View Full Version : Ruben's Home

August 27th, 2017, 11:47 AM

A black cat sat upon the fence behind his twoleg-place, pale green eyes surveying the small forest beyond his home. The curious tom couldn't help but wonder what was out there; of course, he had explored it a few times, but not as in-depth as the tom would like. Lately, the Egyptian Mau had been feeling a bit unsettled, as if he was meant to be doing something. But Ruben couldn't figure out what would make this feeling go away- taking walks in the forest did little to ease his restlessness, despite the great interest he had in the woodland. It wasn't like the tom had a bad life, either. No, he had a good home where he was well looked after. He had food every day, along with water and a comfy bed to sleep in. So why did he feel like he was missing something in his life? The spotted black cat sighed as he pondered over this question, one that had been on his mind for some time now. Maybe he just simply needed to ignore this feeling, and it would go away? That didn't seem like the correct answer, but Ruben was starting to lose hope on figuring out how to make himself more satisfied with life once more.

Turning around, the feline hopped off his fence and landed softly on the long grass in his yard. Perhaps he should visit a friend, socialize a bit to keep himself occupied? Yes, maybe keeping himself busy would make him content once more. But, who should he talk to. Ruben sat himself down underneath a small tree in the yard, bringing a paw up to unconsciously groom while he thought through his options. Yes, the cat had a decent amount of friends, all of whom he liked spending time with. But who would be the best choice at the moment? Maybe he would just take a stroll around the neighborhood and see who he ran into, let fate decide who he should be spending time with this day. He certainly couldn't seem to make up his mind at the moment, anyways. With another small sigh, the black cat brought himself to his paws and gave a big stretch before looking around expectantly. Wouldn't it be just perfect if someone came to him? He could be a bit lazy at times, and he seemed to be in that mood right now, so it would be simply wonderful if one of his friends would show up out of the blue in that moment.

August 27th, 2017, 12:44 PM

The black and white molly lay stretched out upon her fence. Gazing up at her average sized house, her whiskers twitched in annoyance. Tove turned her faded emerald orbs at the street. It was clear by her dull and emotionless expression, she was bored. Of course she loved her housefolk dearly, as they fed her, and cleaned her litterbox, what more could she ask for? However, as many house cats know, housefolk are not other cats. And it is quite boring to not have a companion. Tove did not have one. She was an only cat as you might call it. Single. She wasn't like the other cats who had many friends or siblings or fellow house cats. No, it was just her. Of course she knew a few cats. Roxie, who she had met a while back, and Ruben, a cat she loved spending time with. They were very kind cats. Roxie however, was barely ever around. She was a loner. Tove found adventures appealing, but not being a loner. She sighed, and looked out across the street into the wilderness. What was so appealing about that? Of course she didn't mind the lush beautiful green trees and plants, they were appealing actually, but living there? No way! Sadly, that was one of the reasons she was bored. Tove didn't want to adventure without a friend.

A friend. If she wanted one so bad, she really should go get one. Stretching her legs out in front of her, Tove stood. She really should go get a friend. Ruben, he lived near her she was pretty sure. After deciding on a friend, Tove leaped nimbly from her perch. The molly then looked around, you could never be to safe. When she was sure there was no monster around. Then she began to move forward. Every ten steps, looking around to make sure nothing could harm her, she moved herself easily past the yards of many other houses, until she reached a certain house. She would have kept moving if she didn't see a black shape. Ruben? Moving closer she realized it definitely was Ruben. "Ruben!" she called.

August 27th, 2017, 12:58 PM

The black and white molly lay stretched out upon her fence. Gazing up at her average sized house, her whiskers twitched in annoyance. Tove turned her faded emerald orbs at the street. It was clear by her dull and emotionless expression, she was bored. Of course she loved her housefolk dearly, as they fed her, and cleaned her litterbox, what more could she ask for? However, as many house cats know, housefolk are not other cats. And it is quite boring to not have a companion. Tove did not have one. She was an only cat as you might call it. Single. She wasn't like the other cats who had many friends or siblings or fellow house cats. No, it was just her. Of course she knew a few cats. Roxie, who she had met a while back, and Ruben, a cat she loved spending time with. They were very kind cats. Roxie however, was barely ever around. She was a loner. Tove found adventures appealing, but not being a loner. She sighed, and looked out across the street into the wilderness. What was so appealing about that? Of course she didn't mind the lush beautiful green trees and plants, they were appealing actually, but living there? No way! Sadly, that was one of the reasons she was bored. Tove didn't want to adventure without a friend.

A friend. If she wanted one so bad, she really should go get one. Stretching her legs out in front of her, Tove stood. She really should go get a friend. Ruben, he lived near her she was pretty sure. After deciding on a friend, Tove leaped nimbly from her perch. The molly then looked around, you could never be to safe. When she was sure there was no monster around. Then she began to move forward. Every ten steps, looking around to make sure nothing could harm her, she moved herself easily past the yards of many other houses, until she reached a certain house. She would have kept moving if she didn't see a black shape. Ruben? Moving closer she realized it definitely was Ruben. "Ruben!" she called.

Ears perked in interest as his name was called by another, and Ruben turned towards the voice, quickly spotting a familiar molly. "Tove!" The tom called back with a slight purr, his tail giving a slight wave behind him as he trotted over towards the feline. How wonderful was this? Just as he was hoping for a friend, here came along this fun she-cat! "Hey! How've you been?" The black cat questioned as he drew closer, a friendly smile resting on his maw. It hadn't been too long since the two cats had seen each other, he was fairly sure, but long enough for him to wonder if anything new was going on in his friend's life- anything interesting? He knew that Tove shared a love for adventure; perhaps that was what the tom was lacking in his life at the moment? He would go out for small adventures himself, but always returned home fairly fast. But, he knew that this feline would go out for even a full day without going back to her home! Maybe they could go on one of her adventures? If she didn't mind, of course. Or, talking was fine as well. Really, so long as he had something to do.

The spotted cat nimbly hopped over his fence once more, landing on the side that his friend was currently at. Then, he sat down and wrapped his tail around his paws, his light green eyes placed on the molly in front of him and sparkling with interest. What had brought her his way, he wondered? Perhaps Tove was longing for some company as Ruben had been himself. Or, maybe she had some news to share. Either way, he was fully prepared for a chat- and an adventure, if it came to that. His twolegs wouldn't be home anytime soon, anyways. They would be gone the full day and come back later around dinnertime, when he would finally be fed. So, they would've even know if he was gone the whole day- perfect for exploring! Perhaps he was a bit too eager to leave, though, so Ruben tried to hide his antsy attitude, rather indulging in some polite exchanges first. After all, the molly had only just showed up- surely they should chat a bit before they got on to running around! "It's nice to see you," he meowed, his slight purr making a reappearance. Really, he meant this. Tove was always a fun cat to be around, someone he didn't mind spending a lot of time with.

August 27th, 2017, 01:44 PM
Ears perked in interest as his name was called by another, and Ruben turned towards the voice, quickly spotting a familiar molly. "Tove!" The tom called back with a slight purr, his tail giving a slight wave behind him as he trotted over towards the feline. How wonderful was this? Just as he was hoping for a friend, here came along this fun she-cat! "Hey! How've you been?" The black cat questioned as he drew closer, a friendly smile resting on his maw. It hadn't been too long since the two cats had seen each other, he was fairly sure, but long enough for him to wonder if anything new was going on in his friend's life- anything interesting? He knew that Tove shared a love for adventure; perhaps that was what the tom was lacking in his life at the moment? He would go out for small adventures himself, but always returned home fairly fast. But, he knew that this feline would go out for even a full day without going back to her home! Maybe they could go on one of her adventures? If she didn't mind, of course. Or, talking was fine as well. Really, so long as he had something to do.

