View Full Version : ShadowClan Epidemic...

January 11th, 2017, 12:04 PM
Stormheart returned from the wastelands and with other cats, along with Halestorm, now Halestar...
But that wasnt the only thing she came back with...
Lately she has had a terrible cough and refusses to go to Kestrelberry for help...
She continues to show more and more signs that cats fear...
Green cough...

We need A LOT of cats to get this, it will start out small, and will gradually spread! Stormheart, my kitty, and Furzepaw, Pink Orca's kitty, will be the first to get it!
Here are the symptoms of green cough for those who dont
irregular breathing,
eyes and nose mucus,
sluggishness and phlegm streaming from nose & mouth.

You can have more then one cat, and a few cats should die, i know alot of you dont want this but make a new cat that could die, or a cat you no longer rp!

Tom or She-Cat:
Will they die or live?:
If you have questions please contact me or Pink Orca!

January 11th, 2017, 12:24 PM
Name: Stromheart
Age: 30 or so moons
Tom or She-Cat: she cat
Will they die or live?: live
Appearence: long miane coon with black, brown, white and tan with large blue eyes.
Personality: tbrp
Rank: warrior

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 11th, 2017, 12:26 PM
Furze's form:

Name: Furzepaw
Age: 6-7 moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-cat
Will they die or live?: Most likely live, but aquire severe asthma
Appearence: Grey she-cat with jagged yellow tabby stripes and bright blue eyes
Personality: Jumpy, merry, friendly, and extroverted, she behaves in a very kitlike fasion.
Rank: Apprentice

January 11th, 2017, 01:03 PM
Stormheart returned from the wastelands and with other cats, along with Halestorm, now Halestar...
But that wasnt the only thing she came back with...
Lately she has had a terrible cough and refusses to go to Kestrelberry for help...
She continues to show more and more signs that cats fear...
Green cough...

We need A LOT of cats to get this, it will start out small, and will gradually spread! Stormheart, my kitty, and Furzepaw, Pink Orca's kitty, will be the first to get it!
Here are the symptoms of green cough for those who dont
irregular breathing,
eyes and nose mucus,
sluggishness and phlegm streaming from nose & mouth.

You can have more then one cat, and a few cats should die, i know alot of you dont want this but make a new cat that could die, or a cat you no longer rp!

Tom or She-Cat:
Will they die or live?:
If you have questions please contact me or Pink Orca!

Name: Maplefall/ Autumnkit.
Age: 36 moons / 3 moons.
Tom or She-Cat: Both she-cats.
Will they die or live?: Live / Die.
Appearance: See. bottom
Personality: Maplefall is a very loyal cat. Once you get her trust she will never betray you. The problem is, it's very hard to get her trust. She doesn't believe things till she sees them, and, will never forget if you lie to her. Most of these things come from when she was rouge, as being street smart decided if you would live or die. // Autumnkit is very wary, inheriting her mothers sence of danger and distrustingness, but she is very kind and a lot more accepting than her mother.
Rank: Queen / kit
Other?: Maplefall is the mother, Autumnkit is her daughter.

January 11th, 2017, 01:04 PM
And Maplefall:

January 11th, 2017, 03:15 PM
Name: Mudkit
Age: 2 Moons
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Most likely live
Appearence: Here (http://spiritedswcocharries.weebly.com/mudkit.html)
Personality: In link ↑
Rank: Kit
Questions?: Nope
Other?: Nope

January 12th, 2017, 09:17 AM
Name: Nightleap // Juniperheart // Twilightkit
Age: 26 moons // 15 moons // 5 moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-Cat // She-Cat // Tom
Will they die or live?: Live // Die // Possibly Live? (idk 'bout him yet xD)
Appearence: click (http://areptesa.wixsite.com/wcochars/nightleap) // click (https://www.royalcanin.com/~/media/Royal-Canin/Product-Categories/cat-adult-landing-hero.ashx) // ref 1 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/00/c9/92/00c99205b83098977c630d14af79ebf2.jpg) | ref 2 (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I7uL2_My3Bw/Tf0Yv_b2qKI/AAAAAAAALdU/mA7AR1ZAUaw/s640/sand+cat+1.jpg) | ref 3 (https://hdwallsbox.com/wallpapers/m/42/cats-animals-sand-cat-m41978.jpg) | ref 4 (http://www.coolanimalworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Cute-sand-dune-cat-pictures-05.jpg) | ref 5 (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a0/ec/29/a0ec29d23cf08ff97a80cdbb76862c47.jpg)
Personality: " scroll a bit // Loyal, stern, kind // Snarky, snappy, stubborn, loyal, sarcastic
Rank: Warrior // Warrior // Kit
Questions?: blip blip bloop xD
Other?: nope lolz

goddess of ducks
January 12th, 2017, 03:19 PM
Name: Smokeblossom (http://nightyscharries.weebly.com/smokeblossom.html)| Darkstorm (http://nightyscharries.weebly.com/darkstorm.html)
Tom or She: She | Tom
Will they die: No | Yes
Rank: warrior | senior Warrior/considered becoming elder
Questios: Nope
Other: nope

