View Full Version : rosebrook kit finder!

November 14th, 2017, 06:08 PM
This is a kit Finder for mompaws ' Maplebrook, and my Rosewing! They are two RiverClan she-cats who are looking to adopt kits of their own!
Maplebrook and Rosewing are quite simply in love and madly so. Despite their obvious inability to have kits of their own, they're going to be adopting as many kits as they're capable of taking care of! They are both super sweet girls; Maplebook being very protective and loving. She's got a natural motherly nauture, and occasionally worries over the saftey of those she cares about! Rosewing is a very playful cat with a childish heart, who seems to have timeless energy and somehow still bears her kit-like spunk! Both of these sweethearts love kits and will be eternally supportive of them.
Rose and Maple will only adopt 5 kits as of now, and the kits should be anywhere from 1 moon to 5 moons! They can be any gender, and DO NOT NEED TO LOOK LIKE MAPLE AND ROSE! They are adoptive kits so they will look like their birth parents!

This will NOT be first-come first-serve!

1. All site rules apply
2. Try to be creative with their personalities!
3. New or used characters work!
4. Kits may not be over 5 moons!

Mental Disorders (if any)<
Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy)<
Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!)<
Character Site Link (if any)<
Old or New Character?<
Anything Extra!<
mompaws and I are going to be choosing 5 of your applications!

We will be revealing the selected 5 applications on Thursday, November 23rd! If any of the selected 5 are unable to participate, send me a PM as soon as you can so we can reselect!

November 14th, 2017, 06:38 PM
Name: Lightkit - Lightpaw - Lightfall
Age: 4 Moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here (https://queeniescharries.weebly.com/lightkit.html)
Lightkit is SMALL, its a wonder she's even alive. Although not sickly, Lightkit definitely has some trouble getting places she needs to be due to her being so tiny. Her body is perfectly proportioned to her small size except her ears. Her ears are perfect triangles that stand up father than they should making her a great hunter, because her ears are so big. Her fur is sleek and easily deflects water, but dries fluffy. Her under body is pure white with no flecks of her ginger fur above. While her back, and half of her face seem tanned by the sun. Her back is pure orange with little stripes accenting it, unlike her face which has thin markings that frame her almond brown eyes and white muzzle. Her nose is a cherry pink, with rather long whiskers to go with it.
Personality: Lightfall is a sweet helpful young warrior. She's not afraid to get herself dirty to help and friend and has the biggest heart you could ever ask for. It sometimes causes her to make stupid decisions out of love but always does her best to fix them. If you have a problem your best bet would ask Lightfall for help because she's inventive, creative and always has a positive attitude.
Flaws: Too trusting, follows her heart a little blindly
Vitrues: Caring, inventive, eager to solve problems
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Mental Disorders (if any): None
Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy): 9 as a kit slowly depletes as she gets older an starts dealing with real life situations
Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!): None
Character Site Link (if any): (See Appearance)
Old or New Character?: She's an old character from before I went inactive. I've been trying to reboot my charries as their own relations also went inactive.
Anything Extra!: Nope
Questions?: Nope

November 14th, 2017, 07:04 PM
Name: Lightkit - Lightpaw - Lightfall
Age: 4 Moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here (https://queeniescharries.weebly.com/lightkit.html)
Lightkit is SMALL, its a wonder she's even alive. Although not sickly, Lightkit definitely has some trouble getting places she needs to be due to her being so tiny. Her body is perfectly proportioned to her small size except her ears. Her ears are perfect triangles that stand up father than they should making her a great hunter, because her ears are so big. Her fur is sleek and easily deflects water, but dries fluffy. Her under body is pure white with no flecks of her ginger fur above. While her back, and half of her face seem tanned by the sun. Her back is pure orange with little stripes accenting it, unlike her face which has thin markings that frame her almond brown eyes and white muzzle. Her nose is a cherry pink, with rather long whiskers to go with it.
Personality: Lightfall is a sweet helpful young warrior. She's not afraid to get herself dirty to help and friend and has the biggest heart you could ever ask for. It sometimes causes her to make stupid decisions out of love but always does her best to fix them. If you have a problem your best bet would ask Lightfall for help because she's inventive, creative and always has a positive attitude.
Flaws: Too trusting, follows her heart a little blindly
Vitrues: Caring, inventive, eager to solve problems
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Mental Disorders (if any): None
Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy): 9 as a kit slowly depletes as she gets older an starts dealing with real life situations
Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!): None
Character Site Link (if any): (See Appearance)
Old or New Character?: She's an old character from before I went inactive. I've been trying to reboot my charries as their own relations also went inactive.
Anything Extra!: Nope
Questions?: Nope

thank you so much for your application! and welcome back!!! i definitely remember you! and my drawing of your profile picture cx im glad you still like it!

