View Full Version : The TC murder.. ( Plot of drama )

December 19th, 2016, 01:25 PM
This is a plot I've been wanting to do for a bit, it involves, murder, being framed, lies and further drama that comes with death. I'd like it if you are trying out that when you roleplay during the plot is that you have more then a paragraph ( 6 lines maximum ) depending on how important the role is the level of lines I'll deplete for those specific people. Anyway let me explain. I expect if you are accepted you will be active. I will be roleplaying cat 2 because.. I wanna be included XD please read even though it's so long!

A young apprentice, ( cat 1 ) is traveling in the forest with a group of friends ( cat 2 ) and ( cat 3 ) they aren't litter mates but they are close close friends. They have got their apprentice names only a moon ago. They decided to hunt alone.. But then they find a body ( No player ) the body is dead and they identify the cat as nightstrike. The black Molly has her throat brutally ripped up. You and your friends inspect the body and conclude it was a murder. The cat who was the killer is nowhere in sight. With the multitude of wounds you also conclude that the murderer must be a clan cat. The scent is coated in blood so you cannot tell who it was. Long story short you return to camp and don't tell anyone afraid they would think you did it. Unluckily ( cat 4 ) finds the body and the three apprentices scent on the body. They are convinced it's the apprentices and so is the clan! Now you the three apprentices must find the murderer which you suspect is.. ( cat 5 ) or ( cat 6 ) or maybe the two cats are accomplices of the murder.

I just thought that if you try out for cat 4 you can also secretly be connected to the murder. Also one of the apprentices can be murdered by the murder if they find out! I'm pretty open for this roleplay so take it where to wish.

Cat 1-3-4-5-6
Clans got to be tc
Personality ( tbrp not permitted )
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?

I'm taking cat 2 my forms coming soon

December 19th, 2016, 01:39 PM
Name : Fawnpaw
Age : 7 moons
Gender : female
c Cat # : 1
Clan : TC
Personality : Fawnpaw is spunky and energetic and beyond kind . She always looks at the bright side of things . She is a bit shy around those she doesn't know . However , once you get to know the she cat she is non-stop talking .She can also be quite sensitive , and upset easily . Fawnpaw is very hard to anger and annoy , and can never hold a grudge either.
Looks : Fawnpaw is a light red / fawn colored abyssinian with amber eyes .She has a narrow frame and long face . She has the appearance of a Windclan cat with a long slender tail and long frail legs . She has bright amber orbs and a rosy nose and pads . Ref 1 . (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fawn+abyssinian+cat&view=detailv2&&id=D56F1ECE77BC542EA35BE0CE2C92FE0D06E066E0&selectedIndex=0&ccid=QY8JtJ6U&simid=607995206633193552&thid=OIP.M418f09b49e94de434bc2ce1c83862e1bo0&ajaxhist=0) Ref 2 (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fawn+abyssinian+cat&view=detailv2&id=D56F1ECE77BC542EA35B41C83A094B1D59D1B077&selectedindex=1&ccid=6mzMC5QA&simid=607986913052328683&thid=OIP.Mea6ccc0b9400cff662c1ec4628b280b6o0&mode=overlay&first=1). Ref 3 . (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fawn+abyssinian+cat&view=detailv2&id=D56F1ECE77BC542EA35BC881C83B2130E90F29C2&selectedindex=2&ccid=THeD8Fnj&simid=607996735646860096&thid=OIP.M4c7783f059e301652f8512e32ebbdbfdH0&mode=overlay&first=1)
Would you like the cat to be murdered in the process ? : Mhmm .. possibly . Not entirely sure ;p

December 19th, 2016, 01:43 PM
Name : Fawnpaw
Age : 7 moons
Gender : female
c Cat # : 1
Clan : TC
Personality : Fawnpaw is spunky and energetic and beyond kind . She always looks at the bright side of things . She is a bit shy around those she doesn't know . However , once you get to know the she cat she is non-stop talking .She can also be quite sensitive , and upset easily . Fawnpaw is very hard to anger and annoy , and can never hold a grudge either.
Looks : Fawnpaw is a light red / fawn colored abyssinian with amber eyes .She has a narrow frame and long face . She has the appearance of a Windclan cat with a long slender tail and long frail legs . She has bright amber orbs and a rosy nose and pads . Ref 1 . (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fawn+abyssinian+cat&view=detailv2&&id=D56F1ECE77BC542EA35BE0CE2C92FE0D06E066E0&selectedIndex=0&ccid=QY8JtJ6U&simid=607995206633193552&thid=OIP.M418f09b49e94de434bc2ce1c83862e1bo0&ajaxhist=0) Ref 2 (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fawn+abyssinian+cat&view=detailv2&id=D56F1ECE77BC542EA35B41C83A094B1D59D1B077&selectedindex=1&ccid=6mzMC5QA&simid=607986913052328683&thid=OIP.Mea6ccc0b9400cff662c1ec4628b280b6o0&mode=overlay&first=1). Ref 3 . (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fawn+abyssinian+cat&view=detailv2&id=D56F1ECE77BC542EA35BC881C83B2130E90F29C2&selectedindex=2&ccid=THeD8Fnj&simid=607996735646860096&thid=OIP.M4c7783f059e301652f8512e32ebbdbfdH0&mode=overlay&first=1)
Would you like the cat to be murdered in the process ? : Mhmm .. possibly . Not entirely sure ;p