The spotted cat nimbly hopped over his fence once more, landing on the side that his friend was currently at. Then, he sat down and wrapped his tail around his paws, his light green eyes placed on the molly in front of him and sparkling with interest. What had brought her his way, he wondered? Perhaps Tove was longing for some company as Ruben had been himself. Or, maybe she had some news to share. Either way, he was fully prepared for a chat- and an adventure, if it came to that. His twolegs wouldn't be home anytime soon, anyways. They would be gone the full day and come back later around dinnertime, when he would finally be fed. So, they would've even know if he was gone the whole day- perfect for exploring! Perhaps he was a bit too eager to leave, though, so Ruben tried to hide his antsy attitude, rather indulging in some polite exchanges first. After all, the molly had only just showed up- surely they should chat a bit before they got on to running around! "It's nice to see you," he meowed, his slight purr making a reappearance. Really, he meant this. Tove was always a fun cat to be around, someone he didn't mind spending a lot of time with.

The molly grinned at him. "You as well." she agreed, brushing up against her friend. To Tove, even the shortest times apart could seem like forever. It seemed like the greatest reunion to see him again, as she hadn't seen him in what felt like forever. However, it was hard to trust her instincts on that one. Her forever could be a week. Six days. Five days. Four days. Three days. Two days. Heck! Even one day! Of course she had seen Ruben recently, but not recently enough. At least not recently enough for her. For her she had to see a cat almost every day in order to stay "in touch". Anyway, that didn't matter. What did matter was that she was talking to Ruben, finally! Her housefolk had kept her inside for who knew how long! It was the first day she had been let out of the house for what must have been a year! Well, it felt like a year. Obviously it wasn't because Ruben wasn't showering her with questions of where she had been. So maybe a week. A few days? Yeah, that was it. A week or a few days. But now, finally she had time to adventure! Time to be with Ruben! Maybe she could take him on her next adventure, she was sure he would enjoy it. Ruben had often told her that he liked to adventure. So, he would probably like to do it with her. Tove smiled another big grin, turning back around to face her friend. "Want to go on an adventure?" she asked.

The black and white molly wove round and round around him. She was weaving in figure eights, and circles around Ruben. She was enjoying the freedom of being able to move around. It was fun to get all the aches and cramps out of her muscles. Purring and weaving around him in an affectionate manner, it reminded her of what it was like when her housefolk. Tove smiled, and looked at him, waiting for her friends answer.

August 27th, 2017, 02:32 PM
The molly grinned at him. "You as well." she agreed, brushing up against her friend. To Tove, even the shortest times apart could seem like forever. It seemed like the greatest reunion to see him again, as she hadn't seen him in what felt like forever. However, it was hard to trust her instincts on that one. Her forever could be a week. Six days. Five days. Four days. Three days. Two days. Heck! Even one day! Of course she had seen Ruben recently, but not recently enough. At least not recently enough for her. For her she had to see a cat almost every day in order to stay "in touch". Anyway, that didn't matter. What did matter was that she was talking to Ruben, finally! Her housefolk had kept her inside for who knew how long! It was the first day she had been let out of the house for what must have been a year! Well, it felt like a year. Obviously it wasn't because Ruben wasn't showering her with questions of where she had been. So maybe a week. A few days? Yeah, that was it. A week or a few days. But now, finally she had time to adventure! Time to be with Ruben! Maybe she could take him on her next adventure, she was sure he would enjoy it. Ruben had often told her that he liked to adventure. So, he would probably like to do it with her. Tove smiled another big grin, turning back around to face her friend. "Want to go on an adventure?" she asked.

The black and white molly wove round and round around him. She was weaving in figure eights, and circles around Ruben. She was enjoying the freedom of being able to move around. It was fun to get all the aches and cramps out of her muscles. Purring and weaving around him in an affectionate manner, it reminded her of what it was like when her housefolk. Tove smiled, and looked at him, waiting for her friends answer.

Ruben laughed as he watched Tove walk around him, following her with his head as she moved. His eyes glittered with excitement at the prospect of an adventure. "Sure! What do you have in mind?" The tom-cat questioned, his head slightly tilted as he continued to watch the molly. "Perhaps an adventure in the woods back there?" He tacked on a suggestion, turning around to gesture towards the woodland behind his house with a wave of his tail. He didn't know if the black she-cat had already been back there before, and while he had himself he surely hadn't seen all that there was to see. No, all his visits in the woods had been quick ones, not enough time for him to find anything extremely cool, or to encounter any trouble. He really hoped they wouldn't find any trouble during their exploring, but he was sure that if Tove was still completely fine after all the time she spent wandering, that the two of them would come back alright. He turned his head to look behind him, waiting to see what the other feline would think. She would be the one to know where to go for excitement; if his suggestion wasn't all that great, then surely she would show him another place to go have some fun. The tom wasn't really in a rush to leave, he could take his time, so long as he knew that fun was in the future. And when he was with this molly, how could there not be fun involved?

August 27th, 2017, 06:49 PM
Ruben laughed as he watched Tove walk around him, following her with his head as she moved. His eyes glittered with excitement at the prospect of an adventure. "Sure! What do you have in mind?" The tom-cat questioned, his head slightly tilted as he continued to watch the molly. "Perhaps an adventure in the woods back there?" He tacked on a suggestion, turning around to gesture towards the woodland behind his house with a wave of his tail. He didn't know if the black she-cat had already been back there before, and while he had himself he surely hadn't seen all that there was to see. No, all his visits in the woods had been quick ones, not enough time for him to find anything extremely cool, or to encounter any trouble. He really hoped they wouldn't find any trouble during their exploring, but he was sure that if Tove was still completely fine after all the time she spent wandering, that the two of them would come back alright. He turned his head to look behind him, waiting to see what the other feline would think. She would be the one to know where to go for excitement; if his suggestion wasn't all that great, then surely she would show him another place to go have some fun. The tom wasn't really in a rush to leave, he could take his time, so long as he knew that fun was in the future. And when he was with this molly, how could there not be fun involved?

As she saw Ruben's eyes glaze over with excitement, she couldn't help but purr. She knew that the black tom didn't leave his housefolk the same way she did. He only did it for short amounts of time, before running back to his home. Tove however, would leave for a day. Yes, a whole day. For her that was the perfect amount of time to adventure. She knew that her housefolk wouldn't mind her leaving for a mere day. She always came back. Every time. They new that. She was a loyal cat to her home. The molly loved her housefolk, and would never abounded them. She loved them. As much as they were stupid, they were loyal and cared for her more than she could have ever imagined. Since the moment she had seen them in the pet shop, she had known they were the people for her. Tove had pressed her paws against the soft mesh of the cage and meowed loudly, the people had latter taken her home. They let her play outside. They let her do everything. It was all she could have ever hoped for. Especially since they let her adventure. "Of course!" she purred, "Where else?".

August 27th, 2017, 07:11 PM
As she saw Ruben's eyes glaze over with excitement, she couldn't help but purr. She knew that the black tom didn't leave his housefolk the same way she did. He only did it for short amounts of time, before running back to his home. Tove however, would leave for a day. Yes, a whole day. For her that was the perfect amount of time to adventure. She knew that her housefolk wouldn't mind her leaving for a mere day. She always came back. Every time. They new that. She was a loyal cat to her home. The molly loved her housefolk, and would never abounded them. She loved them. As much as they were stupid, they were loyal and cared for her more than she could have ever imagined. Since the moment she had seen them in the pet shop, she had known they were the people for her. Tove had pressed her paws against the soft mesh of the cage and meowed loudly, the people had latter taken her home. They let her play outside. They let her do everything. It was all she could have ever hoped for. Especially since they let her adventure. "Of course!" she purred, "Where else?".

Ruben gave a small shrug at Tove's question. "I don't know, I didn't know if you had any better ideas than me. You are the adventurer out of the two of us, after all!" But, she had agreed, so he wasted no time in scrambling back up and over the fence into his yard, then padding though it briskly to reach the other fence- and beyond it, the forest. Excitement was causing his paws to prickle, almost like he wanted to run, but his fast-paced trot was the quickest he allowed himself to go. He didn't want to leave the molly behind, after all, and he wasn't sure if she'd be up for a run. Once he reached the second fence and climbed on top, he turned to make sure he hadn't gone too fast for Tove- of course he didn't think she was slow, but it wasn't like he had checked to make sure she was following. He had sort of just assumed she would, but in reality she could have chosen to stay right back where she was had she wanted to.

