View Full Version : Cat Creator

October 7th, 2016, 02:22 PM
Hello everybody. I have had requests to make a new cat creator like my creator on the other site. As you can see, I have followed these requests.
To any requests on the original cat creator that I didn't get to, my apologies. You are more than welcome to re-request them.

As on my previous creator, I will finish a character with any aspect already made and also create characters from scratch if requested.

To anyone who never looked at or posted on my cat creator on the old site, I will describe what I do:

Do you want a new character but don't have the time or motivation to create/finish them? Never fear, Beau is here! As stated above, I will finish a cat for you with any of the (optionals) completed. I also create completely new characters if you don't have any specifications.

I will write detailed Personalities and Appearances for you, as well as provide links to the pictures of characters.

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:
Preferred Rank:
Preferred Age:

I'm very pleased to continue this long-running cat creator and keep creating detailed characters for you:)


After a long hiatus, I have returned. I will be rebooting this and finishing everything already on here but for now I will not be accepting anymore requests.

I may start accepting requests again eventually, but only in very short bursts.
Thank you for your patience

October 7th, 2016, 04:39 PM
first one :squee:

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: Something along the lines of kind sweet and a little foregetful
(Optional) Appearance: http://www.solarnavigator.net/animal_kingdom/animal_images/Cat_orange_tabby_ginger_tom_sleeping.jpg
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Loner
Preferred Rank: none (was warrior)
Preferred Age: idk

October 7th, 2016, 05:21 PM
[ QUOTE=Honeykit;2253]first one :squee:

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: Something along the lines of kind sweet and a little foregetful
(Optional) Appearance: http://www.solarnavigator.net/animal_kingdom/animal_images/Cat_orange_tabby_ginger_tom_sleeping.jpg
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Loner
Preferred Rank: none (was warrior)
Preferred Age: idk[/QUOTE]

Name: Sundash (Just goes by Dash) (Sun: Her pelt color, Dash: The way her thoughts seem to just dash away from her)

Personality: Sundash is a kind, slightly spacey cat. She was known around the camp for her sunny disposition, but also for her tendency to forget things. Along with forgetfulness, Dash is pretty clumsy. It's not surprising anymore if she trips and tumbles head over tail to the ground. Despite her clumsiness and forgetfulness, Dash is a very happy cat. Her usual reaction to a mistake is to laugh it off and try again. Dash also enjoys helping others feel better, not liking it when other cats are sad. The only problem is that she's slightly oblivious and rarely notices her surroundings and the emotions of other cats. Dash enjoys teasing, but despite her oblivious nature, she somehow manages not to insult anyone. Perhaps because anyone who knows her knows that the innocent molly would never try to hurt anyone. Some may find Dash annoying, but if she ever notices, she won't care. Dash is innocent and naive, far too quick to believe what others tell her. She's also flighty and curious, known to run off in the middle of a conversation in order to inspect a butterfly or flower or really anything else. Even though Dash has some bad qualities and can annoy crankier cats, her bright personality tends to make up for it.

Appearance: Sundash is a pale golden/ginger she-cat. Her fur is short and soft, messy usually. She has a petite figure and small paws, as well as a thin tail. Her eyes are a bright yellow with thin whiskers fanning out above them and above her pink nose.

Gender: Female

Clan: Loner

Rank: Ex-warrior

Age: 20 Moons

October 8th, 2016, 06:39 AM
Thx shes perfect!

October 8th, 2016, 07:43 AM
You're welcome:rainbowllama:

October 8th, 2016, 07:51 AM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: flirty and kind, innocent and daring
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Riverclan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 14 moons

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: Silent and harsh, but a big softy around friends
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: RiverClan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 17 moons

October 8th, 2016, 10:43 AM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: (something involving how he's quick to anger? idk)
(Optional) Appearance: (just a Chausie?)
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: ThunderClan
Preferred Rank: Apprentice
Preferred Age: 9 moons

October 8th, 2016, 10:45 AM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: something along the lines of sweet and caring and a little flirty
(Optional) Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/da/43/cdda437dbba332280366873be9c6a37a.jpg
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: Riverclan
Preferred Rank: apprentice
Preferred Age: 8 moons

October 8th, 2016, 03:30 PM
[ QUOTE=Star&co.;3140](Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: flirty and kind, innocent and daring
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Riverclan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 14 moons

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: Silent and harsh, but a big softy around friends
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: RiverClan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 17 moons[/QUOTE]

Name: Daffodilburst (Daffodil: Her slightly cream-tinged base coat. Burst: The burst of color on her face)

Personality: Daffodil is a fun, fierce cat. She likes to have a good time and enjoys playing around, play-flirting, teasing, and competitions. Daffodil is a beautiful cat and she knows it. This leads to a bit of a big ego, and a lot of flirting. She's very confident, just shy of arrogant, and won't hesitate to flirt with any cat nearby. She also enjoys flirting with the older apprentices just to get them flustered. However, Daffodil is also very kind and she won't take the flirting too far. If a cat falls for her, she'll gently stop her flirting and won't lead them on. Despite her flirtatious manner, Daffodil is an innocent cat who wouldn't want to hurt another cat. She doesn't understand why cats would possibly want to kill others of their species, and she's always careful not to kill or injure opponents in a battle too heavily. The Birman has a fierce side, and she possesses skill in battle. It takes a certain amount of skill just to keep injuries on an opponent bad enough for them to flee, but not enough to kill or seriously wound them. She won't stand for cats disrespecting her, and she stands up for what she believes in. Daffodilburst is also a daredevil, especially when she's bored. The warrior does get scared, but her boredom or curiosity usually overcomes it and leads her to do reckless things.