November 14th, 2017, 07:40 PM
thank you so much for your application! and welcome back!!! i definitely remember you! and my drawing of your profile picture cx im glad you still like it!
Oh my gosh! It was you who drew it! I'm so very sorry could you remind me of your previous name?

November 14th, 2017, 07:48 PM
Name< Seakit || Sea
Age< 1 Moon
Gender< Female, She Cat
Appearance< Seakit is rather small in structure, not tiny, but not tall either. Though, with time she'll probably be rather tall. Her legs are rather thin, but thick in the athletic, and lean sense. Her paws are sharp and sturdy, with a rather good grip. Her ears are rather long with lynx tufts at the edges of them, being quite fuzzy and soft. Seakit's whiskers are rather long. Her fur is a ginger brown, with a bit darker ginger brown bengal tabby stripes all over her body, with a striped tail, a white muzzle, two front paws, and tip of the tail. She has quite thick, but also thin fur, a bit on the medium side, with soft, fuzzy, but rough fur texture. Her tail is also rather long, which makes her have really good balance. Her eyes are a rather light blue color, like the color of the river, and maybe the sea as well, where her name comes from. She has little freckles on her face, muzzle and cheeks as well. 1 (http://www.bengalcatworld.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Tabby-Cat-vs-Bengal-Cat-3.jpg) | 2 (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/0e/63/aa0e63000ad06b7b1e59cf09f14b20d0.jpg)
Personality< Seakit is a sweet she-kit, and tries to be kind to everyone she's ever met, and be friends with almost everyone she can, though does not like a few cats, but tries to be nice, just to be nice. She's a quite friendly, and doesn't like to be hostile or mean if she could help it. Though knows some cats aren't the nicest in the world. Seakit tends to get easily distracted in things she likes to focus on instead of things she should focus on, but at the moment, it doesn't really affect her day to day life. Her getting distracted usually has to do with catching bugs, or butterflies that happen to be nearby. She has a very creative, imaginative mind, and tends to make up things to make an adventure, even if it isn't real, but that's what makes it fun. She's quite the playful sort, and its due to her creative and imaginative mind as well. Seakit loves to have fun, and enjoy things in life, and playing is one of them.
Flaws< stubborn, easily angered, rather sensitive, talkative
Virtues< sweet, easily distracted, imaginative, playful, independent, sassy, polite (around strangers)
Sexuality< Bisexual
Mental Disorders (if any)< None
Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy)< 8
Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!)< Freckles on her muzzle, cheeks, and mostly all over her face.
Character Site Link (if any)< None
Old or New Character?< New!!
Anything Extra!< Working on it!
Questions?< None

November 14th, 2017, 07:59 PM
Name< Willowkit
Age< 4 moons
Gender< Female
Personality< Around her family she is bright, bubbly, and optimistic. She loves everything and can be too trustful.
Flaws< Nobody really likes her, speaks her mind too much
Vitrues< Good at hunting
Sexuality< Straight
Mental Disorders (if any)<
Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy)< 7
Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!)< She looks like an oreo!
Character Site Link (if any)<
Old or New Character?< New
Anything Extra!<

November 14th, 2017, 10:03 PM
"If the spirit is strong one will appear like a deep-flowing river, calm on the surface but with tremendous power hidden in the depths."
Name< Cypresskit
Age< 2 Moons
Gender< Male
Appearance< Coming from a purebred kittypet background, Cypress is a purebred norwegian forest cat, with a large muscular body and a dense coat. His base pelt color consists of a light tan-orange, and his forelegs are a dark brown-gray, along with his tail and the top of his head. These darker areas also consist of darker stripes. His muzzle, chest, underbelly, and two front paws are a stark alabaster. This is all topped off with his dark pink nose and pale green eyes that reflect the color of dying leaves in Leaf-Fall. Cypress has wide ears, and his paws are small and nimble, making it easy for a cat of his enormous size to be swift and quick on his paws.
Ref 1 (https://www.pets4homes.co.uk/images/articles/4083/large/bacterial-pneumonia-in-cats-590dd15f807f3.jpg) || Ref 2 (https://4.bp.blogspot.com/--024a79NQvE/WWaIaa2MqHI/AAAAAAAADxQ/CDjEJpVlBqMk2WUDWF8vay0tb2MduaziQCLcBGAs/s1600/Norwegian%2BForest%2BCat%2Bin%2BTree.jpeg) || Ref 3 (http://www.pawculture.com/uploads/norwegian-forest-cat-main.jpg) || Ref 4 (https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/47/62/07/240_F_147620757_5unCdPKWcs0fImK9uWgYnosYCcqVfXgb.j pg)
Personality< wip
Flaws< Reserved, Stand-offish, Closed-off, Defensive
Virtues< Strong-willed, Mighty, Natural-born leader, Diligent
Sexuality< Undecided
Mental Disorders< None
Mental Health< 9
Physical Quirks< None
Character Site Link< None
Old or New Character?< New
Anything Extra!<
I have a background idea for him...
Questions?< WIP...

