold back to where they hung, clasped, as she waited for this person to come up and be sorted by the boggart.

Casual Scribbles
December 26th, 2016, 03:02 PM
Silvia watched intently as the boggart started to shift, slowly becoming a raven. They were now closer to her name being called. She shook some hair out of her face.

Jacob had to quickly grab at Thunder's wings to hold him on the boy's arm. The large bird had suddenly screeched, struggling to free himself so he could fly over to the bird. That wouldn't be good, as Thunder wpuld most likely attempt to eat the boggart raven.

Elentia Crossbeam jumped at the falcon's shriek, turning away from the raven-shaped boggart to search the crowd. The professor spotted a boy at the back with a falcon and tensed, but noticed that he had the bird firmly in his grasp.

Brooklyn Trees
December 26th, 2016, 09:23 PM
Silvia watched intently as the boggart started to shift, slowly becoming a raven. They were now closer to her name being called. She shook some hair out of her face.

Jacob had to quickly grab at Thunder's wings to hold him on the boy's arm. The large bird had suddenly screeched, struggling to free himself so he could fly over to the bird. That wouldn't be good, as Thunder wpuld most likely attempt to eat the boggart raven.

Elentia Crossbeam jumped at the falcon's shriek, turning away from the raven-shaped boggart to search the crowd. The professor spotted a boy at the back with a falcon and tensed, but noticed that he had the bird firmly in his grasp.

Auburny stiffened more and looked around, surprised at the sudden noise and trying to find the source of it. Which happened to be a giant bird placed on the arm of a large guy. How did she miss that on the train? Maybe it was because you hid in a halway and then met Jackson who passed out because he has a magic cat and then there were some weird frozen people who were not responding to anything and the complete awkwardness of being around Jackson and then meeting Freck and him having some sort of weird attack thingy that they had sorta not-really explained to you and then the train stopping... Okay I've got to admit that on the platform I probably should have seen that guy but I don't know!
The red-headed girl was still very freaked out about literally everything at the moment and was surprised to find that her thoughts, though very sarcastic, actually sounded kind of calm to her, as opposed to how she felt as if she may melt into a puddle at any second. She pressed her palms into her eyes, trying to block out other things and calm herself down so she could go back to acting normal. Her palm stung as it touched her face but she ignored it. She didn't want to be here anymore, she missed the life where she knew exactly what was going to happen every single day.
Her old life had a schedule. Every day she would get up at exactly the same time and her father would drive her to school because he worked as a professor there. Every night she after school she would go to the library and do homework before going home, at which point her parents were already there, and they would eat together and then go to bed. The only flux in this had been the weekends, where sometimes they had done nothing and sometimes they had done unusual things. Her parents generally acted in the same way, both being conservative, smart and a little too particular about what was useful and what wasn't. It was more simple than this though and she was not excited to have this strange new schedule. Then again, who knows. She rubbed her eyelids lightly and removed her hands from her face, searching for a familiar face in the people from the train.

William gave a jolt as the large bird screeched, and then turned deep red. He had been surprised by the suddenness of the bird's screech, the bird that he didn't actually know was here until now. That wasn't what made him embarrassed though. What embarrassed him was that he jumped at it right next to Silvia.

December 26th, 2016, 09:27 PM
(Can I make a return to this after being away for awhile? *If so can I also get a refresher on what has happened so far?)

Brooklyn Trees
December 26th, 2016, 11:49 PM
(Can I make a return to this after being away for awhile? *If so can I also get a refresher on what has happened so far?)
('Course you can =^^= So far the train has arrived at Aysgarth and everybody has entered the Main Hall where the sorting is. The sorting 'thing' ('thing' meaning as in how the hat was a sorting hat in Harry Potter) is a boggart. The boggart takes the form of the mascot animal of the house that the person belongs to. You can find Erling's speech on this somewhere on page 15 or 16 I think since I'm too lazy to go find it XD I believe that one (or more possibly, I can't remember if you had more than one character or what there names were) of your characters was further up on the list of the names than we have currently gotten to, meaning we ended up skipping over it, but you can still roleplay it if you like. I'm not entirely sure when since alphypoin's character is the next on the list and was previously called up. Um, actually I'm not so sure how to go about this.
EclipsemoonXD Do you think I should put there character who was further up after alphypoin's character? It would bump your character's sorting back a place since Silvia and Freck's name are reverse of that order on the alphabetical list, so I figured I'd ask. If not then I'll put their character after Silvia on the list =^^=)

Casual Scribbles
December 27th, 2016, 04:32 AM
('Course you can =^^= So far the train has arrived at Aysgarth and everybody has entered the Main Hall where the sorting is. The sorting 'thing' ('thing' meaning as in how the hat was a sorting hat in Harry Potter) is a boggart. The boggart takes the form of the mascot animal of the house that the person belongs to. You can find Erling's speech on this somewhere on page 15 or 16 I think since I'm too lazy to go find it XD I believe that one (or more possibly, I can't remember if you had more than one character or what there names were) of your characters was further up on the list of the names than we have currently gotten to, meaning we ended up skipping over it, but you can still roleplay it if you like. I'm not entirely sure when since alphypoin's character is the next on the list and was previously called up. Um, actually I'm not so sure how to go about this.
EclipsemoonXD Do you think I should put there character who was further up after alphypoin's character? It would bump your character's sorting back a place since Silvia and Freck's name are reverse of that order on the alphabetical list, so I figured I'd ask. If not then I'll put their character after Silvia on the list =^^=)

Nah, they can go before Sil,)

Dr. Sheldon Cooper
December 27th, 2016, 08:34 AM
Jackson stood watching the ceremony, but only half paying attention, part of him was still very intrigued about the boggart and wondered if all the magical creatures were like this. The other part of him was thinking about... whatever it was it immediately got pushed away as he heard the professor call out the next name, "Auburny Gibbs." To his confusion he started blushing when her name was called, he couldn't even think or hear about her without that "feeling" sticking it's nose in. Jackson watched as Auburny walked up she glanced into the crowd and for a second he was looking right into her eyes. He quickly looked away as his face went as red as Auburny's hair, the thought of which made it go even redder. When he looked back up Auburny was standing next to the boggart which was still in the form of a raven. A jolt of fear more powerful than anything he had ever felt before flashed through him as he noticed she was touching it. "What's happened? Why didn't the boggart change? She couldn't have been rejected. Boggart please do something!" thoughts flashed through his head as he started to panic. His mind drifted back to earlier hoping that his fears weren't true. "If Auburny doesn't make it then there is no way I will, is it normal for students to not get accepted? Or will we be the first?" His entire body flooded with relief when the professor told Auburny she was Valdel and noticed she looked relieved too. But his fear was suddenly replaced by a new and unexplainable urge to get sorted into Valdel. "What were Valdel's traits again? Kindness and Loyalty? No that doesn't seem right." He didn't realize that he had been staring directly at Auburny while he was thinking this, and when he realized he immediately looked away and turned into a human tomato for the umpteenth time today.

Brooklyn Trees
December 28th, 2016, 12:54 AM
Nah, they can go before Sil,)

Brooklyn Trees
December 28th, 2016, 01:11 AM
Jackson stood watching the ceremony, but only half paying attention, part of him was still very intrigued about the boggart and wondered if all the magical creatures were like this. The other part of him was thinking about... whatever it was it immediately got pushed away as he heard the professor call out the next name, "Auburny Gibbs." To his confusion he started blushing when her name was called, he couldn't even think or hear about her without that "feeling" sticking it's nose in. Jackson watched as Auburny walked up she glanced into the crowd and for a second he was looking right into her eyes. He quickly looked away as his face went as red as Auburny's hair, the thought of which made it go even redder. When he looked back up Auburny was standing next to the boggart which was still in the form of a raven. A jolt of fear more powerful than anything he had ever felt before flashed through him as he noticed she was touching it. "What's happened? Why didn't the boggart change? She couldn't have been rejected. Boggart please do something!" thoughts flashed through his head as he started to panic. His mind drifted back to earlier hoping that his fears weren't true. "If Auburny doesn't make it then there is no way I will, is it normal for students to not get accepted? Or will we be the first?" His entire body flooded with relief when the professor told Auburny she was Valdel and noticed she looked relieved too. But his fear was suddenly replaced by a new and unexplainable urge to get sorted into Valdel. "What were Valdel's traits again? Kindness and Loyalty? No that doesn't seem right." He didn't realize that he had been staring directly at Auburny while he was thinking this, and when he realized he immediately looked away and turned into a human tomato for the umpteenth time today.

