View Full Version : Silversun, StarlightGlimmer's first charrie!

December 24th, 2016, 04:41 PM
My friend StarLightGlimmer just joined WCO and couldn't figure out how to make a thread for her character Silversun. So, I made it for her! I present to you, Silversun of Shadowclan!


Current Name: Silversun
Other Names, if any: Silverkit, Silverpaw
Age (in moons): 28
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/ Straight
Creation Date: Today, 12/24/16

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Shadowclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: Riverclan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): none
Apprentice(s): open

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): open
Mother (s): open
Sibling(s): open
Offspring: open

Best Friend(s):
Friend(s): open
Neutral: open
Acquaintance(s): open
Enemies: open

Crush: open
Significant Other: open


Overview: Silversun is a generally happy soul, but she has some secrets to keep.
Traits: Playful, caring, secretive, fast, good at hunting

Mental Age: 29 moons
Psychiatric Complications: what...
Phobias: Water

Sociability: Sociable
Outlook: Positive
Responsibility: A little responsible
Cleanliness: Very clean
Generosity: Generous
Manners: small amount of manners
Bravery: Very brave
More Logical or More Emotional?: More logical
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Food(s): Fish
Favorite Word: Sea
Favorite Sound: the sound of waves

Greatest Hope: That all cats can live in peace
Greatest Strength: Running
Greatest Weakness: Leaves herself vulnerable to attacks
Worst Nightmare: All of her friends drowning
Deepest Darkest Secret: Ran away from another clan
Most Treasured Memory: The last sight of her mother as she told her to run from her previous clan

Quirk(s): none
Theme Song(s): none yet


Place of Birth: Shadowclan Nursery
Date of Birth: 29 months ago
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: Starclan Believer

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Bengal
Fur Color(s): White with silver Bengal markings
Fur Texture: silky and soft
Fur Length: short
Markings: standard Bengal markings
Eye Color: Bright gold, like this: https://cdn.mysmelly.com/image:/sitefs/perm/pi/b/q/x/y/401.300.0_r9xwhxdtqm92.jpg

Body Type/Structure: lithe but sturdy, slight muscle
Height: a little smaller than the average cat
Weight: normal weight
Voice: higher pitched, feminine voice, very smooth
Gait: smooth and silent
Scent: Fresh snow and a faint scent of the river

Scars / Deformities: Scar on back left leg
Diseases / Conditions: None

Coordination: Average coordination
Reflexes: fast reflexes
Strength: average strength

Image(s): http://www.nefertitimaus.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/Harvey.10101724_std.jpg http://www.hdw-inc.com/jimspooky4.jpg