View Full Version : Redwoods Chars

December 12th, 2017, 11:40 PM

Current Name: Cosmic
Other Names, if any: Cosmicsight
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Creation Date: December 12 2017

Residential Information

Current Affiliation: Dragonclan.
Former Affiliation, if any: Unknown
Rank/Position: Warrior

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Nonw
Mother (s): None
Sibling(s): Noen
Offspring: Nope

Best Friend(s): Wing
Friend(s): Nons
Neutral: Noen
Acquaintance(s): Noem
Enemies: Nosn

Crush: Noen
Significant Other: None


Traits: Silly, fun

Phobias: No-one wanting to be his friend, foxes

Sociability: 10/10
Responsibility: 0/10
Cleanliness: 9/10
Generosity: 10/10
Manners: 10/20
Bravery: 4/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: New-leaf
Favorite Food(s): Fish, rabbit
Favorite Word: "Fun"
Favorite Sound: Anything nature related

Greatest Hope: Get a lot of friends
Greatest Strength: His sociabilty
Greatest Weakness: His lack of bravery
Worst Nightmare: Being enemies with a lot of people, running into a fox

Deepest Darkest Secret: He has his emotions bottled up, he gets angry easily actually.
Most Treasured Memory: Being born


Place of Birth: The name of the clan is unknown.
Date of Birth: 2000
Former rank/position(s): Kit, apprentice
Beliefs: Starclan

Physical Traits

Race/Species: Cat
Hair/Fur Color(s): Black and gray
Hair/Fur Texture: Smooth
Hair/Fur Length: Shorthair
Markings:he's mainly black but he has a gray snout.
Eye Color: Neon green

Body Type/Structure: Muscular
Voice: Deep
Gait: Symmetrical
Scent: Honey

Scars / Deformities: he has a scar on his left front paw

Coordination: 9/10
Reflexes: 7/10
Strength: 10/10

December 13th, 2017, 04:06 PM

Current Name: Wing
Other Names, if any: Wingstep
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Creation Date: December 12 2017

Residential Information

Current Affiliation: Rogue (Dragonclan soon)
Former Affiliation, if any: None
Rank/Position: Rogue (warrior)

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): None
Mother (s): None
Sibling(s): None
Offspring: None

Best Friend(s): Cosmic (Cosmicsight)
Friend(s): None
Neutral: None
Acquaintance(s): None
Enemies: None

Crush: Cosmic
Significant Other: none


Traits: Adventurous, Daredevil

Phobias: Being alone, Eagles

Sociability: 8/10
Responsibility: -0/10
Cleanliness: 5/10
Generosity: 4/10
Manners: 4/10
Bravery: 9/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Greenleaf
Favorite Food(s): Any kind of bird
Favorite Word:"Fly"
Favorite Sound: the water in a stream splashing

Greatest Hope: Be considered a good hunter
Greatest Strength: her wings
Greatest Weakness: Cosmic
Worst Nightmare: Being surrounded by eagles
Deepest Darkest Secret: She likes Cosmic
Most Treasured Memory: The day she met Cosmic


Place of Birth: A field somewhere
Date of Birth: 2002
Former rank/position(s): Rogue all her life
Beliefs: Starclan

Physical Traits

Race/Species: Cat
Hair/Fur Color(s): Silver, gray wings
Hair/Fur Texture: Soft
Hair/Fur Length: Shorthair
Markings: IDK if this is a marking, but she has a black tint in her wings
Eye Color: Ocean blue

Body Type/Structure: Thin
Voice: Deep
Gait: Symmetrical
Scent: Lavender

Scars / Deformities: None
Diseases / Conditions: None

Coordination: 8/10
Reflexes: 10/10
Strength: 6/10