January 12th, 2017, 03:21 PM
Name: Smokebloom
Age: 45 moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-cat
Will they die or live?: Live//She's suffered before.
Appearence: Below
Personality: TBRP
Rank: Warrior

Caligo Everton
January 12th, 2017, 03:24 PM
Name: Darlingheart
Age: 20
Tom or She-Cat: she cat
Will they die or live?: die
Appearence: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/44/e5/1f/44e51f9b7b79c02a9493cd26d47ecf36.jpg
Personality: tbrp
Rank: warrior
Questions?: no
Other?: no

January 12th, 2017, 05:05 PM
Everyone is accepted :3

January 12th, 2017, 05:45 PM
Name- Silentcry (http://wcocharries.weebly.com/silentcry.html)
Age- 20 moons
Tom or She-Cat- Molly / She-Cat
Will they die or live?- Live but come very close to death
Rank- Warrior
Questions?- Noop

Name- Volekit (http://wcocharries.weebly.com/volekit.html)
Age- 20 moons
Tom or She-Cat- Tom
Will they die or live?- Live, he won't get it until the very end so he'll be treated not too long after getting it
Rank- Kit
Questions?- Noop

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 12th, 2017, 06:41 PM
This will lead into the RC epidemic, tell me if you are interested in your cat fighting (and therefore infecting) Flashstrike
Greencough reaches RC plot/thread (http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=126758#post126758)

January 12th, 2017, 07:33 PM
Name: Dewpaw (http://starfallscharacters.weebly.com/dewpaw.html)//Sootkit (http://starfallscharacters.weebly.com/sootkit.html)
Age: 13 moons//4 Moons
Gender: Female//Male
Will they die or live?: Live// Get really close to dying, but live
Rank:Soon to be warrior//Soon to be apprentice
Questions/Other?: nope

January 13th, 2017, 07:14 AM
you two are accepted!

January 13th, 2017, 09:06 AM
Name: bearclaw
Age: 21 moons
Tom or She-Cat:tom
Will they die or live?: almost die,but live by a miracle
Appearence: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSTBdxucX1rnuCA4RL17JsTqzDABI9z U20h1ZB6tMoM8E8WkJy8g
Personality: TBRP'D
Rank: warrior
Questions?: nope
Other?: nope

January 13th, 2017, 09:32 AM
Stormheart returned from the wastelands and with other cats, along with Halestorm, now Halestar...
But that wasnt the only thing she came back with...
Lately she has had a terrible cough and refusses to go to Kestrelberry for help...
She continues to show more and more signs that cats fear...
Green cough...

We need A LOT of cats to get this, it will start out small, and will gradually spread! Stormheart, my kitty, and Furzepaw, Pink Orca's kitty, will be the first to get it!
Here are the symptoms of green cough for those who dont
irregular breathing,
eyes and nose mucus,
sluggishness and phlegm streaming from nose & mouth.

You can have more then one cat, and a few cats should die, i know alot of you dont want this but make a new cat that could die, or a cat you no longer rp!

Tom or She-Cat:
Will they die or live?:
If you have questions please contact me or Pink Orca!

