View Full Version : Brokenfang's story~

December 4th, 2016, 12:32 PM
Once there was a queen, in the nursery. And she was expecting kits, but they weren't her mates. She tried to find a way to get tell her mate - Lionstar. One day she did, and he told her to stop worring he would still take care of them. So a moon went by and the She-cat began to give birth. Soon four beautiful kits layed at her side, the first one was a she-kit, the second and third were toms and the last one was a she-kit.
"Who's the real father, Lillyflower?" A Queen asked the brown and White she-cat. "W-what?" Lillyflower replied.
The queen shifted in her bedding, and looked at Lillyflower. "Don't play games with me, I can tell Lionstar isn't the Father, none of them look like him." The she cat mewed.
Lillyflower glared at the queen and curled her tail around her kits. "Silverwish, right? Why do you want to know?" She spat.
Silverwish sighed, "I don't, Lionstar has to know."
"He does know he isn't the father." Lillyflower sighed.
"Does he know who?" Silverwish said. She glanced at the kits, then at Lillyflower.
"No..he doesn't know.."
"You have to tell him that Wolfpelt is there father." Silverwish mewed.
"How did you..never mind."
Lionstar walked in and sat by Lillyflower, he licked his mate lovingly. "What should we name them?" He purred.
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This is were you come in!
What should they name the kits?
A. Silverkit , Greykit, Goldenkit, Leafkit
B. Smallkit, Dustkit, Yellowkit, Leafkit
C. Skykit, Duskkit, Sunkit, Leafkit

December 4th, 2016, 05:39 PM

December 6th, 2016, 06:01 PM
C it is~ Skykit, Duskkit, Sunkit, Leafkit

Lillyflower looked down at her kits, The one grey one made her think of there father. She held back a few tears, Lionstar pressed closer until there fur touched. "The Brown, and white she-kit can be Skykit." She gently pawed the kit. It let out a small mew then pressed it's head back in her fur. "The grey tom can be Dustkit," She purred. Lionstar smiled, looking at the two kits. "And the others? I'll let you name them." He mewed, licking her ear. Lillyflower thought for a bit, looking at the Tom. "Sunkit, and hmm, Leafkit." She licked The Golden tom, then saw the Brown kitten nudge her nose into her fur. "Skykit, Dustkit, Sunkit, and Leafkit.." He purred, licking eatch of his kits. "I love them..." Lionstar said after.
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What will happen next?
A. Shadepaw, Lionstar's apprentice comes in
B. Coldleaf, the medicine cat tells Lionstar to leave

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Lillyflower (https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSY3YFiSJzctsBoUUs1G00hemFjeNJoG PFTxg5oA8fo6tbxHr1l)
Skykit (http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/photography/bigs/05854-Brown-Tabby-and-white-kitten-white-background.jpg)
Dustkit (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/50/15/05/501505668e8d7c42da24aa7c58d02fec.jpg)
Sunkit (http://www.cat-breeds-encyclopedia.com/image-files/abyssinian8.jpg)
Leafkit (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=36652078)
Lionstar (http://www.mcbfa.org/colorredclassic.jpg)
Sliverwish (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/112/316632682_631cda82bb.jpg)

savage scar
December 7th, 2016, 05:08 AM

December 16th, 2016, 08:10 PM
Coldleaf walked in, flicking his tail. "Yes yes, no get out. Lillyflower needs her rest," He pushed Lionstar out. After giving Sliverwish some herbs, Coldleaf walked out. Lionstar jumped on the high rock, Wolfpelt joined him. "Hello old friend, how is Sliverwish and the kits doing?" He asked. Lionstar looked at him oddly, "Fine..." He mumbled.
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What happens next?
A. Lionstar announces Border patrols
B. Wolfpelt Announces hunting patrols
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Sorry this is short, I've been working on a few things~