(I cannot stop laughing because Jackson is a human tomato which is a great description of furiously blushing people that I may or may not end up using later because it's awesome XD)

Auburny found a familiar-ish face in the crowd again, the same as earlier. Her heart would probably have picked up regardless, as it ended up doing now, but she may not have become suddenly a deep crimson if it hadn't been for the fact that for a brief moment she had met their eyes. The red-headed girl turned her head away from him, closing her eyes as if that could make it no longer so weird. If she had two wishes she would use the first to be able to know what he was thinking, if he felt like he suddenly been plunged into an ocean whenever he saw her like the dropping feeling that she got when she found his eyes. If he felt the same or similar, if he had wanted her to be more than his friend then she would use her second wish for the bravery to tell him that she thought that she may feel similarly. If he didn't feel these things, if she was just a friend or even 'that-girl-from-the-train' then she would use her second wish to stop herself from feeling whatever it was that she felt.
She knew, or thought that she knew at least, what it was. But it was just easier to say 'whatever it was' than to admit it to herself. She gently shook herself back to reality. She didn't have wishes, she couldn't read minds and she couldn't make what she was pretty sure she felt go away. Maybe I should just pretend that I don't feel it. she thought. There was too much chance that he felt nothing towards her. Another shaking of herself brought her fully back to reality, shoving these contemplations into a corner of her mind as she opened her eyes and went back to watching the professors. It was easier to ignore the thoughts and feelings that had tried to crowd her head, and she would do just that. Or at least pretend that she was doing that while she was actually staring at Jackson, like she was now. Something she hadn't noticed until that little alarm went off in her head, chastising her with the repeated, single word that made her grow red again. Staring, staring, staring.

December 28th, 2016, 02:47 AM
Erling stepped towards them again and removed a scroll from her pocket with the name's of the new students beginning with A of their surnames and began to speak. It read,

Cross, Alexander
Cross, Alina
Gibbs, Auburny
Gregor, Fletcher
Grey, Silvia
Leinfeld, Luca
Ollson, William
Reese, Katherine
Willard, Philip
Willard, Secelia
Williams, Jackson

Calling out the first name on the list she called

(Found that list. o.o' sweet jesus it's long. Also, don't only the first years have to get sorted [if it's staying similar to the Harry Potter series]? Beeeeecaaause, I have three non first-years, two of which were on the list. [Luca + Alex])

Aero was watching the "children" as he called them get sorted into their houses from his seat beside Alexander. His aloofness made Alex partially stressed as there was no telling if Aero was going to do something potentially stupid or not. Another thing that intrigued him was that the Boggart wasn't changing forms and vaguely why the girl up front and another kid in the crowd happened to be blushing like human tomatoes.

Luca on the other hand was moody as ever and kept to himself in a seat in the furthest corner of the room from where all the attention should be. He didn't really like the idea of being back at this school after everything that had happened to him last year. Honestly, he thought it was a miracle that they let him back for another year with nothing more than a warning.

Alina sat beside her brother and had already been sorted. In fact, her sorting went so smoothly that there was practically no commotion surrounding it. She was still curious as to the full potential and properties of a boggart, but she thought it would probably be better to ask those questions and try later.

Brooklyn Trees
December 28th, 2016, 12:20 PM
(Found that list. o.o' sweet jesus it's long. Also, don't only the first years have to get sorted [if it's staying similar to the Harry Potter series]? Beeeeecaaause, I have three non first-years, two of which were on the list. [Luca + Alex])

Aero was watching the "children" as he called them get sorted into their houses from his seat beside Alexander. His aloofness made Alex partially stressed as there was no telling if Aero was going to do something potentially stupid or not. Another thing that intrigued him was that the Boggart wasn't changing forms and vaguely why the girl up front and another kid in the crowd happened to be blushing like human tomatoes.

Luca on the other hand was moody as ever and kept to himself in a seat in the furthest corner of the room from where all the attention should be. He didn't really like the idea of being back at this school after everything that had happened to him last year. Honestly, he thought it was a miracle that they let him back for another year with nothing more than a warning.

Alina sat beside her brother and had already been sorted. In fact, her sorting went so smoothly that there was practically no commotion surrounding it. She was still curious as to the full potential and properties of a boggart, but she thought it would probably be better to ask those questions and try later.

(Oops sorry about that, There was an age gap for first years (being 15-17) and then continuing up so that confused me. I'll remove them from the list =^^=)

December 28th, 2016, 10:33 PM
( Badabumping for whoever wants to go next. )

December 29th, 2016, 02:04 AM
[heck, sorry i've been away guys, super busy with other stuff on my mind!]

Freck nearly fainted on the spot, their own name barely being processed, bouncing around emptily in their head a few minutes before they realised. Oh. That's me. I'm.. supposed to go up there. Oh no. Freck's heart pounded so hard against their rib cage, they were worried it just might break it. Their legs turned to jelly, their stomach did somersaults, suddenly feeling light-headed. It was an out of body experience. Their mouth and throat were completely devoid of moisture, all of it draining to anywhere except where it needed to be. They blinked, then shook their head. Come on, Fletcher, just do it like everyone else, walk up to it, see what it forms, and go to your respective table. That's it, nothing more, come on, you chicken. They scolded themself, taking a deep breath and letting it out slow, clenched eyes opening again, this time seemingly relaxed.

Freck took a tentative step forward, making sure they remembered how to walk, nearly falling in the process. Then another, and another, building an uneven, shaky pace towards the front, murmuring some apologies and 'excuse me's' as they pushed passed the people. No visible sweat showed on them, but they felt completely soaked under their robes and clothes. Their breath grew scratchy and ragged, though they hadn't really done anything yet.

Decades passed in seconds as Freck nearly fell out of the crowd and to the front. Back in the mass of other students, it had seemed so easy, just walk up and get sorted, but oh no, no, no, no, no, no, it was not. When Freck had finally got to the front, the blood drained from their face, and their legs almost visibly trembled, turning nearly limp, their eyes as round as saucers. "Gods, help me.." Freck murmured, voice raspy and quiet. Clenching and unclenching their fists, they slowly, and shakily, made their way up to the giant mass of a boggart, lip quivering. They kept running a hand through their hair, which kept falling back into place no matter how many times they did it.

Freck swallowed thickly, though there was no moisture to swallow. They finally let their hands fall to their sides, fingers twitching as they stood stock still, wide blue-gray eyes staring in wonder at the creature before them. Glanced at the professor a moment, then at the few interested faces at the front of the crowd.

They couldn't breathe. They couldn't think. They couldn't stop the shaking that was raking through their body with freezing claws, squeezing the air from their lungs. They fought for breath, hoping and just praying no one noticed the attack that was quickly setting in. Tears threatened to pour at their water line, and they were blinking them back so much, they could barely see. They clenched their hands so tight, their knuckles turned white, nails digging harshly into their fear-paled skin, causing pink crescents to show rather prominently. They froze. They couldn't hear anything but the pounding of their heart in their ears and the lightning fast train of thoughts ripping through their brain. A single tear fell, in the direction of the professor, which Freck was, more or less, grateful for.

The boggart leant towards them, urging them on to just press their fingertips to it, the round, black eyes of its previous form telling them to be quick, that it won't hurt. It leant closer.

Freck wanted to run, wanted to collapse and cry, wanted to faint, but something wouldn't let them, something holding onto them. If they hadn't known better, they'd have thought it was the boggart. After what seemed like centuries, they outstretched their hand, shaking worse than a leaf in a hurricane, delicately pressing their fingertips to the stiff, black feathers of the boggart.

As if badly burnt, the creature retreated to its place, eyes shutting, focusing. Freck left their arm, extended, trying to get ahold of themself, not really paying attention to what the boggart did. The pounding in their head ebbed away, and they slowly regained control of their breathing, their throat ached, as well as their temples. They slowly relaxed, very slowly, gradually getting less tense. By the time they'd realised what was going on, a few more tears had fallen, a few in front of the students --which Freck wiped away quickly-- but more so in the direction of the teacher --which they didn't wipe away as fast, but did clean up.

How long had they been standing there, they couldn't remember, but the bogart in front of them has morphed into.. a wolf? Wolf.. wolf.. the.. Huxley house? Loyalty --which Freck could agree with, they were a fiercely loyal friend, if they ever had friends-- and, wait, courage? No, no, that just couldn't possibly be right. Freck was the exact opposite of courage, they feared public speaking, they feared people, they feared to leave their house, for pete's sake! They dropped their hand, finally, realising it was still out.