November 15th, 2017, 01:21 AM
:0 i wasn’t expecting this many applications so soon!!

November 15th, 2017, 05:28 AM
Oh my gosh! It was you who drew it! I'm so very sorry could you remind me of your previous name?
no need to apologise! my old username was fire♡ !

November 15th, 2017, 05:29 AM
:0 i wasn’t expecting this many applications so soon!!

what'd i say the population here likes kit finders a lot haha cx

November 15th, 2017, 11:44 AM
what'd i say the population here likes kit finders a lot haha cx
i didn’t think that would actually be the case aha c:

November 15th, 2017, 12:01 PM
Name: Moonkit Moonpaw Moonsong//Moonlight//Moonwatcher//Moonrunner//Moonflower// Moonbrook//Moonrose
Age: 2 moons
Gender: Demigirl
[B]Appearance: Ref1 (https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=loFTW8nK&id=860AFB4D815D202A53C54D5891DD02704B1EAE0C&thid=OIP.loFTW8nKEIErpokS-Nhx6gDIEs&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2f564x%2f94%2f50%2f2e%2f94502edc3d3 36795cee101da38b54dcb.jpg&exph=846&expw=564&q=beautiful+grey+cat&simid=608015535342159257&selectedIndex=5&ajaxhist=0)|| Ref2 (http://urixblog.com/p/2013/2013.08.25/picture-18.jpg)
Moonkit is a slim, feminine looking tom with dark, ashy grey fur that's littered with black spots making it look like soot. He has stunning, dark blue optics and has a white tail tip, white paw's on each sock, a white chest, and the bottom half of his muzzle is white. He has short, soft, fluffy fur that's often seen as shining in a certain light. He is fairly stalky and is considered slightly tall for his age.
Flaws: Air-head, Oblivious to other's emotions, Emotional, too Friendly, easily forgives, can be slightly hot-headed, dense, idiotic.
Virtues: Loyal, helpful,

November 15th, 2017, 02:16 PM
Age<2 moons
Appearance<She is black with a brown tint, has pale, sandy, yellow eyes, and is overall slightly small.
Personality< She is a cowardly kit, and thus typically avoids battles and is very submissive in arguments. She does have a passionate love for cats who truly understand her anxiety, and will try and put on a brave face for them, but ultimately fails in most cases. She will, however, never lie to or betray another cat, unless she believes there will be harm done to innocent cats, though she will be secretive and uninvolved in confrontation. She will also be considerate and always puts herself in others shoes. She tends to give up easily, without constant support. She is a moderate hypochondriac.
Flaws< Cowardly, Anxious, Undetermined, Needy
Vitrues< Loyal, Truthful, Thoughtful, Polite (out of fear)
Sexuality< To be decided
Mental Disorders (if any)< Anxiety (if that counts)
Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy)<6
Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!)<has a skinned nose
Character Site Link (if any)<
Old or New Character?<New
Anything Extra!<My signature also has two other cats that you can look at if you want.
Questions?<Is it okay if she is found stranded by the river bank?

November 16th, 2017, 05:46 AM

November 16th, 2017, 11:46 AM
psst when should we choose the kits?

November 16th, 2017, 07:30 PM

November 16th, 2017, 09:03 PM
meraki mompaws
Don’t mean to pressure you guys just excited :) when R u choosing the kits?

November 17th, 2017, 06:20 AM
meraki mompaws
Don’t mean to pressure you guys just excited :) when R u choosing the kits?
we're thinking around a week from now; so most likely the 24th!

November 17th, 2017, 06:28 AM
Questions?<Is it okay if she is found stranded by the river bank?
Just gonna put this out there...

November 17th, 2017, 06:32 AM
Marking this, will finish form later.

November 17th, 2017, 11:24 AM
Just gonna put this out there...
I guess so. If she gets chosen then we can sort something out with rose or maple finding her.

