View Full Version : Blacktail

Dark Queen
February 22nd, 2018, 10:50 PM
Name: Blacktail
Past names: blackkit, blackpaw
Future names: ??
Age: 20 moons
Gender: Female
Story: She is a Black fox that is the leader of Foxclan. She is calm collective and laid back
Personality: calm, collective,laid back
Rank: Leader
Future rank: ???
Looks: Bloop (http://www.google.com/search?safe=active&client=ms-android-alcatel&biw=360&bih=263&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=LJyPWrXiIcGA5wKW1rXYBA&q=black+fox&oq=black+fox&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3..35i39l3.59753.62498..62841...2....1275.4346 .2-1j2j0j2j0j2..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-img.....3..0i67.7dLSza4eQc4%3D#imgrc=U1yk1DhZYhSsx M:&isa=y)
Theme song: Summer (Sew Intricate and Joel Faveire/