View Full Version : Pandora's Box

October 6th, 2016, 09:33 PM
Pandora, (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19fP8G6jh6OhbqUewJKCzMG-g2x4fL9_VXubcSdYMfvg/mobilebasic) an easily annoyed, irritable she-cat looked around the alleyway, her eyes narrowed. She kneaded the ground, her brown ears flattened. "Such a bothersome place to live.. but I can't possibly move my box!" mewed the Persian cat. Tail lashing back and forth, Pandora blinked and stood up. Her voice had echoed around her lone box, which was her home. The she-cat sighed and twitched the whiskers upon her snout.
"Oh, so bothersome indeed. Why did I have to choose the box in this alleyway?" Pandora whined, slowly stalking out of the shelter of her beloved box. It was night time. Wow, the day had gone by so fast! It seemed as if a few heartbeats ago she had just woken up that morning. A small, icy breeze blew the Persian's fur in the wrong direction, causing her to shiver as a cold chill went up her spine.

October 6th, 2016, 09:42 PM
(Please Post At Least4-6+ sentences! and For OOC, pLEASE use ( ) around whatever is in OOC!This Is An O p e n Roleplay, So You Can Join Whenever! Just Please Follow My Two ^^')

Abstracted Dog
October 6th, 2016, 11:00 PM
Striper's eyes flashed by the lone box in the ally. "I am going to take that box.." He lunged for the cardboard box.

October 6th, 2016, 11:35 PM
The Persian cat heard a noise, her eyes flicking the where Striper was lunging from. "No one takes my box.." She hissed, her claws unsheathing. Pandora's eyes narrowed to slits and she darted forward, blocking the tom's way. Her bright blue orbs shone with fury, a snarl rumbling in her throat.

Abstracted Dog
October 8th, 2016, 10:19 AM
Striper's claws unsheathed, probably by habit. "Excuse me," He said in a rather angry, low tone. "You're blocking my route to the box!" He aimed for her shoulder and pounced. (I haven't hit you cat yet, you can dodge if you want)

November 11th, 2016, 08:23 AM
(Sorry if this is closed)
Pepper walked around, his long white fur dragged along the ground. Pepper's blue eyes looked around. As he spotted to cats fighting he started to run over. Wait what m I doing? I don't know these cats. He thought,but some how he felt as if he had to. He stopped and looked around, a box? Is that what they where fighting over? He looked around. The she cat look as if she could stand her ground. Pepper watched the two cats for a second. He moved his ears around, and flicked his tail. He walked over. "Oi! Stop it." He hissed."Fighting over a lousy box? Really?"He mewed, his eyes gazed over at Pandora.