View Full Version : P&B's House

December 15th, 2016, 02:30 AM
This house is now decorated with Christmas lights:
And the Christmas tree is already up , along with the stockings on the fireplace.
The house has cream walls in the kitchen and in the living room:
Ill update this soon..)
There's room for another cat ( One , so if you want go on Pepsi The kittypet on bio's and do a little form there..)

December 18th, 2016, 05:47 AM
Pepsi sat on the porch rail , looking over at the top of the trees. He now had the curiosity of what was beyond there , but he wasn't curious enough to venture out. He leapt down into a patch of grass , and trotted into the middle of the small garden, were many tall bushes stand, and lay down.

A few minutes later , a female twoleg opened a window and called him. He raced towards the door and stretched through the cat flap. He jumped onto the rocking chair.