I'll look over it and choose once we get
more forms! fawnpaw seems like
a good cat to fill the role anyway.

December 19th, 2016, 02:26 PM
okay :3

December 19th, 2016, 03:06 PM
okay :3

Try and attract other members pls

December 19th, 2016, 05:27 PM
Name: Ashpaw
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Male
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: Cat 3
Clan: Thunderclan
Personality ( tbrp not permitted ): Ashpaw is friendly and outgoing, with a bounce to his step almost no matter the situation. Sometimes he can take things seriously and put on a straight face, but otherwise he's always happy. Ashpaw has a very great personality and a wide sense of humor, always cracking jokes and doing silly things. Sometimes it's hard to make him pay attention, but in good time he will.
Looks: A slim build with short sleek fur and a long tail. His legs are also long and help him climb trees and leap over things such as logs or small creeks. His ears are large and pointy with light pink insides. His nose is a dark rosebud color, and his eyes are a vibrant green color. Ashpaw has some muscle definition in his chest, legs and hindquarters, that continue to grow stronger by the week. A reference picture coming for his pelt description.
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Yes

December 19th, 2016, 05:40 PM
Name: Ashpaw
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Male
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: Cat 3
Clan: Thunderclan
Personality ( tbrp not permitted ): Ashpaw is friendly and outgoing, with a bounce to his step almost no matter the situation. Sometimes he can take things seriously and put on a straight face, but otherwise he's always happy. Ashpaw has a very great personality and a wide sense of humor, always cracking jokes and doing silly things. Sometimes it's hard to make him pay attention, but in good time he will.
Looks: A slim build with short sleek fur and a long tail. His legs are also long and help him climb trees and leap over things such as logs or small creeks. His ears are large and pointy with light pink insides. His nose is a dark rosebud color, and his eyes are a vibrant green color. Ashpaw has some muscle definition in his chest, legs and hindquarters, that continue to grow stronger by the week. A reference picture coming for his pelt description.
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Yes

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F67%2Fce%2F2f%2F67ce2ffe14a 86476aa205048dcb0998d.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fbethbi llh%2Fblack-blackwhite-cats%2F&docid=ZZhihuUoVHG3RM&tbnid=Z7AM3koPhaWlxM%3A&vet=1&w=640&h=900&client=ms-hms-sprint-us&bih=511&biw=360&q=blackk%20and%20white%20spotted%20cat&ved=0ahUKEwiSvcnqtIHRAhWFSiYKHet9AKIQMwhFKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8

December 19th, 2016, 07:34 PM
Name: Ashpaw
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Male
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: Cat 3
Clan: Thunderclan
Personality ( tbrp not permitted ): Ashpaw is friendly and outgoing, with a bounce to his step almost no matter the situation. Sometimes he can take things seriously and put on a straight face, but otherwise he's always happy. Ashpaw has a very great personality and a wide sense of humor, always cracking jokes and doing silly things. Sometimes it's hard to make him pay attention, but in good time he will.
Looks: A slim build with short sleek fur and a long tail. His legs are also long and help him climb trees and leap over things such as logs or small creeks. His ears are large and pointy with light pink insides. His nose is a dark rosebud color, and his eyes are a vibrant green color. Ashpaw has some muscle definition in his chest, legs and hindquarters, that continue to grow stronger by the week. A reference picture coming for his pelt description.
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Yes

Will be looked over!

December 20th, 2016, 01:49 PM
boop ~ join peoplezz !

December 20th, 2016, 03:03 PM
Bump, dudes I want this to do welllll!! Please tryout anyone.