August 28th, 2017, 08:55 AM
Ruben gave a small shrug at Tove's question. "I don't know, I didn't know if you had any better ideas than me. You are the adventurer out of the two of us, after all!" But, she had agreed, so he wasted no time in scrambling back up and over the fence into his yard, then padding though it briskly to reach the other fence- and beyond it, the forest. Excitement was causing his paws to prickle, almost like he wanted to run, but his fast-paced trot was the quickest he allowed himself to go. He didn't want to leave the molly behind, after all, and he wasn't sure if she'd be up for a run. Once he reached the second fence and climbed on top, he turned to make sure he hadn't gone too fast for Tove- of course he didn't think she was slow, but it wasn't like he had checked to make sure she was following. He had sort of just assumed she would, but in reality she could have chosen to stay right back where she was had she wanted to.

"You're right." she purred, scrambling after him. She was the adventurer of the two. The one who was always out there in the forest, climbing trees, hunting things. Ruben came back after a little while of being gone. Not Tove. She went out for what seemed like forever while you were at it, but then when you got home it was nothing. The sweet scent of pines and oaks. Sap. The marshy smell of the bog. The pitter-patter of the critters as they scrambled to get away from the bigger passing animals. The cool and crisp air that ruffled your fur but never seemed to be a storm. It was so satisfying! Many times the molly would go to the forest for the calming sensation, and not the adventure. She knew her friend wasn't like that, and probably wouldn't understand, but she could give him a chance. There was that one creek in the forest, a small strip of water that Tove loved so much. She didn't like to be touched by water, but it was one of the most beautiful things in the world. The silver, blue, and brown that danced in the sun. The way it pushed past everything in its path, moving with ease that was unimaginable. She had sat there in awe until the sun went down when she had first seen it. Since than she had returned, looking at that one creek for what felt like ages. She had slept by it once. Honestly one of the greatest times of her life. Tove was ripped from her thoughts when her gaze caught on Ruben looking back at her. Shaking herself, she called "Coming!" and bounded up onto the fence next to him.

August 28th, 2017, 09:45 AM
"You're right." she purred, scrambling after him. She was the adventurer of the two. The one who was always out there in the forest, climbing trees, hunting things. Ruben came back after a little while of being gone. Not Tove. She went out for what seemed like forever while you were at it, but then when you got home it was nothing. The sweet scent of pines and oaks. Sap. The marshy smell of the bog. The pitter-patter of the critters as they scrambled to get away from the bigger passing animals. The cool and crisp air that ruffled your fur but never seemed to be a storm. It was so satisfying! Many times the molly would go to the forest for the calming sensation, and not the adventure. She knew her friend wasn't like that, and probably wouldn't understand, but she could give him a chance. There was that one creek in the forest, a small strip of water that Tove loved so much. She didn't like to be touched by water, but it was one of the most beautiful things in the world. The silver, blue, and brown that danced in the sun. The way it pushed past everything in its path, moving with ease that was unimaginable. She had sat there in awe until the sun went down when she had first seen it. Since than she had returned, looking at that one creek for what felt like ages. She had slept by it once. Honestly one of the greatest times of her life. Tove was ripped from her thoughts when her gaze caught on Ruben looking back at her. Shaking herself, she called "Coming!" and bounded up onto the fence next to him.

Ruben smiled as soon as Tove reached him, then leaped down to the ground. He didn't go into the forest yet, though, rather he decided on letting the molly lead the two of them in. He fully trusted her, so there was no harm in going wherever she wanted to go- he knew she wouldn't bring them anywhere dangerous. No, Tove was adventurous, sure, but he didn't see her as a reckless cat. She cared about her twolegs, that he was positive of, so there would be no chance of her doing anything to risk not returning to them. "Lead the way," the spotted cat gestured towards the forest once again, purring to his friend. Yes, this was just what the tom needed today, a bit of time away from home. He figured that by going out with the other feline, he was probably in for a long journey, but today he was fine with that. For whatever reason, he just didn't feel like being at home today, which was sort of strange to him. He had everything he needed at home, and he got a good enough amount of attention from his twolegs when they were home. So why did he want to be away from the house so badly? The tom shook his head once more; there was no need to dwell on that, and he wasn't going to allow himself to. Not when he was supposed to be enjoying himself with his friend. So, a smile firmly in place, he waited expectantly for the she-cat to start walking.

September 4th, 2017, 10:27 AM
What if he isn't there? That was the thought that plagued Hailey's mind as she padded towards Ruben's home. After all, she was used to worrying about things like that. Her job was to worry. She worried about the weather, fretted about this and that, and all in all bothered everyone around her with her anxiety. But, Hailey was a sweet cat with optimistic qualities, she did her best to look on the bright side. No matter how hard it was for her. The soft-looking kittypet jumped up on the fence, balancing there dangerously for a moment. Her silky silver and white fur shone in the sunlight, accenting her dark, thoughtful brown eyes. Jumping down swiftly, she spotted the object of her attention moving with another cat. Who is that? Hailey thought, but she didn't allow her expression to change any. It remained nervous, although somewhat cheerful. There was definitely that familiar spark behind her darkly-colored optics. As she approached the two of them, she recognized the other cat as Tove - another kittypet who lived nearby.

"Morning, Ruben!" She purred to him, her dark eyes sparkling with excitement as she approached, before she turned to the other cat. "And good morning to you too, Tove." Somehow she sounded more polite, more stiff, when she addressed the other cat. After all, Hailey had never really gotten to know Tove - so you could hardly blame her for being nervous. Shaking off her nervousness, she turned back the the darkly colored tom. Her white fur would look so pale against his own dark fur, she believed. "How are both of you this morning?" Hailey's voice held that familiar nervous tremor, that anxious bit to it, but she was biting her tongue to keep from stammering. All she needed to do was hold still - you could almost see the battle going on inside her head. She was winning for the moment, winning meaning that she wasn't running away screaming, but it was apparent that she was thinking about it.

Not knowing Tove very well, it made Hailey feel close-to paralyzed with fear just at the mere sight of the other cat. Breathe. You're okay. You're fine. She won't hurt you, and Ruben won't let her hurt you - at least I don't think he will. Hailey had some trust issues, things that were difficult to work through, but thankfully she was getting some help with them. Her first meeting with Ruben had been much worse - she had been a mess. She was comfortable around him now, and she wouldn't have been fighting this stupid battle inside her head if she hadn't had to deal with Tove being there as well. Of course, that was no offence to the other kittypet. Hailey was sure that she was a perfectly nice cat, but until she got to know the other feline a little better, she was going to be doing her best not to freak out around the two of them. Still shaking just the smallest bit, she seemed to inch a little closer on the other side of the tom - as though he were her source of comfort for the moment being.

Doodle Mystical

September 4th, 2017, 10:50 AM
What if he isn't there? That was the thought that plagued Hailey's mind as she padded towards Ruben's home. After all, she was used to worrying about things like that. Her job was to worry. She worried about the weather, fretted about this and that, and all in all bothered everyone around her with her anxiety. But, Hailey was a sweet cat with optimistic qualities, she did her best to look on the bright side. No matter how hard it was for her. The soft-looking kittypet jumped up on the fence, balancing there dangerously for a moment. Her silky silver and white fur shone in the sunlight, accenting her dark, thoughtful brown eyes. Jumping down swiftly, she spotted the object of her attention moving with another cat. Who is that? Hailey thought, but she didn't allow her expression to change any. It remained nervous, although somewhat cheerful. There was definitely that familiar spark behind her darkly-colored optics. As she approached the two of them, she recognized the other cat as Tove - another kittypet who lived nearby.

"Morning, Ruben!" She purred to him, her dark eyes sparkling with excitement as she approached, before she turned to the other cat. "And good morning to you too, Tove." Somehow she sounded more polite, more stiff, when she addressed the other cat. After all, Hailey had never really gotten to know Tove - so you could hardly blame her for being nervous. Shaking off her nervousness, she turned back the the darkly colored tom. Her white fur would look so pale against his own dark fur, she believed. "How are both of you this morning?" Hailey's voice held that familiar nervous tremor, that anxious bit to it, but she was biting her tongue to keep from stammering. All she needed to do was hold still - you could almost see the battle going on inside her head. She was winning for the moment, winning meaning that she wasn't running away screaming, but it was apparent that she was thinking about it.

