View Full Version : Bravestep's Quietus

December 3rd, 2016, 08:20 PM

Adrenaline raced into Bravestep's veins faster than ever before, pumping through him and giving the tom a sense of hyper-awareness as he bolted from RiverClan territory as quickly as his paws would carry him. Bucknight wouldn't be far behind, he figured, there was no way they'd allow him to elude punishment after what he'd done. Just as his former mentor instructed, Bravestep had traveled to RiverClan and helped Cakeless deliver four healthy kits then had waited for an opportune moment to slip them from the camp.

He had brought them to the stream. Showered them with more heartfelt apologies than he could count, even if he knew they wouldn't understand. And then he had done it. He'd fed the RiverClan leader's kits to the hungry, swirling waters that devoured those who were less than prepared to fight its monstrous current.

He'd watched as the loving parents desperately attempted to save their kits to no avail, getting swept up in the rapids themselves.

Bravestep was too frightened to regret, but he hoped StarClan would forgive him for that despicable act -- it didn't matter how they'd been the one to demand it initially. Despite what the inevitable consequence would be, he felt weightless and free, mental sharpness snappishly returning. Miserable moons had passed since he'd last experienced such clarity, and it was a shame that he couldn't hold onto it longer.

He'd dashed across ThunderClan's burnt terrain, over the small forest that twolegs often used during greenleaf, and crossed the thunderpath; the distance astounded even him, however he was forced to stop shortly after, lungs all but caving in on themselves. Yet, his energy didn't feel sapped, the rush and thrill of fleeing kept him alert.

Bravestep noticed a cozy section of the ditch, inviting a physically drained body to curl up and rest and, upon padding to it, he began to realize the strain on his muscles. He wasn't sure he could go any farther. Flopping down into the grass, the easy escape left Bravestep almost feeling like he'd gotten away with it.


December 3rd, 2016, 08:52 PM

Bringing Bravestep to his clan was a mistake.

He requested his assistance due to the loss of their last litter; vividly, he could recall his mate going into labor on the bank opposite of ThunderClan. They had been safe from the fires, but not from the consequences that came with overexertion. Both their daughters were stillborn; frail and underdeveloped from being born a moon too soon.

Fearing a repeat, Bucknight had wanted the oldest, most experienced medicine cat to oversee their second. He put his faith in the tabby to ensure the prosperity of his family, and Bravestep had done - decently. Four healthy sons nestled by their father's side, but at the cost of Cakeless's life.

To say the least, he had been devastated to lose his mate and life-long companion, and amidst his grief Bravestep had struck. Their sons gone in a heartbeat, while Cakeless once again stirred - a revelation of an ability neither toms knew existed.

In a panic, they both pursued Bravestep. Following his scent to the river, seeing the medicine cat toss their children into the rapids .. and plunging in after them.

The current had crashed over them, too powerful for both toms, and they were quickly succumbed to the mercy of the water. Drowning was an experience Bucknight did not want to repeat, and he could only assume Cakeless felt the same. Choking for air, they went under, and unable to resurface for breath they gave into the darkness.

They had awoke on the bank, washed up and cold, with their children nowhere in sight. The river had taken their bodies, while Bravestep had taken their lives.

It took Bucknight a moment to recover, shivering and sodden and drained. Losing a life always left him ill, but he didn't have time to rest when the murderer of their family was at large. The RiverClan leader had left his mate by the water, dashing off in the direction of ThunderClan.

Desperation kept him moving; the need to avenge his kits and their family, and Bravestep's trail lead him through the destroyed ThunderClan forest, the open Twoleg spot they stole fire from, and over the Thunderpath. On the opposite side of the road, Bucknight had to pause - his entire body shaking as he collapsed in a panting heap.

Bravestep's scent was stronger here, and the tabby knew he was close. After a moment of rest, the determined leader forced himself to his paws and continued on the track. His scent lead to the ditch, and he followed it towards the comfortable section. The sight of Bravestep, sprawled on the grass, threw Bucknight into action, and he lunged at the healer with a snarl. "Murderer!"

