View Full Version : Artemis

January 17th, 2017, 06:54 AM

Current Name: Artemis
Other Names, if any: None
Age (in moons): 17
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Creation Date: Unknown

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: DS
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: Loner
Rank: Fighter
Mentor(s): OPEN
Apprentice(s): None

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): OPEN
Mother (s): OPEN
Sibling(s): OPEN
Offspring: None

Best Friend(s): OPEN
Friend(s): OPEN
Neutral: OPEN
Acquaintance(s): OPEN
Enemies: OPEN

Crush: OPEN
Significant Other: OPEN


Overview: Artemis is a fiery female. She tends to not hold her tongue, but she is learning to not speak all of her mind. She has a kind heart though, even though she may be stubborn, cocky, and be a big mouth at times. However, her kind, compassionate, and caring heart always out weighs her bad aspects. She tends to watch rather than do to learn things from other cats, but then she practices those actions of others not to long after. She has a great sense of humor. She will do anything to protect the DS. She tends to stand up for those who need it, but she can out spoken sometimes.
Traits: Fiery, stubborn, cocky, big mouth, out spoken, kind, caring, compassionate, misunderstood

Mental Age: 35 moons
Psychiatric Complications: None
Phobias: None

Sociability: 7/10
Outlook: Pessimistic 50% Optimistic 50%
Responsibility: 9/10
Cleanliness: 9/10
Generosity: 8/10
Manners: 8/10
Bravery: 8//10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Both

Favorite Season: Greenleaf
Favorite Food(s): Rabbit
Favorite Word: Unknown
Favorite Sound: Thunder

Greatest Hope: Unknown
Greatest Strength: Stubbornness and smarts
Greatest Weakness: Being kind when trying not to be
Worst Nightmare: Unknown
Deepest Darkest Secret: Unknown
Most Treasured Memory: Unknown

Quirk(s): None
Theme Song(s): I Need A Hero


Place of Birth: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Former rank(s): Loner
Beliefs: Unknown

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Unknown
Fur Color(s): Grey, brown, tan
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Light tabby marks on head
Eye Color: Green

Body Type/Structure: Muscular
Height: Medium
Weight: Normal
Voice: Unknown
Gait: Smooth
Scent: Pine

Scars / Deformities: None
Diseases / Conditions: None

Coordination: 8/10
Reflexes: 7/10
Strength: 8/10

Image(s): http://warriorcatsreplay.webs.com/gray-cat.jpg