November 17th, 2017, 08:43 PM
Name< Morningkit / Morningpaw / Morningsong, Morningbird, Morninglight, Morningsun (undecided)
Age< 3 moons
Gender< Female
Appearance< Kit (http://www.tresorsiamesecats.com/wpimages/wp48b3ee09_05_06.jpg) , Apprentice (http://www.tresorsiamesecats.com/wpimages/wp8f4ec015_05_06.jpg) , Warrior (http://azureyscats.com/images/ColorpointGallery/Chocolatelynxpoint3.png)
Personality< Morningkit is a well meaning, sweet kit. She likes to make sure everyone around her is happy, and tries to cheer them up if they aren't. However, she can be rather annoying in her attempts, being persistent until she is snapped at or ignored. At that point, she gives up. Morningkit is also very caring, she likes to make everyone she likes to make cats feel nice, but she can also be clingy. She doesn't like to be alone, and will often follow/cling to someone she trusts. She's also a bit of a suckup, pleasing cats so they won't be mad at her and complimenting them constantly. Morningkit is also very cheerful, you can rarely see her with a frown on her face. However, she is also very loud, and shouts a lot when excited or happy.
Flaws< Somewhat Annoying, clingy, suckup, loud
Vitrues< Sweet, means well, caring, cheerful
Sexuality< Asexual
Mental Disorders (if any)< None
Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy)< 9
Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!)< Slight limp
Character Site Link (if any)< None
Old or New Character?< New
Anything Extra!< Nope!
Questions?< None

November 20th, 2017, 11:22 AM
Name: Honey (Honeykit - paw - blossom)
Age: 4 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: <3 (https://www.google.com/search?q=golden+tabby+cat&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwik7rih1c3XAhXMPiYKHfNOD5MQ_AUICigB&biw=1304&bih=702#imgrc=5QE5eMB-i2mWbM:)
Personality: Honey is a very nervous cat. She's not very good at interactions, and tends to make small noises in the back of her throat when she gets angry... excited... scared... sad... or any other emotion at a high level. Honey is a selective mute, and rarely talks to anyone, but she will pick cats that she's close to and hang onto them. She loves small spaces, and the smaller the better. Honey loves a good challenge, and doesn't seem to be able to grasp the concept of rules. It takes a lot to get her to understand them, and she tends to get very physical when she gets frightened. Honey has a lot of strength, but she doesn't seem to know this. She's okay with playing, but it has to be her own idea... or at least, she has to think that it is. If she doesn't, chances are that she won't want to do what you ask of her. Honey isn't very easily frightened by most things, but other cats are something that she doesn't seem to like. If she gets too nervous, she tends to lash out aggressively and she's surprisingly good at fighting for a young cat. Honey is fairly independant; she hates relying on others to do something that she would rather do herself, and she especially hates it when they treat her like she's helpless. She's intelligent, and can figure out a problem quite quickly, but at the same time other cats tend to think of her as too different. Honey gets the hang of things pretty quickly, but as said before, rules are a mystery to her; she doesn't seem to get that they're for her own protection and would sooner break a rule then follow it. You shouldn't count on Honey for anything; her reliability is pretty unstable and varies from day to day, as does her mood. You never know when she just might turn against you.
Flaws: {Aggressive} {Flighty} {Stubborn} {Unreliable} {Reckless}
Virtues: {Intelligent} {Problem-Solver} {Quiet} {Strong} {Independant}
Sexuality: Demiromantic Asexual
Mental Disorders: Selective mute
Mental Health: varies; 4-7
Physical Quirks: Her tail is a little kinked
Character Site Link: n/a
Old or New character?: New
Anything extra!: Nope!
Questions?: none

November 20th, 2017, 11:42 AM
Brightkit \\ Brightpaw \\ Brightbee,

3 Moons,

identify's as Non-binary.

-No filter // Harsh // Workaholic //
=Determined // Feisty // Stern //
+Loyal // Moral // Brave //

Look Above

look above

Asexual, Demi-romantic.
Mental Disorders (if any)<

Mental Health (scored out of 1- 10 being completely healthy)<
Stresses themselves out way to much.

Physical Quirks (anything from a limp to an extra toe!)(if any!)<
Polydactyl cat.

Character Site Link (if any)<
none yet.

Old or New Character?<

Anything Extra!<


November 21st, 2017, 01:20 PM

thank you three for your applications!!

November 21st, 2017, 01:31 PM
The date has been chosen! mompaws and I will reveal the chosen applicants on Thursday, November 23rd, so get in your applications while you still can!! If you are unable to participate any longer and HAVE been selected, please PM either me or mompaws so we can select a different application!

Good luck to you all! All your forms are wonderful! Once the applications are selected, I’ll make a group PM to discuss future plots!

November 25th, 2017, 04:45 PM
mompaws and i have chosen the 5!
seasalt ‘s Seakit!- F, 1 moon
RedHead ‘s Cypresskit!- M, 2 moons
starfall ‘s Moonkit!-F, 2 moons
Lonestar23 ‘s Honeykit!- F, 4 moons
and last, but certainly not least,
~rattlesnake~ ‘s Brightkit!- NB, 3 moons

so looks like there’s be three girls, one boy, and one kit that identifies as non-binary! Seakit will be the youngest that Rose and Maple adopt, while Honeykit the eldest!

thank you ALL for your applications, this was a hard decision! thank you all so much!