December 3rd, 2016, 09:33 PM

Never having experienced the same deep emotional attachment that a creature felt toward their own offspring, Bravestep didn't consider the possibility of Bucknight running this distance solely for revenge, underestimating the extend of the tom's hurt and wrath. Although aware of Cakeless' troubling labor since he was the one to assist during, he was clueless as to what'd happened in the aftermath of him falling unconscious, having grasped that time to usher the kits from their parents. Nor had he stuck around the stream to see how that panned out when his thought had been self-preservation, focused on living through this nightmare of a final task. His death seemed inevitable when the foretelling had fallen from the mouth of his former mentor and StarClan member, but prolonging it was the necessity while mortality was his downfall; he was terrified, too scared to give in and let himself die.

This was safety, to Bravestep. There was no place he'd rather be than in the comfort of a ditch when he had an uneasiness about returning to the Clans. Not only would Bucknight make it his personal goal to end him, but the shame of stealing four innocent kits' lives would rest heavily on his shoulders, and he didn't think he could continue practicing as a medicine cat with that dark secret taunting him.

His illusion of safety was dissolved by thunderous pawsteps, instantly shattering the serenity of Bravestep's physical and mental being, and causing him to rise once again; a confrontation would be unavoidable. His forest-green eyes locked onto Bucknight's form just in time, and he took in a sharp gasp of surprise before narrowly dodging the hit that had been aimed at him, shuffling out of the way with a hair between them.

"B-Bucknight," Bravestep exhaled shakily, taking a couple precautionary paces backwards. Pain and despair were etched on the cherry brown tabby's expression as he surveyed his attacker with uncertainty. "Please, you don't ..don't have to do this." His heart thudded against his ribcage to the point where he was sure it'd burst from his gray-furred chest. "I don't want to fight you--it's over," each word was quick and anxious, "your kits are gone, and.. killing me isn't going to bring them back. In fact, if you ask me, the decent thing to do would be to.. ahm, forget about me. I won't return to the forest, ever, I promise."

Begging for his life was likely a hopeless endeavor, and he wouldn't blame Bucknight if he refused considering the utter destruction of his family. Bravestep wouldn't forgive someone like that, either. Apprehension was laced into his meow, "Your Clan needs you. Cakeless needs you.."

December 4th, 2016, 12:03 AM

The loss of his kits and temporary loss of his mate - twice - stung worse than the combination of being torn open by a fox and losing the remaining members of his family (save his surviving sister). This had been their chance at having a healthy family for certain. Now with their kits gone, and the knowledge that both their litters didn't fare well left the tom apprehensive for trying again. It was either they died or Cakeless .. or both. He didn't want to put his family through that.

Snarling when Bravestep dodged his attack, Bucknight whirled around and slashed blindly at the grey male. Rage was engraved across his face; furious this disgrace of a clan cat would harm his family .. and for what? Because he could?

"Do what?" he growled, taking a step towards the medicine cat. "Avenge my kits? My mate? Me? Because you killed us all?" A few more paces, and Bucknight contemplated the likeliness of getting the healer crushed by a monster. He could howl like his mentor. "It's not over," he hissed. "Do you honestly believe I'd let you go after you murdered them? Or after you let Cakeless bleed out from the kitting?" Bucknight knew Bravestep avoided his duty; it was obvious with his thieving ways. What kind of medicine cat would leave a cat to die from labor complications and kill kits?

There would be no forgiving Bravestep, and no mercy. Bravestep could run to the end of the world and Bucknight would find him. "You have no right to speak his name after what you've done." Once more, Bucknight threw himself forward, angled so that instead of aiming for Bravestep's chest, he could tear his claws down his side.

December 4th, 2016, 12:22 AM

Out of reach already, his expression was similar to a deer in the headlights' as he surveyed Bucknight and contemplated his limited options. Running from him would prove to be a hopeless effort, but his other option .. fighting?

