View Full Version : Marks

shark sailor
November 18th, 2016, 08:47 PM
Mark of Love: The mark of love allows you to love and it glows whenever you feel love.
Mark of Happiness: The mark of happiness allows you to be happy and it glows whenever you're happy.
Mark of Pain: The mark of pain allows you to feel pain and feels like fire when you feel pain.
Mark of Sadness: The mark of sadness allows you to feel sadness and feel like water splashing against your skin when you're sad.
Mark of Knowledge: The mark of knowledge is a simple mark that helps you with knowledge and glows when you learn something new.
Mark of Death: This only starts glowing when you die....

Marks and where they are:
Crush/Love Intrest:

My Form:
Name: Auburn
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Looks: https://www.google.com/search?q=anime+girl+with+auburn+hair&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS689US689&espv=2&biw=1440&bih=900&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjumfW05bPQAhVmj1QKHYgMCB4Q_AUIBigB#tbm= isch&q=anime+girl+with+blue+dress&imgrc=9ykiZKiJOYtFTM%3A
Personality: Tbrp'd
Marks and where they are: Love: A heart, on her neck ; Happiness: A sun, on her left wrist ; Pain: A lightning strike, on her right palm ; Sadness: A cloud, on her right shoulder ; Knowledge: A gear, on her left cheek ; Death: A skull, on her right wrist
Crush/Love Intrest: Just ask
Likes: Drawing, dancing, learning
Dislikes: Bullies, her older brother Adrien
Pet: A red wolf named Hazard
Other/Questions: :3

Hallowed Echo
November 18th, 2016, 09:44 PM
Name: Echo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Looks: close cropped black hair with amber eyes. He wears blue and white clothing.
Personality: TBRP'd
Marks and where they are: Love Mark: A heart on his left wrist. Knowledge Mark: The number 5 mark on his neck. Sadness Mark: A raindrop on his right wrist. Pain Mark: A knife on his right hand palm. Death Mark: Crossbones on his left palm. Happiness Mark: Star near his left eye.
Crush/Love Intrest: Auburn?
Likes: Swimming, Stargazing, Climbing trees.
Dislikes: His drunken father and being at his house at all
Pet: A silver and black chinchilla named Whisper
Other/Questions: Five is my lucky number, so that is why it is his Knowledge Mark.

shark sailor
November 18th, 2016, 09:45 PM
(Accepted and sure his crush can be Auburn X3)

Hallowed Echo
November 18th, 2016, 09:47 PM

shark sailor
November 18th, 2016, 09:49 PM
(XD We can start tomorrow, i just want to see if people join X3 Signing off baiiiii XD)

Hallowed Echo
November 18th, 2016, 09:51 PM

November 18th, 2016, 10:13 PM
Name: Akamu (pronounced ah-kah-moo)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Looks: Akamu has black hair, dark blue eyes, and pale skin. He normally wears hoodies and sweat pants.
Personality: He's a nice guy but a nervous and shy one too. He tries to be helpful and generally is a considered a nerd. He actually prefers though to be out in nature and has a passion for animals.
Marks and where they are: Love: A heart on his right shoulder, Happiness: A circle on the back of his neck, Pain: A shark on his lower back, Sadness: A teardrop on his left palm, Knowledge: A book on his cheek, Death: A skull on his heel.
Crush/Love Interest: Open
Likes: Animals, nature, his friends
Dislikes: Animal abuse, bullies, people who destroy nature
Pet: Maine Coon cat
Other/Questions: Nupe

shark sailor
November 19th, 2016, 11:35 AM
(Accepted! We can start X3)
Auburn sat on her porch, reading a book. Her knowledge mark started glowing while she read but stopped when she closed the book. Her pain mark seared when she scraped the back of her leg on the wooden step. "Ow." Auburn mumbled, not because of the scratch because of the pain mark.

Hallowed Echo
November 19th, 2016, 12:15 PM
Echo hung by his legs on a tree branch, reading a book. His Happiness Mark and Knowledge Mark glowed at the same time. His chinchilla, Whisper laid on the branch next to him, sleeping. He closed the book and brought himself up, whacking his head on the branch above him and falling out of the tree. "Ouch. I'm such a klutz." He said as his Pain Mark glowing.

