View Full Version : Stormhalo

December 28th, 2016, 08:59 PM
This is Stormhalos bio. StormHalo is in ThunderClan


Current Name: Stormhalo
Other Names, if any: Stormkit, Stormpaw
Age (in moons): 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Creation Date: 12/28/16

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: ThunderClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: RiverClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): open
Apprentice(s): open

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): open
Mother (s): open
Sibling(s): open
Offspring: open

Best Friend(s): open
Friend(s): open
Neutral: ....open?
Acquaintance(s): open
Enemies: open

Crush: open
Significant Other: open


Overview: StormHalo is a protective female who trys to be who she thinks her parents would want her to be. Sometimes it's out of what she can really do.
Traits: Protective, Secretive, Pretty, Friendly.

Mental Age: 29
Psychiatric Complications: none?
Phobias: Fire

Sociability: Social
Outlook: Protective and Overgoing?
Responsibility: Very responsible
Cleanliness: Kinda clean
Generosity: Very generous
Manners: Kinda has manners
Bravery: Very Brave, escpically when loved ones or friends are on the line.
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical, but can become emotional wreck at any second.

Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Food(s): Peppermint
Favorite Word: Free
Favorite Sound: The sounds of a Storm

Greatest Hope: That one day everyone she loves will be safe, and the RiverClan is wiped out by a storm.
Greatest Strength: Fighting
Greatest Weakness: Her very low self esteem
Worst Nightmare: Everyone she cares about getting burned to the stake.
Deepest Darkest Secret: She ran away from the RiverClan, right before her family got executed (by fire) because they had some deal with the ThunderClan.
Most Treasured Memory: Her family telling her that whatever they did, it was for her.

Quirk(s): none?
Theme Song(s): Trainwreck-Banks 7 Nation Army-The 7 Stripes (I think)

Background: Stormhalo lived in the RiverClan until she was 6 moons old. Her family (Mom and Dad) then got executed because "they had a deal with the ThunderClan" Stormhalo was going to be executed, but she ran to the ThunderClan. She also killed her older sister, Moonhalo, because Moonhalo killed some kits. No one knew why though.

Place of Birth: RiverClan Nursery
Date of Birth: 24 moons ago
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: StarClan

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Russian Blue
Fur Color(s): Gray
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Normal
Markings: none
Eye Color: Bright Blue/Gray

Body Type/Structure: Warrior-like
Height: A little over the average cat
Weight: 10 pounds
Voice: Smooth and Soft
Gait: normal
Scent: Before a storm comes, freshly fallen rain

Scars / Deformities: none yet
Diseases / Conditions: none

Coordination: Not very strong
Reflexes: Has okay reflexes
Strength: Stronger than average

Image(s): Loading...http://cdn3-www.cattime.com/assets/uploads/2011/12/file_2684_Russian-Blue-cat-breed-profile.jpg

January 4th, 2017, 08:38 PM
This is Stormhalos bio. StormHalo is in ThunderClan


Current Name: Stormhalo
Other Names, if any: Stormkit, Stormpaw
Age (in moons): 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Creation Date: 12/28/16

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: ThunderClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: RiverClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): open
Apprentice(s): open

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): open
Mother (s): open
Sibling(s): open
Offspring: open

Best Friend(s): open
Friend(s): open
Neutral: ....open?
Acquaintance(s): open
Enemies: open

Crush: open
Significant Other: open


Overview: StormHalo is a protective female who trys to be who she thinks her parents would want her to be. Sometimes it's out of what she can really do.
Traits: Protective, Secretive, Pretty, Friendly.

Mental Age: 29
Psychiatric Complications: none?
Phobias: Fire

Sociability: Social
Outlook: Protective and Overgoing?
Responsibility: Very responsible
Cleanliness: Kinda clean
Generosity: Very generous
Manners: Kinda has manners
Bravery: Very Brave, escpically when loved ones or friends are on the line.
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical, but can become emotional wreck at any second.

Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Food(s): Peppermint
Favorite Word: Free
Favorite Sound: The sounds of a Storm

Greatest Hope: That one day everyone she loves will be safe, and the RiverClan is wiped out by a storm.
Greatest Strength: Fighting
Greatest Weakness: Her very low self esteem
Worst Nightmare: Everyone she cares about getting burned to the stake.
Deepest Darkest Secret: She ran away from the RiverClan, right before her family got executed (by fire) because they had some deal with the ThunderClan.
Most Treasured Memory: Her family telling her that whatever they did, it was for her.

Quirk(s): none?
Theme Song(s): Trainwreck-Banks 7 Nation Army-The 7 Stripes (I think)

Background: Stormhalo lived in the RiverClan until she was 6 moons old. Her family (Mom and Dad) then got executed because "they had a deal with the ThunderClan" Stormhalo was going to be executed, but she ran to the ThunderClan. She also killed her older sister, Moonhalo, because Moonhalo killed some kits. No one knew why though.

Place of Birth: RiverClan Nursery
Date of Birth: 24 moons ago
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: StarClan

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Russian Blue
Fur Color(s): Gray
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Normal
Markings: none
Eye Color: Bright Blue/Gray

Body Type/Structure: Warrior-like
Height: A little over the average cat
Weight: 10 pounds
Voice: Smooth and Soft
Gait: normal
Scent: Before a storm comes, freshly fallen rain

Scars / Deformities: none yet
Diseases / Conditions: none

Coordination: Not very strong
Reflexes: Has okay reflexes
Strength: Stronger than average

Image(s): Loading...http://cdn3-www.cattime.com/assets/uploads/2011/12/file_2684_Russian-Blue-cat-breed-profile.jpg

(Could Affinitysnow be mates with Stormhalo? cx)