Appearance: Daffodilburst is a tall, muscular she-cat with soft, medium-length fur. Her base coat is an off white with cream-tinged tips. A cream colored stripe lines her back, and the same color can be found on her legs, darkening to a yellow at her paws. Daffodil's tail is long and covered in luxurious silky fur. Her tail fur is mostly cream colored with a small amount in the center by the bone being a pure white. Dafodilburst has a white face with grey and ginger tortoiseshell fur splashed into the center. Both the back of her ears and her nose take on the tortoiseshell pattern, and the she-cat has wide, bright blue eyes. Daffodilburst (http://www.pictures-of-kittens-and-cats.com/images/seal-tortie-point-female-birman-cat.jpg)

Gender: Female

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 14 Moons


Name: Wolfcall

Personality: Wolfcall is a stoic yet kind cat. He can go long periods of time without speaking and can shut up any cat with just a look. The dark grey tom can be harsh and he is definitely tough on younger cats. Wolfcall won't be taken advantage of, but he manages to keep control without raising his voice. The warrior is tough on the apprentices, but there are times when he will cut them slack. He isn't tough on them to be mean, but to help them become better warriors. There may be a time when he sees a mistake and simply keeps quiet, allowing the apprentice to fix it his/herself. Kits make the tom slightly uncomfortable, but he likes them nonetheless. It's difficult to get into his trust completely, but just being in his clan is a good start. With his close friends, a different side comes out, unbeknownst to others. Wolfcall is actually a fun, humorous cat. He can joke around and be downright goofy at times and that, coupled with his unending loyalty makes him a very good friend to have.

Appearance: Wolfcall is a very large cat with sleek muscles clearly visible even beneath his pile of fur. His coat is long and mostly a dark grey color with some brown and black dapples across his back and in his tail. He has long legs with shaggy dark fur and a white muzzle. Wolf's face is a flint grey color with black stripes and he has forest green eyes. His inner ears and nose are the same shade of pink, which matches the color of his paw pads.
Wolfcall (https://c7.staticflickr.com/7/6204/6035987190_5fc108df13_b.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 17 Moons

October 8th, 2016, 07:46 PM
(Optional) Name: You choose
(Optional) Personality: Lazy, laid back, care free, kind
(Optional) Appearance: You choose, find a link tho c: make he/she somewhat fluffy though
Preferred Gender: You choose
Preferred Clan: Skyclan or Shadowclan [you choose which]
Preferred Rank:Kit
Preferred Age:5 moons

October 9th, 2016, 08:42 AM
[ QUOTE=Collin;3319](Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: (something involving how he's quick to anger? idk)
(Optional) Appearance: (just a Chausie?)
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: ThunderClan
Preferred Rank: Apprentice
Preferred Age: 9 moons[/QUOTE]

Name: Leopardpaw(claw) (Leopard: His spots. Claw: His short temper)

Personality: Leopardclaw is a loyal yet headstrong cat. He would give his life for his clan in an instant, but won't go along with an order he doesn't agree with...At least without a proper fight. Leapordclaw isn't the most trusting cat, and he is one of those ThunderClan cats who are practically always against a new cat joining. He has a quick temper which he tries and fails to keep under control. The tall Chausie is prideful and can be a bit arrogant at times. He is, however, a kind cat at heart. While it's easy to anger him and he doesn't like new-comers, Leopardclaw isn't a malicious cat. He wouldn't hurt a cat unless in a battle and even then he doesn't enjoy it. Though his claws may unsheathe in a fit of anger, Leopardclpw wouldn't use them against a clan mate. Leopardclaw often makes rash decisions, especially when angry, and wouldn't make a good leader. However, his loyalty and skill make him a valuable warrior. All this hotheaded tom needs is a calm, gentle, patient cat in his life to influence his own behavior.

Appearance: Leopardclaw is a tall, lithe tom-cat. His fur is short and coarse and of a sun-kissed dark tan shade. Different shades of tan ripple across his pelt, overlayed with black spots. His muzzle and chest are white with some black markings, and the tip of his thin, whip-like tail is of the same hue with the same black overlays. Leopard has a long neck and short, rounded ears. His eyes are a greenish yellow and his nose matches his inner ears and paw pads in its pink hue.
Leopardpaw (http://catbreedsinformation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/1chausiecat.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Apprentice

Age: 9 Moons

October 9th, 2016, 09:47 AM
[ QUOTE=Eerie Whispers;3324]Form
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: something along the lines of sweet and caring and a little flirty
(Optional) Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/da/43/cdda437dbba332280366873be9c6a37a.jpg
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: Riverclan
Preferred Rank: apprentice
Preferred Age: 8 moons[/QUOTE]

Name: Duskpaw (Duskshine, Duskfeather, Duskheart, Duskleaf, Duskbreeze)

Personality: Duskpaw is a kind, flirtatious tom. He is a humorous cat, fun to be around. The apprentice loves flirting with cats and actually looks forward to having a mate one day. Dusk is a hopeless romantic, but his flirting for now is just for fun. He genuinely likes other cats and thinks everyone deserves to be flirted with and deserves to have fun and feel pretty. Due to his romantic ideals, though, Duskpaw often flirts with the one specific cat he has a crush on. Dusk paw is a hard worker and he has a good attention span. Dusk wants to grow up to be the best warrior possible and he also wants a family one day. Duskpaw is a patient cat and rarely gets angry. He is funny and very good at making others laugh. Dusk is also very overprotective, to the point where he can be a bit smothering. The apprentice is very talkative and can hold long conversations whether the other cat speaks or not. It's difficult for him to be quiet, but he will be quiet if asked. Dusk is accepting of others' opinions and thoughts, though he makes sure his are heard too. Duskpaw is a trusting cat, but not gullible. When he is angered, which isn't often, Duskpaw is a fearsome opponent.

