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September 19th, 2017, 11:33 PM

Current Name: Summer Leaf
Other Names, if any:None
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Creation Date:I forgot.

Residential Information

Current Affiliation: London
Former Affiliation, if any: New York

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): None
Mother (s): None
Sibling(s): Autumn Leaf (Soon)
Offspring: None

Best Friend(s): Jessica Howard (Soon)
Friend(s): Tiffany Howard (Soon)
Neutral: None
Acquaintance(s): None
Enemies: Heather Dain (Soon)

Crush: None
Significant Other:None


Overview: ???
Traits: Sarcastic, Hot-Headed

Mental Age: ???
Psychiatric Complications: None
Phobias: Heights, spiders, boats, sharks, clowns

Sociability: She can be social, but sometimes shy
Outlook: ???
Responsibility: Medium
Cleanliness: Medium
Generosity: Very generous
Manners: Not very good, she can be well-manered but normally isn't
Bravery:Brave unless it comes to heights, spiders, boats sharks or clowns
More Logical or More Emotional?: More emotional

Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Food(s): Lasagna
Favorite Word: None
Favorite Sound:a cat purring

Greatest Hope:Become a cat owner
Greatest Strength: Long cat-like claws
Greatest Weakness: her emotion
Worst Nightmare: being on a boat covered in spiders sailed by a clown.
Deepest Darkest Secret: None
Most Treasured Memory: The day her little sister was born

Quirk(s): None
Theme Song(s): Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi


Place of Birth: Long Island, New York
Date of Birth: 7/16/1997
Former rank/position(s): ???
Beliefs:"Everyone wants happiness"

Physical Traits

Race/Species: American
Hair/Fur Color(s): Pink faded to yellow
Hair/Fur Texture: Soft and light
Hair/Fur Length: Her hair goes down to her shoulders
Eye Color:Dark blue

Body Type/Structure:Skinny
Weight: 106 pounds
Voice: deep

Scars / Deformities: A small scar through her left eyebrow
Disease(if any): None

September 19th, 2017, 11:48 PM
I edited it wrong and accidentally removed this:Diseases / Conditions:None

Strength: She's pretty strong even though she's very skinny