December 20th, 2016, 03:09 PM
Name: Foxclaw
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Male
Cat: 6
Clans got to be tc
Personality ( tbrp not permitted ) Overview: A tad bit strange mixed with humor
Traits: Lovable for his kindness and is full of mystery, but due to the fire, timidness overrules every other traits.
Looks: Fur Color(s): Orange
Fur Texture: very soft, might make a fluffy pillow
Fur Length: pretty long
Eye Color: Ocean blue
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process? Err... no

December 20th, 2016, 03:22 PM
Name: Foxclaw
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Male
Cat: 6
Clans got to be tc
Personality ( tbrp not permitted ) Overview: A tad bit strange mixed with humor
Traits: Lovable for his kindness and is full of mystery, but due to the fire, timidness overrules every other traits.
Looks: Fur Color(s): Orange
Fur Texture: very soft, might make a fluffy pillow
Fur Length: pretty long
Eye Color: Ocean blue
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process? Err... no

Oh I forgot to add something for cat 4,5,6 you must tell me if you killed nightstrike

December 20th, 2016, 03:23 PM
Oh I forgot to add something for cat 4,5,6 you must tell me if you killed nightstrike
(My kat killed no cat, so no. Foxclaw didn't kill Nightstrike)

December 20th, 2016, 08:06 PM


December 20th, 2016, 09:24 PM
Bump. Seriously hard bump

December 20th, 2016, 10:14 PM

December 21st, 2016, 03:08 AM

Name: Birdfall
Age: 26 moons
Gender: She-cat
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: 5
Clans got to be tc: Tc
Personality ( tbrp not permitted ): Sassy, Doesn't like being told what to do,stuck up,cold
Looks: A black She-cat with white splotches and greenish blue eyes
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Maybe
Other: Has a loner friend named Quince

December 21st, 2016, 03:20 AM
This is a plot I've been wanting to do for a bit, it involves, murder, being framed, lies and further drama that comes with death. I'd like it if you are trying out that when you roleplay during the plot is that you have more then a paragraph ( 6 lines maximum ) depending on how important the role is the level of lines I'll deplete for those specific people. Anyway let me explain. I expect if you are accepted you will be active. I will be roleplaying cat 2 because.. I wanna be included XD please read even though it's so long!

A young apprentice, ( cat 1 ) is traveling in the forest with a group of friends ( cat 2 ) and ( cat 3 ) they aren't litter mates but they are close close friends. They have got their apprentice names only a moon ago. They decided to hunt alone.. But then they find a body ( No player ) the body is dead and they identify the cat as nightstrike. The black Molly has her throat brutally ripped up. You and your friends inspect the body and conclude it was a murder. The cat who was the killer is nowhere in sight. With the multitude of wounds you also conclude that the murderer must be a clan cat. The scent is coated in blood so you cannot tell who it was. Long story short you return to camp and don't tell anyone afraid they would think you did it. Unluckily ( cat 4 ) finds the body and the three apprentices scent on the body. They are convinced it's the apprentices and so is the clan! Now you the three apprentices must find the murderer which you suspect is.. ( cat 5 ) or ( cat 6 ) or maybe the two cats are accomplices of the murder.

I just thought that if you try out for cat 4 you can also secretly be connected to the murder. Also one of the apprentices can be murdered by the murder if they find out! I'm pretty open for this roleplay so take it where to wish.

Cat 1-3-4-5-6
Clans got to be tc
Personality ( tbrp not permitted )
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?

I'm taking cat 2 my forms coming soon

Name: Spottedsong
Age: 32 moons.
Gender: Female
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: 4
Clans got to be tc
Personality: Spottedsong is a very snooty cat, she thinks she is the clans saving grace and will brag about that for days. But she is incredibly loyal to her clan, and will die for it. She accuses a lot and never back down from a challenge. Despite her flaws, she is quite caring, and will die for her family. She did not kill Nightstrike as she has no grudge against him and Spottedsong will never betray her clan.
Looks: (I'm just getting the picture drawn)
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: No thanks, she's my main thunderclan cat.

Princess Wolfie
December 21st, 2016, 10:50 AM
Name: Petalfall
Age: 29 moons
Gender: She-cat
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: 5
Clan: ThunderClan
Personality: Petalfall is a shy cat, and she can easily hold grudges. She isn't just shy; she's secretive. When accused of anything she didn't do, she's frantic and this may make it look like she's guilty. If she's accused of something she did do, she's frantic all the same, however she tries to be a little more calm and secretive.
Looks: Petalfall has a tortoiseshell pelt and golden-colored eyes. Reference: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1zfhj0k&s=8#.WFqyrXeZNBw
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Maybe yes, maybe no. It really just depends on how this goes.

Also, I understand the characters don't know who's the murderer, but will we, ourselves, know?

Princess Wolfie
December 21st, 2016, 10:52 AM
Name: Petalfall
Age: 29 moons
Gender: She-cat
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: 5
Clan: ThunderClan
Personality: Petalfall is a shy cat, and she can easily hold grudges. She isn't just shy; she's secretive. When accused of anything she didn't do, she's frantic and this may make it look like she's guilty. If she's accused of something she did do, she's frantic all the same, however she tries to be a little more calm and secretive.
Looks: Petalfall has a tortoiseshell pelt and golden-colored eyes. Reference: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1zfhj0k&s=8#.WFqyrXeZNBw
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Maybe yes, maybe no. It really just depends on how this goes.