Appearance: Duskpaw is a tall, skinny cat. His fur is short and somewhat soft, the color of cream with some ginger tinges. Typical of siamese cats, he has black covering his tail, legs, ears, and most of his face. He has large, crystal blue eyes, and a black nose.
Duskpaw (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/da/43/cdda437dbba332280366873be9c6a37a.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Apprentice

Age: 8 Moons

October 9th, 2016, 10:07 AM
[ QUOTE=Thunder;4221](Optional) Name: You choose
(Optional) Personality: Lazy, laid back, care free, kind
(Optional) Appearance: You choose, find a link tho c: make he/she somewhat fluffy though
Preferred Gender: You choose
Preferred Clan: Skyclan or Shadowclan [you choose which]
Preferred Rank:Kit
Preferred Age:5 moons[/QUOTE]

Name: Stormykit (Stormyfoot, Stormysky, Stormycloud) (Stormy: His cloud like fur and grey cloud like paws/ears/tail)

Personality: Stormykit is a kind, slightly lazy cat. He tries to be nice, and it isn't too difficult for him as a kit. Once he gets older, he gets prouder and therefore gets angrier easier. However, he never stops being a kind cat. The fluffy tom is rather lazy, which starts getting problematic when he becomes and apprentice, but his mentor soon finds a way to motivate him, most likely his pride. He is funny and goofy and generally laid back. The tom can be a calming influence or an igniting one depending on his mood and age. Either way, he is fun to be around. As a kit, Stormykit is untrusting and he stays that way. Unlike most kits, he's not gullible and can be a bit cynical when he grows up. Though he isn't the most adventurous kit, he enjoys the company of other kits and therefore will follow them into trouble. Stormykit is never much of a hard worker, but lucky for him he is naturally skilled. He just doesn't realize how good he could be if he tried. As Stormy grows up, he becomes more hotheaded and stubborn, very likely to speak his mind in a loud manner. The fluffy tom is loyal though, and caring. He doesn't like to hurt other cats and therefore keeps his anger in check. As a kit, Stormykit is a bit of a goody-two-shoes, and while he will get into trouble with the other kits, he's most likely to apologize after. The kitten also likes snuggling and napping. He naps a lot, and when he goes to sleep at night, he almost never fights to stay up longer. In fact, he's one of the first to position himself for the night because he wants to sleep right beside his mother, as close as possible.

Appearance: Stormykit is a large, fluffy kitten. He has long, poofy, fur that is as soft as a cloud. His base coat is a stark white with fluffy grey paws, legs, tail, and ears. His face is white with a tiny grey nose and pale blue eyes that eventually becoming a darker grayish blue.
Stormykit (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/13/04/18/130418ded199cdc061e2ce711c9092fd.jpg)
Stormykit as a warrior (http://www.romeothecat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/lilly-rose.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: SkyClan

Rank: Kit

Age: 5 Moons

October 9th, 2016, 10:37 AM
[ QUOTE=Beau;4632][ QUOTE=Eerie Whispers;3324]Form
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: something along the lines of sweet and caring and a little flirty
(Optional) Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/da/43/cdda437dbba332280366873be9c6a37a.jpg
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: Riverclan
Preferred Rank: apprentice
Preferred Age: 8 moons[/QUOTE]

Name: Duskpaw (Duskshine, Duskfeather, Duskheart, Duskleaf, Duskbreeze)

Personality: Duskpaw is a kind, flirtatious tom. He is a humorous cat, fun to be around. The apprentice loves flirting with cats and actually looks forward to having a mate one day. Dusk is a hopeless romantic, but his flirting for now is just for fun. He genuinely likes other cats and thinks everyone deserves to be flirted with and deserves to have fun and feel pretty. Due to his romantic ideals, though, Duskpaw often flirts with the one specific cat he has a crush on. Dusk paw is a hard worker and he has a good attention span. Dusk wants to grow up to be the best warrior possible and he also wants a family one day. Duskpaw is a patient cat and rarely gets angry. He is funny and very good at making others laugh. Dusk is also very overprotective, to the point where he can be a bit smothering. The apprentice is very talkative and can hold long conversations whether the other cat speaks or not. It's difficult for him to be quiet, but he will be quiet if asked. Dusk is accepting of others' opinions and thoughts, though he makes sure his are heard too. Duskpaw is a trusting cat, but not gullible. When he is angered, which isn't often, Duskpaw is a fearsome opponent.

Appearance: Duskpaw is a tall, skinny cat. His fur is short and somewhat soft, the color of cream with some ginger tinges. Typical of siamese cats, he has black covering his tail, legs, ears, and most of his face. He has large, crystal blue eyes, and a black nose.
Duskpaw (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/da/43/cdda437dbba332280366873be9c6a37a.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Apprentice

Age: 8 Moons[/QUOTE]
Thank you so much!

October 9th, 2016, 10:39 AM
[ QUOTE=Beau;3797][ QUOTE=Star&co.;3140](Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: flirty and kind, innocent and daring
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Riverclan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 14 moons

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: Silent and harsh, but a big softy around friends
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: RiverClan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 17 moons[/QUOTE]

Name: Daffodilburst (Daffodil: Her slightly cream-tinged base coat. Burst: The burst of color on her face)

Personality: Daffodil is a fun, fierce cat. She likes to have a good time and enjoys playing around, play-flirting, teasing, and competitions. Daffodil is a beautiful cat and she knows it. This leads to a bit of a big ego, and a lot of flirting. She's very confident, just shy of arrogant, and won't hesitate to flirt with any cat nearby. She also enjoys flirting with the older apprentices just to get them flustered. However, Daffodil is also very kind and she won't take the flirting too far. If a cat falls for her, she'll gently stop her flirting and won't lead them on. Despite her flirtatious manner, Daffodil is an innocent cat who wouldn't want to hurt another cat. She doesn't understand why cats would possibly want to kill others of their species, and she's always careful not to kill or injure opponents in a battle too heavily. The Birman has a fierce side, and she possesses skill in battle. It takes a certain amount of skill just to keep injuries on an opponent bad enough for them to flee, but not enough to kill or seriously wound them. She won't stand for cats disrespecting her, and she stands up for what she believes in. Daffodilburst is also a daredevil, especially when she's bored. The warrior does get scared, but her boredom or curiosity usually overcomes it and leads her to do reckless things.