Not knowing Tove very well, it made Hailey feel close-to paralyzed with fear just at the mere sight of the other cat. Breathe. You're okay. You're fine. She won't hurt you, and Ruben won't let her hurt you - at least I don't think he will. Hailey had some trust issues, things that were difficult to work through, but thankfully she was getting some help with them. Her first meeting with Ruben had been much worse - she had been a mess. She was comfortable around him now, and she wouldn't have been fighting this stupid battle inside her head if she hadn't had to deal with Tove being there as well. Of course, that was no offence to the other kittypet. Hailey was sure that she was a perfectly nice cat, but until she got to know the other feline a little better, she was going to be doing her best not to freak out around the two of them. Still shaking just the smallest bit, she seemed to inch a little closer on the other side of the tom - as though he were her source of comfort for the moment being.

Doodle Mystical

When his name was called out, Ruben peered around Tove curiously; he knew that voice! When he caught sight of Hailey, another purr burst through his chest- even better! Now he had two of his friends around him, so shouldn't this anxious feeling fade? He hoped so, and his eyes glowed optimistically. The tom just knew this would be a good day- wouldn't it? With two of his friends seemingly to pop out of thin air right when he needed it, surely it meant something good. He'd be kept occupied at least, his mind would be busy. So that was definitely something good for the day. If he didn't have anything to do, then the Mau would simply sit around and ponder his troubles. He always felt a bit stupid while doing so, namely because he didn't know what could be causing him this unhappiness when he led such a great life! It made him a bit guilty; living as a kittypet, he had it all- food, water, a warm place to sleep, even milk on occasion! He had friends, too, and was able to go outside- he wasn't locked up in houses like some cats he would pass by on strolls. He would never be able to look as contempt as they did through the window, not if he couldn't go outside. So, he had a nice life, and nothing made sense to him. He felt guilty being unhappy, or dissatisfied when he knew there were others out there not as fortunate as he.

Pushing these thoughts away, the spotted cat opened his maw to meow back a greeting. "Hailey! Hey, how've you been?" Was his friendly meow. He picked up on the molly's different tone, and his eyes flickered back to Tove- did the two of them not get along well? That would be unfortunate. But taking a closer look at Hailey, it seemed she was just a bit uncomfortable. The tom assumed that perhaps she didn't know the black molly, and obviously wouldn't be so friendly towards her if that was the case. Well, Hailey knew her name at least, so they must have some sort of knowledge of the two; Ruben just hoped they would get along well. "I'm doing well- great, actually, since the both of you are here!" Another small purr came from him, and picking up on Hailey's anxiety -and shaking- he scooted closer to the other cat just as she moved towards him, shooting a glance at Tove to let her know he wasn't favoring one over the other. He simply felt a need to comfort a cat when they were worried, or scared, that was all. He would do the same if Tove seemed fearful at the moment, but the strong molly obviously wasn't.

"I don't know how well you two know each other, but I'm sure you'll get along well," Ruben started, feeling a need to introduce the two to one another better. "Hailey, obviously you know Tove at least a little, but she's one of my good friends! Her and I were actually going to explore a bit in the forest- you're welcome to join! That is, if it's alright with you, Tove?" His expectant eyes were placed on the black molly, and his head tilted the slightest bit as he waited for a response.

September 4th, 2017, 06:39 PM
Doodle Lonestar23
Tove dipped her head, surprisingly glad he had let her take the lead. The truth was, she wanted to lead him into the place she knew so well. Show him everything. Let him know what it was like to wonder as far as she did. Wander as long as she did. Do everything she did. Just the two of them. Going to her creek, padding through the forest. Everything and more. The thought made Tove extremely happy. She felt like bouncing around. She was in the lead, she could show him everything. "Great!" she purred. "Come on!"

Suddenly a voice, "Hello Ruben!" Who would be interrupting them when they were about to go off on their own. Just the two of them. What type of annoying molly would be ruining such a moment. Ruben's words came just as she spun around. Hailey. Didn't she live a while away? But Tove wasn't interested in friends. Ruben was Hailey's friend? She couldn't see that. She need to. She should have been able to, but she couldn't. Ruben had many friends, but he was like, her best friend! It stung a bit to see him greeting another she-cat so warmly. Cheer up Tove! Ruben greets you warmly to. Somehow that was not enough. The molly suddenly felt like she wanted Ruben all to herself. That wasn't right. Hailey hadn't attacked her had she? No. So clearly she could trust that cat. The molly was still weary though. Even the glance he gave her did not calm her down. No matter how hard she tried. It seemed like he favored the new molly over him.

Then Ruben spoke again. He wanted the molly to join their fun? It made Tove want to attack both the cats at once. But she knew Ruben was her friend, and it would not be wise to attack another one of his friends. Even if Ruben and Hailey weren't that close. Leaping down so she was at Ruben's side, making sure her pelt didn't brush his but she was close to him, she smiled. It wasn't fake, as Tove was excited to make new friends, but it was slightly forced. "We've met." the molly said while nodding. "And of course she can join!" The molly purred, than turning to face Ruben, she added, "But I can still lead right? There's a place I really want to show you."

September 5th, 2017, 07:54 PM

Rubin watched Tove carefully, taking notice that she didn't seem too keen on Heather. He kept a pleading look on his face, silently begging her to let the other molly join them. Heather had came all this way, after all, just to see him! How sweet of her; there was no way he could turn her away. Besides, he enjoyed her company just as he liked hanging out with Tove. He just hoped the two could get along. When the black and white she-cat scooted closer to him, his pelt heated up, feeling suddenly awkward. They weren't going to drag him into some petty drama now, were they? Certainly not with him stuck quite literally in the middle of the two. All this was making the tom go back and forth- on one side, he felt bad for Tove because the two had just about to spend some quality time together. But on the other, he felt bad for Heather because she obviously came looking to spend time with him as well! And then, he felt bad for both of them because they certainly didn't seem easy with one another's presence. It made his head hurt... he liked both of them! They were both his friend, so why did he feel like he had to choose between them in this situation?

The dilemma was solved as soon as Tove agreed to Heather joining, and a bright smile took over his features. "Great," Ruben purred enthusiastically, sending a quick look Heather's way before turning back to the other molly once she spoke again. "Of course you can. I'm excited to see this place- just, how far away is it?" The tom was perfectly fine with going out for a while, but now that Heather had joined he had to think about what she would want as well- it was already a given that Tove would be fine, obviously, if she was leading them there. But what if Heather didn't want to be out for long? The black tom just hoped that all three of them would wind up enjoying themselves during this little adventure- and that things would calm down between the two she-cats who had a bit of an awkward vibe between them at the moment.

September 6th, 2017, 04:50 AM

Rubin watched Tove carefully, taking notice that she didn't seem too keen on Heather. He kept a pleading look on his face, silently begging her to let the other molly join them. Heather had came all this way, after all, just to see him! How sweet of her; there was no way he could turn her away. Besides, he enjoyed her company just as he liked hanging out with Tove. He just hoped the two could get along. When the black and white she-cat scooted closer to him, his pelt heated up, feeling suddenly awkward. They weren't going to drag him into some petty drama now, were they? Certainly not with him stuck quite literally in the middle of the two. All this was making the tom go back and forth- on one side, he felt bad for Tove because the two had just about to spend some quality time together. But on the other, he felt bad for Heather because she obviously came looking to spend time with him as well! And then, he felt bad for both of them because they certainly didn't seem easy with one another's presence. It made his head hurt... he liked both of them! They were both his friend, so why did he feel like he had to choose between them in this situation?

