View Full Version : Dawn SkyArrow

Zan Partizanne
September 13th, 2017, 11:50 AM

Current Name: Dawn SkyArrow
Other Names, if any: I've had someone Call Her Dawny Before
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation:
Creation Date: I don't remember when I made her XD

Residential Information

Current Affiliation: ?
Former Affiliation, if any: ?
Rank/Position: Younger Sibling

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Jake SkyArrow
Mother (s): Celia SkyArrow (Dead)
Sibling(s): Dusk SkyArrow
Offspring: None

Best Friend(s): Skye, Twila
Friend(s): uhhhhhhh
Neutral: None
Acquaintance(s): None
Enemies: None

Crush: Nobody Except Fictional Characters XD
Significant Other: None

Personality: Absolute CryBaby, Tries to be nice to people, (Bad Attitude When she wants food), Not a Morning Person,

Overview: Whats dis
Traits: idk

Mental Age: (She acts like shes 5 sometimes XD )
Psychiatric Complications: Whats dis?
Phobias: Arachnaphobia, CynoPhobia,

Sociability: 2/10
Outlook: 6/10
Responsibility: 5/10
Cleanliness: 9/10
Generosity: 7/10
Manners: 8/10
Bravery: 5/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Food(s): Pizza
Favorite Word: Hope
Favorite Sound: The Purr and Meows of Kittens

Greatest Hope: People Will Like her
Greatest Strength: Will put up with almost anything
Greatest Weakness: Shes weak in general
Worst Nightmare: Raising kids lol
Deepest Darkest Secret: Doesn't really have secrets
Most Treasured Memory: The voice of her Mom

Theme Song(s): Happy Song


Place of Birth:
Date of Birth: July 11th 1999
Former rank/position(s): Senior in HighSchool
Beliefs: She believes in God

Physical Traits

Race/Species: Human
Hair/Fur Color(s): Brown Hair
Hair/Fur Texture: Her hair is soft
Hair/Fur Length: Medium Length
Eye Color: Her actual Eye Color is pink but to be realistic they're Brown

Body Type/Structure: Skinny Twig Girl :-)
Height: 5,8
Weight: 99.72
Voice: Imagine A High Voice
Gait: What?
Scent: She smells like Mint half of the time (She likes Candy Canes)

Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions: Do OCD and ADD count here?

Coordination: ?
Reflexes: Shes kinda Flexible
Strength: Lol she's weak XD