Unaware that Cakeless was alive, Bravestep felt a flash of sadness as he realized he'd failed four kits today and also had deserted a queen to bleed out due to labor complications, however he hadn't failed StarClan. They were all he had left, and he couldn't--wouldn't--let them down. "But what are you going to accomplish with this?" he pressed, visibly panicked as he met Bucknight's gaze but saw only hatred burning within the depths of his pupils. Jaw tightening, he pleaded, "Revenge is not a solution."

Ears flattening, he continued to maintain the distance between them to the best of his ability in hopes it would shield him from oncoming attacks. "Th-think of it as a chance for redemption!" he squeaked. "If you permit me to go, perhaps--perhaps StarClan will.. forgive you? They're who put me up to this--they said, it was imperative that I.." he trailed off, assuming his explanation was useless.

Once again allowing cowardice to be the dictator of his movements, Bravestep dodged the attack with a heavy, sickening leap into the ditch but could feel the phantom raking of Bucknight's claws over him. "I don't want to fight," he repeated, more desperately as he clung to the final hope that the RiverClan leader would have a change of heart. Features taking on a sadder, solemn look, Bravestep meowed, "But, I must admit, if you keep pouncing for me like that, I, aha, suppose I will not have any choice, will I?" It was the last opportunity for Bucknight to let this end peacefully, not that he believed it'd be taken advantage of.

December 4th, 2016, 01:01 AM

"Murder isn't a solution either, but you didn't think of that when you threw kits in the river to drown. Do you know what drowning feels like? Struggling for your next breath, craving air but only getting water? The sensation of helplessness as the current drags you down, deeper and deeper into the water until there's not a sliver of hope you can escape? I can't imagine you would. But of course, a coward like you couldn't be bothered to kill them humanely."

Of course StarClan would send him! Filthy medicine cats never got their brains out of the dirt. "I'm not the one that murdered kits and left a queen to die. Why would I want to "redeem" myself when I've done nothing wrong? I've given my clan a reliable leadership and forsook the ancestors that have done nothing to improve clan life. Instead, they told you to kill kits!! What saints they are!" His lip curled up. "I don't know what's worse. The fact they told you or the fact you listened. You think you can excuse what you've done with StarClan's wishes? News flash: that's not how it works."

With his second attack once again dodged, Bucknight took the opportunity to launch himself at Bravestep's back when the ShadowClan tom dropped down into the ditch, intending on his claws hooking his fur for added grip. "Should've thought of that before you targeted my family!" The RiverClan leader wasn't afraid of taking on the older male. What was he going to do, spit herbs at him?

December 4th, 2016, 01:57 AM

His claws unsheathed in anticipation and prayed to StarClan that they were wrong about this being his demise, not that he could dwell on it long when there was a skirmish impending, one that Bucknight made it clear he wasn't going to be talked down from. "I will let StarClan be the judge of my actions," he coldly, perhaps the most certain-sounding words he'd spoken all evening.

With the weight of Bucknight slamming into him, Bravestep remained sturdy through the initial impact to minimize the damage but collapsed onto his side within the proceeding moment to give himself a range of movement and ensure he was partially shielded from oncoming attacks. He was prepared for a struggle in conjuring the physical strength to fight back, however it appeared it was already there, waiting for him after moons of completed work. In a motion that exemplified the fluidity produced by training, his immediate, second-nature reaction was to aim a slashing blow at Bucknight's neck.

Having once been a warrior before he adopted the medicine cat lifestyle, his technique was similar to the average ShadowClan cat's, but he had to bear in mind that it wasn't a practice battle anymore, this was real, and it was life or death. Although the lack of use had taken the edge of his moves, an unseen compensation seemed to assist him on staying on track and fed him the preservation he needed.

After his strike at Bucknight, the next course of action was to remove himself from the rather vulnerable spot, and Bravestep attempted to wriggle away from the other tom in hopes of regaining a better position.

December 4th, 2016, 09:02 PM

Allowing StarClan to judge one for their crimes was a ridiculous concept. What did they do but discard the ambitious and embrace cowards? Bucknight spoke of their murderous ways before, but this was evidence of his claims. The ancestor the clans once worshiped in abundance instructed the death of his kits. And cats defended them!