The dilemma was solved as soon as Tove agreed to Heather joining, and a bright smile took over his features. "Great," Ruben purred enthusiastically, sending a quick look Heather's way before turning back to the other molly once she spoke again. "Of course you can. I'm excited to see this place- just, how far away is it?" The tom was perfectly fine with going out for a while, but now that Heather had joined he had to think about what she would want as well- it was already a given that Tove would be fine, obviously, if she was leading them there. But what if Heather didn't want to be out for long? The black tom just hoped that all three of them would wind up enjoying themselves during this little adventure- and that things would calm down between the two she-cats who had a bit of an awkward vibe between them at the moment.

Doodle Lonestar23
Tove dipped her head, surprisingly glad he had let her take the lead. The truth was, she wanted to lead him into the place she knew so well. Show him everything. Let him know what it was like to wonder as far as she did. Wander as long as she did. Do everything she did. Just the two of them. Going to her creek, padding through the forest. Everything and more. The thought made Tove extremely happy. She felt like bouncing around. She was in the lead, she could show him everything. "Great!" she purred. "Come on!"

Suddenly a voice, "Hello Ruben!" Who would be interrupting them when they were about to go off on their own. Just the two of them. What type of annoying molly would be ruining such a moment. Ruben's words came just as she spun around. Hailey. Didn't she live a while away? But Tove wasn't interested in friends. Ruben was Hailey's friend? She couldn't see that. She need to. She should have been able to, but she couldn't. Ruben had many friends, but he was like, her best friend! It stung a bit to see him greeting another she-cat so warmly. Cheer up Tove! Ruben greets you warmly to. Somehow that was not enough. The molly suddenly felt like she wanted Ruben all to herself. That wasn't right. Hailey hadn't attacked her had she? No. So clearly she could trust that cat. The molly was still weary though. Even the glance he gave her did not calm her down. No matter how hard she tried. It seemed like he favored the new molly over him.

Then Ruben spoke again. He wanted the molly to join their fun? It made Tove want to attack both the cats at once. But she knew Ruben was her friend, and it would not be wise to attack another one of his friends. Even if Ruben and Hailey weren't that close. Leaping down so she was at Ruben's side, making sure her pelt didn't brush his but she was close to him, she smiled. It wasn't fake, as Tove was excited to make new friends, but it was slightly forced. "We've met." the molly said while nodding. "And of course she can join!" The molly purred, than turning to face Ruben, she added, "But I can still lead right? There's a place I really want to show you."

A warm smile spread like butter across the lightly colored feline's features, and her dark eyes twinkled with pleasure at Ruben's greeting. "I've been doing pretty good, I suppose... my housefolk are getting a little tired of me asking to go out though, the male said he's putting in a cat-door for me tomorrow," Hailey laughed and grinned at her friend. She didn't know Tove as well, and it made her anxious... that wasn't even to mention that the other she cat hardly looked like a killer! So why Hailey was anxious, she didn't know. But what she did know was that Tove was hanging around Ruben and she also wondered if her friend would be influenced by the other she cat. They both had dark pelts, which made Hailey feel a little out of place.

"Oh, I - I wouldn't want to intrude on you two. If you guys already had plans, I don't... have to come." She lightly pressed herself against the other tom, just for a moment for the sake of support because her legs felt weak and shaky. Although the way that Ruben and Tove had invited her didn't seem like she was going to be third-wheeling, what if something happened out there? Were they together? Hailey's dark optics flashed at the thought of that. She was hoping she would have known something like that about her own friend, but then again, that might be doubtful. She had secrets of her own (such as her minor - VERY minor crush on him) that he didn't know of, and she was confident Tove didn't know of them either. Pulling away, she steadied herself and sent a mouthed 'thank you' - unsure of how well she could speak at the moment - in Ruben's direction. After all, the tom was a great friend to her. Surely he hadn't minded. The two of them were pretty close, at least she felt like they were, although sometimes she found herself wishing that she could spend more time with her friend. She would have liked to go with them, but if this was some sort of a "date", then she didn't want to get in the way. She remembered when it had just been her and the female human, before the male human had come into their lives. They had started going out together, and Hailey had always been left behind - except for the times they stayed at the house, when Hailey sat on the female's lap as usual.

Those had been good times, and Hailey missed them... a lot. Now the male lived with them, and while they were both kind to her, she missed having "just girl time" with the female. Sometimes they would, in the afternoons, when the male wasn't home and the female got a break from working. They would watch TV and eat, which always cheered Hailey up for the day. Sometimes she would go out and walk along the street, and today had just happened to be one of those days when she ran into her friend. It was always a pleasure seeing Ruben... the lightly colored she cat liked him, and she liked spending time with him. What could be better then that? Being together, that was what.

September 6th, 2017, 07:51 AM
Lonestar23 Doodle

Well, that's good. The molly hadn't wanted the new cat; Hailey to ruin everything. She had come in at the time where they were just about to leave to have quality time together! It was terrible! She just wanted to launch herself at the younger molly and explain to her that she and Ruben were about to have time, together! Just the two of them. Together! As she had been about to lead him off on an adventure, to a place she had never showed any cat before, though she was sure other cats had stumbled across. Just the two of them. But then, Hailey had to show up, steal Ruben's attention, and then he asked her to go on the trip. But there was still the good side. The part of her that was joyous because of the fact that she was still allowed to lead. Tove still was furious though. The molly had ruined almost every part of her day. She was glad some of it still remained.

Then, Hailey spoke. The new molly was okay with not coming? Tove wanted to yowl good, and then bound of towards her stream with Ruben. But perhaps making friends with one of Ruben's friends wouldn't be to bad. Even if the molly seemed to like her best friend. Well her close friend. Who cared? There wasn't a difference as far as she was concerned. The only reason she was even being nice to the new cat in the first place is she knew Ruben would be upset if she didn't let Hailey come. He seemed to be good friends with her. How come they were never introduced? That just didn't seem right. Maybe she should try to make a new friend. Even though all of her was screaming violently against it. She had a bad feeling about the new molly. Turning to face Hailey (But making sure she was still next to Ruben), the molly spoke. "You can come if you'd like." she stated. "Just know we're not trying to force you to do it."

September 12th, 2017, 04:58 PM
A warm smile spread like butter across the lightly colored feline's features, and her dark eyes twinkled with pleasure at Ruben's greeting. "I've been doing pretty good, I suppose... my housefolk are getting a little tired of me asking to go out though, the male said he's putting in a cat-door for me tomorrow," Hailey laughed and grinned at her friend. She didn't know Tove as well, and it made her anxious... that wasn't even to mention that the other she cat hardly looked like a killer! So why Hailey was anxious, she didn't know. But what she did know was that Tove was hanging around Ruben and she also wondered if her friend would be influenced by the other she cat. They both had dark pelts, which made Hailey feel a little out of place.

"Oh, I - I wouldn't want to intrude on you two. If you guys already had plans, I don't... have to come." She lightly pressed herself against the other tom, just for a moment for the sake of support because her legs felt weak and shaky. Although the way that Ruben and Tove had invited her didn't seem like she was going to be third-wheeling, what if something happened out there? Were they together? Hailey's dark optics flashed at the thought of that. She was hoping she would have known something like that about her own friend, but then again, that might be doubtful. She had secrets of her own (such as her minor - VERY minor crush on him) that he didn't know of, and she was confident Tove didn't know of them either. Pulling away, she steadied herself and sent a mouthed 'thank you' - unsure of how well she could speak at the moment - in Ruben's direction. After all, the tom was a great friend to her. Surely he hadn't minded. The two of them were pretty close, at least she felt like they were, although sometimes she found herself wishing that she could spend more time with her friend. She would have liked to go with them, but if this was some sort of a "date", then she didn't want to get in the way. She remembered when it had just been her and the female human, before the male human had come into their lives. They had started going out together, and Hailey had always been left behind - except for the times they stayed at the house, when Hailey sat on the female's lap as usual.

Those had been good times, and Hailey missed them... a lot. Now the male lived with them, and while they were both kind to her, she missed having "just girl time" with the female. Sometimes they would, in the afternoons, when the male wasn't home and the female got a break from working. They would watch TV and eat, which always cheered Hailey up for the day. Sometimes she would go out and walk along the street, and today had just happened to be one of those days when she ran into her friend. It was always a pleasure seeing Ruben... the lightly colored she cat liked him, and she liked spending time with him. What could be better then that? Being together, that was what.