"I.. I'm sorry, but.." They spoke gently, voice small, glancing at the professor, then to the boggart, back to the professor, then to the boggart, and over and over, ".. this, this has to be a mistake I..." Freck was more or less speaking to themself, staring in utter confusion, "I-I'm not...." They paused, and remembered that they were probably going to be ignored, "I-I'm terribly sorry, I-I.." They swallowed thickly, then shakily turned on a heel, unsteadily making their way to the other members of the Huxley house. Though very slim, they prayed for someone to show them some sort of welcomeness or kindness, but alas, kept their head down, eyes pointed to the floor as they half wobbled and half shuffled into the group, shrinking into themself. Idiot..

Casual Scribbles
December 29th, 2016, 08:24 AM
Silvia watched a student go up to tge sorting boggart. He or she - Slivia couldn't tell - seemed very nervous. They seemed to shake with every step, and tgey were blinking awfully fast. The girl watched the boggart change into a wolf, placing the person into Huxley. Panther hissed and backed up on Silvia's shoulder.

Jocob continued to hold Thunder's wings, just in case the falcon decided to try and fly again. He seemed to stop when it changed into a wolf.

Elentia smiled and nodded. "No mistake," she assured Fletcher. He didn't seem like he thought the boggart chose right, but the boggart always chose correctly.

Brooklyn Trees
December 29th, 2016, 04:13 PM
[heck, sorry i've been away guys, super busy with other stuff on my mind!]

Freck nearly fainted on the spot, their own name barely being processed, bouncing around emptily in their head a few minutes before they realised. Oh. That's me. I'm.. supposed to go up there. Oh no. Freck's heart pounded so hard against their rib cage, they were worried it just might break it. Their legs turned to jelly, their stomach did somersaults, suddenly feeling light-headed. It was an out of body experience. Their mouth and throat were completely devoid of moisture, all of it draining to anywhere except where it needed to be. They blinked, then shook their head. Come on, Fletcher, just do it like everyone else, walk up to it, see what it forms, and go to your respective table. That's it, nothing more, come on, you chicken. They scolded themself, taking a deep breath and letting it out slow, clenched eyes opening again, this time seemingly relaxed.

Freck took a tentative step forward, making sure they remembered how to walk, nearly falling in the process. Then another, and another, building an uneven, shaky pace towards the front, murmuring some apologies and 'excuse me's' as they pushed passed the people. No visible sweat showed on them, but they felt completely soaked under their robes and clothes. Their breath grew scratchy and ragged, though they hadn't really done anything yet.

Decades passed in seconds as Freck nearly fell out of the crowd and to the front. Back in the mass of other students, it had seemed so easy, just walk up and get sorted, but oh no, no, no, no, no, no, it was not. When Freck had finally got to the front, the blood drained from their face, and their legs almost visibly trembled, turning nearly limp, their eyes as round as saucers. "Gods, help me.." Freck murmured, voice raspy and quiet. Clenching and unclenching their fists, they slowly, and shakily, made their way up to the giant mass of a boggart, lip quivering. They kept running a hand through their hair, which kept falling back into place no matter how many times they did it.

Freck swallowed thickly, though there was no moisture to swallow. They finally let their hands fall to their sides, fingers twitching as they stood stock still, wide blue-gray eyes staring in wonder at the creature before them. Glanced at the professor a moment, then at the few interested faces at the front of the crowd.

They couldn't breathe. They couldn't think. They couldn't stop the shaking that was raking through their body with freezing claws, squeezing the air from their lungs. They fought for breath, hoping and just praying no one noticed the attack that was quickly setting in. Tears threatened to pour at their water line, and they were blinking them back so much, they could barely see. They clenched their hands so tight, their knuckles turned white, nails digging harshly into their fear-paled skin, causing pink crescents to show rather prominently. They froze. They couldn't hear anything but the pounding of their heart in their ears and the lightning fast train of thoughts ripping through their brain. A single tear fell, in the direction of the professor, which Freck was, more or less, grateful for.

The boggart leant towards them, urging them on to just press their fingertips to it, the round, black eyes of its previous form telling them to be quick, that it won't hurt. It leant closer.

Freck wanted to run, wanted to collapse and cry, wanted to faint, but something wouldn't let them, something holding onto them. If they hadn't known better, they'd have thought it was the boggart. After what seemed like centuries, they outstretched their hand, shaking worse than a leaf in a hurricane, delicately pressing their fingertips to the stiff, black feathers of the boggart.

As if badly burnt, the creature retreated to its place, eyes shutting, focusing. Freck left their arm, extended, trying to get ahold of themself, not really paying attention to what the boggart did. The pounding in their head ebbed away, and they slowly regained control of their breathing, their throat ached, as well as their temples. They slowly relaxed, very slowly, gradually getting less tense. By the time they'd realised what was going on, a few more tears had fallen, a few in front of the students --which Freck wiped away quickly-- but more so in the direction of the teacher --which they didn't wipe away as fast, but did clean up.

How long had they been standing there, they couldn't remember, but the bogart in front of them has morphed into.. a wolf? Wolf.. wolf.. the.. Huxley house? Loyalty --which Freck could agree with, they were a fiercely loyal friend, if they ever had friends-- and, wait, courage? No, no, that just couldn't possibly be right. Freck was the exact opposite of courage, they feared public speaking, they feared people, they feared to leave their house, for pete's sake! They dropped their hand, finally, realising it was still out.

"I.. I'm sorry, but.." They spoke gently, voice small, glancing at the professor, then to the boggart, back to the professor, then to the boggart, and over and over, ".. this, this has to be a mistake I..." Freck was more or less speaking to themself, staring in utter confusion, "I-I'm not...." They paused, and remembered that they were probably going to be ignored, "I-I'm terribly sorry, I-I.." They swallowed thickly, then shakily turned on a heel, unsteadily making their way to the other members of the Huxley house. Though very slim, they prayed for someone to show them some sort of welcomeness or kindness, but alas, kept their head down, eyes pointed to the floor as they half wobbled and half shuffled into the group, shrinking into themself. Idiot..

(Holy bananas that is a long post)

(Must find my list XD One moment)

Professor Erling smiled at the brunette as they stuttered and then headed off towards their new house, slowly unrolling the scroll-like parchment that contained the list of names to be checked off and held it up, running her finger down it until it landed beside the name below that of Gregor, Fletcher. She debated momentarily on asking them what they were about to say, but judging on the fact that they seemed very nervous being there and was probably glad to be 'out of the spotlight' so to speak.
Clearing her throat she read aloud the name of the person who came next on her list.
"Grey, Silvia." Erling said, rolling the parchment back up into its scroll and waiting for the girl to step forwards.

Auburny watched the brunette that she had met on the train as they made their way forwards. Concern flashed momentarily within her as she noticed the shaking, but she hadn't exactly done much better herself on the grounds of freaking out. Then again it wasn't exactly something that she found very normal, and based on the conversation that she and Freck had on the train, it wasn't normal for them either. She watched Freck walk into towards the collection of Huxley's and wanted to go check up on them, figure out how they were doing after that. Perhaps if she actually had much of a backbone she would have done that, but the rules here confused her and she wasn't sure if she wasn't allowed to move or something from the Valdels... From the other Valdels that is. It still hadn't really clicked with her that she in fact belonged to this house yet.
Auburny closed her eyes and turned her head away from where Freck had dissapeared to, eyes locking onto Jackson again just long enough for her cheeks to catch fire once more and for her eyes to flick away down to her hands, which were folded in her lap. Absently she traced a fingertip along the cut she had incidentally created with her nails a few minutes ago. It still stung, but she had begun to grow used to it.

William quickly turned his head towards Silvia as the professor called her name. Part of him was glad to know her surname, just so that he knew a little more about her, and another was confused about the other part. He did feel frightened though for her, and the idea to give her hand some kind of reassuring squeeze entered his mind for a moment. Before he could do that, which would result in some kind of embarrassment for him and possibly her as well, he shoved his hands into his pockets a bit more forcefully than he intended to and felt one of the stitches in the pocket break apart. Coward. he scolded himself, though he made no move to remove his hands from where the were curled into his pockets.

December 29th, 2016, 07:05 PM
[what can i say, i hit an inspiration spike ;0]

Slowly, Freck began to relax into their old self again, heart thrumming at a normal rate, their eyes stopped watering, and they stopped shaking to a slight tremor. Their shoulders began to slump and their muscles went lax. They took in a shuddery breath and soon their whole body relaxed, finally looking like the rest of the kids. They weren't paying attention anymore, they were still trying to found out how in the world they'd gotten into the house of loyalty and courage. It wasn't possible, Freck was the epitome of anxiety, the very definition of a wimp. They weren't, in any world, courageous. They'd have to ask a professor later if their anxiety didn't get the best of them.

They wrung their hands in their robes, wishing they'd brought their fidget toy. If they had, chances are they'd be taking this situation a lot better. They risked glances around them, hoping for a friendly face, or someone who seemed just as anxious as them. But realising that, even if they did, they wouldn't have the guts to speak to them. So alas, they sighed, slowly squeezing back into the rest of the Huxley members. From their small size, it wasn't to difficult.