Expecting Bravestep to roll, he was taken off-guard when the tom beneath him collapsed onto his side, and in a partial panic he tugged to escape the unfamiliar position. Claws tore across his neck, resulting in a shallow gash that left the RiverClan leader reeling. The tabby had underestimated the healer, believing there would be little opposition in this - but Bravestep seemed to know what he was doing?

His claws had detached from his fur, and Bucknight pushed himself away from Bravestep to scramble to his paws. The wound on his cervical region burned, and there was no time to access the damage or severity when he had more important matters at paw. Lurching forward, Bucknight slashed down on Bravestep's flank. By this point, he had come to the conclusion there was a better way to kill the healer. Cutting his throat wouldn't do when they were oh-so close to the Twolegplace and the animals Twolegs imprisoned.

December 5th, 2016, 12:26 AM

Although the desire to avoid inflicting pain and instead healing it still tugged at him after many moons of being a medicine cat rather than a warrior, the skills were there, albeit a bit rusty. But if his destiny was to die at the paws of Bucknight, then he supposed it didn't make a world of difference and was grateful for what little he could do to dish out some damage back to him. For a second, even he was stunned by the cut welling with blood on Bucknight's neck--solely because he'd since forgotten what it felt like to hurt another--but didn't contemplate it long, knowing distraction could prove to be fatal during a battle.

Twisting, he was too late to dodge the burn of Bucknight's claws on his flank but did manage to shift in time to attempt to kick Bucknight away from him with his hind legs, then proceed to aim an attack of his own. Bravestep was ready to furiously claw the RiverClan leader's side, determining the wound itself would perhaps be minor, but if Bucknight reacted in such a way that exposed his belly or his chest, he would most certainly be able to leave a lasting mark there.

Bucknight's strategy was unsurprisingly well-honed and perfected, so he didn't expect or count on the other tom making any foolish mistakes. He decided he would take what he was given and hope Bucknight slipped up slightly, just barely enough to turn the upper hand or arrived at the conclusion that he wasn't worth it.

Bucknight allowing revenge to slip through his grasp like that didn't seem likely, however.

December 12th, 2016, 01:58 AM
[[will place a mention later bc your essay and sleep are more important]]

Bravestep's hindpaws collided with Bucknight's chest, but the sturdy leader only stumbled back, managing to maintain his footing with his claws digging into the soft soil of the ditch for support. The impact knocked the air from his lungs, leaving him winded, and he was barely capable of dodging the strikes intended for his side.

Mind spinning with the possibilities of his next move, Bucknight darted around Bravestep and took a shot towards his left hind leg, claws seeking to hook or sever the tendon. The prospect of crippling the tom, incapacitating him so he could not escape his destiny, was enticing. Why outright kill a cat when one could make them suffer for their crimes? It was the least the filthy, treacherous medicine cat deserved. I trusted you with their lives .. and you stripped it from them.

It was a betrayal and personal attack Bucknight could not pardon, and his contempt was fueled by Bravestep's excuse of StarClan's intervention. What self-respecting cat would obey the dead and neglect their duties? Drown kits and allow their father to bleed out in the nursery?

Executing the rogue healer would be a definite way to ensure the safety of future generations and queens. What kind of king would he be if he let the murderer of innocents run awry without repercussions for his crimes? StarClan could retrieve their precious killer's spirit from the dog pit.

December 12th, 2016, 02:29 AM

Although he realized this was his moment to escape if he wanted a chance at running away, his legs and paws instantly protested against it, and he didn't think he could embark upon long dash as he had only minutes ago. Additionally, he wasn't sure where he would go when returning to the Clans wasn't an option and heading deeper into the twoleg place would spell out more trouble for him than a furious leader and father.

As he felt Bucknight's claws rip into his leg, a yelp threatened to spill from him but couldn't manage to, silenced by his habit of biting his tongue to avoid showing pain. While it was usually done to prevent others from worrying about him, this time it was to ensure Bucknight didn't get the satisfaction of knowing he'd landed a powerful blow.

