View Full Version : Rippleheart of RiverClan

November 17th, 2016, 10:16 PM

Current Name: Rippleheart
Age (in moons): 30 moons
Gender: Tom
Creation Date: 17 November 2016

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Warrior
Apprentice(s): None

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): unknown
Mother (s): unknown
Sibling(s): unknown
Offspring: none

Best Friend(s): none
Friend(s): none
Neutral: none
Acquaintance(s): none
Enemies: none

Crush: none
Significant Other: none


Overview: Generally easy-going, affable tomcat. Sensitive and caring, but can get too involved sometimes. Very interested in others' lives, but rather reserved about his own. Terrified of Twoleg things, especially dogs and Thunderpaths.
Traits: Easy-going, caring, nosy, bossy, reserved, sensitive, amiable.

Mental Age: Young Adult
Psychiatric Complications: None
Phobias: Dogs, Thunderpaths

Sociability: Selectively social.
Outlook: Positive.
Responsibility: Responsible.
Cleanliness: Neat.
Generosity: Generous with all things except personal information.
Manners: Polite.
Bravery: A bit on the cowardly side.
More Logical or More Emotional?: More emotional.

Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Food(s): Fish
Favorite Word: unknown
Favorite Sound: Trickling stream

Greatest Hope: undecided
Greatest Strength: His heart.
Greatest Weakness: His fear.
Worst Nightmare: undecided
Deepest Darkest Secret: unknown
Most Treasured Memory: Learning to swim.

Quirk(s): undecided
Theme Song(s): undecided


Place of Birth: RiverClan
Date of Birth: unknown
Beliefs: StarClan

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Lynx Point Siamese
Fur Color(s): Light cream with darker grey/brown tabby points
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Short
Markings: Lynx point (tabby markings on face, ears, legs, and tail)
Eye Color: Blue

Body Type/Structure: Slender and lithe
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Voice: High-pitched and slightly nasal
Gait: Steady but with purpose
Scent: Pleasant

Scars / Deformities: None visible
Diseases / Conditions: None

Coordination: Above average
Reflexes: Above average
Strength: Below average

Image(s): http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y435/phantombluebox/9b3069646c34c2f98bfce307cf89db82_zps0fjawtse.jpg