Lonestar23 Doodle

Well, that's good. The molly hadn't wanted the new cat; Hailey to ruin everything. She had come in at the time where they were just about to leave to have quality time together! It was terrible! She just wanted to launch herself at the younger molly and explain to her that she and Ruben were about to have time, together! Just the two of them. Together! As she had been about to lead him off on an adventure, to a place she had never showed any cat before, though she was sure other cats had stumbled across. Just the two of them. But then, Hailey had to show up, steal Ruben's attention, and then he asked her to go on the trip. But there was still the good side. The part of her that was joyous because of the fact that she was still allowed to lead. Tove still was furious though. The molly had ruined almost every part of her day. She was glad some of it still remained.

Then, Hailey spoke. The new molly was okay with not coming? Tove wanted to yowl good, and then bound of towards her stream with Ruben. But perhaps making friends with one of Ruben's friends wouldn't be to bad. Even if the molly seemed to like her best friend. Well her close friend. Who cared? There wasn't a difference as far as she was concerned. The only reason she was even being nice to the new cat in the first place is she knew Ruben would be upset if she didn't let Hailey come. He seemed to be good friends with her. How come they were never introduced? That just didn't seem right. Maybe she should try to make a new friend. Even though all of her was screaming violently against it. She had a bad feeling about the new molly. Turning to face Hailey (But making sure she was still next to Ruben), the molly spoke. "You can come if you'd like." she stated. "Just know we're not trying to force you to do it."

Ruben couldn't help but return a smile to Heather after seeing her features basically light up. "A cat door? That's great, you'll love it! It's like a whole new world of freedom." The tom could say that from experience- after his female twoleg started working, he would be left at home all the time with nothing to do. But shortly after they had gotten a cat door, and Ruben could wholeheartedly say that it was one of the best things to happen to him. The black cat turned to look at Tove; did she have a cat door as well? He would imagine so, considering she was out so often. "Tove, do you have a cat door as well?" He asked anyways, wanting her included in the conversation as well. The feline didn't want to feel like he was bouncing back and forth between two conversations; why not have them all chat together?

He frowned at Hailey's offer to stay behind; she had come all the way here! There was no way he was going to send her off without at least trying to persuade her to come. Before he had the opportunity to speak up, the black feline beside him beat him to it. Ruben shot Tove a thankful smile- it was nice that she had said that to the other she-cat. Hopefully, it would make Hailey feel a bit more welcome. "Yes, Hailey. Of course don't come if you really don't want to, but know that I think it'd be a lot of fun if you came along," he gave the light-furred molly a cheeky smile, accompanied by what was supposed to be a goofy wink.

"Just think of all the trouble the three of us could get into!" Ruben shook his head just at the thought of the three of them tramping through the forest; this would certainly be entertaining- and exciting. He lightly bumped his shoulder against Haily's, a grin still visible. "Trust me, with Tove and I combined- you'll be much more outgoing in the forest. You'll have fun- I won't allow you to be bored!" A chuckle escaped the tom as he finished; bored, with these two? The thought seemed impossible. To him, he had the perfect two cats to keep him entertained and happy. At least, for today.

September 13th, 2017, 03:03 PM
Lonestar23 Doodle

A cat door! If she weren't so mad and getting even angrier by the second she would have shown true excitement. Cat doors were one of the greatest things in the world. While you had to meow forever at a door if you didn't have one, if you did have one you could get out of your house whenever! Tove had gotten one when she was only a few moths old. It had been the greatest moment of her life! Boy had she been glad to get it! The best Tove could do was put on a smile and say, "Of course they are!" The molly forced herself to purr. "Congrats!" Of course she didn't mean it, but it was for Ruben.

Tove saw the tom frown at Hailey's offer to stay behind. It almost made her bristle. The molly didn't like the fact he seemed so close to the other molly, and the other molly seemed so close to him. Almost like she liked him. But maybe it was just friendship. She had to settle for that. Well, she had to try to settle for it. It was impossible with the way Hailey seemed to want to be around Ruben all the time, the same way Tove did. It made the black and white molly outraged. Well, almost outraged. It could have been worse. Tove, it's Ruben's friend. She tried to comfort herself, but it didn't work. Just the idea of Hailey liking Ruben made Tove want to puke. She had been there first! Why did Hailey have to show up all of a sudden and snatch Ruben's attention away from what they had been about to do. If only she had been quicker! Gotten out of Ruben's yard and in the forest. They could be at her creek by now! Happily watching the silver water cascade over the rocks and the sunny yellow fish swim against the current. Together. Just the two of them. No one else. No one to disturb them. No one. Nothing. Just them. She had to admit, for Hailey, it had been good timing. For her, no! Calm down! She's Ruben's friend! Said part of her, but another, darker part of her said something else. And crusher!

"Think of all the trouble the the three of us could get into!" Ruben's words rung in her ears. They seemed like they intended to burn her. All the molly wanted to do was scream "None!" the couldn't get into any trouble. None at all. Hailey seemed like the type of she-cat who would stay at her home all day and only visit other yards. Not at all like the type who didn't care for fleas and bounded around the forest without a care in the world. No that was her, and sometimes Ruben. Could it be Hailey? Maybe... but she doubted it. Forcing another smile and purr, Tove spoke again. "Yeah it will be lots of fun!" But another thought crossed her mind, the creek! The creek! Maybe Hailey would like to see it. Another smile, this time genuine. "And I have a special place to show you!" If Hailey didn't come, she would go with Ruben. Just the two of them, together.

September 15th, 2017, 07:54 AM
"Oh, w - well... I am excited for that kind of freedom," The she cat's pretty optics lit up in an unshed smile, and she glanced over in Tove's direction as the other cat spoke. Now, Hailey didn't know a lot about Tove - only that she appeared to be close with Ruben, and that she was the kind of cat to... be more adventurous, from the looks of things. She looked like her housefolk didn't take the time to groom her every day, either. She remained beside the tom, her expression almost protective as though she were keeping him away from Tove - part of the she cat didn't really want to share. Hailey was not, by nature, a necessarily selfish cat - she shared her food with the bouncy puppy that was in the house with them, she shared her water with it too, and if one of the nearby cats ended up with a new dog or cat in the house, she would share her time and things with them.

Heck, Hailey would even share her house if she needed to! It wasn't that big a sacrifice, after all. If the house was big enough for that puppy, it was certainly big enough for another cat. Hailey's housefolk wouldn't mind, right? After all - it was her home too, they had brought her into it and it was as much hers as it was theirs. "Well, I..." The she cat's voice trailed off. She wasn't exactly an 'outdoorsy' cat, she was more of a stay-inside-with-the-housefolk cat. Sometimes she would play with the puppy, if it wasn't being too bouncy at the time, that was. She was always afraid that it would squash her - yet somehow it never had. So she supposed her fears of that were just plain silly.

"I mean, I guess I could... it's not dangerous, right?" The she cat asked, with a slight fearful thought crossing her mind. What if she got lost? What if she got hurt? What if Ruben and Tove decided that she was a burden, and left her behind? What if they ended up togeth - okay no, now that was just going off on something irrelevant. It wasn't any of her business whether Ruben liked Tove like that or not. She really couldn't care less if the other she cat liked him, as long as he was safely kept from falling in love with her, Hailey would be happy.

"I, um... yeah! Sure, that sounds like... fun." Even though she was confident she couldn't get into any trouble. And a special place? Now that caught her attention. She was almost glad that she had decided to come now, otherwise Tove and Ruben would have been alone there!And who knew what could have happened? Hailey shuddered at the thought. When it came to a romantic aspect, she was definitely more possessive then she would have liked to be. But that didn't matter. All that did, all that ever would matter, was her being safe from someone stealing her interest.