Appearance: Daffodilburst is a tall, muscular she-cat with soft, medium-length fur. Her base coat is an off white with cream-tinged tips. A cream colored stripe lines her back, and the same color can be found on her legs, darkening to a yellow at her paws. Daffodil's tail is long and covered in luxurious silky fur. Her tail fur is mostly cream colored with a small amount in the center by the bone being a pure white. Dafodilburst has a white face with grey and ginger tortoiseshell fur splashed into the center. Both the back of her ears and her nose take on the tortoiseshell pattern, and the she-cat has wide, bright blue eyes. Daffodilburst (http://www.pictures-of-kittens-and-cats.com/images/seal-tortie-point-female-birman-cat.jpg)

Gender: Female

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 14 Moons


Name: Wolfcall

Personality: Wolfcall is a stoic yet kind cat. He can go long periods of time without speaking and can shut up any cat with just a look. The dark grey tom can be harsh and he is definitely tough on younger cats. Wolfcall won't be taken advantage of, but he manages to keep control without raising his voice. The warrior is tough on the apprentices, but there are times when he will cut them slack. He isn't tough on them to be mean, but to help them become better warriors. There may be a time when he sees a mistake and simply keeps quiet, allowing the apprentice to fix it his/herself. Kits make the tom slightly uncomfortable, but he likes them nonetheless. It's difficult to get into his trust completely, but just being in his clan is a good start. With his close friends, a different side comes out, unbeknownst to others. Wolfcall is actually a fun, humorous cat. He can joke around and be downright goofy at times and that, coupled with his unending loyalty makes him a very good friend to have.

Appearance: Wolfcall is a very large cat with sleek muscles clearly visible even beneath his pile of fur. His coat is long and mostly a dark grey color with some brown and black dapples across his back and in his tail. He has long legs with shaggy dark fur and a white muzzle. Wolf's face is a flint grey color with black stripes and he has forest green eyes. His inner ears and nose are the same shade of pink, which matches the color of his paw pads.
Wolfcall (https://c7.staticflickr.com/7/6204/6035987190_5fc108df13_b.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 17 Moons[/QUOTE]

These are amazing, thank you!

If you don't mind, could you make another one too?

Personality:Shy and quick thinking, kind and skittish
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Age:14 moons
Preferred Clan: RiverClan
Preferred Rank:Warrior

October 9th, 2016, 11:19 AM
[ QUOTE=Beau;4662][ QUOTE=Thunder;4221](Optional) Name: You choose
(Optional) Personality: Lazy, laid back, care free, kind
(Optional) Appearance: You choose, find a link tho c: make he/she somewhat fluffy though
Preferred Gender: You choose
Preferred Clan: Skyclan or Shadowclan [you choose which]
Preferred Rank:Kit
Preferred Age:5 moons[/QUOTE]

Name: Stormykit (Stormyfoot, Stormysky, Stormycloud) (Stormy: His cloud like fur and grey cloud like paws/ears/tail)

Personality: Stormykit is a kind, slightly lazy cat. He tries to be nice, and it isn't too difficult for him as a kit. Once he gets older, he gets prouder and therefore gets angrier easier. However, he never stops being a kind cat. The fluffy tom is rather lazy, which starts getting problematic when he becomes and apprentice, but his mentor soon finds a way to motivate him, most likely his pride. He is funny and goofy and generally laid back. The tom can be a calming influence or an igniting one depending on his mood and age. Either way, he is fun to be around. As a kit, Stormykit is untrusting and he stays that way. Unlike most kits, he's not gullible and can be a bit cynical when he grows up. Though he isn't the most adventurous kit, he enjoys the company of other kits and therefore will follow them into trouble. Stormykit is never much of a hard worker, but lucky for him he is naturally skilled. He just doesn't realize how good he could be if he tried. As Stormy grows up, he becomes more hotheaded and stubborn, very likely to speak his mind in a loud manner. The fluffy tom is loyal though, and caring. He doesn't like to hurt other cats and therefore keeps his anger in check. As a kit, Stormykit is a bit of a goody-two-shoes, and while he will get into trouble with the other kits, he's most likely to apologize after. The kitten also likes snuggling and napping. He naps a lot, and when he goes to sleep at night, he almost never fights to stay up longer. In fact, he's one of the first to position himself for the night because he wants to sleep right beside his mother, as close as possible.

Appearance: Stormykit is a large, fluffy kitten. He has long, poofy, fur that is as soft as a cloud. His base coat is a stark white with fluffy grey paws, legs, tail, and ears. His face is white with a tiny grey nose and pale blue eyes that eventually becoming a darker grayish blue.
Stormykit (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/13/04/18/130418ded199cdc061e2ce711c9092fd.jpg)
Stormykit as a warrior (http://www.romeothecat.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/lilly-rose.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: SkyClan

Rank: Kit

Age: 5 Moons[/QUOTE] I LOVE HIM!

October 9th, 2016, 12:51 PM
Name: Leopardpaw(claw) (Leopard: His spots. Claw: His short temper)

Personality: Leopardclaw is a loyal yet headstrong cat. He would give his life for his clan in an instant, but won't go along with an order he doesn't agree with...At least without a proper fight. Leapordclaw isn't the most trusting cat, and he is one of those ThunderClan cats who are practically always against a new cat joining. He has a quick temper which he tries and fails to keep under control. The tall Chausie is prideful and can be a bit arrogant at times. He is, however, a kind cat at heart. While it's easy to anger him and he doesn't like new-comers, Leopardclaw isn't a malicious cat. He wouldn't hurt a cat unless in a battle and even then he doesn't enjoy it. Though his claws may unsheathe in a fit of anger, Leopardclpw wouldn't use them against a clan mate. Leopardclaw often makes rash decisions, especially when angry, and wouldn't make a good leader. However, his loyalty and skill make him a valuable warrior. All this hotheaded tom needs is a calm, gentle, patient cat in his life to influence his own behavior.