Still fidgeting with the velvety cloth of their robes, they stepped back until they hit the edge of the group, then glued their eyes to the floor and kept as quiet as possible, swaying from one leg to another, still feeling slightly nauseous.

December 29th, 2016, 07:51 PM
(Jeebus. That was a lot to read. and very tiny too.)

Aero found the first yearers adorable in how nervous they were regarding how the sorting was going, "Hey Alex, remember our sorting?" He nudged.

"Yes, I remember." Alex replied, his eyes still watching the sorting, "You were practically bouncing off the walls with excitement."

"Yeah, and you were as emotionless as a rock."

"Glad to know you remember that. Now if you could just forget it-" Alex started before he was shushed by his sister. It was her first time and she wanted to remember every detail of it.

Brooklyn Trees
December 29th, 2016, 07:53 PM
[what can i say, i hit an inspiration spike ;0]

Slowly, Freck began to relax into their old self again, heart thrumming at a normal rate, their eyes stopped watering, and they stopped shaking to a slight tremor. Their shoulders began to slump and their muscles went lax. They took in a shuddery breath and soon their whole body relaxed, finally looking like the rest of the kids. They weren't paying attention anymore, they were still trying to found out how in the world they'd gotten into the house of loyalty and courage. It wasn't possible, Freck was the epitome of anxiety, the very definition of a wimp. They weren't, in any world, courageous. They'd have to ask a professor later if their anxiety didn't get the best of them.

They wrung their hands in their robes, wishing they'd brought their fidget toy. If they had, chances are they'd be taking this situation a lot better. They risked glances around them, hoping for a friendly face, or someone who seemed just as anxious as them. But realising that, even if they did, they wouldn't have the guts to speak to them. So alas, they sighed, slowly squeezing back into the rest of the Huxley members. From their small size, it wasn't to difficult.

Still fidgeting with the velvety cloth of their robes, they stepped back until they hit the edge of the group, then glued their eyes to the floor and kept as quiet as possible, swaying from one leg to another, still feeling slightly nauseous.

(Lol XD)
(Should I actually get Auburny to get up and go over to Freck?)

Casual Scribbles
December 29th, 2016, 07:57 PM
(Holy bananas that is a long post)

(Must find my list XD One moment)

Professor Erling smiled at the brunette as they stuttered and then headed off towards their new house, slowly unrolling the scroll-like parchment that contained the list of names to be checked off and held it up, running her finger down it until it landed beside the name below that of Gregor, Fletcher. She debated momentarily on asking them what they were about to say, but judging on the fact that they seemed very nervous being there and was probably glad to be 'out of the spotlight' so to speak.
Clearing her throat she read aloud the name of the person who came next on her list.
"Grey, Silvia." Erling said, rolling the parchment back up into its scroll and waiting for the girl to step forwards.

Auburny watched the brunette that she had met on the train as they made their way forwards. Concern flashed momentarily within her as she noticed the shaking, but she hadn't exactly done much better herself on the grounds of freaking out. Then again it wasn't exactly something that she found very normal, and based on the conversation that she and Freck had on the train, it wasn't normal for them either. She watched Freck walk into towards the collection of Huxley's and wanted to go check up on them, figure out how they were doing after that. Perhaps if she actually had much of a backbone she would have done that, but the rules here confused her and she wasn't sure if she wasn't allowed to move or something from the Valdels... From the other Valdels that is. It still hadn't really clicked with her that she in fact belonged to this house yet.
Auburny closed her eyes and turned her head away from where Freck had dissapeared to, eyes locking onto Jackson again just long enough for her cheeks to catch fire once more and for her eyes to flick away down to her hands, which were folded in her lap. Absently she traced a fingertip along the cut she had incidentally created with her nails a few minutes ago. It still stung, but she had begun to grow used to it.

William quickly turned his head towards Silvia as the professor called her name. Part of him was glad to know her surname, just so that he knew a little more about her, and another was confused about the other part. He did feel frightened though for her, and the idea to give her hand some kind of reassuring squeeze entered his mind for a moment. Before he could do that, which would result in some kind of embarrassment for him and possibly her as well, he shoved his hands into his pockets a bit more forcefully than he intended to and felt one of the stitches in the pocket break apart. Coward. he scolded himself, though he made no move to remove his hands from where the were curled into his pockets.

Silvia was looking at the ground, listening for the next name, and nearly gasped upon hearing her own. But she kept her lungs from sucking in a fast breath, and instead took a long, slow, shaky one. The brunette snapped her head up, too fast, and got a head rush. She felt dizzy and nearly lost her balance, but hid this as best she could by pretending to step around another student, then change her mind and go around the other way. White spots filled her vision, nearly blinding her and she felt warmth spread behind her eyes.

She kept a hand on Panther's scruff, just in case he became frightened by the wolf. If he bolted, he would most likely get lost. The poor bombay cat almost always got lost in the small foster home they'd lived in, he would definitely get extremely lost in a giant castle they'd never been in before. The cat eyed the wolf suspiciously as they neared it, sitting atop his perch on Silvia's shoulder, claws sheathing and unsheathing nervously.

Silvia held her head high as she reached the edge of the crowd, but as soon as she stepped out from the hidden view of the mass of people, her knees began trembling and she nearly lost her balance a second time. She recovered very well, seeming to take a bouncing step, rather than stumbling forward. It's just like public speaking, she thought, taking some deep, trembling breaths. The girl made the mistake of looking around. Just with... a lot... more people. And no podium to hide my shaking. And a magical creature that is supposed to show my worst fears.. Her train of thought was not exactly going the way she'd hoped. What if it puts me in the house I least want to be in!?

Too fast, Silvia seemed to reach the wolf. Professor Crossbeam smiled reassuringly, saying something that sounded like "Your havoc cut hat," but was probably, "You have a cute cat," She could barely tell with the blood pounding in her ears. Keeping a straight face, Silvia thrust her hand forward, and stroked the wolf softly on the head. It tilted its head up and twisted it to the side so she was scratching its chin. The wolf started to melt into a mass of fur, feathers, and colors.

First the mass began to take on the shape of a bear, but seemed to change its mind and melted before fully forming and instead shrunk and seemed to have big, black wings, but seemed to change its mind again and started to form a wolf. It began a struggle with itself, fighting between raven and wolf, never truly forming the animal, but finally it took on the form of a large wolf, who at first had wings, but those never formed fully and melted into the canine's shoulders. The wolf bayed once and barked happily, leaning into Silvia's hand.

Elentia Crossbeam was a little shocked at the progression of events. The boggart looked as though it could not make up its mind as to which house to put this girl in. She struggled to recall when before in Asygarth history, but could not force a memory to surface. Finally, she managed to stammer, "H-Huxley!" and sent Silvia off to her house, to which the girl seemed more than happy to go to, passing the person who had just gone before her.

December 29th, 2016, 07:58 PM
[ Brooklyn Trees yeah!! if you want, these awkward beans gotta keep talking to each other, it's kinda funny]

[ Solstice_X i can make my text bigger if you want? it won't be a problem!]

December 29th, 2016, 08:16 PM
( alphypoin Yes please. OuO )

"Hey Alina, shouldn't you also be making friends with those in your year?" Aero asked as he realized that he couldn't recall Alex's sister ever talking to anyone in her own year.

"Uh..." The girl was hesitant. She wasn't much for making friends and also wasn't much of the social butterfly. To change the subject she nudged her brother and asked, "Does the Boggart regularly do that?" referring to the creature's mixed up transforming.

"Not that I can remember." Was the response she got, then he grinned, "This might just be an interesting year."

Brooklyn Trees
December 29th, 2016, 08:43 PM
[ Brooklyn Trees yeah!! if you want, these awkward beans gotta keep talking to each other, it's kinda funny]

(That it is XD)
(Mkay I'm going to get Auburny off her butt and over there.)