Name: Willowpaw
Age: 17 moons
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Live (but barely)
Appearence: Link ( gYHiggGBolGxcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGy0lHyUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAPYAzQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFAAEHBgj/xAA9EAABAwIDBQYEBQMEAgMBAAABAAIRAyEEMUEFElFhcQYigZ Gh8BOxwdEHMlLh8RQjQhVigpIzoiRy8hb/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAoEQACAgICAgEEAQUAAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMUFREwQiMqFCYX GRwdH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APQiIzQnUxKjhcK9n5kd4uvPOoEQj/DtmhECVIPPBFhRMSjGYS1R7tFlKo+bhKx0FaCscSUam6Mwtvel YULsZxRmtlTaQdFNzt0ZIsCDKcLQJlbNVxyCLSoOOaBk6TAc0V uHHFRbh4UhT5oAjUw44qEQjClN5QnhIZHfKwORCLITwYQAdrQo ll81Cm0qLgZQAaANVp1QITxGZWwRwQBMV+ShUqHgtujgofEMpD NsdyUX0Jutb5JRhXAQBtuEOblP+kBQhiXCxWxXlUQRxOz2uBAs ePArmGD7dVcLWfQxlPe3HEEgbrhwI0cCCCMrFdS+MRouefihsQ VQMSGw5g3XH9TOfEtN+krSFXTJk3Wj1Wydv4XE/wDiqtJ/Se67/qbq2FFfNdZpYbG2nL7K32V2wxdEgNrvLeDjvR/2mFo8HolZfZ392FlY3DcVzDZH4nVAYqta8cR3T9leU/xDY+wY6Vk8Ul4LUkz2nwoWBvJeNf24gxuDxKGfxDLZO42BzPzR 8bHyR7DaO0KeHpuq1XBjG5k+gHEngud4j8Vz8XuUHfCBzJG8ec 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PNVPaOsfgkgkXGUE53gHMwhukCWzMFjGkRvCRYjWUyKglc3FSo 6p8SnVMg3iGieh9Rqm6lWu5298V1xoYA8AuOP1EZHV8N/iz3zH77t0eJ4Jt1QAQF4rs9tI0nO+ISWubEnQzIPpHivT4faDH iWkLeE4voynjlF7GDVPE+9FD40mCEOkQbg3GfEHmiuqDUgKkQB fh2nS603CjJFfWbxCGcQBmUUFlTtPslhq8mpSaSRnkddQvA7Z/DN7ZdQqBwg2dYg31GngupPxzMt8DxStXG0szUb/ANgmnQP+pwvGdmMWxxaaTvC/lx/hVlTB1QYLHAjMEFd9xO06As54PgkK+Ow2oaecI+RexKF9EREWs flabKQBsJ4BYsXMd6Ma2AIk6mTnHOFCo+2sA/ZYsSDwV+0sD8OazCAD+duW9JidYMoWBxrptEbu9ERA6g5wByss WLmyrjNSXZnLTRcCrERafFSFa0+7hYsXSWBqUgdJ6+f0QP8AT6 dzuj3/AAsWJNIpMuKG3atFjWgNc1sC5M7sxAQaXbNm9em8A5RB6rFiay STomWGFWZW7WMDzDHEWmYHHqqvam2H1yLbrBkJmbZlYsRLJJ6F DFHTK97CDLTBi/MWnoeanSx0sLw2AM/LpdYsXHnSTUl3ZOTTTQ1TfvDeWjhxvAguB0LXEc9FtYumjVPRr cdvb3xHzP6jplPFbqBznbznEkWmTlwW1iLY6XoGyjBP0JyUr6n 6rFiApEBS1UTSBtHVYsSGBq4fdE2cz9LuOkHMKNJgM7riBzWli 5PqJPHuOjny/Y/tP//Z)
Personality: A very proud and trainfull apprentice that loves competition. He wants to be the strongest cat of all shadowclan, and someday rule over, maybe? He is cheerfull and proactive, never stops when he has a plan in mind. He has an explorer doul, always looking for new places and secrets in the territory. Willowpaw can get wild and hyperactive if he is left with the option, unless a warrior sees him. He would be too ashamed to be considered a noisy and annoying apprentice. He loves playing with kits (mostly because they are so stupid) and show them what being an apprentice is going to be. He is selfish, but will not hesitate to fight for his friends and loved ones.
Rank: Apprentice
Questions?:Does the meddie take part into this already? It would be a major addon. C:
Other?: Post here when you will start being sick. Also would it help if I made a thread with every sick cats for this? :squee:

January 13th, 2017, 09:36 AM
Name: bearclaw
Age: 21 moons
Tom or She-Cat:tom
Will they die or live?: almost die,but live by a miracle
Appearence: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSTBdxucX1rnuCA4RL17JsTqzDABI9z U20h1ZB6tMoM8E8WkJy8g
Personality: TBRP'D
Rank: warrior
Questions?: nope
Other?: nope

