View Full Version : Forgiveness for christmas

December 10th, 2016, 01:42 AM
Okay, I know this has NOTHING to do with christmas, I just wanted to put something relevant. <3 don't judge.

I wanted to inform the people who will read this thread about Xenophile. It's the name of a user on the forum that has had a ... special behaviour on the chatbox. I want everyone to know that this is not drama, it is a way for me to tell the most people I can that he isn't to blame for his behaviour. Literaly, he's not. He has an illness called "Asperger Syndrome", one that an other of my friend had too. For those who hasn't looked it up already, it's a form of autism that causes trouble on the social interactive level of a person. I just wish that people understand that what he says, even if it sounds harsh, isn't meant for any mean purpose. He lacks tact, I won't lie, but he's been banned from the chatbox several time for it now, and I find it rather sad for him.

Don't get me wrong, when I first met him, I absolutely didn't like him. But as I started talking to him, making him open up, he told me what was up, why he was like this, and I was even writing down a report at this moment. I dropped everything, I could only be sorry for him, because now everyone hates him. Everyone thinks he's mean, that he's the worst person ever. It may sound like it, but trust me, he is just like you and me. His path may be different from ours, but he's headed the same way. (if you get the reference)

So, all this to say, in this time of christmas, of cheers and joy, let's forgive him. I know I'll get hate feedback on this one, I just know it, but for those who know me, you know I always look beyond what others looks at, and reaches to the person's real thoughts and feelings before judging. All I wish is that they're understood, because he's a good kid, really. No different from anybody. All he needs is to learn how to say things with a bit of tact.

I hope my words have helped you, xenophile. I wish the whole forum a merry christmas. it's now 2:45 and I am REALLY sleepy, good night.

December 10th, 2016, 02:02 AM
Guys listen... For those of you who reported you don't need to... I was over reacting more then I should have and I've realized that Xenophile and are where BOTH saying hurtful things. Out of the goodness of your hearts don't report him. If you do that he may be permitly banned. We do t need another member gone

December 10th, 2016, 02:07 AM
Thanks so much. I don't really deserve it. But thanks so much. It's pretty relieving to have somebody (that I haven't been around for a long time) to actually defend me.