Auburny remained sitting, staring at her hands as she traced the broken skin with her fingertip. The stinging has subsided mostly, but it was still something that she wasn't used to and she found herself not entirely sure what she was going to do about her right palm, which was the one that she had dug her fingernails into in an attempt to cease shaking earlier.
Too bad for that, she wished that she hadn't. Then again, maybe if she hadn't she would still be flipping out over by the boggart instead of safe in another pack of people where she could disappear and not be looked at again. She shuddered slightly and turned her palm over so they faced downwards on her lap.
Thoughts petering away as she forced off thoughts of being stared at while staring at a boggart, she looked up again. Her mind turned almost immediately back to the sorting of a few minutes ago and she looked back down, forcing it away before she began to panic or otherwise freak out.
Auburny's mind turned to the other person who had just gone up and faced that and had a probably somewhat worse reaction than she had. Actually she wasn't sure if it was worse or not, she just knew that she couldn't see her freaking out and she could see them freaking out. That was the end of her knowledge.
She remembered wanting to go and say hi again and find out how they were doing now that... We'll, now that that was over with. Sighing inwardly she placed her palms down on the tabletop to aid in pushing herself to her feet, and found herself quickly retrieving her right hand from it. Right, that's why it was stinging, she looked at the broken skin again before curling her fingers gently around it and slipping it into her pocket, pushing herself into a standing position with her left hand and turning, looking around for a few moments before she spotted the brunette at the edge of the bunch of Huxley's and headed towards them as quietly as she could.

Brooklyn Trees
December 29th, 2016, 08:48 PM
Silvia was looking at the ground, listening for the next name, and nearly gasped upon hearing her own. But she kept her lungs from sucking in a fast breath, and instead took a long, slow, shaky one. The brunette snapped her head up, too fast, and got a head rush. She felt dizzy and nearly lost her balance, but hid this as best she could by pretending to step around another student, then change her mind and go around the other way. White spots filled her vision, nearly blinding her and she felt warmth spread behind her eyes.

She kept a hand on Panther's scruff, just in case he became frightened by the wolf. If he bolted, he would most likely get lost. The poor bombay cat almost always got lost in the small foster home they'd lived in, he would definitely get extremely lost in a giant castle they'd never been in before. The cat eyed the wolf suspiciously as they neared it, sitting atop his perch on Silvia's shoulder, claws sheathing and unsheathing nervously.

Silvia held her head high as she reached the edge of the crowd, but as soon as she stepped out from the hidden view of the mass of people, her knees began trembling and she nearly lost her balance a second time. She recovered very well, seeming to take a bouncing step, rather than stumbling forward. It's just like public speaking, she thought, taking some deep, trembling breaths. The girl made the mistake of looking around. Just with... a lot... more people. And no podium to hide my shaking. And a magical creature that is supposed to show my worst fears.. Her train of thought was not exactly going the way she'd hoped. What if it puts me in the house I least want to be in!?

Too fast, Silvia seemed to reach the wolf. Professor Crossbeam smiled reassuringly, saying something that sounded like "Your havoc cut hat," but was probably, "You have a cute cat," She could barely tell with the blood pounding in her ears. Keeping a straight face, Silvia thrust her hand forward, and stroked the wolf softly on the head. It tilted its head up and twisted it to the side so she was scratching its chin. The wolf started to melt into a mass of fur, feathers, and colors.

First the mass began to take on the shape of a bear, but seemed to change its mind and melted before fully forming and instead shrunk and seemed to have big, black wings, but seemed to change its mind again and started to form a wolf. It began a struggle with itself, fighting between raven and wolf, never truly forming the animal, but finally it took on the form of a large wolf, who at first had wings, but those never formed fully and melted into the canine's shoulders. The wolf bayed once and barked happily, leaning into Silvia's hand.

Elentia Crossbeam was a little shocked at the progression of events. The boggart looked as though it could not make up its mind as to which house to put this girl in. She struggled to recall when before in Asygarth history, but could not force a memory to surface. Finally, she managed to stammer, "H-Huxley!" and sent Silvia off to her house, to which the girl seemed more than happy to go to, passing the person who had just gone before her.

Professor Erling smiled at the girl with the cat and unrolled her list again, sighting down it until it skipped over the last girl's name. A singular name again, that of one 'Jacob'. Clearing her throat carefully and forcing herself past the anomaly of the boggarts unusual change and read the name aloud.
(Your other charrie Eclipse =^^=)

December 29th, 2016, 09:01 PM
[ Solstice_X ok!! sorry about that]

Sitting at the edge of the Huxley table in their own little world was certainly therapeutic for Freck. Soon, their movements grew less erratic and deliberate, more relaxed and mindless. Their breathing was still shallow, laboured, but at least the moisture had returned to their mouth. They were embarrassed at the fact they'd actually cried in front of everyone, but glad no one had actually pointed it out when they'd gotten to the table.

They slumped in their chair, feeling their eyelids go heavy as lead, feeling utterly exhausted, and hoping they would be able to relax and sleep soon. They didn't wanna move, didn't wanna speak. They wanted to just burrow into their blankets and sheets from home and never have to deal with anything like that again.

And Freck almost did fall asleep there, had they not noticed a familiar brunette heading their way from another table, Valdel, was it? They couldn't remember. But it made them shoot up and sit ramrod straight, anxiety returning quicker than lightning. The reaction wasn't as bad as when they'd first met, as they already knew who it was. Auburny, right? They took a shuddery breath. If she didn't want anything to do with them after they'd separated on the train, she wouldn't be coming toward them right now.. Unless she had other business here, but she seemed rather intent on Freck, from the way she was looking at him. You'll be okay, she basically the closest thing you have to a friend here, just.. calm down, before she thinks you belong in the loonie bin...

Brooklyn Trees
December 29th, 2016, 10:15 PM
[ Solstice_X ok!! sorry about that]

Sitting at the edge of the Huxley table in their own little world was certainly therapeutic for Freck. Soon, their movements grew less erratic and deliberate, more relaxed and mindless. Their breathing was still shallow, laboured, but at least the moisture had returned to their mouth. They were embarrassed at the fact they'd actually cried in front of everyone, but glad no one had actually pointed it out when they'd gotten to the table.

They slumped in their chair, feeling their eyelids go heavy as lead, feeling utterly exhausted, and hoping they would be able to relax and sleep soon. They didn't wanna move, didn't wanna speak. They wanted to just burrow into their blankets and sheets from home and never have to deal with anything like that again.

And Freck almost did fall asleep there, had they not noticed a familiar brunette heading their way from another table, Valdel, was it? They couldn't remember. But it made them shoot up and sit ramrod straight, anxiety returning quicker than lightning. The reaction wasn't as bad as when they'd first met, as they already knew who it was. Auburny, right? They took a shuddery breath. If she didn't want anything to do with them after they'd separated on the train, she wouldn't be coming toward them right now.. Unless she had other business here, but she seemed rather intent on Freck, from the way she was looking at him. You'll be okay, she basically the closest thing you have to a friend here, just.. calm down, before she thinks you belong in the loonie bin...

Auburny noticed the sudden change in position, changing from more relaxed to... Well, less so. Actually far less so considering the abnormally straight position that the brunette had acquired. Maybe they don't want me to be over here... I mean... Her thoughts trailed away as the red-headed girl slowed to a stop. Freck had noticed her walking towards them though and she couldn't just go back right? That would be rude wouldn't it? They didn't seem to be comfortable with her walking over to them and she no longer thought that this was such a good idea anymore. No, a very bad idea actually.
It took her a moment to realize that she was at a full stop halfway between the Valdel table and the Huxley table. Noticing this fact, she forced herself to continue moving forwards, regardless of whether it seemed a good idea or not.
The red-headed girl paused, hesitating as she found herself at the table, beside Freck's chair. She slipped her hands from her pockets and connected her left hand over her right elbow behind her back.
"Um... Hi..." Auburny said, rubbing her thumb across the inside of her elbow just to have something to do as she tried to find some way out of the awkwardness of this non-conversation. Non-conversation? You haven't even let Freck say anything yet. she reminded herself, the voice in her mind surprisingly less awkward-sounding and calm than her actual voice. Speaking of, could he even here it? She hadn't spoken very loudly, he may have been able the hear it but it was also possible that they hadn't. She bit the tip of her tongue before she could repeat herself.

December 29th, 2016, 11:15 PM
Auburny noticed the sudden change in position, changing from more relaxed to... Well, less so. Actually far less so considering the abnormally straight position that the brunette had acquired. Maybe they don't want me to be over here... I mean... Her thoughts trailed away as the red-headed girl slowed to a stop. Freck had noticed her walking towards them though and she couldn't just go back right? That would be rude wouldn't it? They didn't seem to be comfortable with her walking over to them and she no longer thought that this was such a good idea anymore. No, a very bad idea actually.
It took her a moment to realize that she was at a full stop halfway between the Valdel table and the Huxley table. Noticing this fact, she forced herself to continue moving forwards, regardless of whether it seemed a good idea or not.
The red-headed girl paused, hesitating as she found herself at the table, beside Freck's chair. She slipped her hands from her pockets and connected her left hand over her right elbow behind her back.
"Um... Hi..." Auburny said, rubbing her thumb across the inside of her elbow just to have something to do as she tried to find some way out of the awkwardness of this non-conversation. Non-conversation? You haven't even let Freck say anything yet. she reminded herself, the voice in her mind surprisingly less awkward-sounding and calm than her actual voice. Speaking of, could he even here it? She hadn't spoken very loudly, he may have been able the hear it but it was also possible that they hadn't. She bit the tip of her tongue before she could repeat herself.
Freck swallowed thickly, forcing their blue-grey eyes to meet Auburny's own. Well, actually, they focused on the bridge of her nose, since when they did that, people usually couldn't tell the difference, and they didn't have to look them in the eye. It usually gave the illusion of confidence that they didn't have. "Hello, again.." They answered, voice surprisingly steady for someone who was gripping their robes so hard underneath the table their knuckles were nearly white. They flicked a clump of stray hair from their eyes, keeping "eye contact" with the girl, in hopes that she wouldn't think his quietness and anxiety were just rudeness and avoidance.

