View Full Version : [Rennflight's Deception]

December 11th, 2016, 01:33 PM
This plot contains my ThunderClan cat, Rennflight.

Rennflight has always been a flirty cat. When Rennflight starts having flings with other she-cats, he starts to neglect his best friend, (She-cat 1). (She-cat 1) starts to become extremely jealous and starts spending time with (Tom 1). Rennflight starts to notice her jealousy and confronts (She-cat 1), leading a big fight. (She-cat 1) realizes she us expecting Rennflight's kits and tries to dump them on him. Rennflights ends up avoidiing taking his unwanted kits and (She-cat 1) is forced to take them. Rennflight continues to have flings with (She-cat 1 & She-cat 2). (She-cat 1) looses her jealousy and decides to ask (Tom 1) to be her mate. But, when (Tom 1) confesses that her loves another, (She-cat 1) heart-broken. (She-cat 1) sees (Tom 1) spending time with (Tom 2) and (She-cat 3) she starts to snoop around, discovering that (Tom 1) is now mates with (She-cat 3), leaving (She-cat 1) ragged. Rennflights is no longer best friends with (She-cat 1) and decides to try to be mates with (She-cat 2). They become mates, but not for long. (She-cat 1) now hates Rennflight and vows to get revenge on him. (She-cat 1) ends up becoming mates with (Tom 2). This will develop more as roleplay commences.

Open Roles;

She-cat 1
She-cat 2
She-cat 3
Tom 1
Tom 2
She-cat 1 & Rennflight's kits 1-3

Form with Link


Form without Link


December 11th, 2016, 01:41 PM
Name: RosePool
Role: She-cat 1
age: 32 moons
gender: She-cat...
Perso: TBR'PD
Appearance: http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~flynnj/cats/tawny1l.jpg
Other/Questions: Nope!

December 11th, 2016, 04:42 PM
Name; Briardream
Role;She-cat 1
Age; 34 moooooos (Moons)
Gender; Female
Personality;Briardream is a quiet, kind cat. She is shy and therefore doesn't speak much, but she is intelligent and has an active mind. Just because she doesn't say anything doesn't mean she hasn't already thought up a witty response that she'd love to say out loud. The clever molly is a great problem solver and she's a quick thinker, as well as quick on her feet. She is very talented in battle an in hunting. She certainly is a mystery. A very pretty she-cat who rarely speaks and is surprisingly skilled. Briar has a good sense of humor and can be very funny if she's actually comfortable enough around a cat to joke. Despite her fear of other cats, Briardream is very friendly and kind. She loves kits and finds that she can be herself around them without worrying she'll do something foolish. Briar likes helping other cats, and she wouldn't leave an injured stranger without doing her best to help them. She is also very skittish, though, and it's the only reason the kits bother her at times. When they pounce on her tail it frightens her. Hunting can be an issue at times too, since anytime the grass rustles she nearly jumps out of her fur. Briardream also runs into problems during battle despite her skill, as her heart beats a mile a minute. Cats jumping all of the place is her worst nightmare, but she manages to power through her fear for the good of her clan. Once you get to know her, Briardream is a humorous, kind, and awesome cat.
Appearance;http://loyfly.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tabby-cat-1024x768.jpg | http://www.drodd.com/images13/tabby-cat13.jpg |http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39700000/Brown-and-White-Tabby-Cat-cats-39775315-333-500.jpg
Other/Questions; Just thought I would return the favor of repling for something of yours!

December 11th, 2016, 04:44 PM
I shall apply for a kit when there's information on the parents. I have one without a family x.x

December 11th, 2016, 05:44 PM
Right now I'm lazy, I'll write the Personality soon.

December 12th, 2016, 06:08 AM
for this amazing plot that took me three minutes to come up with