Appearance: Leopardclaw is a tall, lithe tom-cat. His fur is short and coarse and of a sun-kissed dark tan shade. Different shades of tan ripple across his pelt, overlayed with black spots. His muzzle and chest are white with some black markings, and the tip of his thin, whip-like tail is of the same hue with the same black overlays. Leopard has a long neck and short, rounded ears. His eyes are a greenish yellow and his nose matches his inner ears and paw pads in its pink hue.
Leopardpaw (http://catbreedsinformation.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/1chausiecat.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Apprentice

Age: 9 Moons

!!! Thank you so much, he's wonderful~

October 9th, 2016, 04:24 PM
You're all welcome :3
@Star, I'll get on that one soon, but I have to go right now

October 10th, 2016, 10:17 AM
[ QUOTE=Star&co.;3140]

Personality:Shy and quick thinking, kind and skittish
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Age:14 moons
Preferred Clan: RiverClan
Preferred Rank:Warrior[/QUOTE]

Name:Sandshell (Sand: Her pale tan fur. Shell: The wispy markings similar to a unique shell's markings)

Personality: Sandshell is a quiet, kind cat. She is shy and therefore doesn't speak much, but she is intelligent and has an active mind. Just because she doesn't say anything doesn't mean she hasn't already thought up a witty response that she'd love to say out loud. The clever molly is a great problem solver and she's a quick thinker, as well as quick on her feet. Sandshell is very talented in battle an in hunting. She certainly is a mystery. A very pretty she-cat who rarely speaks and is surprisingly skilled. Sandshell has a good sense of humor and can be very funny if she's actually comfortable enough around a cat to joke. Despite her fear of other cats, Sandshell is very friendly and kind. She loves kits and finds that she can be herself around them without worrying she'll do something foolish. Sand likes helping other cats, and she wouldn't leave an injured stranger without doing her best to help them. Sandshell is also very skittish, though, and it's the only reason the kits bother her at times. When they pounce on her tail it frightens her. Hunting can be an issue at times too, since anytime the grass rustles she nearly jumps out of her fur. Sand also runs into problems during battle despite her skill, as her heart beats a mile a minute. Cats jumping all of the place is her worst nightmare, but Sandshell manages to power through her fear for the good of her clan.

Appearance: Sandshell is a petite molly with long legs. Her fur is medium-length and silky. She has a base coat of pale tan/ginger with swirls and wisps of grey and white on top. Her paws are small and nimble and her tail is average length with slightly longer fur. Sandshell has bright amber eyes with tall ears and a white chin. Her nose is a pale pink that matches he pads and inner ears.
Sandshell (http://www.catchannel.com/images/senior-cat-tips.jpg)

Gender: Female

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 14 Moons

October 11th, 2016, 10:51 PM
(Optional) Name: Heartpaw (Warrior name suffix)
(Optional) Personality: Kind, Loving, Shy, Can be stern (Expansion)
(Optional) Appearance: http://www.cuteanimals.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/very-pretty-cat.jpg (Description)
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Thunderclan
Preferred Rank: Apprentice
Preferred Age:10 moons

(I will probably be busting this thread often considering I get severely bored when making personality traits and appearances ;3) Oh and when you quote if you put a space between the last and first quote it will quote. Sorry If I'm just telling you something you already know!)

October 11th, 2016, 10:57 PM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: One of those people who are upright crazy
(Optional) Appearance: black and white
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: None
Preferred Rank: Rogue
Preferred Age: 14~25

October 11th, 2016, 11:04 PM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan: thunder
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:um you choose
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:river
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:idc
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:wind
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:don't care
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:shadow
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age: plz choose

October 11th, 2016, 11:10 PM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan: thunder
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:um you choose
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:river
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:idc
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:wind
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:don't care
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:shadow
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age: plz choose
How dare you forget to change the last form to dark red!

October 11th, 2016, 11:11 PM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan: thunder
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:um you choose
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:river
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:idc
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:wind
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age:don't care
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:shadow
Preferred Rank:kit
Preferred Age: plz choose

October 11th, 2016, 11:12 PM

October 12th, 2016, 08:22 PM
(Optional) Name: Pistachiokit
(Optional) Personality: Can have an attitude, socialist, usually cheerful, very loyal (Expansion)
(Optional) Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/82/e3/79/82e37945f8c9e6cd6196a9409ffa3427.jpg (Description)
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: Skyclan
Preferred Rank: Kit
Preferred Age: 1 moon

October 12th, 2016, 08:54 PM
(Optional) Name: Heartpaw (Warrior name suffix)
(Optional) Personality: Kind, Loving, Shy, Can be stern (Expansion)
(Optional) Appearance: http://www.cuteanimals.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/very-pretty-cat.jpg (Description)
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Thunderclan
Preferred Rank: Apprentice
Preferred Age:10 moons

Name: Heartpaw (Heartshine)

Personality: Heartpaw is a kind yet shy cat. She is very friendly and helpful, but sometimes finds it difficult to talk to other cats due to her shyness. She is a happy cat and very loving. The she-cat has a soft spot for kits, and while she can be stern, it's only out of love. Heart is a calm cat who almost never gets angry. She's very passive and has a habit of letting cats walk all over her. The apprentice wants her loved ones to be safe, but isn't the type to fight anyone who goes near them. She's a very empathetic cat and cares very much about others' feelings. Heartpaw is a very obedient cat and a quick learner. Training her is easy aside from the fact that it's too easy to trick her into thinking she hurt someone. Heart can be gullible, but she's just innocent and doesn't understand that some cats want to hurt others.