They blinked, eyes wide, still shining with the remnants of tears from their show on stage, but only slightly. A small smile, not even forced, found its way onto their lips. Thinking back on it, it'd came when they'd noticed the red-head heading their way. What was that for? It didn't make the smile falter, but it did make a glint of confusion flash through their eyes, only for a moment, before disappearing into suffocating anxiety again.

Casual Scribbles
December 30th, 2016, 08:58 AM
Professor Erling smiled at the girl with the cat and unrolled her list again, sighting down it until it skipped over the last girl's name. A singular name again, that of one 'Jacob'. Clearing her throat carefully and forcing herself past the anomaly of the boggarts unusual change and read the name aloud.
(Your other charrie Eclipse =^^=)

Jacob sighed upon hearing his name. Now he'd have to push his way through to the front. The tall boy remained silent as he double-checked that Thunder's leather was tied and not frayed. After being absolutely sure that the bird would not be able to escape, he let go of the falcon's wings and began to push towards the front.

As he walked toward the front, he was forced to murmur some 'excuse me's and some 'sorry's against his will, to which the person he spoke to sighed and just stared at him for a few seconds before snapping out of their daze.

Finally, he reached the edge. He wasn't nervous about going up. He knew what to do. He was just nervous that Thunder might get spooked and fly away. As he stepped up to the boggart, the falcon started making soft noises. Jacob held Thunder's wings.

He touched the boggart, and watched it melt into a mass that almost immediately took on the form of a raven. Thunder shrieked and attempted to fly of Jacob's arm, which was quite hard to do since his wings were pinned to his sides. Jacob nodded and stepped away to head towards the other Valdels.

Brooklyn Trees
December 30th, 2016, 10:57 AM
Jacob sighed upon hearing his name. Now he'd have to push his way through to the front. The tall boy remained silent as he double-checked that Thunder's leather was tied and not frayed. After being absolutely sure that the bird would not be able to escape, he let go of the falcon's wings and began to push towards the front.

As he walked toward the front, he was forced to murmur some 'excuse me's and some 'sorry's against his will, to which the person he spoke to sighed and just stared at him for a few seconds before snapping out of their daze.

Finally, he reached the edge. He wasn't nervous about going up. He knew what to do. He was just nervous that Thunder might get spooked and fly away. As he stepped up to the boggart, the falcon started making soft noises. Jacob held Thunder's wings.

He touched the boggart, and watched it melt into a mass that almost immediately took on the form of a raven. Thunder shrieked and attempted to fly of Jacob's arm, which was quite hard to do since his wings were pinned to his sides. Jacob nodded and stepped away to head towards the other Valdels.

Erling smiled at Jacob. It appeared that his bird didn't much like the boggart in that form. She unrolled her paper again and scanned down the list of first year names until they landed upon the one that would be called up next. She rolled it back up and lay it against her lap, though she stood, and called out the name of the next person who was to come and touch the boggart in order to be sorted into one of the three houses.
"Kris!" There were many singular names on this particular list. The dark haired woman awaited the stepping forth of the first year by the name of Kris as made another note that there seemed to be quite a few Valdels in the beginning of the list.

Brooklyn Trees
December 30th, 2016, 11:12 AM
Freck swallowed thickly, forcing their blue-grey eyes to meet Auburny's own. Well, actually, they focused on the bridge of her nose, since when they did that, people usually couldn't tell the difference, and they didn't have to look them in the eye. It usually gave the illusion of confidence that they didn't have. "Hello, again.." They answered, voice surprisingly steady for someone who was gripping their robes so hard underneath the table their knuckles were nearly white. They flicked a clump of stray hair from their eyes, keeping "eye contact" with the girl, in hopes that she wouldn't think his quietness and anxiety were just rudeness and avoidance.

They blinked, eyes wide, still shining with the remnants of tears from their show on stage, but only slightly. A small smile, not even forced, found its way onto their lips. Thinking back on it, it'd came when they'd noticed the red-head heading their way. What was that for? It didn't make the smile falter, but it did make a glint of confusion flash through their eyes, only for a moment, before disappearing into suffocating anxiety again.

Auburny gave a small smile to the brunette in the chair, though she wasn't looking them in the eye. Instead she was looking at their mouth as they spoke. As far as she knew the conversation had just kind of ended, not being much good with conversations, but she tried to pick it up with something. The only thing that immediately came to mind then however was
"Yeah..." which she actually said. It sounded stupid after the fact, but she had still said it.
The red-head tried to think of any kind of question or some kind of remark that she could say. She didn't see the confusion in his eyes, she wasn't even looking at their eyes when it happened. She was still, however, aware that Freck was unusually tense. Well maybe not unusually, she had only known them for a total of like... fifteen minutes? Maybe longer, she wasn't sure how long the attack on the train had lasted. He still seemed tense though, as opposed to how he had seemed so relaxed before.
"D-do you want me to go? Because I can go I won't be offended or anything..." She trailed off, glancing up from her shoe, which she had been watching as she spoke, to his face. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable here and it didn't seem much like she was helping. She would have said she was hindering if it hadn't been for the small smile that he had on his face, she couldn't tell if it was forced or not though, Freck could just be being nice but wanting her to go. She couldn't read minds, so she had no way of knowing besides verbally.

goddess of ducks
December 30th, 2016, 12:47 PM
Erling smiled at Jacob. It appeared that his bird didn't much like the boggart in that form. She unrolled her paper again and scanned down the list of first year names until they landed upon the one that would be called up next. She rolled it back up and lay it against her lap, though she stood, and called out the name of the next person who was to come and touch the boggart in order to be sorted into one of the three houses.
"Kris!" There were many singular names on this particular list. The dark haired woman awaited the stepping forth of the first year by the name of Kris as made another note that there seemed to be quite a few Valdels in the beginning of the list.
Excitedly, Kris stepped forwards, her hair flowing behind her. Her green eyes were bright with excitement. At last she had reached this moment. It had taken her sixteen years to reach this point, but she was finally here. She had been eyeing the ither first years the whole time, quietly taking in all of it. Her parents had told her about what happens here at Aysgarth. She had been counting down the days, looking forwards to this exact moment. She stepped forwards, excitement bubbling inside her. She reached the platform where all the other kids had gone before her. Her eyes flitted around the platform, resting finally in the boggart before her, still in the Raven form for Jacob who had gone before her. Suddenly nervous, her hand faltered as it went out to touch the boggart. What if her par to didn't approve of her house? Would they say anything? Did they care? Exhaling heavily, she shoved her hand forwards to the Raven. Immediately it lost its form, beginning to swirl around in a rainbow of colors. She withdrew her hand and watched uncertainly as it decided her fate. The boggart slowed down, taking the form of a rather large wolf. It's fur was a dense white, with tips and highlights of a dark red, crimson color. She knew the mascot and colors by heart. Huxley, I'm in Huxley! she thought happily. Without waiting for Professor Erling to respond and declare what she already knew, she bounded down the stairs, over to the table to join her house mates.

Brooklyn Trees
December 30th, 2016, 02:04 PM
Professor Erling appreciated the excitement of the girl who had just gone, turning her mind back to the wolf-formed boggart and the paper in her hands. She unrolled it and scanned down the names until her eyes passed over the name of Kris, who had just gone, and landed upon the name of the next person on the list.
"Ollson, William." She called, rerolling her paper again and settling her hands against one another.