"Alright, I'll come." Her voice was calm, collected, and she almost shot a look over at Tove - barely managing to keep from doing so. Making friends was not in the she cat's best interest, not always. And she was worried that something bad could happen. Not to mention she didn't know how trustworthy this 'Tove' was. How much of a good cat she was. As long as nothing happened between the two of them, nothing bad, that was... perhaps Hailey could focus on at least trying to make friends with the other she cat.

Perhaps she could make some sort of peace with the darkly colored feline? An understanding seemed to be what was most needed here, especially because Hailey wasn't quite understanding what was going on between the she cat and the tom. Just stay away from MY Ruben. She thought, possessively as she stuck by the dark tom's side, flashing him a friendly smile.

Doodle Mystical

September 15th, 2017, 08:10 PM
Lonestar23 Doodle

A cat door! If she weren't so mad and getting even angrier by the second she would have shown true excitement. Cat doors were one of the greatest things in the world. While you had to meow forever at a door if you didn't have one, if you did have one you could get out of your house whenever! Tove had gotten one when she was only a few moths old. It had been the greatest moment of her life! Boy had she been glad to get it! The best Tove could do was put on a smile and say, "Of course they are!" The molly forced herself to purr. "Congrats!" Of course she didn't mean it, but it was for Ruben.

Tove saw the tom frown at Hailey's offer to stay behind. It almost made her bristle. The molly didn't like the fact he seemed so close to the other molly, and the other molly seemed so close to him. Almost like she liked him. But maybe it was just friendship. She had to settle for that. Well, she had to try to settle for it. It was impossible with the way Hailey seemed to want to be around Ruben all the time, the same way Tove did. It made the black and white molly outraged. Well, almost outraged. It could have been worse. Tove, it's Ruben's friend. She tried to comfort herself, but it didn't work. Just the idea of Hailey liking Ruben made Tove want to puke. She had been there first! Why did Hailey have to show up all of a sudden and snatch Ruben's attention away from what they had been about to do. If only she had been quicker! Gotten out of Ruben's yard and in the forest. They could be at her creek by now! Happily watching the silver water cascade over the rocks and the sunny yellow fish swim against the current. Together. Just the two of them. No one else. No one to disturb them. No one. Nothing. Just them. She had to admit, for Hailey, it had been good timing. For her, no! Calm down! She's Ruben's friend! Said part of her, but another, darker part of her said something else. And crusher!

"Think of all the trouble the the three of us could get into!" Ruben's words rung in her ears. They seemed like they intended to burn her. All the molly wanted to do was scream "None!" the couldn't get into any trouble. None at all. Hailey seemed like the type of she-cat who would stay at her home all day and only visit other yards. Not at all like the type who didn't care for fleas and bounded around the forest without a care in the world. No that was her, and sometimes Ruben. Could it be Hailey? Maybe... but she doubted it. Forcing another smile and purr, Tove spoke again. "Yeah it will be lots of fun!" But another thought crossed her mind, the creek! The creek! Maybe Hailey would like to see it. Another smile, this time genuine. "And I have a special place to show you!" If Hailey didn't come, she would go with Ruben. Just the two of them, together.

"Oh, w - well... I am excited for that kind of freedom," The she cat's pretty optics lit up in an unshed smile, and she glanced over in Tove's direction as the other cat spoke. Now, Hailey didn't know a lot about Tove - only that she appeared to be close with Ruben, and that she was the kind of cat to... be more adventurous, from the looks of things. She looked like her housefolk didn't take the time to groom her every day, either. She remained beside the tom, her expression almost protective as though she were keeping him away from Tove - part of the she cat didn't really want to share. Hailey was not, by nature, a necessarily selfish cat - she shared her food with the bouncy puppy that was in the house with them, she shared her water with it too, and if one of the nearby cats ended up with a new dog or cat in the house, she would share her time and things with them.

Heck, Hailey would even share her house if she needed to! It wasn't that big a sacrifice, after all. If the house was big enough for that puppy, it was certainly big enough for another cat. Hailey's housefolk wouldn't mind, right? After all - it was her home too, they had brought her into it and it was as much hers as it was theirs. "Well, I..." The she cat's voice trailed off. She wasn't exactly an 'outdoorsy' cat, she was more of a stay-inside-with-the-housefolk cat. Sometimes she would play with the puppy, if it wasn't being too bouncy at the time, that was. She was always afraid that it would squash her - yet somehow it never had. So she supposed her fears of that were just plain silly.

"I mean, I guess I could... it's not dangerous, right?" The she cat asked, with a slight fearful thought crossing her mind. What if she got lost? What if she got hurt? What if Ruben and Tove decided that she was a burden, and left her behind? What if they ended up togeth - okay no, now that was just going off on something irrelevant. It wasn't any of her business whether Ruben liked Tove like that or not. She really couldn't care less if the other she cat liked him, as long as he was safely kept from falling in love with her, Hailey would be happy.

"I, um... yeah! Sure, that sounds like... fun." Even though she was confident she couldn't get into any trouble. And a special place? Now that caught her attention. She was almost glad that she had decided to come now, otherwise Tove and Ruben would have been alone there!And who knew what could have happened? Hailey shuddered at the thought. When it came to a romantic aspect, she was definitely more possessive then she would have liked to be. But that didn't matter. All that did, all that ever would matter, was her being safe from someone stealing her interest.

"Alright, I'll come." Her voice was calm, collected, and she almost shot a look over at Tove - barely managing to keep from doing so. Making friends was not in the she cat's best interest, not always. And she was worried that something bad could happen. Not to mention she didn't know how trustworthy this 'Tove' was. How much of a good cat she was. As long as nothing happened between the two of them, nothing bad, that was... perhaps Hailey could focus on at least trying to make friends with the other she cat.

Perhaps she could make some sort of peace with the darkly colored feline? An understanding seemed to be what was most needed here, especially because Hailey wasn't quite understanding what was going on between the she cat and the tom. Just stay away from MY Ruben. She thought, possessively as she stuck by the dark tom's side, flashing him a friendly smile.

Doodle Mystical

"Oh, you'll love it," Ruben purred to Hailey, tail swirling in the air behind him. A cat door; this was exciting news! "Plus, it means it won't have to be so long between times that we get to see each other," he tacked on excitedly, not sparing a moment to think that his words may cause Tove besides him to become even angrier than she was at the moment. Her current hostility went completely over the spotted cat's head, as his only thought right now was how excited and happy he was to be with two of his closest friends. Sure, they both happened to be mollies. Did that mean anything? He didn't think so, though he wasn't completely sure where he stood with both of them. Sometimes, he almost felt like there was something between him and either molly- he'd be hanging out with Tove, or with Hailey, and there would be times where he swore he'd feel something. And then a moment later it'd be gone, and they'd go back to whatever they were doing. He knew for sure that both mollies were close friends of him, and sometimes almost convinced himself that any feelings he thought he had were just a figment of his imagination.

"Dangerous? Of course not! Right?" Ruben looked to the other side of him, over at Tove, waiting for her to agree with him. Sure, maybe there were a few dangers out there... but there would be three of them together! That'd be safer than the two of them, at least. "Plus, I wouldn't let anything hurt you- I promise!" Knowing Hailey and how nervous she could get, the black cat rested his tail briefly across her shoulders and gave a reassuring smile. No, he wouldn't let anything happen to either of his friends. He'd sooner let himself be harmed, than to let Tove or Hailey get hurt. Just the thought of something happening to one of them left his heart aching; these mollies simply meant a lot to him. He vowed to himself in that instant that during this outing, he wouldn't let anything happen to them.

His tail slipped off of the mollies shoulder as he turned back to face Tove once she brought up their plans. That was right! She was going to lead them somewhere special; if possible, his excitement rose. "Yeah, it'll be a bunch of fun," the tom exclaimed, eyes light with enjoyment already. "Tove hasn't told me where we're going, but I know it'll be something worthwhile. She knows all the best spots," he tacked on to Hailey, glancing back over at the she-cat. He was going to harm his neck with all the looking back and forth he was doing! Now that he thought about it, he was getting a bit of a weird vibe from the two mollies. And, they seemed to both be on the sides of him, separated from another...