November 19th, 2016, 12:38 PM
Name: Jackson
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Looks: *Coming*
Personality: TBRP'D
Marks and where they are: Love; A heart on his right ankle; Happiness; A sun symbol on his left ankle; Pain; A knife on his right shoulder blade; Sadness; A rain drop right below his left eye, so it looks like a tear drop as a birthmark; Knowledge; A gear on behind his right ear; Death; A huge skull and crossbones marking on his back.
Crush/Love Interest: Sure, he's bisexual
Likes: Food, Friends, Family and -some- animals, as well as both boys and girls as a romantic interest
Dislikes: Snakes, Cliffs, Rude people, bullies, math, snobs, bugs and the beach
Pet: A pet dog (Specifically a pitch black german shepherd with one blue eye and one amber eye) named Scout
Other/Questions: #Walkingdeadrules

November 19th, 2016, 12:40 PM
Name: Jackson
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Looks: *Coming*
Personality: TBRP'D
Marks and where they are: Love; A heart on his right ankle; Happiness; A sun symbol on his left ankle; Pain; A knife on his right shoulder blade; Sadness; A rain drop right below his left eye, so it looks like a tear drop as a birthmark; Knowledge; A gear on behind his right ear; Death; A huge skull and crossbones marking on his back.
Crush/Love Interest: Sure, he's bisexual
Likes: Food, Friends, Family and -some- animals, as well as both boys and girls as a romantic interest
Dislikes: Snakes, Cliffs, Rude people, bullies, math, snobs, bugs and the beach
Pet: A pet dog (Specifically a pitch black german shepherd with one blue eye and one amber eye) named Scout
Other/Questions: #Walkingdeadrules


November 19th, 2016, 12:55 PM
Akamu walked through a small park, his little Maine Coon cat following him at his heels. His happiness mark glowed as he sat down on a bench. The cat hopped up onto his lap, yet to be named. Akamu thought for a moment before deciding on a name. "Akoni," he said to the cat, it meowing in response.

shark sailor
November 19th, 2016, 03:19 PM
(Lol Auburn also has a corn snake named Misunderstood XD Accepted!)
Auburn stood up. "Hazard! Come on boy!" She said into the house. The red wolf trotted over, Misunderstood laying on his shoulders. Auburn let the snake slither up her arm and she and Hazard started walking towards the park. Her happiness mark glowed, making it look like a real sun.

November 19th, 2016, 03:21 PM
Jackson walked through the park with Scout, smiling happily and watching him run around. His happiness mark glowed very strongly, and he laughed. Scout barked and wagged his tail, prancing over to him and tackling him to the ground.

shark sailor
November 19th, 2016, 03:28 PM
Auburn froze, her happiness mark stopping. She saw a group of boys surrounding a girl much smaller than them, and Auburn saw the girl's death mark faintly glowing. "HEY! Get away from her!" Auburn shouted. "Haz, go!" Hazard shot from her side, tackling two of the boys at once while the other two ran off. Auburn knelt beside the girl and found a rubbing tube laying a foot away. She picked it up and put it by the girl's nose and the girl's death mark stopped glowing as the tube started to help her breath, since Auburn had connected the tube to the girl's oxygen tank.

November 19th, 2016, 03:33 PM
Jackson looked up as he heard someone scream, his eyes widening slightly. Scout trotted over to the girl, licking her cheek and placing his paws on her chest as he pounded as hard as he could. Jackson watched quietly, walking over and making sure Scout wasn't hurting her. He found out that his dog was trying to save her. Scout barked and liked her cheek again, nuzzling her face and whimpering.

shark sailor
November 19th, 2016, 03:44 PM
The girl giggled, looking at Scout with half closed eyes. Auburn held her hand out to the girl and helped her up. "Thank you miss." She said, smiling at her, her two front teeth missing. "How old are you?" Auburn asked. "I'm 7." The girl replied.

November 19th, 2016, 03:46 PM
Jackson's eyes widened slightly. "7?" He bit his lip, then smiled at Scout, who bounced around and yipped. He barked more and licked the little girls face.