William looked up, surprised. That was quite a jump from K to O. Well not that big of a jump, but he hadn't been expecting to be going up so soon. The sudden lack of Silvia by his side from earlier had allowed him to relax back into his usual self, the self who had been waiting to do this since he had been told about it. There was no particular chain in his family for which house you would go into, he hadn't the foggiest of which house he would be going into.
The blonde boy ran a hand through his curly hair and then walked forwards. William was more relieved than frightened to be away from the rest of the first years and over by the boggart, as opposed to what other people seemed to be experiencing. His claustrophobia made him more relaxed away from other people or objects, even if that place was a place where he was being looked at. During public school he had been more of one of the 'cool kids', he was smart but he had still ended up with them.
Still grateful to be away from where he had watched from, he put his hand out and placed his hand on the boggart's flank. Its shape melted away as his hand came into contact with it's red-tipped fur and then began to morph. Changing colors, changing shape, changing consistency as William found since he hadn't retracted his hand from it. It slowed its spinning until it formed a creature. A grey-furred creature, though the tips of its fur had remained scarlet in color as it was before.
A wolf.
The wolf wasn't exactly the same though, it had a slightly different shape to its body and a darker fur color than before, though the reddish tinge remained the same shade.
The wolf. The house of the courageous and loyal. Huxley. He wasn't really expecting that. He could be loyal and he could be brave, but he was generally not super brave. Then again he rarely had reason to be. The blonde turned, grinning, and walked towards the house that would now be like his family as he was sometimes told from stories. Then turned and began to continue watching the ceremony. It was thrilling to be a part of this school, it still hadn't actually fully occurred to him that he was actually in Aysgarth school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Erling waited for the blonde boy to leave and walk over to his house before she unrolled the paper again and scanned down it. It was getting pretty low on the list, more than halfway through already.
"Reese, Katherine!" She called towards the crowd of unsorted first years.

Casual Scribbles
December 30th, 2016, 06:17 PM
Professor Erling appreciated the excitement of the girl who had just gone, turning her mind back to the wolf-formed boggart and the paper in her hands. She unrolled it and scanned down the names until her eyes passed over the name of Kris, who had just gone, and landed upon the name of the next person on the list.
"Ollson, William." She called, rerolling her paper again and settling her hands against one another.

William looked up, surprised. That was quite a jump from K to O. Well not that big of a jump, but he hadn't been expecting to be going up so soon. The sudden lack of Silvia by his side from earlier had allowed him to relax back into his usual self, the self who had been waiting to do this since he had been told about it. There was no particular chain in his family for which house you would go into, he hadn't the foggiest of which house he would be going into.
The blonde boy ran a hand through his curly hair and then walked forwards. William was more relieved than frightened to be away from the rest of the first years and over by the boggart, as opposed to what other people seemed to be experiencing. His claustrophobia made him more relaxed away from other people or objects, even if that place was a place where he was being looked at. During public school he had been more of one of the 'cool kids', he was smart but he had still ended up with them.
Still grateful to be away from where he had watched from, he put his hand out and placed his hand on the boggart's flank. Its shape melted away as his hand came into contact with it's red-tipped fur and then began to morph. Changing colors, changing shape, changing consistency as William found since he hadn't retracted his hand from it. It slowed its spinning until it formed a creature. A grey-furred creature, though the tips of its fur had remained scarlet in color as it was before.
A wolf.
The wolf wasn't exactly the same though, it had a slightly different shape to its body and a darker fur color than before, though the reddish tinge remained the same shade.
The wolf. The house of the courageous and loyal. Huxley. He wasn't really expecting that. He could be loyal and he could be brave, but he was generally not super brave. Then again he rarely had reason to be. The blonde turned, grinning, and walked towards the house that would now be like his family as he was sometimes told from stories. Then turned and began to continue watching the ceremony. It was thrilling to be a part of this school, it still hadn't actually fully occurred to him that he was actually in Aysgarth school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Erling waited for the blonde boy to leave and walk over to his house before she unrolled the paper again and scanned down it. It was getting pretty low on the list, more than halfway through already.
"Reese, Katherine!" She called towards the crowd of unsorted first years.

"So we are in the same house," Silvia smiled at William, excited that they were really in the same house. "This is so cool!" Panther jumped down off Silvia's shoulder and padded across the table towards William and rubbed his cheek along the blonde boy's arm. The bombay cat purred, narrowing his eyes in pleasure. Silvia's greyish eyes gleamed with excitement, and she just couldn’t contain it, no matter how hard she tried. A sketch book was open in front of her, only the guidelines of her sketch on the paper. Some random patches of graphite showed up in random spots from where the side of her hand rested on the page.

Brooklyn Trees
December 31st, 2016, 01:14 AM
"So we are in the same house," Silvia smiled at William, excited that they were really in the same house. "This is so cool!" Panther jumped down off Silvia's shoulder and padded across the table towards William and rubbed his cheek along the blonde boy's arm. The bombay cat purred, narrowing his eyes in pleasure. Silvia's greyish eyes gleamed with excitement, and she just couldn’t contain it, no matter how hard she tried. A sketch book was open in front of her, only the guidelines of her sketch on the paper. Some random patches of graphite showed up in random spots from where the side of her hand rested on the page.

(I just realized that both of my characters are attracted to the charities who own cats XD)

William grinned at her. He was excited too but also fairly nervous. He startled at the cat suddenly rubbing itself against his arm, but twisted his hand and arm into a position that was able to pet the cat as it did whatever it was doing to his arm. Was it scent marking him? William almost laughed as he realized that if that was what the Bombay was doing then he technically, to the cat anyways, was property of a cat. He shook his head gently as a silent form of laughter an continued grinning st the feline before he looked back up at the girl sitting across from him. She had been drawing again, and his eyes found her hands on the sketchbook. She had artists hands, the graphite smudges betrayed that fact.
"What're you drawing?" He asked. The blonde boy didn't know what a guideline was, he had never been much good with any form of art. It was also upside down and he couldn't tell what the shape was because of this. He was guessing some sort of animal, maybe the wolf. He shrugged inwardly at this feeble guess. Without her own words he would have no clue what she was drawing.

Casual Scribbles
December 31st, 2016, 03:57 AM
(I just realized that both of my characters are attracted to the charities who own cats XD)

William grinned at her. He was excited too but also fairly nervous. He startled at the cat suddenly rubbing itself against his arm, but twisted his hand and arm into a position that was able to pet the cat as it did whatever it was doing to his arm. Was it scent marking him? William almost laughed as he realized that if that was what the Bombay was doing then he technically, to the cat anyways, was property of a cat. He shook his head gently as a silent form of laughter an continued grinning st the feline before he looked back up at the girl sitting across from him. She had been drawing again, and his eyes found her hands on the sketchbook. She had artists hands, the graphite smudges betrayed that fact.
"What're you drawing?" He asked. The blonde boy didn't know what a guideline was, he had never been much good with any form of art. It was also upside down and he couldn't tell what the shape was because of this. He was guessing some sort of animal, maybe the wolf. He shrugged inwardly at this feeble guess. Without her own words he would have no clue what she was drawing.

(Hah! Though I can sense a love triangle forming between Jackson, Freck, and Auburny)

Silvia smiled at William's reaction to her cat. Panther was very smart, so he must know something about William that Silvia didn't. Or something that she still hadn't admitted. She wasn't exactly surprised when he aske what she was drawing, but she was caught a little off guard. "What I'm.... Oh yeah," she murmured softly to herself. "I was kind of just drawing my sorting. I just thought it would be cool to draw it." Soemthing about the way the boggart seemed to melt and reform and chose it's own shape was intriguing to Silvia. Things that intrigued her were usually drawn out soom enough.

Brooklyn Trees
December 31st, 2016, 01:13 PM
(Hah! Though I can sense a love triangle forming between Jackson, Freck, and Auburny)

Silvia smiled at William's reaction to her cat. Panther was very smart, so he must know something about William that Silvia didn't. Or something that she still hadn't admitted. She wasn't exactly surprised when he aske what she was drawing, but she was caught a little off guard. "What I'm.... Oh yeah," she murmured softly to herself. "I was kind of just drawing my sorting. I just thought it would be cool to draw it." Soemthing about the way the boggart seemed to melt and reform and chose it's own shape was intriguing to Silvia. Things that intrigued her were usually drawn out soom enough.

(Huh. I'm not the only who saw that then, I'm still confused at that though, I'm not really sure what's going on.)

William grinned again, continuing to rub the cat lightly on its head with his wrist folded slightly in order to reach it.
"Cool." He said, echoing her own description of drawing the sorting, then turned his attention partially back to Panther and then drew his other hand through his hair because a few of his wiry locks had flopped themselves into his eyes.
The blonde boy glanced back up at the sorting, waiting to see which house the next person would be going into.