Also, I understand the characters don't know who's the murderer, but will we, ourselves, know?
Oops, didn't see the second page. Yeah, I'm going to go with Petalfall killed Nightstrike.

December 21st, 2016, 11:40 AM

Name: Birdfall
Age: 26 moons
Gender: She-cat
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: 5
Clans got to be tc: Tc
Personality ( tbrp not permitted ): Sassy, Doesn't like being told what to do,stuck up,cold
Looks: A black She-cat with white splotches and greenish blue eyes
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Maybe
Other: Has a loner friend named Quince


December 21st, 2016, 11:41 AM
Name: Spottedsong
Age: 32 moons.
Gender: Female
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: 4
Clans got to be tc
Personality: Spottedsong is a very snooty cat, she thinks she is the clans saving grace and will brag about that for days. But she is incredibly loyal to her clan, and will die for it. She accuses a lot and never back down from a challenge. Despite her flaws, she is quite caring, and will die for her family. She did not kill Nightstrike as she has no grudge against him and Spottedsong will never betray her clan.
Looks: (I'm just getting the picture drawn)
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: No thanks, she's my main thunderclan cat.

Okay! Accepted

December 21st, 2016, 11:43 AM
Name: Petalfall
Age: 29 moons
Gender: She-cat
Cat 1-3-4-5-6: 5
Clan: ThunderClan
Personality: Petalfall is a shy cat, and she can easily hold grudges. She isn't just shy; she's secretive. When accused of anything she didn't do, she's frantic and this may make it look like she's guilty. If she's accused of something she did do, she's frantic all the same, however she tries to be a little more calm and secretive.
Looks: Petalfall has a tortoiseshell pelt and golden-colored eyes. Reference: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1zfhj0k&s=8#.WFqyrXeZNBw
Would you like for the cat to be murdered during the process?: Maybe yes, maybe no. It really just depends on how this goes.

Also, I understand the characters don't know who's the murderer, but will we, ourselves, know?

We do have a cat 5 but I guess another murder suspect won't hurt.

December 21st, 2016, 11:45 AM
alright guys we have all the roles set out, and a little extra which is amazing! So I will post the times on here who is roleplaying with who but I also don't mind if you branch off with two characters you just have too tell me.

Princess Wolfie
December 25th, 2016, 02:36 PM
Wolf It's been a few days, when will you post the times?

December 25th, 2016, 08:00 PM
Wolf It's been a few days, when will you post the times?

Sorry still working on those. I'm trying to organize everything for everyone. I will notify everyone when I got it!

December 25th, 2016, 11:59 PM
Princess Wolfie
@NineTailsNetwork ( Jason )

The discovery of the body. The roles.

Fawnpaw || accepted as cat one || first appearance with the other apprentices
Ashpaw || accepted as cat three || first appearance with other apprentices
Quotes myself XD || Cat 2 || first appearance ashpaw and fawnpaw near the body

Cat four and the apprentices choice.
Until the first roleplay concludes this is no bother to you.

Spottedsong | is the lovely cat four | the discovery, going to camp blaming on app's

[ Right so that's it for now, I must find a cat to roleplay with cat four for finding the body. Once done I will further the roles and where they appear. As for now the cats who have been mentioned we will organize a time and start to roleplay! Should not take more then 3 days. If so we will go right ahead and have Maplefall roleplaying with [---] so we can move along.

December 29th, 2016, 06:01 PM
Please mention me when you begin to roleplay. I might not notice it and it would help me a ton, thanks!

December 30th, 2016, 04:19 AM
Princess Wolfie
@NineTailsNetwork ( Jason )

The discovery of the body. The roles.

Fawnpaw || accepted as cat one || first appearance with the other apprentices
Ashpaw || accepted as cat three || first appearance with other apprentices
Quotes myself XD || Cat 2 || first appearance ashpaw and fawnpaw near the body

Cat four and the apprentices choice.
Until the first roleplay concludes this is no bother to you.

Spottedsong | is the lovely cat four | the discovery, going to camp blaming on app's

[ Right so that's it for now, I must find a cat to roleplay with cat four for finding the body. Once done I will further the roles and where they appear. As for now the cats who have been mentioned we will organize a time and start to roleplay! Should not take more then 3 days. If so we will go right ahead and have Maplefall roleplaying with [---] so we can move along.

I can make refrigerator sized paragraphs if needed, I don't need a person to RP with but it would be nice....