January 13th, 2017, 09:37 AM
Name: Willowpaw
Age: 17 moons
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Live (but barely)
Appearence: Link ( gYHiggGBolGxcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGy0lHyUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAPYAzQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFAAEHBgj/xAA9EAABAwIDBQYEBQMEAgMBAAABAAIRAyEEMUEFElFhcQYigZ Gh8BOxwdEHMlLh8RQjQhVigpIzoiRy8hb/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAoEQACAgICAgEEAQUAAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMUFREwQiMqFCYX GRwdH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/APQiIzQnUxKjhcK9n5kd4uvPOoEQj/DtmhECVIPPBFhRMSjGYS1R7tFlKo+bhKx0FaCscSUam6Mwtvel YULsZxRmtlTaQdFNzt0ZIsCDKcLQJlbNVxyCLSoOOaBk6TAc0V uHHFRbh4UhT5oAjUw44qEQjClN5QnhIZHfKwORCLITwYQAdrQo ll81Cm0qLgZQAaANVp1QITxGZWwRwQBMV+ShUqHgtujgofEMpD NsdyUX0Jutb5JRhXAQBtuEOblP+kBQhiXCxWxXlUQRxOz2uBAs ePArmGD7dVcLWfQxlPe3HEEgbrhwI0cCCCMrFdS+MRouefihsQ VQMSGw5g3XH9TOfEtN+krSFXTJk3Wj1Wydv4XE/wDiqtJ/Se67/qbq2FFfNdZpYbG2nL7K32V2wxdEgNrvLeDjvR/2mFo8HolZfZ392FlY3DcVzDZH4nVAYqta8cR3T9leU/xDY+wY6Vk8Ul4LUkz2nwoWBvJeNf24gxuDxKGfxDLZO42BzPzR 8bHyR7DaO0KeHpuq1XBjG5k+gHEngud4j8Vz8XuUHfCBzJG8ec 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Jt5KwwlUuEPLGEWkS4fSFV7TxdZtQUwRDsn7hA981TbCkM7QxG 8APhbkAQB3Z8rrzm1i59NzXMaA0WIJJPWV6LFYEBs1Km8R/kBJPQcFU4zGB1CoAXGbiQG2iwFhInVJ7GnRznA7XOHquM2aLDr cnrl5FdC2Tt9lQtYHS52Y4C7vpC47twEVHdZWthbXdRqtfNhY9 IP7rvirRyydSZ778TcCHNbUbEA9M1zVzIK9ntrbvx6I3vLhAH3 PkvHVbnqnEJ+DA6FEOuhPK21WQWeAknK32k/L5KeLbvgRxiPSflPWeKhg6TnENGZyzt5ZQrrGbOptpEg98GCcp jll/wDrMRKm9lJaPM1KZbYgz9Pc+SGbD18U5tPGfEIdEEgT/wDbI+cNKrpVEhQVCbrHKIugAzVuc1FixADFKoQOQ/f902QevviEnSp8bDon2UrWE+qTKR13DtrU2vcXVAZhrWOIhpg3 np81DB9pMTS34o1au8ZJLt4gAWiTldaxPZZz8sU9ttGs0n1v6B Do9mYBZ/VF7mwCT+YC26Duu5LylzSuv2dbjNmM2m/Evl9FzN60PYd4zqHaJ3/U2spAOc8FpLfjPdB1Aa3hZI1eylY2GKc0HQB2fXfso4jsvXIvi AdJLSfOXJXK7aFxnWkXvZnHYeo2o13xALXe81N+35he3grbZ9R rSTNJreLnFzj/AMT+VePodnazGBoqNka3jW27oL+i3/peNAG6+kdDMgdQAEnkn4j+xcJ+j1OKxTAWb1doE95xDRPgISmP/uOaaby9pEkkARwyEfwvP/6JXz+HQ6kkyOhbZGq4LEkbu4wWjuvc23CBFkvlmn+L/Q3GXotDVptgPMkCYl0cpMWVLtmo00Q4FogEBocSYGvS6TbsHEX IYLwbVCL9DYhJ47ZmJp0y6rukDUHyEK1Jt9AoteDnu3qnfKp5u rDap756pGmJK9WPRyTdssWMPwpmx095pJzyrDEODWNaOElV7yh AyAKdwlKUmFa7NwrqjmUwLuy1jn5cU2JFls9jm/3g0kNIERxOnMDjyVTtPaDnunKScrWtHy9F0yvsYNpho4X8cz8/Ncx2rhC0zFp3fEAEjrdRF2XJUIPctQsK3orINuC0M1trlkoAI0 xZYD81Gm2T4qUXKACtqRBGiYpOtBvHgkw5M0mWv6j9kgR9A0q7 Tl+ykKzeVkF2PbDC0gscLBocTOkGAIjio/1NSf8AwmOb25FeRjyqatP9Hpp2hkV28Rw/bqp/EHFKnFPy+C7jYt+6E7Fmb4epPQH1BWlsosQ/osLko0sgzTcOW7z9+S3vN/TB6AeFlDnXlCsZDuJWt5Chp7pvxv8AuoCmwyDI0uf3Qsi9r/IWNc1T9q2k4d/K5jkmQS2d1wc3KIbI6HVK7UBLKgLgQRYRfLUixJ+yyf1SU1H/AGHI4PtGd8zxKHgqO+8NHH2U9t+huvJ4qGyaXdc/hbz9+q9pPVnmtfdRPaD2zAGU+/KFXo9dwJgXjPmeXLJCpC900hN2xijSyP7Lon4ZbANR5xDwd0Wa TqdTz/leQ2Jsx2JrU6LM3G/Iak9AvonZmyW0aTGNAAa0AQIyCib8FRXkqMdstu6Vz3bex6VGn Vdu7xPfAN7tiLcIC63XpLz+0+zbas7xJkRH34jkotlo+eBSP0W 2tzXVtqdhaYswERcnM889T6LwG1NjPpucCIE253t9fJaKaZDhR