December 31st, 2016, 05:15 PM
Is it too late to join?
Name: Angelica Schuyler
Age(15-17): 17 (if that's still first year)
Gender: Female
Appearance: https://67.media.tumblr.com/acfd515bfc1a11de9429f631096085ec/tumblr_nxvf73BWcL1rwr8fpo1_500.png
House: Vadel
Classes: Core classes, art, music, and magical theory
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Open
Siblings?: (Unless someone made Eliza or Peggy... Which I might do later) None, but she treats her friends like siblings
Sexuality: Straight
Other: I am Hamiltrash

Brooklyn Trees
December 31st, 2016, 06:27 PM
Is it too late to join?
Name: Angelica
Age(15-17): 17 (if that's still first year)
Gender: Female
Appearance: https://67.media.tumblr.com/acfd515bfc1a11de9429f631096085ec/tumblr_nxvf73BWcL1rwr8fpo1_500.png
House: Vadel
Classes: Core classes, art, music, and magical theory
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Open
Siblings?: (Unless someone made Eliza or Peggy... Which I might do later) None, but she treats her friends like siblings
Sexuality: Straight
Other: I am Hamiltrash

Nope, not too late to join =^^= Accepted and yes 17 is still a first year unless you were a first year when you were fifteen or sixteen, in which case there are also second and third year seventeen year olds. Man that is confusing XD)

December 31st, 2016, 06:38 PM
Nope, not too late to join =^^= Accepted and yes 17 is still a first year unless you were a first year when you were fifteen or sixteen, in which case there are also second and third year seventeen year olds. Man that is confusing XD)
(Okay, I think I'll keep her as a first year. Would you mind recapping a little? I just need to know what when/where the majority of the people are right now...)

Brooklyn Trees
December 31st, 2016, 09:35 PM
(Okay, I think I'll keep her as a first year. Would you mind recapping a little? I just need to know what when/where the majority of the people are right now...)
(Mkay. Umm... the short version was that we all started off on the train and stuff happened and then the train stopped at the station at Aysgarth in the little town and we went up to the castle(Aysgarth is a castle) and the sorting is happening. The sorting was explained on... Aome page like fifteen or something. Basically your character goes up to the boggart when their name is called and they touch the boggart which turns into either a Wolf (Huxley) and Bear (Aexien) or a Raven (Valdel) and then they join their group's table. Names are called in alphabetical order by surname (or only name if they weren't given a surname by their role player) and since your character has an A name and we have passed the as names we can fit you in after the next person goes, or in the case that they don't post then you can just go and we can stick them somewhere else for later on, but we haven't gotten to that with them yet =^^= )

December 31st, 2016, 11:08 PM
(Mkay. Umm... the short version was that we all started off on the train and stuff happened and then the train stopped at the station at Aysgarth in the little town and we went up to the castle(Aysgarth is a castle) and the sorting is happening. The sorting was explained on... Aome page like fifteen or something. Basically your character goes up to the boggart when their name is called and they touch the boggart which turns into either a Wolf (Huxley) and Bear (Aexien) or a Raven (Valdel) and then they join their group's table. Names are called in alphabetical order by surname (or only name if they weren't given a surname by their role player) and since your character has an A name and we have passed the as names we can fit you in after the next person goes, or in the case that they don't post then you can just go and we can stick them somewhere else for later on, but we haven't gotten to that with them yet =^^= )
(Okay, thanks again! Her last name is Schuyler, I should add that.)

Brooklyn Trees
January 1st, 2017, 12:45 AM
(Okay, thanks again! Her last name is Schuyler, I should add that.)
(K. I don't think we've gotten past S yet so I'll stick her in the Ss instead =^^=)

Casual Scribbles
January 2nd, 2017, 09:25 AM
(Huh. I'm not the only who saw that then, I'm still confused at that though, I'm not really sure what's going on.)

William grinned again, continuing to rub the cat lightly on its head with his wrist folded slightly in order to reach it.
"Cool." He said, echoing her own description of drawing the sorting, then turned his attention partially back to Panther and then drew his other hand through his hair because a few of his wiry locks had flopped themselves into his eyes.
The blonde boy glanced back up at the sorting, waiting to see which house the next person would be going into.

Silvia smilied and turned her head back toward the sorting boggart. The changing of the creature’s form fascinated her, so she watched with curiosity sparking in her eyes. She watched silently, waiting for the next person to go up. How was it that Silvia Grey was magical? Her life had been anything but magical! Then again, she had lived in an orphanage for the past few years. Either way, she had still been surprised when an owl appeared in the window with a letter. She was surprised even more when it said she'd been accepted into a school of magic! Silvia hadn't even enrolled! She hadn't known of its existence at the time! Yet here she was, sorted into Huxely, the house of the wolf, and preparing to start learning magic.

January 5th, 2017, 04:35 PM
Auburny gave a small smile to the brunette in the chair, though she wasn't looking them in the eye. Instead, she was looking at their mouth as they spoke. As far as she knew the conversation had just kind of ended, not being much good with conversations, but she tried to pick it up with something. The only thing that immediately came to mind then however was
"Yeah..." which she actually said. It sounded stupid after the fact, but she had still said it.
The red-head tried to think of any kind of question or some kind of remark that she could say. She didn't see the confusion in his eyes, she wasn't even looking at their eyes when it happened. She was still, however, aware that Freck was unusually tense. Well, maybe not unusually, she had only known them for a total of like... fifteen minutes? Maybe longer, she wasn't sure how long the attack on the train had lasted. He still seemed tense, though, as opposed to how he had seemed so relaxed before.
"D-do you want me to go? Because I can go I won't be offended or anything..." She trailed off, glancing up from her shoe, which she had been watching as she spoke, to his face. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable here and it didn't seem much like she was helping. She would have said she was hindering if it hadn't been for the small smile that he had on his face, she couldn't tell if it was forced or not, though, Freck could just be being nice but wanting her to go. She couldn't read minds, so she had no way of knowing besides verbally.
Freck paused a moment. The conversation really didn't need to go on, though it couldn't really count as an actual conversation, not even a chat. They should apologise for panicking and running off the train earlier. A number of people had gotten to them and they just needed to escape, despite being caught by a chaperone. They should apologise, they had just run off on her rather than saying anything. Rather rude, if you asked them. They drew a shuddery breath and briefly turned their eyes to Auburney's as they spoke.

"I-I'm sorry for running off earlier, I-I didn't mean to leave you like that, th-the people got to me, I-I couldn't handle it.." I guess I can't handle much of anything, really.. They wanted to add, but they didn't, today was not a day for their self-deprecation.

They wanted the apology to be quick, Freck didn't know if it was allowed to talk to other tables during the sorting, and they were actually sort of curious as to who else would be in their house. Perhaps someone like them? Or someone confident who could talk easy and give them a chance? Doubtful, but they wanted to know.

Brooklyn Trees
January 6th, 2017, 09:22 PM
Freck paused a moment. The conversation really didn't need to go on, though it couldn't really count as an actual conversation, not even a chat. They should apologise for panicking and running off the train earlier. A number of people had gotten to them and they just needed to escape, despite being caught by a chaperone. They should apologise, they had just run off on her rather than saying anything. Rather rude, if you asked them. They drew a shuddery breath and briefly turned their eyes to Auburney's as they spoke.

"I-I'm sorry for running off earlier, I-I didn't mean to leave you like that, th-the people got to me, I-I couldn't handle it.." I guess I can't handle much of anything, really.. They wanted to add, but they didn't, today was not a day for their self-deprecation.

They wanted the apology to be quick, Freck didn't know if it was allowed to talk to other tables during the sorting, and they were actually sort of curious as to who else would be in their house. Perhaps someone like them? Or someone confident who could talk easy and give them a chance? Doubtful, but they wanted to know.

Auburny felt a familiarity in what Freck said. Too many people was always... Interesting. No, interesting wasn't the right word, didn't really describe it correctly, she just didn't really have another word to use. The red-headed girl flicked her eyes back down to the floor for a moment, then back at the brunnete's face.
"Don't be sorry." She had thought out her response before hand, had wanted to elaborate further and say something else, something longer, but her mouth had closed before she could actually continue speaking and she just stopped speaking. She glanced up at Erling after she spoke, her earlier apprehension that talking to Freck, who was now in Huxley while she was in Valdel, was against the rules returning.

Auburny stopped speaking, she could see that Freck was watching the sorting again, or trying to at least. A bit difficult what with her over here and trying to initiate some kind of conversation that they probably wanted to either end or not happen so they could continue watching. She wanted to watch too, and she wanted to see which house Jackson got into. For a brief moment she wished that he would end up in the same house as she was in, Valdel, so she would get more time to know him.

The red-head suddenly felt alarmed as the now somewhat familiar bell went off in her head, the bell of sort of warning that repeated the current action she was doing when she shouldn't be doing that action. And right now she was staring st the short-haired boy with the large grey cat again. She felt her face grow hot as it reddened in embarrassment. It was unlikely that anyone noticed, hopefully, but she couldn't help blushing when she caught herself staring at him... Again.