View Full Version : Brookflower's Decision

January 8th, 2017, 05:38 PM
Brookflower is now a mother, well an adoptive mother at that. And that really got her thinking about what life she would lead, and how she would lead it. And that led to Brookflower's Decision.

Plot details: Basically, brookflower falls in love with a clan cat across the border. He says that she should leave with him, and she almost does. But as their love had been found out, it becomes really big. And she starts to not talk to other cats for a short while. After the whole thing, she decides to stay with riverclan. And though she still loves him, she must stay with her kits. And now she still lives in riverclan, longing for the tom she had met, and looking down upon by the clan for breaking the code. (Being young and reckless XD) she will figure out a way to gain their trust one day.

Tom: (PLEASE) Use him relatively a lot. This is the person who is the 'mate' of brookflower in the forbidden relationship.

Cats who find out: they can be either clan, but the news needs to get to both clans.

any other cats that could be in it: Just ask :D


Name -
Gender -
rank -
pic of char -


January 13th, 2017, 09:30 AM
Name - foxtail
Gender - female
rank - warrior
pic of char - http://farm1.staticflickr.com/75/158922595_8bf3b0f323.jpg (pretend this is a cat)
I want foxtail to be a cat in riverclan who finds out about the relationship and is AGAINST it.

Name -mountainclaw
Gender - male
rank - warrior
pic of char - http://orig05.deviantart.net/4e0c/f/2013/068/d/5/blackstar_by_neko__raven-d5xjhmw.png
I want mountainclaw to be a cat from riverclan who finds out and SUPPORTS the relationship