View Full Version : Smol's characters that aren't warriors related.

February 4th, 2018, 07:25 PM
Current Name: Arte
Other Names, if any:
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Creation Date: Two year's ago at the most.. Can't remember. My oldest oc.

Residential Information

Current Affiliation: Living in a village far, far away. |Village's name: כפר ורדים, translation: The village of the Roses|
Former Affiliation, if any: A lab
Rank/Position: Just a humble villager.

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): A test tube.
Mother (s): A shark.

Best Friend(s): Ciel, Jack.
Friend(s): Dark, Blaze, Echoe.
Neutral: Rainye
Acquaintance(s): Akuma

Significant Other:


Overview: A silent yet hot tempered male.
Traits: Patient, Silent, Hot-tempered, Friendly but rude, protective.

Mental Age: 24
Psychiatric Complications:
Phobias: Delfiniphobia

Sociability: 10
Outlook: 5
Responsibility: 9
Cleanliness: 9
Generosity: 9
Manners: 6
Bravery: 9
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical

Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Food(s): Sushi
Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound: The sound of waves hitting a beach.

Greatest Hope:
Greatest Strength: Water
Greatest Weakness: Ice
Worst Nightmare: Being back in a lab
Deepest Darkest Secret:
Most Treasured Memory:

Quirk(s): He has fluffy hair.
Theme Song(s): Pure imagination (Trap remix)


Place of Birth: In a test tube.
Date of Birth: 1/31
Former rank/position(s):
Beliefs: האל, מיילו |Translation: The god Milo|

Physical Traits

Race/Species: Sharkling
Hair/Fur Color(s): Light blue!
Hair/Fur Texture: A messy fluff.
Hair/Fur Length: Short.
Markings: Yellow marks.
Eye Color: One blue eye (Left) Yellow (Right)

Body Type/Structure: Masculine
Height: 5'6 ft
Weight: 140lbs
Voice: A high yet clear voice
Gait: Normal
Scent: The beach.

Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions: Heterochromia

Coordination: 5
Reflexes: 9
Strength: 7