The tom's thoughts disappeared as soon as he heard Hailey's agreement. "You will? Great!" Unable to help himself, he gave a small bounce in his place. He had too much pent up energy- and now, excitement- that needed to be let out during this journey. "Now, what are we waiting for?" Ruben asked, looking once more between the two other felines as he spoke. "Let's get going! No time to waste!" A smile settled on his maw as he nodded towards the forest, waiting for Tove to take her spot in the lead.

September 16th, 2017, 07:36 AM
Lonestar23 Doodle

As much as she knew that perhaps she wasn't being the greatest of friends to Ruben, she had the feeling that Hailey wasn't even trying. It seemed the molly was having an urge every single second to yell at her. Even if Tove was doing that, she was concealing it well. She was doing it for Ruben. Not a word was coming out of her mouth that was going to insult the pretty feline. No, she didn't want to insult Hailey. She just wanted her to understand that Ruben was not a up-for-grabs-tom. And that it wasn't okay to interrupt other cats alone time. Hailey seemed like she wanted to shoot insults at her. Tove had been wrong before, it could be an illusion of the eye, but she wasn't positive of it. She was pretty sure the other molly didn't like her.

Trying to keep up her semi-act, she was okay with the molly now, Tove nodded when her friend spoke of the catdoor thing. It was pretty genuine, as cat doors were an amazing thing. But then, then he had too add something. And that something was that he would get to see her more often. A flash of pain stabbed her. She almost winced. Part of her wanted to lash out at the molly, but she needed to keep her in control. "And we can get to know each other." Tove stated, smiling at the molly.

Another thing. It felt like he was trying to show he favored Hailey more and he wanted to hang out with her more. Well, if that was what he wanted shew could leave. But while she was doing that she was going to tell Hailey to stay away from HER Ruben. She winced again. Her words had good timing, for his tail slipped off when she had told him about her surprise.

Seeing Hailey slip to his side in agreement to go, Tove did the same with his other side. Getting just as close as the other molly. She flashed both of them grins. Ruben, then Hailey. And then began to pad forward at a reasonable pace. "Come on!"

September 17th, 2017, 12:53 PM
"If you say so, I'm sure I will," The lightly colored cat smiled back at him. He had such a nice smile! She loved it. And sometimes she wondered - did he think the same about hers? Did he stare at her, when she wasn't looking? Did he think about her? Did he look fowards to the next time they would be together? Oh StarClan, Hailey needed to get ahold of herself. But she couldn't. She was head-over-heels in love - or at least having a crush - on Ruben, and she couldn't get ahold of herself! "Yes, I'm sure we'll see a lot more of each other." The cat added, partly to Tove and partly to her companion. Did Tove come here a lot? Were the two of them close?

Oh no, what if Ruben was already submerged in feelings - feelings for the dark furred she cat! Her bright eyes sparked with worry when she realized this, but she was sure it wasn't a problem. Hailey was a pretty cat. And, wasn't that always what a tom wanted? Just a pretty face, a pretty little house cat who would be the Mother for his kits and act sweet towards him. Oh my, yes, Hailey was the perfect candidate for that. Somewhat spoiled - only cat in the house, except when she brought others in - and she was a house cat. She hadn't ever visited the forest. It was dangerous there, wasn't it? But, Ruben's reassurance helped her to make up her mind a lot. Not only that, but the fact that she didn't want Tove there with the tom alone. Who knew what could happen? "Thanks, Ruben. That means a lot," She added with a smile.

Honestly, she didn't even really know what to say to Tove. The she cat was annoying. She didn't like the other cat, and especially seeing that the dark cat was getting just as close to her friend on the other side. This was her interest! Her Ruben. Her special tom. Tove could have any cat in the neighborhood, and she chooses him to hang out with. What a selfish, arrogant, horrible- She cut herself off. No, no, that wasn't right! Hailey tended to get pretty annoyed when cats tried to take her things, but Ruben technically didn't belong to her. Technically, Ruben belonged to the both of them - that was, just until Hailey could prove that she was right for the tom. And she was! The two of them were a perfect match, the light and dark - their kits would be gorgeous. Their relationship perfect. And their happiness? Immeasurable.

They would have the best kits, the best relationship, and be the happiest cats. Could Tove say the same? She didn't think so. "Oh, she does?" Interesting. As the other two cats seemed eager to leave, Hailey walked with them, her tail swishing back and forth, lightly brushing up against the tom. The she cat might have anxiety, but that didn't keep her from claiming what was hers when she felt like she needed to. She might be shy, but she wasn't with him. He completed her, and that was what was important.

Mystical Doodle

September 17th, 2017, 07:58 PM

Ruben nodded eagerly in agreement to Hailey, already looking forward to all the times they would be able to hang out together. He knew she could be stuck in her house pretty often; now that she had more freedom, surely they'd get a lot of time to hang out! He looked forward to that a lot- maybe more than he should? The tom didn't know. Right now, he was very confused and conflicted at having both mollies there with him. He wasn't completely sure how he was supposed to act, or how he was supposed to feel. It wasn't as if he could confidently say he liked one more over the other- not that he should be comparing the two of them. They were both good friends of his, and if they always stayed that way he would be content. Now, not that he wouldn't like if something were to happen... but with which molly? He tried to push these conflicting thoughts from his mind- he didn't need to make himself more troubled than he was already. He would simply just let himself enjoy the time he would have with both she-cats.

"Of course," Ruben purred once more to Hailey, a genuine grin on his face that turned to goofy a moment later. "Though, between the three of us I think Tove would be the best fighter. She's out in the forest all the time! We'll be in safe paws with her, I'm sure." His grin turned onto the dark molly, his eyes settling on her now rather than Hailey. "Hey, maybe you should tell us a story about one of your adventures while we go to your special place," the tom suggested a heartbeat later, eyes twinkling with interest. He was always intrigued with what Tove found on her journeys; it was always much more interesting that what he had done with his day. Tove was definitely a fun, interesting cat. That much he was sure about. Fun to be around, fun to talk to, just plain fun! Not that he didn't enjoy spending time with Hailey, though. They certainly had their fair share of enjoyable times as well- which is why he had so much confusion over the situation. And, goodness, there his mind went again, right back to that subject! When he had just told himself he wouldn't worry about it! Shaking his head at himself, the black-furred cat pushed it away once more.

"Yup, she does," Ruben answered Hailey, head turning once more to look back at her briefly before his gaze rested on Tove once she suggested they get going. He certainly agreed with that, and was getting a bit antsy to get a move on. "Right with you," he purred, moving forward and matching her pace step by step. "So, tell me, is this place a secret? Will you be leaving us in suspense 'till we get there?" He flashed a grin at Tove as he spoke, but couldn't help but shoot small glances over at Hailey as they moved. He was already starting to feel a small spark of worry for her as they went into the forest. This wasn't exactly the softer molly's scene, and he couldn't help but worry for her- would she enjoy herself? Would she be scared? He hoped not. The tom realized that perhaps he was showing a bit more attention for Hailey than he was for the molly he was originally going to spend some alone time with, and felt a bit of guilt. He hoped that Tove wasn't feeling pushed to the side- he just couldn't help but worry for Hailey! Tove, he knew, was a strong, independent molly. She didn't need any cat watching out for her. But Hailey... well, it wasn't the same case there. Around the sweet she-cat, he always felt a bit more protective, like he would have to jump out and save her any moment. She just seemed a bit more... fragile than Tove. He wasn't sure that was the right way to describe it, but she definitely seemed like she could be hurt more than the black molly, so he always felt a need to watch out for her.

He just hoped that during this trip, no drama would surface. He felt a bit cramped, squeezed between the two she-cats, and wondered if that was on purpose. Were they having a bit of a show down there, and he didn't even notice? He scolded himself immediately for the stupid idea- as if they would both like him! No, Tove and Hailey were his friends, and nothing more. He didn't need to worry about any petty drama during this trip; the three of them would simply enjoy themselves. And who knew- maybe Hailey and Tove would grow to be friends. No one could tell where this journey would lead them, and rather than be nervous about the unknown, Ruben felt a spark of excitement for the day ahead of them. Surely, it would be a great one!