View Full Version : Peach's Place

November 20th, 2016, 10:41 AM
(this rp is open to everyone, and includes my cat Peach, her information is below.

Name(s): Peach
Age: 27 Moons
Rank: Former-Commander
Gender: Female, Molly
Personality: Peach is a totally sarcastic cat. She can make remarks left and right and never even think about the feelings of others... On occasion. This grey and orange tortie can come off as a girl with a dual-personality or someone with just two different ways of seeing the same thing. Though it is true Peach is deceptive and cunning, quick on her paws and has a substantial brain in her noggin, she can also be vaguely comedic and enjoy spending time with her pals. She;s hard to get along with, but usually makes an effort to be intimate with her groupies if she can. As a bit of a workaholic, though, Peach can preoccupy himself unconsciously by worrying about the Clans or working out Syndicate plots for hours on end. Getting herself wrapped up in her responsibilities can be stressful for her and the cats around her, and she often ends up sleep-deprived in the consecutive couple of days. It's a bad combination, sarcasm and drowsiness, and often has her say something she later regrets, and then she has to apologize to whomever or whatever she offended. Peach is extremely independent, and tries to be. She believes that she has no right to place others as "safety nets", or people to fall back on if she were to fail in something. Rather than doing that, Peach tends to work out her plans for life very carefully, and makes an effort to ensure herself that they will work. She can be a bit petrified of the unknown future, but is good at hiding her emotions in conversation and just overall, a good skill for her occupation.
Traits: Sarcastic, Unthoughtful, Deceptive, Cunning, Sly, Smart, Tries To be Intimate, Workaholic
Residence: Wastelands(formerly: The Dusk Syndicate)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Education: Educator- Unknown, Apprentice- None
Friends: None(formerly: Fang, Lucky, Locus)
Interest: None(formerly: Fang, Lucky)
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Status: Healthy, Sane
​Family: Gyrewind(step-brother), Lilacdew(step-sister), Apsnebranch(step-brother)
Current Plot: None)