SELSK+m7Igo1DDjUe+KogHTsDz9FGPfmn6tE25+/ukn04Pj+yYM2yn9/VMGg7IQfHQ5ZobGke5Rri0TCAR2mq0UC6znUnAy0EkMcSO9GZb AJgZeKaw2Pb3L7zHjuuAN41OceeqUNB8fnvrP5Ztob+ErME11F rgx7Wyd4gAgb2pAm3TmvEljlGXPGv7rR6HT0XZAWlWPfUiziDn IGXgeaUf8YZYjhmwGeOvvmuhNtbRaZ6BZKqaFWpf+4HcJaB/KPTrPyO67Kcx1teEnJr+L/X/QsZbiGOcWj8wkZH5kQfBFZTgQDbnJSLajrS4eHvJTdVdo5oPif SQjk/TGPIWKALTPAyoUKdV2TgejPrvJ2jsSrVa/eIb3SI3SJJEZE6Kopy6RLmktnz/2iAJ89UHD0t2hP6jnyH8HyK9r2t7F1GPiDECCBa5vJ1Ommi9bi vw0+LhmNa4NO4DEalthyhdq6SOJ/k2cPawEmM8x9fQz4JulRLZkH7c/kvdVfwrrtfEEjiCLX58ld4P8PCAfiG97k6WIy4X8CQVdkKID8J dnFu/Xc0guO60kaDP1XXaVwqTYQZRpim1vdbbL6qyG0gbBZebNCdZqU qtRXYlCe6ckxCNehMry+O7PCqZeNbDkvYNpu4IOIZAPFIdnPMb s3Dj/ABaC2G5azAHMSY6lUlbZ1CTAgxbhJy6Rl4FF7R4TEvqup02PId HeggAzMybHP/1C3iuzuK+G6t/n3juZ2JlUqE7PK7QcA4gZCC3yF/D6Kv8AgnT3In6KeLc4VCHAgggQeXXmptcPTXx4cloZsi2gDPEH 3ZZXN4ga9ff7rDWAtwP2n6odVwlAjtVSpBueg963UpOeuRH7od PCtDYl0c3EnKf8p4HJZ/TM/wB1v9zuWd59NFwW/R6JJ7vcrGO0vPOfZQ34ZpFn1G6yHm+sXJEG3rCBiWuaO5JE3a5 zp0uC10+vghutjY613M+/kjAfJVFCo10vFR24cm7zgRBLTMk2J6J+mGkSCdP8j0UQyqfQot MZa4ao2Hp7zw1uZMD3KSbQiSd7pvH09E7s54pVGvMndM/mP1Ktd7HLrR7fB0GUgGtz1PNH+KvOVe0FFpH9xoBJzMW++SZob WYb77SOoXWpLwcLi/JataKn5mgjmjPqDRQpusOET5pCrVlx4BUIcc8Kr2pW3WkqTqxm PNVPaOsfgkgkXGUE53gHMwhukCWzMFjGkRvCRYjWUyKglc3FSo 6p8SnVMg3iGieh9Rqm6lWu5298V1xoYA8AuOP1EZHV8N/iz3zH77t0eJ4Jt1QAQF4rs9tI0nO+ISWubEnQzIPpHivT4faDH iWkLeE4voynjlF7GDVPE+9FD40mCEOkQbg3GfEHmiuqDUgKkQB fh2nS603CjJFfWbxCGcQBmUUFlTtPslhq8mpSaSRnkddQvA7Z/DN7ZdQqBwg2dYg31GngupPxzMt8DxStXG0szUb/ANgmnQP+pwvGdmMWxxaaTvC/lx/hVlTB1QYLHAjMEFd9xO06As54PgkK+Ow2oaecI+RexKF9EREWs flabKQBsJ4BYsXMd6Ma2AIk6mTnHOFCo+2sA/ZYsSDwV+0sD8OazCAD+duW9JidYMoWBxrptEbu9ERA6g5wByss WLmyrjNSXZnLTRcCrERafFSFa0+7hYsXSWBqUgdJ6+f0QP8AT6 dzuj3/AAsWJNIpMuKG3atFjWgNc1sC5M7sxAQaXbNm9em8A5RB6rFiay STomWGFWZW7WMDzDHEWmYHHqqvam2H1yLbrBkJmbZlYsRLJJ6F DFHTK97CDLTBi/MWnoeanSx0sLw2AM/LpdYsXHnSTUl3ZOTTTQ1TfvDeWjhxvAguB0LXEc9FtYumjVPRr cdvb3xHzP6jplPFbqBznbznEkWmTlwW1iLY6XoGyjBP0JyUr6n 6rFiApEBS1UTSBtHVYsSGBq4fdE2cz9LuOkHMKNJgM7riBzWli 5PqJPHuOjny/Y/tP//Z)
Personality: A very proud and trainfull apprentice that loves competition. He wants to be the strongest cat of all shadowclan, and someday rule over, maybe? He is cheerfull and proactive, never stops when he has a plan in mind. He has an explorer doul, always looking for new places and secrets in the territory. Willowpaw can get wild and hyperactive if he is left with the option, unless a warrior sees him. He would be too ashamed to be considered a noisy and annoying apprentice. He loves playing with kits (mostly because they are so stupid) and show them what being an apprentice is going to be. He is selfish, but will not hesitate to fight for his friends and loved ones.
Rank: Apprentice
Questions?:Does the meddie take part into this already? It would be a major addon. C:
Other?: Post here when you will start being sick. Also would it help if I made a thread with every sick cats for this? :squee:


January 13th, 2017, 11:20 AM

The Skeleton Prince
January 13th, 2017, 12:10 PM
Name: Blazepaw
Age: 8 moons
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Die ;-;
Appearence: http://img.charahub.com/c849677_fd43cd470d218b3163b3c35fc81bed5f.png
Personality: mean, smug, thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (lol), he never takes no for an answer and he loves to mess around with she-cats.
Rank: Apprentice
Questions?: none
Other?: Charahub (https://charahub.com/character/849677/Blazepaw/public/)

January 13th, 2017, 12:23 PM
Name: Blazepaw
Age: 8 moons
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Die ;-;
Appearence: http://img.charahub.com/c849677_fd43cd470d218b3163b3c35fc81bed5f.png
Personality: mean, smug, thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (lol), he never takes no for an answer and he loves to mess around with she-cats.
Rank: Apprentice
Questions?: none
Other?: Charahub (https://charahub.com/character/849677/Blazepaw/public/)

The Skeleton Prince
January 13th, 2017, 12:49 PM
Name: Blazepaw
Age: 8 moons
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Die ;-;
Appearence: http://img.charahub.com/c849677_fd43cd470d218b3163b3c35fc81bed5f.png
Personality: mean, smug, thinks he is all that and a bag of chips (lol), he never takes no for an answer and he loves to mess around with she-cats.
Rank: Apprentice
Questions?: none
Other?: Charahub (https://charahub.com/character/849677/Blazepaw/public/)
Instead of dying he is just going to be in critical condition and possibly go blind from the fever

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 13th, 2017, 02:31 PM
The cough will/should spread from cat to cat in the order that their forms were posted. If you have any questions/concerns about the spreading of the virus, contact me or Teggy

January 13th, 2017, 08:38 PM
Could you guys PM me who has infected you and who you infected so I can keep track of the disease please? This will help me alot. :heartbounce:

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 13th, 2017, 08:45 PM
PLEASE post here when your cat is infected, AND when they infect the next cat, so that we can move the disease through the Clans BEFORE newleaf, please and thank you. Forms are still open.

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 13th, 2017, 09:00 PM
Furze has caught greencough from her mentor
If you're avalible to rp in the next 24 hours, great
If not, we will assume that your characters caught it from Furzepaw somehow.

As Mad-Eye Moody (when he was being impersonated), "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Maybe not that extreme, but we want this to move quickly, please!

January 13th, 2017, 11:08 PM
Furze has caught greencough from her mentor
If you're avalible to rp in the next 24 hours, great
If not, we will assume that your characters caught it from Furzepaw somehow.

As Mad-Eye Moody (when he was being impersonated), "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Maybe not that extreme, but we want this to move quickly, please!

What's the cat's name? I'd need it o-o maplefall's character's name.

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 13th, 2017, 11:11 PM
What's the cat's name? I'd need it o-o maplefall's character's name.
urm. first page, third post.

January 13th, 2017, 11:15 PM
urm. first page, third post.

I said maplefall's character XD by the way ... I need it!

infection tracker (http://www.familyecho.com/?p=M5RGW&c=s50selfsdk&f=292089949397262319)

January 14th, 2017, 02:50 AM
urm. first page, third post.
I said maplefall's character XD by the way ... I need it!

infection tracker (http://www.familyecho.com/?p=M5RGW&c=s50selfsdk&f=292089949397262319)

sowwy I havnt been on, I live in England, has the 24 hours run out? Also, the characters name is Maplefall.

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 14th, 2017, 02:51 AM
sowwy I havnt been on, I live in England, has the 24 hours run out? Also, the characters name is Maplefall.
Dont worry, you're earlier than I expected
Do you wanna rp now, then?

January 14th, 2017, 02:53 AM
Dont worry, you're earlier than I expected
Do you wanna rp now, then?

yes, could you post first?

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 14th, 2017, 02:55 AM
yes, could you post first?
Sure, I'll mention you

January 14th, 2017, 02:56 AM
Sure, I'll mention you


January 14th, 2017, 08:55 AM
Are my cat accepted?

January 14th, 2017, 10:15 AM
Name:web paw
Age:7 moons
Die or live:live maby
Appearance:grey blue with white paws and muzzel
Personality:kind and don't like being told what to do
Questions:she is currently in the medicine den so is it OK if she gets it there cause her mentor has it and dies?btw do I go ahead and start?
Other:she is currently in a bad condition so I don't know if I will have her die a warrior Frome it or what.

January 14th, 2017, 02:53 PM
Age: 38 Moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-cat
Will they die or live?: Die
Appearance: Appearance Here (http://jaxens-kitties.weebly.com/kittypets.html)
Personality: Personality Here (http://jaxens-kitties.weebly.com/kittypets.html)
Rank: Warrior-to-be
Bugsie will wander off into Clan territory and be questioned by a warrior, who will approach her utterly harshly. It will continue on from there.

January 14th, 2017, 08:31 PM
Stormheart returned from the wastelands and with other cats, along with Halestorm, now Halestar...
But that wasnt the only thing she came back with...
Lately she has had a terrible cough and refusses to go to Kestrelberry for help...
She continues to show more and more signs that cats fear...
Green cough...

We need A LOT of cats to get this, it will start out small, and will gradually spread! Stormheart, my kitty, and Furzepaw, Pink Orca's kitty, will be the first to get it!
Here are the symptoms of green cough for those who dont
irregular breathing,
eyes and nose mucus,
sluggishness and phlegm streaming from nose & mouth.