Staggering, Bravestep teetered dangerously, the wound taking his ability down a couple notches, and he lunged forward to try and land a final flurry of blows on Bucknight's shoulder. The medicine cat possessed a deep suspicion this would be the last battle move he could perform with relative grace, considering it was clumsy and strewn together by his entire body weight, thrown off balance by his lack of a working limb.

What happened from here would rely on the mercy and decency of Bucknight when he determined he had very little--perhaps Bucknight would surprise him and demonstrate who the bigger cat was, who could truly make moral decisions. He figured it would be a slice of irony if a warrior known for his brutality and cruel ways would be the pacifist between them.

December 12th, 2016, 06:08 PM

Elated to see his blow had landed, and that Bravestep had become an unbalanced, clumsy mess, Bucknight was able to easily evade the medicine cat's oncoming flurry of attacks. Knowing the other tom was unstable, Bucknight used that to his advantage, and he lunged to slam into his side.

Assuming Bravestep failed to avoid being barreled into, Bucknight would reach for his scruff and proceed to drag him to the Twolegplace. From his days as an apprentice, he knew where the pit of hungry hounds within the city lay, and it wouldn't take long for him to bring Bravestep there.

Once above the hole, he could release the healer into the open jaws of dogs. Bravestep drowned his kits and left his mate to die. Bucknight would feed him alive to canines. Would Bravestep try to scramble up the cinder stone in an effort to escape? He hoped so. Prior to being torn apart, the wrathful leader wanted him to know fear. It would be a fraction of the fear and pain his family endured, but it would be enough to know a percent of justice had been served.

December 12th, 2016, 07:36 PM

The physical response to the blow was a rough cough despite his attempt to remain silent earlier, and he recovered his bearings to try to pinpoint what Bucknight was doing and what his next move would likely be.

There wasn't a ton of additional time allotted in figuring it out, as he felt his scruff getting grabbed and his body being hauled, yet he couldn't shake the screaming, throbbing pain in his skull -- it was dizzying and disorientating, and he struggled to even grasp the situation, much less how to escape from the tom dragging him somewhere. The discomfort in his leg was minuscule in comparison to the headache that'd engulfed him.

It was a couple long seconds before he realized he ought to at least make an effort to get away while he could, under the impression Bucknight wouldn't be relying on basic decency during this battle, not that he blamed him for choosing revenge over mercy with his family and mate dead.

Internally praying to StarClan for strength and endurance, he feebly shuffled to squirm from Bucknight's grip but barely made movement at all, wondering why it didn't seem like his cognitive planning had any communication with the rest of him. That frightened Bravestep greatly, more than where he was headed--not that he knew what Bucknight had in store.

December 13th, 2016, 11:46 AM

With Bravestep securely clamped in his jaws, Bucknight dragged him from the ditch and towards the line of Twoleg dens in the near distance. The ground under them faded from the soft, loose soil and blades of overgrown grass to the coarse pavement of the Twolegplace. The path to the pit took them through an alley, Bucknight was forced to duck beneath a fence to enter the yard the cavity resided.

Similar to the concrete ground that made the majority of the Twolegplace's transportation routes, the crater in the ground was reinforced with the thick grey stone, and the tabby could see odd, rounded holes in the inner sides of the hole. There was also evidence that the pit once had steps, although that was barricaded by solid wood.

It was only a few fox-lengths deep at best, and Bucknight was careful to remain a ways from the edge. While the dogs were medium-sized, and unable to escape from the hole that encased them, there was a risk of getting snagged on their teeth he didn't want to take. The canines beneath them were stirring, roused by the sound of the disturbed ground, and the leader released Bravestep from his grasp. "StarClan has failed you," he rumbled. "They set you off on the path to murder, but did they give you a reason as to why you must proceed? From the minimal information you have provided, I think not. And now .. you must pay the price for your actions. You have mercilessly killed not only a queen but four innocent kits, and you deserve the same amount of mercy you gave them. Goodbye, Bravestep."

Bucknight leaned forward, reaching to shove Bravestep over the edge with his forepaws.