November 19th, 2016, 03:52 PM
Name: Sara
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks: Here (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/16/3a/a1/163aa13f7a42a55ecb9be3f6c744b42f.jpg)
Personality: TBRP'ed
Marks and where they are: Love: A small heart on her ankle./ Happyness: Star on her on her wrist. / Pain: Dagger on her side of her neck. // Sadness: a tear drop by her left eye. / Knowledge: A book on her right hand. / Death: A skull on her stomach
Crush/Love Intrest: Open
Likes: Snakes, reading
Dislikes: Mean people
Pet: Blue death adder named Bluepoison

shark sailor
November 19th, 2016, 03:53 PM
The girl giggled again. "I'm Michael Razo." She said. (Yes Michael and not Michelle) "I'm Auburn Lopez. Wanna know where I'm from?" "Where?" "I'm from France!" "Can you speak french?" "Oui!" Aurburn said, smiling.

November 19th, 2016, 03:59 PM
Sara opened her closet and took out clothes and got dressed. She opened her Death Adder's cage and picked it up, it tried to bite her, but luckily she had its poison and fangs taken out. The snake wrapped its blue scales around Sara's arm. Sara unwrapped the blue snake off her arm and placed it back in the cage and closed it and opened its food, seeing lots of dead mice, she grabbed the tongs and picked up a mouse and opened the snakes cage again and lowered the mouse in the cage and the snake bit the mouse and wrapped around it, Sara released the mouse from the tongs and closed the cage and closed the snakes food and put the tongs away. She grabbed some stuff and left her house.

Hallowed Echo
November 19th, 2016, 04:02 PM
(I'll give Echo a pet Candy Cane Corn Snake. I'll name him Slick.)
Echo got up and brushed himself off. "Slick! Come here." He called. A small candy cane looking snake slithered down the tree. Echo walked over and placed it in his pocket. He walked towards the park, looking for something to do.

November 19th, 2016, 04:06 PM
Name: Lana Ashdown
Age: 17
Marks and where they are:Love: Key in between her shoulderblades Happiness: Pawprint on her shoulder Pain: Pill on inside of her wrist Death: an X on her ankle Knowledge: A quill on her pinky finger Sadness: a falling star on her temple
Crush/Love Intrest:Open
Likes:Animals, dancing, her hair
Dislikes:snobs, medicine and pie
Pets: Mini goat named Daysha, ball python named Booty(don't judge me), and a budgie named Herman
Other/Questions:Pet images Daysha: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/19/c2/fb19c2e1901f228d872e1aff6cfb4693.jpg (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/19/c2/fb19c2e1901f228d872e1aff6cfb4693.jpg) Booty: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d1/fc/87/d1fc8708743749e35a7ff661d9890c81.jpg Herman: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oOL7ac9vK80/THj3isxVOHI/AAAAAAAAC4g/rXd1SC9KTkE/s1600/images.jpeg

November 19th, 2016, 06:16 PM
Akamu looked up, seeing some crazy event involving dogs and running boys. He looked onward, frowning. Figuring he shouldn't get involved however, the boy glanced down at his cat. It meowed up at him again before purring.

November 27th, 2016, 10:52 AM
Name: Lana Ashdown
Age: 17
Marks and where they are:Love: Key in between her shoulderblades Happiness: Pawprint on her shoulder Pain: Pill on inside of her wrist Death: an X on her ankle Knowledge: A quill on her pinky finger Sadness: a falling star on her temple
Crush/Love Intrest:Open
Likes:Animals, dancing, her hair
Dislikes:snobs, medicine and pie
Pets: Mini goat named Daysha, ball python named Booty(don't judge me), and a budgie named Herman
Other/Questions:Pet images Daysha: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/19/c2/fb19c2e1901f228d872e1aff6cfb4693.jpg (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/19/c2/fb19c2e1901f228d872e1aff6cfb4693.jpg)Booty: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d1/fc/87/d1fc8708743749e35a7ff661d9890c81.jpg Herman: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oOL7ac9vK80/THj3isxVOHI/AAAAAAAAC4g/rXd1SC9KTkE/s1600/images.jpeg
=am I accepted?=

November 27th, 2016, 12:04 PM
Sara left the house and walked outside seeing other people and she walked the other way, away from everyone else

November 29th, 2016, 04:52 PM
(boop Blizzard)