Appearance: Heartpaw is a large, fluffy cat. She has long golden fur with a white chest and a black tail tip as well as paw tips. Long fur sticks out of her head at odd angles and she has large ears. Her eyes are large and a deep olive green. Heart paw has big paws and pink paw pads to match her pink nose and pink inner ears.
Heartpaw (http://www.cuteanimals.rocks/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/very-pretty-cat.jpg)

Gender: Female

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Apprentice

Age: 10 Moons

October 13th, 2016, 02:19 AM
(Optional) Name: Twilightpaw
(Optional) Personality: something along the lines of timid, nervous and quiet?
(Optional) Appearance: idk.. A darker color...
Preferred Gender: female
Preferred Clan: ShadowClan
Preferred Rank: apprentice
Preferred Age: 7 moons

October 13th, 2016, 06:31 AM
(Optional) Name- ?
(Optional) Personality- (gonna give a quick synopsis) Selfish, cold, harsh, wants to be the best warrior ever and is willing to do anything to get what he wants - even kill someone. He is also easily manipulated but doesn't know this and would never admit this. He also doesn't think anything he does no matter what it is is wrong and thinks he's always right.
(Optional) Appearance- boop (http://img02.deviantart.net/68bc/i/2015/355/9/c/mapleshade_chibi___speedpaint__by_drakynwyrm-d9kycqd.png)
Preferred Gender- Tom
Preferred Clan- Shadowclan
Preferred Rank- Warrior
Preferred Age- This is a future character of mine, so unborn atm

October 13th, 2016, 09:17 AM

October 13th, 2016, 02:48 PM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality: One of those people who are upright crazy
(Optional) Appearance: black and white
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: None
Preferred Rank: Rogue
Preferred Age: 14~25

Name: Moo (He looks like a cow)

Personality: Moo is all about fun. He is daring and loves taking risks. He also lives to entertain. Moo will literally do anything someone asks as long as he thinks he'll get a reaction, it doesn't even need to be a dare. He also loves to sneak up on cats just to see what they do. Moo often has conversations with himself and finds it completely normal. A party animal, Moo loves to jump around and play games and hunt things. He tends to 'play with his food' and mess around with prey before he kills it. Moo has an odd laugh and it could scare some cats since it's rather loud and long and just plain insane. Moo also likes to play around with his opponents in a battle, but when the games stop, Moo is actually pretty skills. He is always happy. Always. No one has ever seen him with anything other then a deranged smile. He could've heard the worst news possible and still seem fine. Moo is a flirtatious cat as well, but he's really bad at it to the point where he can be insulting or just plain funny. Moo likes to hang around in new places and pretend to be completely different. He could be in one place and pretend to have a totally different accent and then go to some other place and pretend to be blind. The black and white tom loves especially those few times when he runs into cats from one place and cats from another at the same time and they are both very confused when he turns out to be neither Australian nor blind, for example. Moo is just the type of cat who would create multiple different lives just for the one moment when they all crash together and fall apart.

Appearance: Moo is a short, slightly pudgy tom with short, soft fur. His fur is always messy and fluffed up, sometimes with little bits of vegetation caught in his pelt. His white base coat is blotched with black, earning him the name Moo. He has a round face with the same shades on his face. Moo also has wide green eyes and a partly black pink nose that matches the color of his paw pads and inner ears. He has a thick tail and large paws.
Moo (http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/photography/bigs/26260-Black-and-white-cat-white-background.jpg) Also Moo (http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/photography/bigs/26256-Black-and-white-cat-white-background.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: None

Rank: Rogue

Age: 25 Moons

October 13th, 2016, 04:25 PM

Name: Bunnykit (Bunnybounce, Bunnynose, Bunnyfoot, Bunnyspot)

Personality: Bunnykit is a gentle, sweet kit. She is very shy and might actually accidentally let out a scream if someone surprises her and speaks to her. She is very gentle and soft-spoken and incredibly sweet. She warms up to cats quickly despite her shyness, as long as they are kind to her and gentle with her. Once someone gets her trust, which isn't hard, she'll believe pretty much anything they say and do whatever they ask. As most kits are, Bunnykit is curious, but she is usually to scared to ask any questions. Bunnykit is a quick learner, but her innocence leads to a lack of 'street smarts'. Bunnykit isn't one to argue or stand up for herself and when she becomes an apprentice, she'll do pretty much anything her mentor says. Bunny likes to watch other cats play, but she really wants to join in, and is just too scared to ask. The poor kitten is practically mute half the time. There isn't a mean bone in her body and she will be kind even to those who are mean to her. She is very loving and tends to stick near her family. Bunnykit is loyal to ThunderClan, but won't let that stop her from befriending cats from other clans. As a warrior, she is still shy and soft-spoken, but also skilled and wise. Despite her quiet voice, her words usually are meaningful, especially since she rarely talks at all unless it is to friends.

Appearance: Bunnykit is a tiny, fluffy kit. Her base coat is white with pale grey spots overlaying. She has petite paws and a tiny tail that eventually grows longer. Everything about the kit is small, including her ears which also grow. She has baby blue eyes that become a greenish blue and a tiny pink nose.
Bunnykit (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a5/22/62/a52262859bd1f51d4e73dbfb7e73619c.jpg)

Gender: Female

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Kit

Age: 3 Moons

October 14th, 2016, 12:08 AM
Name: Moo (He looks like a cow)

Personality: Moo is all about fun. He is daring and loves taking risks. He also lives to entertain. Moo will literally do anything someone asks as long as he thinks he'll get a reaction, it doesn't even need to be a dare. He also loves to sneak up on cats just to see what they do. Moo often has conversations with himself and finds it completely normal. A party animal, Moo loves to jump around and play games and hunt things. He tends to 'play with his food' and mess around with prey before he kills it. Moo has an odd laugh and it could scare some cats since it's rather loud and long and just plain insane. Moo also likes to play around with his opponents in a battle, but when the games stop, Moo is actually pretty skills. He is always happy. Always. No one has ever seen him with anything other then a deranged smile. He could've heard the worst news possible and still seem fine. Moo is a flirtatious cat as well, but he's really bad at it to the point where he can be insulting or just plain funny. Moo likes to hang around in new places and pretend to be completely different. He could be in one place and pretend to have a totally different accent and then go to some other place and pretend to be blind. The black and white tom loves especially those few times when he runs into cats from one place and cats from another at the same time and they are both very confused when he turns out to be neither Australian nor blind, for example. Moo is just the type of cat who would create multiple different lives just for the one moment when they all crash together and fall apart.