You can have more then one cat, and a few cats should die, i know alot of you dont want this but make a new cat that could die, or a cat you no longer rp!

Tom or She-Cat:
Will they die or live?:
If you have questions please contact me or Pink Orca!

Will this be spreading to all of the clans? I know it's going to RC, SkC, and apparently the DS, but will it be coming to TC and WC too?

January 15th, 2017, 02:49 PM
Will this be spreading to all of the clans? I know it's going to RC, SkC, and apparently the DS, but will it be coming to TC and WC too?
I don't think so... It may go to the DS... Pink and I havent disided. But I highly doubt it will go to TC or WC.

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 15th, 2017, 04:31 PM
I don't think so... It may go to the DS... Pink and I havent disided. But I highly doubt it will go to TC or WC.
it should/will get to the DS through Silverpaw because he's gona fite hs twin soon

January 17th, 2017, 08:37 AM
it should/will get to the DS through Silverpaw because he's gona fite hs twin soon
Ah ok!

Ludicrous Lunacy
January 17th, 2017, 08:50 AM
(Please note that your cat doesn't NEED to be in the plot to get greencough, seeing as it is leafbare and this isn't admin assigned or anything...)

Ag75 -- GONE
January 18th, 2017, 07:58 PM
Name: Twigkit
Age: 1 1/2 moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-cat
Will they die or live?: live
Appearance: http://warriorcatsonlinecharacters.weebly.com/twigkit.html---- Tells info and has photo
Personality: same link
Rank: kit
Questions?: None
Other?: None

Gosh, this will be fun! Twig's enemy has green cough, so she can get it from her.

Ag75 -- GONE
January 18th, 2017, 08:01 PM

Wait, what??? Autumnkit's gonna die?! AWW!!!!

January 19th, 2017, 06:56 AM
Wait, what??? Autumnkit's gonna die?! AWW!!!!

sowwy, I started to like her a lot too....

January 24th, 2017, 07:09 PM
Name: Tallstripe
Age: 24 moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-cat
Will they die or live?: Die
Appearence: A gray tabby, with a white belly and only half a tail. Green eyes. She is a medium sized cat with no scars.
Personality: She is very unfriendly; she hates talking to anyone and is often off by herself, or arguing with those she doesn't like. She sometimes hangs out around other cats; but only to hear what they talk about.
Rank: Warrior
Questions?: nah
Other?: nah

January 24th, 2017, 07:10 PM

January 24th, 2017, 07:17 PM
Please tell me who infects who :D I got a tracker!

January 24th, 2017, 08:22 PM
Name: Shiverlight
Age: Forgot. Let me find it XD
Tom or She-Cat: She, her, female
Will they die or live?: Live, but barely
Appearence: Russian blue wig steely yellow eyes. Lean build.
Personality: She is often found alone. The she cat is introverted and generally enjoys being by herself. The she cat will later her personally to make sure others like or know her not to be a big grouch.
Rank: Warrior
Questions?: nup
Other?: nup

January 24th, 2017, 08:30 PM
Name: Shypaw
Age: 9 moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-cat
Will they die or live?: Die
Appearence: Here (http://aashkasbeautifulkittys.weebly.com/shypaw.html)
Personality: In the link above.
Rank: Apprentice
Questions?: nah
Other?: nah

January 25th, 2017, 05:47 AM
Name: Twilightpaw
Age: 7 moons
Tom or She-Cat: She-cat
Will they die or live?: she gets really close to dying, but lives.
Appearence: http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=467&pictureid=1832
Personality: quiet, keeps to herself, clumsy, short-tempered.
Rank: apprentice
Questions?: nope

January 25th, 2017, 07:43 AM
all three accepted

January 25th, 2017, 10:36 AM
Am I able to join Teggy ?

January 25th, 2017, 10:37 AM
Am I able to join Teggy ?
yes this is always open :)

January 25th, 2017, 01:44 PM
yes this is always open :)
Ok thanks. I'll make a form in a bit.

January 25th, 2017, 01:49 PM
Name: Sweetpaw
Age: 8 moons
Tom or She-Cat: she-cat
Will they die or live?: live but in bad health
Appearence: http://www.animalbliss.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Adopting-a-stray-cat-2.jpg
Personality: sweet kind yet can be vicious can get angry somewhat easily
Rank: apprentice
Questions?: nooe

January 26th, 2017, 09:48 AM
Name: Sweetpaw
Age: 8 moons
Tom or She-Cat: she-cat
Will they die or live?: live but in bad health
Appearence: http://www.animalbliss.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Adopting-a-stray-cat-2.jpg
Personality: sweet kind yet can be vicious can get angry somewhat easily
Rank: apprentice
Questions?: nooe

January 26th, 2017, 10:29 AM
Yay thx!

