View Full Version : (Romantic Sub-plot) Shattered Hearts

February 16th, 2018, 04:11 PM
We've actually already found most of the roles for this, but there are a couple crucial ones remaining (and I've always wanted to post a plot).

Halfgaze: Beau
Nightshadow: Liekki
Mistwing Radler
Rowanblaze Owl
Wolfheart Broken Madness

Mistwing has become emotionally detatched over the moons and longs for something she can be passionate about. She befriends a handsome tom names Rowanblaze, who quickly falls in love with her. Mistwing fakes her feelings towards him, making him believe she loves him when in reality she cares very little.

Their relationship grows over the moons, Mistwing easily following along with Rowanblaze's sincere feelings. She began growing a bit uncomfortable around Rowanblaze, and apologetic towards him for her deception, but these feelings also made Mistwing grow irritated. When Shadowclan and Thunderclan engage in battle on the way to the gathering, Mistwing lets of some steam by antagonizing Nightshadow. The two engage in fierce combat but Nightshadow eventually overpowers her. Nightshadow pins Mistwing to the ground and aims their claws at her exposed throat, going for a killing blow. Rowanblaze, in the midst of his own battle with Halfgaze, saw this and charged at Nightshadow, causing their blow to miss, instead blinding Mistwing in one eye. Rowanblaze now has to fight Nightshadow and Halfgaze. Rowanblaze gets seriously injured and Mistwing watches in detatched horror, with blood pouring from her eye. She does not intervene.

It is Wolfheart who saves Rowanblaze. Rowanblaze doesn't notice that Mistwing didn't help him, but Wolfheart did. The first thing Rowanblaze asked Wolfheart was if Mistwing was okay. Mistwing and Wolfheart had a bit of an altercation after the battle.

Mistwing now felt incredibly uncomfortable that Rowanblaze would even die for her, so she visited him in the medicine cat den. Rowanblaze awoke and told her he loved her, but Mistwing harshly rebuffed him. Mistwing told him she did not feel the same way and she did not want to take responsibilities for his careless actions. She offered a cold apology and left. Heart = Broken.

To the Nightshadow and Halfgaze, you can decide how the fight ends. Rowanblaze will be badly injured so you could:
a) leave because you won the fight
b) show mercy and leave
c) get distracted by a clanmate needing help
d) get chased away by Wolfheart
etc. it depends on your character.

Tag me:

February 16th, 2018, 04:29 PM
Tagging some friends because I'm annoying like that:
Constellation Lefty the bear calypso Fuzzyfeline Mauve

February 16th, 2018, 05:02 PM
Beau Would you be interested in battle with Rowanblaze, maybe Halfgaze could get close to killing Rowanblaze, scar him for life and show him mercy?

February 17th, 2018, 12:33 AM
Beau Would you be interested in battle with Rowanblaze, maybe Halfgaze could get close to killing Rowanblaze, scar him for life and show him mercy?
Sure, though she likely wouldn’t get so close to killing him without provocation... would he be likely to provoke her in some way?

February 17th, 2018, 12:39 AM
Sure, though she likely wouldn’t get so close to killing him without provocation... would he be likely to provoke her in some way?

Well you don't have to get close to killing him. You can just battle him. But soon he will see Mistwing being attacked by Nightshadow and go after him, in defense of her clan mate, she could tag team with Nightshadow, but Nightshadow goes too far and pins him and bites into his neck. Here is when Halfgaze could stop Nightshadow just as Wolfheart tackles Nightshadow to stop him as well.

February 17th, 2018, 05:52 PM
Well you don't have to get close to killing him. You can just battle him. But soon he will see Mistwing being attacked by Nightshadow and go after him, in defense of her clan mate, she could tag team with Nightshadow, but Nightshadow goes too far and pins him and bites into his neck. Here is when Halfgaze could stop Nightshadow just as Wolfheart tackles Nightshadow to stop him as well.

I like that idea :)
I’m up for it

February 23rd, 2018, 07:29 PM
Name: Shadowsong
Age: 19 moons
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/92f41c_a56d21c1e2c54db8bd3eaecbca2b4ec5~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_620,h_389,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/92f41c_a56d21c1e2c54db8bd3eaecbca2b4ec5~mv2.webp
Personality: Kind, Sweet, Distant, Cowardly, Introverted
Role: Shadowclan cat 1 (Gets chased away, she was not that brave to begin with)
Tag me: Radler

February 24th, 2018, 06:24 AM
Name: Shadowsong
Age: 19 moons
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/92f41c_a56d21c1e2c54db8bd3eaecbca2b4ec5~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_620,h_389,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/92f41c_a56d21c1e2c54db8bd3eaecbca2b4ec5~mv2.webp
Personality: Kind, Sweet, Distant, Cowardly, Introverted
Role: Shadowclan cat 1 (Gets chased away, she was not that brave to begin with)
Tag me: Radler

Sorry Twilight! I always end up accidentally trolling you I feel so bad. I didn't realize that Owl and Beau sorted it by themselves so I forgot to update the finder, but Halfgaze is going to be filling that role.

February 24th, 2018, 06:37 AM
Sorry Twilight! I always end up accidentally trolling you I feel so bad. I didn't realize that Owl and Beau sorted it by themselves so I forgot to update the finder, but Halfgaze is going to be filling that role.
Nah it's fine.