View Full Version : [WCO Survivor]

December 25th, 2016, 12:39 PM
hello! since survivor 33's just ended, I decided that it's a good time to possibly host a wco survivor simulator! this'll be in season 32's format, brains vs. brawn vs. beauty!

the tribes are as follows;

Chan Loh [brains]
To Tang [brawn]
Gondol [beauty]

so pick one of those three for your tribe selection! there will be 18 players, including me- which leaves 5 spots on Chan Loh, since i'll be playing there, and 6 spots on both the other two tribes! i'll post updates and the game once every spot has been filled, so sign up with the format below! first come, first served~

picture/image [can be anything!];

my form;
name; fenic!
tribe; chan loh
picture/image [can be anything!]; my profile picture!

Ludicrous Lunacy
December 25th, 2016, 04:16 PM
name; Kote
tribe; Chan Loh
picture/image [can be anything!]; https://www.petfinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/153525871-cat-agression-part-1.jpg
(Also 'grats on Russet!)

December 25th, 2016, 04:18 PM
name; Moo
tribe; Chan Loh
picture/image [can be anything!]; coming

December 25th, 2016, 04:23 PM
name; Moo
tribe; Chan Loh
picture/image [can be anything!]; coming

Her appearance!

shark sailor
December 25th, 2016, 04:29 PM
Name: Talulah – Native American, Leaping Water.
Tribe: Chan Loh
Picture/Image: https://www.google.com/search?q=water+dragon&espv=2&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS689US689&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFuLGtspDRAhVM4CYKHeClD80Q_AUICCgB&biw=1440&bih=828#imgrc=357M9WNVLyteFM%3A

December 25th, 2016, 06:44 PM
Name: Sol
Tribe: To Tang
Picture/Image [below]