Appearance: Moo is a short, slightly pudgy tom with short, soft fur. His fur is always messy and fluffed up, sometimes with little bits of vegetation caught in his pelt. His white base coat is blotched with black, earning him the name Moo. He has a round face with the same shades on his face. Moo also has wide green eyes and a partly black pink nose that matches the color of his paw pads and inner ears. He has a thick tail and large paws.
Moo (http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/photography/bigs/26260-Black-and-white-cat-white-background.jpg) Also Moo (http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/photography/bigs/26256-Black-and-white-cat-white-background.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: None

Rank: Rogue

Age: 25 Moons
Why does this feel like it is deadly acurate with what I am personally?! It is like you are describing my own personality! SO ACCURATE!

October 14th, 2016, 12:20 AM
(Optional) Name: Rowanwood
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance: One thing they MUST HAVE are green eyes.
Preferred Gender: Tom
Preferred Clan: ThunderClan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 28 Moons

October 28th, 2016, 09:38 PM
Hello everybody. I have had requests to make a new cat creator like my creator on the other site. As you can see, I have followed these requests.
To any requests on the original cat creator that I didn't get to, my apologies. You are more than welcome to re-request them.

As on my previous creator, I will finish a character with any aspect already made and also create characters from scratch if requested.

To anyone who never looked at or posted on my cat creator on the old site, I will describe what I do:

Do you want a new character but don't have the time or motivation to create/finish them? Never fear, Beau is here! As stated above, I will finish a cat for you with any of the (optionals) completed. I also create completely new characters if you don't have any specifications.

I will write detailed Personalities and Appearances for you, as well as provide links to the pictures of characters.

(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:
Preferred Clan:
Preferred Rank:
Preferred Age:

I'm very pleased to continue this long-running cat creator and keep creating detailed characters for you:)

(Optional) Name: Missingkit
(Optional) Personality: paranoid, shy
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: Thunderclan
Preferred Rank: Kit
Preferred Age: 3~5 moons

(here's another one)
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance: White fur, Blind eyes
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: Thunderclan
Preferred Rank: Kit
Preferred Age: same as Missingkit
Here are the two requests!

October 30th, 2016, 02:13 PM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance: I want her to be black, but that's it.
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Shadowclan
Preferred Rank: I want her to be an apprentice please :-)
Preferred Age: 7 - 10 moons whatever fits best

November 5th, 2016, 09:51 AM
Optional) Name: Willowwhisker
(Optional) Personality: Caring but is a very worrying cat (Expansion)
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender:Female
Preferred Clan:Skyclan
Preferred Rank:Warrior
Preferred Age: 37 moons

November 8th, 2016, 01:37 AM
Preferrred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: WindClan
Preferred Age: Unborn

November 9th, 2016, 03:20 PM

Name: Missingkit (Missingleaf, Missinglight, Missingsun)

Personality: Missingkit is a quiet, skittish kit. He is shy and has a hard time speaking to others because he fears being made fun of. He is also quite paranoid and another reason he doesn't speak to many cats is his irrational fear of being attacked. He feels as if every cat is out to get him for her slightest mistakes and therefore tries not to put himself in circumstances where he could be judged. Missingkit thinks everything through very careful so as to not put himself in any dangerous circumstances. He is very untrusting and is more likely to hide behind some other cat when faced with a stranger then inquire as to their business. Never the most curious of kits, Missingkit much prefers the nursery to anything outside and wants to stay in it for as long as possible. Because he lacks a sense of adventure and is fearful of pretty much everything, Missingkit has a hard time making friends. It is easy to scare the kit, because he is so skittish, and he'll jump at practically anything. If his fear is abused, however, Missingkit might end up becoming dangerous in the future, lashing out at any who sneak up on him. The tom-kit is always on edge and is very high-strung. He rarely speaks and when he does it's usually just to express concerns. A natural born follower, Missingkit will follow almost any instruction, regardless of whether he deems the source trustworthy or not. It seems to be a habit for him to just obey since he rarely trusts anyone.

Appearance: Missingkit is a long-haired, fluffy kit. His fur is black and soft with a tiny patch of white on her chest. He has a thin frame with small paws and a stumpy tail that eventually grows longer and feathery. His eyes are round and grayish blue while his nose is black. He has black ear tufts at the tips and his eyes eventually become a stunning leaf green.
Missingkit (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/16/3f/80/163f8072d47cb5cdf286a50ea19bc0bf.jpg)
Missingkit as a warrior (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/95/ff/28/95ff288af1b59139787790b230ac8641.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Kit

Age: 4 Moons

November 10th, 2016, 09:12 PM

Name: Missingkit (Missingleaf, Missinglight, Missingsun)

Personality: Missingkit is a quiet, skittish kit. He is shy and has a hard time speaking to others because he fears being made fun of. He is also quite paranoid and another reason he doesn't speak to many cats is his irrational fear of being attacked. He feels as if every cat is out to get him for her slightest mistakes and therefore tries not to put himself in circumstances where he could be judged. Missingkit thinks everything through very careful so as to not put himself in any dangerous circumstances. He is very untrusting and is more likely to hide behind some other cat when faced with a stranger then inquire as to their business. Never the most curious of kits, Missingkit much prefers the nursery to anything outside and wants to stay in it for as long as possible. Because he lacks a sense of adventure and is fearful of pretty much everything, Missingkit has a hard time making friends. It is easy to scare the kit, because he is so skittish, and he'll jump at practically anything. If his fear is abused, however, Missingkit might end up becoming dangerous in the future, lashing out at any who sneak up on him. The tom-kit is always on edge and is very high-strung. He rarely speaks and when he does it's usually just to express concerns. A natural born follower, Missingkit will follow almost any instruction, regardless of whether he deems the source trustworthy or not. It seems to be a habit for him to just obey since he rarely trusts anyone.

