View Full Version : Redone: Requests and Trades!

December 21st, 2016, 04:09 AM
So you can request something or trade with me. Since I got so many requests last time is it okay to ask for koins?

Full body(Only or animals); 5 koins
headshot; 1 koin
NOTE; I do not do backgrounds or two cats together, and i'm still working on my shading and expressions!

art trades cost a piece of art as you most likely know.

Examples: Boop! (http://aminoapps.com/page/warriors/2304507/socks) And boop! (http://sockofpancakes.deviantart.com/)

Request list;

Art trade list;

(If you haven't gotten your art yet from the last one you don't have to pay anything because you were lucky and got one before free time was up! And you guys will be first priority since you've been waiting longer.
People on that list of free:
Duskflight, Moonheart & Friends, Enchanted Prince, Fallen, Nighty, Moobaby171, Stormixx
This does not mean every time you request it'll be free, only the ones you requested in the last one, if you
request something again it will cost.)

December 21st, 2016, 05:03 AM
im just gonna request the same cat Emma (http://img.charahub.com/c997998_656c6f832139266be1215029ba40072f.jpg) Thanks!