January 30th, 2017, 07:27 PM
Teggy, are my cats accepted? Would you like me to repost their bios?

goddess of ducks
January 30th, 2017, 09:16 PM
Ludicrous Lunacy where is the sickness at and who's next I'm so confuzzled right now

February 3rd, 2017, 07:59 AM
Name: Moalion
Age: 18 Moons (2 1/2 Years)
Tom or She-Cat: She-Cat
Will they die or live?: Die
Appearance: Small | Orange and White | Tabby | Dull Green Eyes | Sickly
Personality: Shy | Hopeful | Logical
Rank: Warrior
Sibling(s): Sleetfire, her brother
Questions?: N/A
Other?: N/A

Name: Sleetfire
Age: 18 Moons (2 1/2 Years)
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Live
Appearance: Tall | Black and Brown | Tabby | Dark Black Eyes | Strong
Personality: Protective | Caring | Intimidating
Rank: Warrior
Sibling(s): Moalion, his sister
Questions?: N/A
Other?: N/A


February 3rd, 2017, 08:01 AM
Name: Moalion
Age: 18 Moons (2 1/2 Years)
Tom or She-Cat: She-Cat
Will they die or live?: Die
Appearance: Small | Orange and White | Tabby | Dull Green Eyes | Sickly
Personality: Shy | Hopeful | Logical
Rank: Warrior
Sibling(s): Sleetfire, her brother
Questions?: N/A
Other?: N/A

Name: Sleetfire
Age: 18 Moons (2 1/2 Years)
Tom or She-Cat: Tom
Will they die or live?: Live
Appearance: Tall | Black and Brown | Tabby | Dark Black Eyes | Strong
Personality: Protective | Caring | Intimidating
Rank: Warrior
Sibling(s): Moalion, his sister
Questions?: N/A
Other?: N/A


February 7th, 2017, 12:12 PM
The small ginger she-cat sat just outside the Warriors den, her pelt, as usual, was ragged and ungroomed. Taking a sweeping glance around the clearing, Moalion gave Hernandez paw a delicate lick and rested her chin on her paws. Sorrow rippled off her as she thought of her sick clanmates.

His dark grey eyes fell on his sister. He felt protective of her almost every moment of the day, and it pained him to see her so downcast. His tail twitching, Sleetfire padded toward the exit of camp. He would probably do some hunting or something to distract him from the sickness. Mayberry he would find a rabbit for Moalion.

((Both are open for role playing with))

February 7th, 2017, 12:18 PM
The small ginger she-cat sat just outside the Warriors den, her pelt, as usual, was ragged and ungroomed. Taking a sweeping glance around the clearing, Moalion gave Hernandez paw a delicate lick and rested her chin on her paws. Sorrow rippled off her as she thought of her sick clanmates.

His dark grey eyes fell on his sister. He felt protective of her almost every moment of the day, and it pained him to see her so downcast. His tail twitching, Sleetfire padded toward the exit of camp. He would probably do some hunting or something to distract him from the sickness. Mayberry he would find a rabbit for Moalion.

((Both are open for role playing with))

I don't mean to be rude, but I do believe you'd post this in Shadowclan Clearing (http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30), as this is simply for applications for plots. :3

February 7th, 2017, 12:19 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but I do believe you'd post this in Shadowclan Clearing (http://www.warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30), as this is simply for applications for plots. :3
Okay, thanks Liquoris.

February 7th, 2017, 12:21 PM
Okay, thanks Liquoris.

Anytime ;)

Casual Scribbles
February 7th, 2017, 12:23 PM
Stormheart returned from the wastelands and with other cats, along with Halestorm, now Halestar...
But that wasnt the only thing she came back with...
Lately she has had a terrible cough and refusses to go to Kestrelberry for help...
She continues to show more and more signs that cats fear...
Green cough...

We need A LOT of cats to get this, it will start out small, and will gradually spread! Stormheart, my kitty, and Furzepaw, Pink Orca's kitty, will be the first to get it!
Here are the symptoms of green cough for those who dont
irregular breathing,
eyes and nose mucus,
sluggishness and phlegm streaming from nose & mouth.

You can have more then one cat, and a few cats should die, i know alot of you dont want this but make a new cat that could die, or a cat you no longer rp!

Tom or She-Cat:
Will they die or live?:
If you have questions please contact me or Pink Orca!

Name: Frostedflight
Age: 20 moons
Tom or She-Cat: tome
Will they die or live?: live
Appearance: http://eclipsemoonscharries.weebly.com/frostedflight.html
Personality: Also there ^
Rank: warrior
Questions?: Nah
Other?: no

February 7th, 2017, 03:33 PM
Ludicrous Lunacy where is the sickness at and who's next I'm so confuzzled right now

*pokes our lost rp* Twilightkit was about to give it to your char???

goddess of ducks
February 7th, 2017, 04:15 PM
*pokes our lost rp* Twilightkit was about to give it to your char???

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok well where would you like to continue this haha

February 7th, 2017, 05:26 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok well where would you like to continue this haha

maybe SHC Clearing?

February 8th, 2017, 01:02 PM

The Skeleton Prince
February 8th, 2017, 01:07 PM
Who gets Blazepaw sick?