Appearance: Missingkit is a long-haired, fluffy kit. His fur is black and soft with a tiny patch of white on her chest. He has a thin frame with small paws and a stumpy tail that eventually grows longer and feathery. His eyes are round and grayish blue while his nose is black. He has black ear tufts at the tips and his eyes eventually become a stunning leaf green.
Missingkit (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/16/3f/80/163f8072d47cb5cdf286a50ea19bc0bf.jpg)
Missingkit as a warrior (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/95/ff/28/95ff288af1b59139787790b230ac8641.jpg)

Gender: Male

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Kit

Age: 4 Moons
Thank you! ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

November 19th, 2016, 06:36 PM
(Optional) Name: idk
(Optional) Personality: along the lines of sadistic sweet on the outside
(Optional) Appearance: idk... sandy grey
Preferred Gender: Female
Preferred Clan: Skyclan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: idk 23 moons XP

December 23rd, 2016, 08:03 PM
(Optional) Name:
(Optional) Personality:
(Optional) Appearance:
Preferred Gender: female
Preferred Clan: ShadowClan
Preferred Rank: Queen
Preferred Age: Young warrior

September 17th, 2017, 09:52 AM
Anyone who posted a form on here that I did not get to before I left, If you still want your cat, please repost it below here.

Please, only post one cat at a time

I will be accepting 1 new form as well, first come first serve

Please mention me with your form

September 17th, 2017, 11:07 AM
Can you do just the personality?

September 17th, 2017, 12:39 PM
Can you do just the personality?

Of whom?

September 17th, 2017, 12:43 PM
Of whom?

A wip cat someone already has everything else done for.
Because I have one <3

September 17th, 2017, 01:07 PM
A wip cat someone already has everything else done for.
Because I have one <3

Oki, can i have the name and gender

September 17th, 2017, 01:09 PM
Oki, can i have the name and gender

Luna | Female | Basic Traits you can build off of; Playful, Obnoxious, Positive

September 17th, 2017, 01:45 PM
Luna | Female | Basic Traits you can build off of; Playful, Obnoxious, Positive

Luna is a bubbly, playful cat. She enjoys games and teasing and is in general a fun cat. Luna is not good at sarcasm, but she can be sassy. She views the world as a 'glass half full' kind of place and always believes that things will work out. She tends to force this belief on others, which can be a bit annoying, but she simply doesn't understand why some cats are so pessimistic. However, this belief can lead Luna to be a bit lazy. Instead of facing her problems, she lets the world solve them. The idea that she has to work to solve her problems never occurred to the molly. Luna is a very friendly cat and she is rather naive in the sense that she will flounce up to any stranger that crosses her path and try to become friends with them. But she's also a loud talker and rather vain, preferring to talk about herself, which makes it hard to make friends. Luna, luckily, doesn't realize this and believes that all cats love her. Another adjective to describe the feline is bouncy, she's bouncy and bubbly and gets very excited very easily. The she-cat rarely gets scared, but that's mostly because she isn't the brightest cat. Bright in presonality? Definitely, but not when it comes to intelligence. Luna doesn't scare easily because she doesn't realize that things are dangerous. Besides, the world is a good place and everything works out so she has no need to be afraid. Luna can be quite funny without trying to be, but is very sensitive. If someone laughs at something that wasn't meant as a joke, she could end up crying. But, she also has a short attention span, so outbursts never last very long. Luna is very curious and likes to explore, but if she realizes she is lost she starts to panic. She isn't angered very easily and is a generally a laid-back cat, though certain things do get her very angry. Overall, Luna is a fun and friendly cat who can be very pleasant if one can get past the obnoxiousness.

September 17th, 2017, 02:29 PM
Luna is a bubbly, playful cat. She enjoys games and teasing and is in general a fun cat. Luna is not good at sarcasm, but she can be sassy. She views the world as a 'glass half full' kind of place and always believes that things will work out. She tends to force this belief on others, which can be a bit annoying, but she simply doesn't understand why some cats are so pessimistic. However, this belief can lead Luna to be a bit lazy. Instead of facing her problems, she lets the world solve them. The idea that she has to work to solve her problems never occurred to the molly. Luna is a very friendly cat and she is rather naive in the sense that she will flounce up to any stranger that crosses her path and try to become friends with them. But she's also a loud talker and rather vain, preferring to talk about herself, which makes it hard to make friends. Luna, luckily, doesn't realize this and believes that all cats love her. Another adjective to describe the feline is bouncy, she's bouncy and bubbly and gets very excited very easily. The she-cat rarely gets scared, but that's mostly because she isn't the brightest cat. Bright in presonality? Definitely, but not when it comes to intelligence. Luna doesn't scare easily because she doesn't realize that things are dangerous. Besides, the world is a good place and everything works out so she has no need to be afraid. Luna can be quite funny without trying to be, but is very sensitive. If someone laughs at something that wasn't meant as a joke, she could end up crying. But, she also has a short attention span, so outbursts never last very long. Luna is very curious and likes to explore, but if she realizes she is lost she starts to panic. She isn't angered very easily and is a generally a laid-back cat, though certain things do get her very angry. Overall, Luna is a fun and friendly cat who can be very pleasant if one can get past the obnoxiousness.

That's amazing! Thank you <3

September 17th, 2017, 02:47 PM
That's amazing! Thank you <3

You're welcome <3

Lady Friday
December 21st, 2017, 09:42 AM
Name: Moonkit
Personality: sweet and caring
Looks: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F a9%2F9d%2F83%2Fa99d8372c56df76e7ade4203d391d17b--grey-tabby-kittens-cat-cat.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fexplor e%2Fgrey-tabby-kittens%2F&docid=xiDIw-7T8xMSIM&tbnid=znXMturLZ5eOnM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjwlO2ZuJvYAhVGBcAKHWzDA2IQMwj7ASg7MDs. .i&w=736&h=743&hl=en&client=safari&bih=984&biw=768&q=grey%20tabby%20cat&ved=0ahUKEwjwlO2ZuJvYAhVGBcAKHWzDA2IQMwj7ASg7MDs&iact=mrc&uact=8 but with green eyes
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Kit
Age: 5 moons

December 28th, 2017, 06:37 PM

Name: --
Personality: --
Appearance: --
Preferred Gender: Male
Preferred Clan: ShadowClan
Preferred Rank: Warrior
Preferred Age: 12 Moons